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Progress 12-10-08
Lamrra logoRebuilding in Alexandria:
12/10/08 - The rebuilding process continues.

West Yard Facing NorthWest yard facing North
East yard facing North
East yard facing North
Northeast corner to Southwest
Northeast corner to Southwest
A&D Track SouthendA&D Track Southend
Yard tracks Southend
Yard tracks Southend
Island facing NorthIsland facing North
1st of 5 bridges1st of 5 bridges 2nd of 5 bridges
2nd of 5 bridges
3rd of 5 bridges3rd of 5 bridges
DM&IR under West loop
DM&IR under West loop
DM&IR Westbound at 3rd bridge
DM&IR Westbound at 3rd bridge
DM&IR into East loop 5th bridge
DM&IR into East loop 5th bridge
4th Bridge
4th Bridge
DM&IR under 1st bridge
DM&IR under 1st bridge
