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The Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1875

The depot at Farwell, on the F. & P.M. R. R., was burned on the 11th inst. Also the store of Messrs. Wells, Stone & Co. which took fire from the burning depot was destroyed with a considerable portion of their stock. Their loss is estimated by the Register at $6,000.

Michigan Argus Aug. 27, 1875

In another column will be found an advertisement of the assignee of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company, offering 'for sale, at auction, on the coming 14th day of September, the roadbed, ties, right of way, franchises, unpaid notes, stock subscriptions, etc, of said company. The sale ís to be made pursuant to an order of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, in which Court the company has been adjudged a bankrupt. We invito the attention of our citizens to this advertisement and its subject matter. It is the daily remark upon our streets that Ann Arbor ia making the snail's progress- backwards. No new manufacturing establishments are being projected and built up, and nothing doing to invite men of capital to come among us, or to furnish employment to the mechanics and laboring men who constitute so large a portion of this and or every prosperous community. Our mercantile classes and interest have been hemmed in, cramped, cut down, by the building of railroads north and south of us, limiting and narrowing the territory formerly tributary to our city. Other towns in the State have not only secured competing railroad, but have labored to increase their manufacturing facilities. Jackson has a citizens' association, specially charged with the duty of inviting capitalists to lócate there and engage in manufacturing. The ürst step to new life and prosperity in our city - without which step business stagnation must continue and death follow - is the completion of the railroad to Toledo, opening to us a new lake port with the whole Onio railroad system, and bringing the Ohio coal fields, with the best of soft coal, almost to our doors. And with this coal will come Toledo men and Toledo push and a uew career of prosperity. Just now narrow gauge railroads are the rage, and several are being projected in this State. It is feasible for our own citizens to purchase, complete, stock, and control the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad. Iron is now cheap, labor is cheap, and the road can be built on the bonds of the company. If capital cannot be procured at home to make the purchase and shoulder the enterprise, an active committee can procure such aid at Toledo and through Toledo influence as will secure a speedy completion of the road to this city and its early extension northward. And a narrow gauge railroad would be a paying investiture to its stockholders. Will some one move in the matter

The Owosso American – Dec. 22, 1875

It is reported on good authority that the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern railroad, recently purchased at sheriff's sale by Mr. Crane, will be immediately completed. It is to be a narrow gauge.