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Potomac Chapter 2002 Board Minutes

Minutes of the 2000 Directors' Meetings

Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
November 8, 2000

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Louis Laborde, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.

Directors disccussed the upcoming election of officers and potential candidates for the President's annual discretionary grants.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the October meeting.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report, summarizing October's finances.

Bill Hopkins reported on his discussions of the chapter banquet with the Knights of Columbus Hall in Forest Glen.

Jerry Hott reported on the national directors' meeting at Dallas. The national organization has taken the first step towards raising dues next year. They have leased their Philadelphia headquarters for another year. The national organization has had some trouble with the Mohawk and Hudson chapter concerning a collection of Alco materials.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. One train passed during the meeting.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
October 11, 2000

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Louis Laborde, Director at Large
John Sery, Program Committee
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Marc Laborde, Vice President  

President Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the September meeting.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report, summarizing September's finances.

Bill Hopkins reported on his discussions of the chapter banquet with the Knights of Columbus Hall in Forest Glen.

Jerry Hott discussed the members approaching their 50-year and 25-year anniversaries. Jerry said that the display of the MARC cars at Gaithersburg Olde Towne Day was very popular.

John Sery reported that he has finished his inventory of the Bob Flack film collection. There are 38 400-foot reels of 16mm film. He is preparing an estimate of the fair market value for Bob's widow. When the estimate is complete, he will inform the board.

The board discussed plans for the restoration of the recently closed Miller Tower. If the effort continues to make progress, the chapter may wish to a aid the preservation effort.

The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. No train passed during the meeting, because of the bus-train collision at Randolph Road earlier in the evening.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
September 13, 2000

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Louis Laborde, Director at Large
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary  

President Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. In the absence of the Secretary, no minutes were read.

Treasurer, Jay Creswell gave an oral summary of August's finances.

National Director Hott reported that MARC will provide a static display of current commuter equipment including both a bi-level and lower level car. Volunteers are still needed to assist.

There was a general discussion of possible banquet replacement sites for the Bethesda Naval Club is unavailable. Two possibilities are the Heritage Inn in Clifton VA or the Knights of Columbus Hall in Forrest Glen.

Wayne Sherwin raised the possibility of having some of his railroad cartoons published in the PRN. The matter was referred to editor Clay Moritz.

Bill Hopkins raised the possibility of having an exchange or trade column in the PRN. The matter also was referred to editor Moritz.

There was a discussion of reviving giving certificates of appreciation to recognize member's contributions to the Chapter's activities. The general consensus was that it should be renewed and that the lapse in the past year was inadvertent due to a change in Presidents. Wayne Sherwin volunteered to continue to provide the computer-generated certificates.

Bob Cohen reported that the Montgomery County Executive Office Building cafeteria has been reserved for the December 19, 2000 Holiday Social and that the Executive Office Building Auditorium had been reserved and the rent paid for 2001.

Bob Cohen also raised the impending closure of the Miller Tower by CSX. A discussion ensued about the means of aiding a group that plans to try to preserve the tower at a location in Martinsburg, WV. Bob Cohen agreed to try to learn more of the group's plans and bona fides.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Two train intermissions were taken.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
June 14, 2000

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker convened the meeting at 8:17 p.m.

Director approved a motion to increase the monthly expenditure for putting labels and postage on the Potomac Rail News (PRN) to $35.

Directors discussed whether to continue posting the PRN on the web site. Some fear that availability of PRN on the web reduces the incentive to become a member. The consensus was that the newsletter should be available on the web site, but with a one-month delay. Clay Moritz suggested that Bill Holdsowrth put a link on the web site that would allow readers to request a free three-month sample via e-mail.

Jay Creswell distributed the Treasurer's report. Directors approved John J. and Valerie Leverton of Fairfax, VA, as a new familty membership.

Directors agreed to cancel the July board meeting.

Jerry Hott announced that the Gaithersburg Rail Museum will be open July 9 for Montgomery County History Day. Gaithersbury Old Town Days are scheduled for September 24.

Bill Hopkins reported that the Western Maryland Historical Society is willing to accept the vellums for the WM book, but the B&O Historical Society declined the B&O book. Directors discussed the situation. Bill will offer the B&O vellums to the WM society.

Directors dispensed with the reading of the May minutes and accepted them as posted on the Internet.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Three eastbound freights and one westbound freight passed during the meeting.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
May 10, 2000

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Louis Laborde, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker convened the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the April meeting. The board approved a new member, Budne Reinke of Silver Spring, MD.

Directors discussed Richard Edwards' suggestion that the sell advertising on the chapter web site. Bill Holdsworth will investigate whether our agreement with the web service provider permits such advertising. Jay Creswell will investigate whether such revenue would complicate the chapter's tax return.

Jay Creswell distributed the Treasurer's report. Jay reported that the proposed railfan trip to Chicago has been abandoned. Organizers felt the trip offered insufficient value for the cost.

Directors discussed what to disposition with the vellums used to re-publish two books by the chapter. The printer is looking to dispose of them. Bob Cohen reported that the vellums are 3' by 4' and would need to be stored in climate controlled space. Directors agreed that the chapter is unlikely to republish the books soon, but would hate to see the vellums destroyed. Bill Hopkins will contact the Western Maryland Historical Society and offer them the vellums for the WM book. Similarly, Bob Cohen will contact the Baltimore and Ohio Historical Society about the B&O vellums.

Marc Laborde reported that he has placed the 9,000-plus slides from the Bob Flack collection in the chapter storage locker. He is making contact sheets for the print negatives.

Directors approved a motion to increase the authorization for the May program to $160. The funds will reimburse John Biehn for his travel expenses.

Jerry Hott reported on the national organization's spring meeting in Atlanta. The Grand Canyon chapter is discussing that location as a convention site for 2002. The editor of the Bulletin is resigning. The Rail Camp program promises to be a big success this summer.

Directors approved a motion to recommend that the membership grant $2,500 to the Southeastern Railway Museum in Georgia for the purchase of a drop table, provided that the museum can obtain matching funds from another source.

Bob Cohen reported on his revisions to the proposed magazine lending policy. Bob will raise the issue at the June membership meeting.

Directors agreed that the chapter should hold a picnic on the last Saturday in August.

Two eastbound freights and one westbound freight passed during the meeting.

County Executive Office Building
April 18, 2000

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker convened the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Directors dispensed with the reading of the minutes. Jay Creswell distributed the Treasurer's report. Jay reported that the chapter lost $70 on the banquet.

Directors discussed the banquet. While the event was enjoyable, many expressed dissatisfaction, paticularly with the service. Some members will look for a better location for next year. If they don't find one, they will contact the Naval Club about improvements for next year's banquet.

The board approved a new member, Leighanne Ziegler of Winchester, VA.

Directors approved a motion to spend $132 for the May program. The funds will reimburse John Biehn for his travel expenses.

Directors approved a motion to recommend that the membership authorize funds NTE $10,000 for a chapter trip to Chicago in August. Jay estimated the cost to participants would be $350 each, which would cover the costs.

Bob Cohen raised an issue concerning two books previously published by the chapter. The printer is looking to dispose of the vellums, which could be used to re-publish the books. The printer is willing to give them to the chapter. Directors authorized Bob to investigate the matter further and determine the storage requirements.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
March 8, 2000

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Membership Agent
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Clay Moritz, PRN editor

Marc Laborde convened the meeting shortly after 8 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the February meeting and distributed the Treasurer's report. Directors approved the minutes as read.

Directors approved a motion to authorize Alex Mayes to purchase a new slide projector for a cost not to exceed $500. Alex has reported that the current projector is on its last legs. After some comparison shopping, Alex recommends a model expected to cost $447.

The Board approved two new memberships, Ronald P. and Roberta F. Milberg of North Potomac, MD, are transfering from the Washington chapter. James R. Earley of Cordova, TN, seeks chapter-only membership. Approval of Earley is contingent upon verification of his national membershp.

Bob Cohen reported that the banquet speaker, Doug Riddell, has declined the chapter's offer of overnight accommodations.

Marc Laborde clarified of the snow policy for membership meetings. The officer scheduled to preside has the authority to cancel the meeting. The officer will inform the Richard and Cheryl Edwards so they can change the answering machine. Directors agreed not to follow the Montgomery County school system.

Directors discussed Bob Cohen's proposed policy for lending magazines from the chapter's library. Board members were in agreement with the proposal. They suggested Bob add a grievance procedure to the policy. Bob will discuss the policy at the membership meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. No trains passed the station during the meeting. One westbound freight passed shortly before.

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station
February 9, 2000

Present: Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Louis Laborde, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Membership Agent
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker convened the meeting shortly after 8 p.m.

The Board approved a new member, Mr. Robert T. Gumm of Rockville, MD.

Directors dispensed with the reading of the minutes. Bill Holdsworth described his intention to shorten the official minutes of the membership meeting. He plans to post the minutes and notes from the membership meeting on the web site. The chapter received a note from Roy Carpenter's widow thanking the chapter for its sympathy card.

Directors discussed arrangements for the banquet April 1 at the Bethesda Naval Club. Directors approved a motion to set the price at $27.50. The board agreed that a special mailing was necessary to publicize the banquet. Bob Cohen will extend an offer to pay mileage and per diem to the banquet speaker. Bill Holdsworth will check the per diem rate for the D.C. area and inform Bob.

Marc Laborde raised the issue of the snow policy for membership meetings. There was uncertainty surrounding the January 18 meeting. The board discussed linking the meeting cancellation to Montgomery County's policy for its recreational facilities. However, members were unsure whether the county made an official announcement that was widely publicized. Bob Cohen said that he would check with the county.

Bob Cohen described his proposed policy for lending magazines from the chapter's library. Board members were in general agreement with the proposal. They suggested Bob clarify the policy on the return of damaged materials and discuss the matter further at the next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Three westbound and two eastbound freights passed by during the meeting.

Phineas Restaurant
January 12, 2000

Present: Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Louis Laborde, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Membership Agent
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

The Board approved a new member, Mr. Richard J. Lurix of Germantown, MD.

Directors approved a motion to authorize the Treasurer to change the signature cards at Crestar Bank to reflect the new officers.