Michigan Argus Feb. 10, 1876
About the T. A. A. and N. Railroad
We hear nothing definite at home about the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad or the pending negotiations between the present owner, Mr. Crane, and the citizens of Toledo who have been giving the enterprise a look up. But out neighbors abroad are more fortunate, and so we will echo their utterances as they come to us. The Lansing Republican of the 11th inst says:
Toledo & Ann Arbor Railroad – It is expected that this road will be completed to Ann Arbor by July 1st; and a a movement is now on foot to push the line northward by way of Dexter, Dever, Pinckney, and Howell, to Owosso. A meeting was held at Pinckney yesterday to aid in this extension. Some of the prominent business men of Lansing believe the prospects good to bring the line through this city if proper effert be made. The route talked of, if Lansing is made a point, is north way of St. Johns. If we are not mistaken, subscriptions enough were once secured to grade and tie the Northern Central road on this route.
And the Pinckey correspondent of the Detroit Post, under date of the 10th inst, writes:
A meeting was held at the Globe Hotel, in this village, this afternoon, in the interest of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Representative from Ann Arbor, Howell, Byron and Owosso were Present. Speeches were made by Messrs. Clark, Bush, Gould, Turner, Hinucheay and Wahh. A committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Clark of Ann Arbor, T. Birket, of Dover, Wm, McPherson, Jr., of Howell, Mr. Dewey, of Owosso, and Mr. Fisher, of Byron, was appointed committees and transmigrate such business as would be for the interest of the road. Steps were taken to procure a survey of the the road immediately. The meeting was well attended by farmers and business men, and all seemed to have a lively interest in the meeting.
Has Ann Arbor say interest in these outside movements? That's the questions we should like to have answered.
Since the above paragraphs were put in type we hear from Toledo that the parties interested there report matters favorably, and it is expected that that they will soon be ready to close their negotiations with Mr. Crane, that is if out citizens “come up to the scratch,” said that, they will do so when the project assumes definite shape there seems to be little doubt.
Another favorable item of information also coming from Toledo. The Director of the Wheeling an Lake Erie Railroad Company have voted just voted to adopt the narrow gauge, and have have received an offer to construct and equip the entire line for $30,000 a mile, – $4,000 cash, $45,000 bonds, and $11,000 stock. This road will run through one of the best of the Ohio coal regions, and will enable our coal to be brought from the mines to our doors without breaking bulk. This does away with the last objection to a narrow gauge, and ought to unite all our citizens in a determination for the immediate construction of the road to Toledo. Once completed to this point at will push itself either northward or northwesterly.
Dundee Reporter 3-1876
Way up north, in Gratiot county, they are taking about the Toledo & Ann Arbor Railroad. Our readers, perhaps, do not understand that they propose it shall be built to Owosso and there join its fortunes with an old project known as the Owasso & Northwestern. Considerable labor was performed on this latter four years ago in Shiawassee and Gratiot counties. If this project could be made successful, Toledo would would at once secure the trade of a region which has no southern connections.