In 2016 the club changed its name from '20s & '30s Modular Model Railroad to '20s, '30s and Beyond to include modeling of the post-WWII steam-to-diesel era.
Also in 2016 we became twenty-five years young. You can join in the fun. New members are welcome.
Started in 1991 by Charley Hepperle, the club has had as many as seventeen members who have built a total of 35 modules. Many of these were on display at the National Train Show (NTS) show in Long Beach, California in 1996. At that show hosted by the National Model Railroad Association, Peter Bakhtar earned the best of show award for modules. We also set up at the NTS in San Jose, California in August 2000 and in Anaheim, California in 2008. At the 2008 event, the club as a whole received the first place award for modules and Charley Hepperle's module received the best in show award.
The club sets up at public shows in southern California about six times a year.

'20s & '30s video
See the club at the 2014 San Bernardino, CA Railroad Days.Click here to see the 8-1/2 minute video on vimeo.com