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The Grand Traverse Herald, Thursday, January 18, 1872

Railroad Consolidation

At a meeting of railroad officials recently held in Toledo, O., the Flint & Pere Marquette railroad, now in operation from Reed City to Toledo was consolidated with the Pennsylvania Central. This latter company commenced by swallowing up small roads but its maw is now of such gigantic capacity that it gulps down even formidable corporation in the twinkling of an eye, and is still hungry for more. How long will it be before every railroad in the country will be controlled by this monster concern” – Big Rapids Magnet.

A correspondent of the Detroit Free Press writing from Ann Arbor on the 8th, gives the following version of the matter.

The President of the Toledo, Ann Arbor& Northern Railroad, Dr. Douglass, has lately returned from Toledo, where he met some of the officers of the Pennsylvania Central and Flint & Pere Marquette Railroads, and with them entered entered into some important arrangements which, when perfected, are likely to favorably affect the interests of the first named road, the account of which in the telegraphic reports of Friday morning last was somewhat erroneous. The Pennsylvania Central offers to give the two roads before mentioned the use of a road bed from the State line to Toledo, now under contract; the use of different tracks in the city of Toledo and all depot accommodations, and each of the roads to be run in its own interest.

The Flint Citizen speaking of the meeting says.

Arrangements have been agreed upon, in pursuance of which the Flint & Pere Marquette is to construct an independent track for it own use from Monroe,Michigan, to Toledo; and the Toledo and Ann Arbor road is to be immediately put under contract and pushed forward to completion. The Pennsylvania Central, according to the contract with the Toledo, Tiffin & Eastern Railroads, are to furnish the iron for that road from Mansfield to Toledo, and also to furnish connections and bridge accommodations to the Pere Marquette & Ann Arbor roads, which is entirely satisfactory to all the interests involved.

Another Railroad Project – Saginaw Daily Carrier - The Owosso American March 13,1872

An important railroad meeting was held at Flushing, Genesee County, Wednesday afternoon, March 6th, in the interest of the proposed road from Ann north to the city of East Saginaw, and more particularly in the interest of Flushing,Linden, Harland, Parshallville, and Whitmore Lake, towns through which the road is proposed to run.

A company is now organized for a road from East Saginaw to Ann Arbor via Corunna, but the object is now to divert this line to take in the towns named. It is claimed that the Flushing route has advantages by directness of line, shortening the distance about 10 miles, and possessing all the advantages of the Corunna coal interests together with an inexhaustible supply of building stone on the banks of the Flint River, which are of a superior quality and well adapted to building purposes, at the same time passing through a section of county rich in agricultural products, and between the two lines of railroads, J. L. & S. R. R., on the west, and the F. & P. M., on the east, traversing a section of country lying between the two roads, and desirous of a direct railroad outlet to the Saginaw Valley. The meeting was largely attended, about 250 being present, and much enthusiasm manifested. Delegates were present from East Saginaw, Montrose, Flushing, Linden, Hartland, and Parshallville. After a free interchange of opinions as to the feasibility of the routes the meeting adjourned to meet at Ann Arbor, April 3.