Dispatch Jan. 3, 1884
The freight house is all enclosed and about
ready for business.
The passengers depot at this place is a building 211 x 60 feet on the ground, with bay window on front of ticket office. It will will be very nearly finished and contains two waiting rooms, baggage room, and ticket and telegraph office.
Two gravel trains will be retained on the Air Line, one stationed at Jackson and the other at South Lyon.
Workmen are are being layed off and worked turned over to section crews.
Dispatch Jan. 10, 1884
The Toledo and Ann Arbor was completely
snowed in for a couple of days.
The T. & A. A. Co. began occupying their new depot Tuesday, and will have an agent of their own.[Picket]
Dispatch Jan. 17, 1884
On an average 20 cars of wheat per day
arrived by the the T. A. A. & G. T. to be transferred to the M.
A. L. R'y. and taken east.
Dispatch Jan. 31, 1884
The T. A. A. & N. engineers have
returned after completing their survey to Owosso via Pleasant Valley,
Hartland, Brancroft, and and are now running another to Hartland.
They speak highly of the new route.[Picket]
Ann Arbor Courier Feb. 8, 1884
It is probable that one
passenger train a day each way will be discontinued soon on the
Toledo road, the passenger business not warranting their continuance.
For the month of January we are informed that the Toledo road received $2,000 worth of freight at this depot more than in previous month since the establishment of the road and perhaps $8,000 worth more than in the month of December.
Dispatch Feb. 21, 1884
B. F. Jervis has been appointed assistant
engineer of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk with his office in
Toledo[Ann Arbor Register]
Dispatch March 6, 1884
The Canadian Express Co. have recently
established offices at Romeo and Armada, which would indicate that
they will control the express business along the Air Line Road.
T. A. A. will again transfer their freight to the D. L. & N. after next Monday.[Excelsior]
Ann Arbor Courier March 19, 1884
Steel rails are being put
down through the city on the T. & A. A. R. R.
The contract for painting eight passenger coaches for the Toledo road has been awarded to O. O. Sorg.
Sixty or more car loads of lumber are expected shortly over the Toledo road for the new lumber yard at the corner of Main and Madison streets.
The Toledo road has begun preparations to erect a freight house on Williams street across from the depot. Probably a new depot will soon be built. If the Central does not look sharp the new road will ahead of it all around.
The Daily Chronicle, Marshall, April 9, 1884
The Dundee people are kicking because the Michigan & Ohio railway company will not carry passengers from Dundee to Toledo. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grant Trunk company, over which they run from Dundee to Toledo, will not allow them to do so.
Ann Arbor Courier April 16, 1884
The passenger train going
south Monday on the Toledo road ran off the track at the High street
crossing, and was delayed about an hour and a half.
Dispatch April 17, 1884
The G. T. company will soon build a side
track and freight house, to be located just west of the T. & A.
A. depot [South Lyon Excelsior]
Dispatch April 24, 1884
J. T. Eaman, Esq. Has been engaged for
several days the past week assisting Major Anderson in securing right
of way and notes in the interest of the T. A. A. road between South
Lyon and Hartland. He says the work is progressing very
The T. A. A. are painting their passenger cars red [South Lyon Picket]
The Daily Chronicle (May 18, 1884)
The Michigan coal company's mine at Woodville, near Jackson, has shutdown, throwing over 100 miners out of work, but it is hoped it will be only a suspension.
Dispatch May 8, 1884
The T. A. A. R'y. will purchase two new
engines for their road.[Picket]
The M. A. L. are building a large freight house between Lake and Liberty Streets.[South Lyon Picket]
Dispatch May 15, 1884
Frank Chandler, of Toledo, is clerk at T. A.
A. office. [Picket]
Dispatch June 5, 1884
Wm. Greig has the contract for building the
Hamburg freight and passenger depot, and will commence its erection
in a few days.[South Lyon Picket]
Owosso American June 18, 1884
Completion of the T., A. A. & N.
M. R. R. to that Point – And Arrival of the First Train
Last Friday, one hundred of our citizens accepted an invitation extended them by Manager J. M. Ashley, Jr., to a free ride over the new road. A special train arrived Thursday evening over the D., G. H. & M. railway, containing ex-Gov. Ashley, Wm. Baker, A. L. Backus, David Robinson, John Cummings, Frank Young, Henry W. Ashley, C. Culton, of the Bee, C. L. Curtis and others of Toledo; John Goodnough and D. M. Meyo, of New York, W. Hamilton, C. Eberbach, Emmanuel Hanri and H. Hiltzle of Ann Arbor.
Friday morning the visitors were driven around our beautiful city. About 10:30 a. m., the train started on the first trip over the road to St. Louis. For about twenty miles the road is ballasted and in good condition, and the train made good time. The remainder of the road not being in so good running order the time made was necessarily somewhat slower.
The train arrival at St. Louis about 2 p. m., where the iron gang were still laying iron, the rails not being laid within a quarter of a mile of the village, where they were met by some of the citizens of St. Louis, and a procession was formed headed by the St. Louis band. When the order was given to start, the firing of cannon, blowing of whistles and ring of bells commenced. The band was followed by vehicles containing the visitors, and the several fire companies of St. Louis were also in the procession. On the arrival of the procession to a point on the main street, the order was given to break ranks and an invitation was announced to a free dinner prepared by the citizens of that beautiful village, where the crowd soon commenced to “paralyze” the fine eatables spread before them. After all had “fill up,” and address of welcome was made by Mr. Whitney, stating the occasion of which this jollification was commemoration, et. Ex-Gov. Ashley made some pointed remarks, followed by Rev. Mr. Kellogg in a spicy vein; before he got through, however, he surprised the gathering by presenting Mr. Jame A. Ashley, Manager of the road, with a fine, gold headed cane, as a token of esteem from the citizens of St. Louis.
Mr. Ashley kindly thanked the citizens and made a few other remarks, after which Rev. Mr. Matthews and Rev. Mr. Stearns made short speeches pertaining to the road.
The visitors soon after departed for the train which left about 4:30 p. m., feeling that they had been royally entertained by the citizens of St. Louis.
One of the features in the procession was a bovine bearing the inscription on each side of his 'little frame,' “Bully for Ashley.”
On on of the tables at the dining hall was a wooden train of cars, with the words,”Ashley's first train.”
The wheat fields along the road are in fine condition.
The new road passes through some of the finest farming country in the State of Michigan.
The St. Louis people are “wild with joy” over the advent of the new road.
In about three weeks regular trains will be running between the two places, so says James A. Jr.
The visitors from Toledo, New York and Ann Arbor seemed well pleased with the new road.
The large force of men are rapidly getting the road in running order. It is now ballasted to Bannister, a distance of 20 miles from Owosso.
One of 'Em.
Ann Arbor Courier July 2, 1884
The Toledo road is now known as
the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Ry. The last time card went
into effect on the 22d ultimo. No. 1 leaving here at 7:37 a. m.
connects at Milan with the W. St. L. & P. Ry., for Adrain and
points west No. 3, leaves Ann Arbor at 2:49 p. m., connects at Monroe
Junction for Monroe. Trains connect at Toledo as heretofore.
Owosso American July 9, 1884
Owosso City Council Meeting
Ald. Lewis presented a petition of citizens asking that the balance of the bonds voted by the council to aid the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad company, be now delivered to the company, in consideration of which, the manager agrees to establish their machine shops in Owosso. The petition bears the names of a large majority of the business men of Owosso. Referred to committee on Claims and Accounts.
Mr. M. Osburn made some remarks in support of the petition, expressing his view that the company had earned the bonds.
Mr. J. M. Ashley, Jr, in response to call, stated his understanding of the agreement, corroborating the statement of Mr. Osburn. He denounced as false, statements made in Owosso that his road was a Grand Trunk project, saying the Grand Trunk has not one dollar of interest in the road. He gave assurance that the road would be built south to South Lyons, and if the balance of the bonds be delivered now their machine shops shall be located in Owosso.
Mr. Ashley stated that every arrangement had been made to commence work at South Lyon to construct the road northward. Mr. Taylor, boss of the construction gang, had been ordered to go to South Lyon with his gang, at the time of the financial flurry in New York when the company found their funds tied up out of their reach in that city, and orders had to be countermanded. He trusted, however, that the matter would be righted in a short time, and the funds would be available. One of their New York men (Eno we suppose he meant,) is now a fugitive from justice in Canada. In meantime he was embarrassed for want of funds to pays his debts, and the bonds which he thought they had earned, would be of great interest to him just now.
A remonstrance presented by Ald. Lewis, protesting against delivering the balance of the bonds until the company complete their road southward, or five proper security to do so, bears the names of twenty or thirty persons.
After the remonstrance had been read, Mr. B. O. Williams was called for remarks. After expressing his gratification for what had been done by the railroad company, he stated that he had that day, with the assistance of the Attorney General,had an injunction served upon the city officials to stop the delivery of the bonds, deeming it proper that the company should construct their road south before receiving the bonds. He explained his motive. He had seen a good many failures to accomplish the construction of railroads, and even though the company gave security, the city had the security while holding on to the money money. He had not been able to fine any record of the contract, didn't know much about it except by hearsay, and didn't believe any proper record had been kept of any of those transactions.
Ald. Jones denied Mr. Williams' allegations; he said they had records of every transaction.
G. R. Lyon, esq., was called up by the Mayor to make a statement of the case, and which cost the city only twelve hundred dollars. Ashley having fulfilled his agreement was entitled to the balance of the bonds, to say nothing of his favoring the city in the matter of the right of way. The arrangement made with Ashley was reported by the commission to the council, the council appointed trustees to take charge of the bonds paid the money for the right of way, and so, if by no other action, ratified the agreement, and the council is now in duty bound to fulfill the city's part of the agreement made by the commission.
There were some sarcastic, irritating remarks concerning the injunction, which created some unpleasant feeling and brought out brief responses from B. O. Williams, Ald. Dawes and others, several attempting to speak at the same time.
Ald. Jones said the trustees were appointed to hold the bonds and pay them out under the direction of the council. He said Mr. T. D. Dewey came before the council and told them they must appoint trustees, etc.
Mr. T. D. Dewey said Ald. Jones was mistaken; he did not tell the council to appoint trustee; it was Mr. Ashley who asked for the appointment of trustees. Mr. Dewey also made a statement corroborating Mr. Lyon's statement, he being present when agreement was made with Ashley.
Dispatch July 17, 1884
Jno. Bartley, the accommodating agent to
the T. A. A. & N. M. R'y, has received orders to report for work
today, on the extension north. F. W. Rider, late relief on the D. L.
& N., will take his position here.[South Lyon Picket]
Ann Arbor Courier July 23, 1884
Messrs. Swathel, Kyer and
Peterson are making extensive improvements at the city mills. The
east portion of the old building has been moved north of the mills
and will be used for a cooper shop for the firm. Its former place is
being rapidly covered with a three-story new building the frame work
of which is up. A special Michigan Central side track, that cars from
both can be run upon track scales in front of the building. The new
building will be covered with corrugated iron, and has elevator story
above the third floor. These improvements will add very much to the
already fine facilities of the mills.
Evening Transcript July 24, 1884
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk, which extends from Toledo northwardly to South Lyon, where it joins the Air Line Division of the Grand Trunk, is to be consolidated with the North Michigan road, which is completed to a point about eighty miles northeastwardly from South Lyon, and will thereafter be known as the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan. It is the intention of the owners to build the road on northeastwardly to Frankfort, on the shores of Lake Michigan. Between this place and the iron mining region of the upper peninsula of Michigan vessel supply during the season of navigation, and the new line will secure much of that valuable traffic.
Ann Arbor Courier Aug. 6, 1884
The Toledo road's regular
trains between Owosso and St. Louis began running Monday.
The Toledo road has an excursion Sunday to the Brighton Encampment, and one on Monday. The sham battle is on the latter day.
New York Times August 9, 1884
mortgage bonds of Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk Railway Company,
(only part of the listing)
Dispatch August 14,1884
Hartland people are disappointed to learn
that is no prospect of T. A. A. & N. R. R. extension being built
this year.
Michigan Air Line merged into the Grand Trunk Railroad
Dispatch September 18, 1884
Gen'l Manager Spicer, of the M. A. L.
R'y, let out the information during a recent visit here that the
tickets for all the railroads entering here would be sold at M. A. L.
depot shortly, and all passenger trains would stop there only making
what was supposed to be the case at the time the M. A. L. Depot was
built, a Union depot.[South Lyon Picket]
Pinckney Dispatch October 9, 1884
The American Express Company will establish offices along the Air Line during the week. E. McGarigle is to be agent for the company at this place with office at the depot.
Dispatch October 30, 1884
All the freight and telegraph business
of the D. L. & N. R'y of this place has been transferred to the
G. T. depot.[South Lyon Picket]
Pentwater News Nov. 13, 1884
A mammoth saw-mill is being
erected at Manistique, Schoolcraft County.
The following mail routes have been established in this state: Route 24,065, Owosso to St. Louis, Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railway. From November 10, 1884, establish service from Owosso, via Elise, Bannister, Ithaca to St. Louis, forty miles and back, six times a week, or as much oftener as trains may run.
Dispatch November 13, 1884
James E. Young, of Chicago, represents
$207,000 first mortgage bonds and interest of the Michigan Air Line
Railroad. These bonds were issued to construct a railroad from
Ridgeway to Jackson and South Bend, Ind. The bondholders of the road
after it was built foreclosed and sold the road for $17,000 in excess
of enough to pay the the interest to date. The Grand Trunk became
owner of the division north of Jackson and the Michigan Central
purchased the line to South Bend from Jackson. Suit was commenced by
Young in the United States Circuit Court, and this morning Judge
Brown rendered a verdict in his favor for $355,865.24. Defendant's
counsel say this judgment will not affect the road's franchises, as
the sale in 1875 estopped the holders of these bonds in question from
making another levy on the road or its rolling stock. --Ex.
The T. A. A. depot has been moved across the tracks. Rumored that a good sized addition is to be built on.[South Lyon Picket]
Dispatch December 11, 1884
The Owosso Times says that arrangements
are completed for the construction of the T. A. A. & N. M. Ry,
from South Lyon to Owosso. [South Lyon Picket]
New York Times Dec. 15, 1884
CLEVELAND, Dec. 14 – The Receiver of the Toledo and Indianapolis Road has paid all the debts of the corporation, got the road in order, and has $12,000 in the treasury. The court has has ordered a sale of the line, and two contending parties are after it, the Indiana, Bloomington and Western and the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan Company, the latter desiring a Southern connection, which would take it to Columbus and the coal regions of Central Ohio.