The Times Jan. 7, 1887
Elsie Sun: Grading on the T., A. A. &
N. M. road at Greenville is not at all frost bitten. Work is being
pushed under the supervision of N. P. Glana, who has at present a
force of 75 men and 17 teams. Two teams are kept plowing all night to
prevent the earth freezing.
J. M. Ashley of the T. & A. A. R.
R. paid $7,5,00 for the 17 acres of flats in this village, and offers
the land free to manufacturing industries to locate here. Isabella
The trains on the T., A. A. & N. M. R . R. have been
very irregular for the past week on account of the snow.[Pettysville
Jan. 21, 1887
Trains on the T. A, A. & N. M. line have been
seriously delayed the past week owing to the inclement weather.
T. A. A. & N. M. road was extended from Alma to Mt. Pleasant
nearly six months ago, and there are no mail facilities yet, and
letters from Alma to the north have to go East over the Lansing &
Northern and thence by stage, and the feeling among business men on
the subject is expressed in the the word disgust.
Dispatch January 27, 1887
As the pay car on the T., A. A. & N.
M. railroad was going back to Toledo, it discovered a wash-out south
of Chilson. They gave orders for the section boss to get what men he
should need and fix it. He took eight men up and let the water off
before any damage was done.[Pettysville Correspondent]
The Times Jan. 28, 1887
At a recent meeting of the stockholders of
the T. & N. M. railroad, A. W. Wright, of Alma, was elected vice
president. A first class selection.
Ann Arbor Courier Feb. 9, 1887
The T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. Is
discussing the feasibility of running a branch from Howell to
Saginaw, going by the way of this village and Flint, providing a
sufficient bonus be raised. Fenton would do her share on the bonus
question. – Fenton Independent
County Enterprise Feb. 4, 1887
Beginning 21, 1887, the T. A. A. &
N. M. begins carrying the mail from the south, a convenience that
will be highly appreciated.
The Times Feb. 11, 1887
The T. & A. will commence carrying the
mail from Vernon and Durand on the 25d inst.
Dispatch February 17, 1887
The section hands were called out in
the night last week to help get some cars back on the track. They
think that it is fun to be be called up out of a warm bed on a cold
night.[Pettysville Correspondent]
The T., A. A. & N. M. R. R.,
have completed their water tank at this place.[Hamburg
Mr. Oliver Billsen, night watchman on T. A. A. &
N. M. R. R. reports the sinkhole bridge in very bad shape and train
men have had orders not to run faster than 144 miles per hour across
said bridge.[Hamburg Correspondent]
County Enterprise Feb.25, 1887
W. Vansicklen moved his family and
household goods to Mt. Pleasant last week. He will work in the shops
for the T. & A. A. railroad company. [Clare Democrat]
The Times Feb. 25, 1887
The T. & N. M. road is now carrying
mail, and it makes ten mails a day.
Democrat March 3, 1887
The T., A. A. & N. M. railroad
surveyors have been making a new survey through the village this
week. Staking the town at the southwest corner the new line cuts
diagonally across the lots of J. Schilling, A. Rhodes, Mrs. Eva
Sailsbury, H. Schilling, down across the marsh, between J. Horning's
store and the F. & P. M. depot, strikes Bicknell's warehouse and
R. Welch's residence. Continuing northeast through the village, going
a few rods to the south of Ed. White's residence on 5th street, and
so on. This new route cuts through some of the village property in a
very undesirable manner, and will necessitate the moving of two or
three buildings if taken up. This route may be did away with,
however, if the F. & P. M. company will consent to join the T. &
A. A. company in the erection of a union depot, in which event it
will probably be built on the west side of town. We can but watch and
pray, and it is sincerely hoped the F. & P. M. company can be
prevailed upon to join with the T. & A. in the erection of a
It will be a narrow escape if the new survey of the T.
& A. railroad succeeds in missing J. O. Callaghan's residence.
John looks a little “blue” but then he smiles and says,
“Its awful nice; we voted for it, and now let it come.”
Mt. Pleasant Democrat says: The line, grade and all necessary
preliminaries are completed to commence the work upon the extension
of the T. & A: from this point to Clare. The company are now only
waiting for the snow to disappear and the frost out of the ground
when active operations will commence. The road will cross the river
at this place, landing on the west side near the cemetery. The
extension of this road, together with the many other improvements now
contemplated will not only give employment to a large number of
labors, during the coming summer, but give our town quite boom, and
make business good for the next year at least.
Democrat March 25, 1887
On Monday evening last a railroad meeting
was held at Judge Wheaton's office at which Supt. Carling, of the T.
& A. A., H. H. Graves, of Mt. Pleasant, J. White, civil engineer
for the T. & A. A. railroad, Judge Wheaton, C. W. Perry, Clark
Sutherland, A. J. Doherty, N. Bicknell, Mr. Cooley, J. C.
Rocksfellow, Wm. Giberson and a representative of the DEMOCRAT were
present. The object of this meeting was to talk over the railroad
question and appoint a committee to go over the route through Vernon
township and negotiate with land owners to see what they would do
toward giving the right of way through their lands. The committee
appointed were Judge Wheaton, C. W. Perry and J. C. Rocksfellow, who,
in company with Supt. Carling, J. White and A. J. Doherty went out in
Vernon to canvass that township. The committee report that
notwithstanding the fact that a right of way had been donated as far
as the township and negotiate with land owners to see what they would
do toward giving the right of way through Vernon township all wanted
pay for their land. Now as this road would benefit them would it not
be better to give it outright and thus not let it be said that for
Vernon township the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad would have run
through Vernon township., Clare Co., and so north? Although the sums
demanded by each land holder is small, the total amount foots up
altogether too large. The depot grounds and yards has been donated in
this village , which speaks well for the push and enterprise of our
citizens, if nothing more. It will be definitely known in a few days
whether this road will come to Clare or go elsewhere.
Railroad Gazette April 1, 1887
G. H. Betts has been appointed Car Accountant, vice D. Broek, resigned.
County Enterprise April 8, 1887
The following railway mail service
has been established in Michigan: Grand Rapids, via Ravenna, to
Muskegon, Muskegon, Grand Rapids & Indiana railway, 3950-100
miles and back, six times a week or as much oftener as the trains may
run from April 25, 1887. After April 18 service on the Toledo, Ann
Arbor & Grand Trunk railway, from Toledo, O., to South Lyon,
Mich., will be Curtail so as to make it end at Emery, Mich.,
decreasing distance about nine miles.
Clare Democrat April 8,
It appears that we are to have the T., A. A. & N. M.
railroad after all, as negotiations are pending for the purchase of
the branch by that company from the F. & P. M. But that won't
netter matters much, as the F. & P. M. will go away east of us on
the Houghton Lake branch. Don't like the idea.
For some time
past the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railroad Company has
been trying to obtain the right of way through a piece of land land
in Isabella county, owned by David Kelly. Last Friday John C.
Carling, Superintendent of the company, was in the city for the
purpose of making negotiations to that effect. Being unable to come
to a decision as to the price, it was agreed to settle the matter by
arbitration. Thomas Pickard, of Vernon, were selected to name a price
for the land. [Saginaw Courier]
County Enterprise April 15, 1887
The Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railroad wants 14 miles of railroad, between Harrison and
the junction of that branch from the F. & P. M. railroad, and
have asked for figures.
Owosso The Times Apr. 15, 1887
Argus: The engineers on the new Saginaw & Muskegon road have had
orders to commence the survey on the line east of this village soon.
Falls Review April 21, 1887
Shrewd Legislators
Mich., April 20 – About a week ago the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
North Michigan railroad requested the return of all legislative
passes. Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed by the legislators
who hinted darkly about legislation, lowering passenger traffic, etc.
To-day the passes were returned to the legislators and all is serene.
Democrat April 22, 1887
The Latest Railroad
Work on the T. & A. A. to Commence Next Monday
out forms were ready for press this morning a rumor reached us that
the surveying party of the T. & A. A. railroad were in town
surveying land for the depot and yards and that work will be
commenced next Monday morning in this place at at Mt. Pleasant on the
road-bed. A reporter of the DEMOCRAT at once proceeded to investigate
the rumor and found it to be true in every particular and that work
will be pushed from now until the road is finished and cars running
to this place.
Supt. Carling has ordered picks, shovels and all
the implements necessary to commence work at once and is ready to
engage a large force of men and teams to commence work. All who wish
to engage work will apply early as possible.
Thus it will be seen
that what the DEMOCRAT has claimed all the time has come true and
Clare will soon hear the scream of the whistle of the T. & A. A.
engines within its borders.
An Evart and Cadillac delegation
were in Mt. Pleasant the first of the week consulting with J. M.
Ashley in hope of securing the T. & A. A. railroad. Mr Ashley's
reply was to the effect that “the company had decided to push
the road direct through to the straits of Mackinaw, but if Cadillac
people would offer sufficient inducement, the company would build
them a road through to Frankfort an if they so desired it could be
called the main line, but that the company had decided to make a
direct line to the straits and there the road was to go.” There
is not much danger but that Clare will get the T. & A. A. yet.
The reason that work has not been commenced is because the Evart
sore-heads have been writing to the financiers of the road and the
company have been delayed in getting money.
Clare Press April
22, 1887
Will Commenced next Week Monday
The Surveyors Arrived this
Morning to Lay out a Depot.
Early this morning the T. & A. A.
surveyors arrived by carriage from Mt. Pleasant and processed
immediately to the western outskirts of our village to lay out the
ground for a T. A. A. & N. M. railroad depot.
H. H. Garaves
informs us that work will be commenced at both ends of the line
Monday morning and pushed forward to completion as fast as
Farwell especially has our deepest sympathy for not
securing this road for we know they have been very confident of
getting it. But then seeing they have been so good to let us have it
we will not object to their coming down and riding on it once in a
The exact position of the depot has yet been determined
upon, but it will be between 5th and 6th streets.
H. H. Graves
of Mt. Pleasant, the attorney for the T. & A. R. R. was in Clare
on Sunday, having come in on a log train in the night from Saginaw.
Leaving there at 8:20 p. m., he arrived in Clare at 4:15 Sunday
morning, and had to drive home. Pretty soon it won't be so tedious a
trip from Saginaw to Mt. Pleasant via Clare. Mr. Graves had been down
to bay City concluding negotiation with Mr. McEwan for the right of
way through this village and for depot grounds. Ample accommodations
on the west side of the village plat were deeded to the company and
the the depot will be located probably at the end of Sixth
Owosso The Times Apr. 22, 1887
James M. Ashley say
the T. & N. M. railway will lay 200 miles of track before the end
of 1887.
Railroad Gazette April 22, 1887
This company has made an offer to the Flint & Pere Marquette company for a purchase of 14 miles of its Harrison Branch line.
Ann Arbor Courier April 27, 1887
At its recent annual meeting,
Sedgwick Dean of this city, was elected a director of the T. A. A. &
N. M. R. R. The annual report showed that this road last year earned
$380, 251.01, of which $47,113.93 was profit. It built 45 miles of
road and opened 71 miles giving it a line from Toledo to Mt.
Pleasant, 171 miles.
County Enterprise April 29, 1887
H. H. Graves, the attorney for
the T. & A. A. road, has been absent from home much of the time
in the last few weeks looking after the interests of that road. He
says the work which commenced on the road between here and Clare on
Monday of this week, will be pushed forward at both ends of the line
with all the rapidity possible, and we soon will be able to go to
Clare on the cars.
Clare Democrat April 29, 1887
Courier: The Cadillac people are now confident that the Toledo, Ann
Arbor and Northern extension will reach their place by the fall. Work
has begun at Clare and it is declared will be pushed steadily
J. M. Ashley and John Carling were in town last evening.
They drove north this morning toward Harrison in company with W.
Chard. 'Tis stated that the object of going over the road is to see
whether it would be cheaper to build than to buy the Harrison
Work on the extension of
the T. A. A. & N. M. railroad between Mt. Pleasant and Clare was
commenced Monday at both places. A gang of 29 men and three teams are
at work in this village, grading and filling in the marsh near
Boorn's mill. Marting Clone has the superintending and the work is
being pushed. Iron will be laid and an engine and train put on this
end before long. One of the heaviest grades on the line is near the
above mill. It is a a ten foot fill and about 30 rods long.
The Times Apr. 29, 1887
Byron - Parties are surveying for side
track on the T. & A. road four miles south of here and a wheat
elevator is soon to erected there.
Railroad Gazette April 29, 1887
At the meeting in Toledo. O., last week, the following directors were elected J. M. Ashley, Toledo, O.; A. W. Wright, Alma, Mich.
An interesting experiment is to be tied by this company – a plan of profit sharing, of which the employees of the road will be beneficiaries. The details of the scheme were worked out by President Ashley. At the recent annual meeting the stockholders voted to give it a trail.
The Times May 6, 1887
The annual report of the T. A. A. & N.
road shows the company to be in a flourishing condition. The gross
earning for 1886 were $380,251.01; operating expenses, $222,074.52;
interest of bonds, $145,600, leaving a net balance on hand of
$47,113.98. During 1886 forty-five miles of new road was built and 71
miles opened for traffic, which gives the road a total of 171 miles.
It is expected that before the close of the present year two new
extensions, now in progress, will be completed and added to the
road's mileage – the one one from Mt. Pleasant to Cadillac, 73
miles, and the other from Ashley to Muskegon, 95 miles.
Ann Arbor Courier May 11, 1887
M. L. Jones is the new station
agent at South Lyon of the T., A., A. & N. M. R. R. Co.
Hitchcock, the Ashleys and the fellows now own the Toledo, Ann Arbor
&Northern Michigan railroad. – Milan Leader
Dispatch May 12, 1887
Mr. William Peters and William Mercer will
meet Mr. Ashley of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. May 12, to arrange
for a depot , side track and wheat house at this place.[Pettysville
Railroad Gazette May 13, 1887
Henry W. Ashley has been elected Second Vice-President and General Manager.
Dispatch May 19, 1887
Mr. Ashley, Superintendent of the T., A. A.
& N. M. R. R., met Mr. Wm. Petteys and Wm. Mercer last week and
made arrangements for a side-track, depot buildings and freight
house.[Pettysville Correspondent]
Isabella County Enterprise May 20, 1887 Wm. Pickard and Michael Garvin, of Mt. Pleasant, have taken the contract to grade two miles of the T. & A. A. road between Mt. Pleasant and Clare.
Isabella County Enterprise May 27, 1887 T. & A. A. R. R. are out with a new time card. Trains leave here at ^:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Arrive at 10:30 p. m. and 12:30 p. m.
Railroad Gazette May 27, 1887
W. W. Belts has been appointed Traveling Agent, with headquarters at Toledo.
County Enterprise June 3, 1887
Grading on the T. & A. A.
railroad, between here and Clare, is being rushed along in fine
shape. Several gangs of men are at work. At Isabella City, better
known as Indian Mills, a cut is being made to get over the hill which
begins just out the “city limits” of that burg. A large
supply of wheelbarrows have just been delivered.
Owosso The
Times June 3, 1887
On Tuesday and Friday of each week, two
refrigerator cars well iced, are over the T., A. A. & N. M.
railroad from Mt. Pleasant to Detroit and eastward via Ann Arbor, for
for the purpose of accommodating all shippers of butter, eggs, etc.
Through rates will be given from all stations to Buffalo, Albany, New
York, Boston and all other points, with the guarantee of
The road bed of the T. S. & M. railroad between
Greenville and Ashley is now ready for ties and iron. President
Robinson has ordered 3,000 tons of steel rails, to be delivered on
the road bed by June 15, the laying of the same will commence on the
20th, and 40 days later will bring the iron to Greenville. The west
end of the line is expected to be ready for the iron by the time the
construction train reaches Greenville.
Ann Arbor Courier June 8, 1887
Next Sunday the T. A. A. & N.
R. R., will run a special train to Detroit by way of Milan.
Ann Arbor Northern railway local officials are negotiating for a ball
game between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor, to be played at Whitmore Lake
next Sunday.
Dispatch June 9, 1887
The Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad makes
Howell a division headquarters for freight trains.
excursions on the T. & A. A. R. R. are taking large crowds to
Whitmore lake from both directions.
The T. & A. A. R. R. road
will extend its line to Cadillac and that place will produce
substantial aid to the tune of $30,000 bonds.
The Times June 10, 1887
The Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad has
had its ears to the ground with results. All employes and officials,
who shall have served five years, will receive a dividend based upon
the amount of their salaries for the previous year. If any employe or
officer is disabled in service and remains unfit for duty for six
months, he will receive a certificate of stock to the amount of his
previous year's wages. In case of death his heirs will be given a
certificate of stock equal to five times the yearly salary.
large crowd gathered at the T., A. A. & N. M. depot to see the
“circus come in.”The headquarters of Ashley's engineers
have been located at Cadillac and will remain there until the T., A.
A. & C. R. R. is completed to that place. Work will be pushed
from Cadillac southward and from Mt. Pleasant to the north. And
supplies and steel rails will be brought in over the G. R. & I.
R. R. The route adopted makes directly from Farwell to Cadillac,
running through Clare and Wexford and the northeast corner of Osceola
Railroad Gazette June 10, 1887
Work has begun on the extension of the road from Mount Pleasant to Cadillac, Mich., 55 miles. Trains are expected to be running about Nov. 1.
The Times June 24, 1887
C. H. Allen has accepted a position in the
office of Supt. Carland of the T. & N. M. road at Mt. Pleasant.
County Enterprise July 1, 1887
Supt. Ashley, of of the T., A. A. &
N. M. railroad, don't propose to employ unmarried man on that road if
he can help it. He thinks married men are not so likely to engage in
Owosso The Times July 1, 1887
The T. & N. M.
railroad loaded two cars of wool and on of hay for Boston market on
County Enterprise July 2, 1887
Tuesday 75 or 80 men left Mt.
Pleasant for Farwell to work on the T. & A. railroad.
on the Cadillac section of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Cadillac
railroad, about thirty laborers threw down their shovels and demand
an advance in wages of 15 cents per day. They gained their point and
will hereafter receive $1.50 per day, which is from 7 to 10 cents
more than is now paid in the mills here for the same class of help.
Men with teams receive $3.50 per day, and an abundance of them are at
County Enterprise July 8, 1887
The T. & A. A. railroad have
now commenced the grading between Clare and Farwell.
The T. &
A. A. railroad have cut through the embankment to the flats in this
city so as to get to their bridge crossing the Chippewa. The cut is
some twelve feet below the present grade. When this completed the
depot will be north to the flats near Broadway. Prince & Co's.
Factory will have to be moved in order to give the right of way and
still secure their power from the Harris Bros. Mill.
The Times July 8, 1887
The grounds of the Toledo and Ann Arbor
road are being put in good shape. 75 car loads of gravel have been
drawn in,and more is to be bought in and spread at the crossings.
County Enterprise July 15, 1887
The T. A. A. & C. railroad
have brought an engine from the Fields logging road to assit in
grading the fill near the river and help in laying the track.
Monday two men from Sault Ste Marie came to Mt. Pleasant to hire men.
They offered 75 cent a day more than men were getting on the railroad
and to pay their expenses to the “Soo.” The consequence
was a strike among graders on the T. A. A. & C. R. R. One of the
“Soo” men was struck by a contractor and put to flight.
The other said they would have to “run him out of town a
corpse, if they got rid of him so easy.” They secured and took
away about forty men.
A company with $2,500,000 capital has been
organized in East Saginaw to carry on the Durand railroad project.
The following are the directors: A. W. Wright, W. R. Burt, P. H.
Ketchum, W. C. Mc Clure, Charles W. Wells, F. C. Stone, Thos.
Merrill, E. W. Knowlton, John A. Edgar and J. M. Ashley, Jr. All but
Ashley are residents of Saginaw.
Dispatch July 21, 1887
The Pettysville side track is down and Mr.
Wm. Mercer is ready to build his elevator soon as the lumber comes.
bee was made last week to level ground for the passenger and freight
The section men moved their headquarters to Chilson last
week.[Pettysville Correspondent]
The Times July 22, 1887
Thirty laborers employed on the T. &
N. M. at Cadillac, struck for $1.50 a day on Monday – 15 cents
more than they were getting—and the demand was granted.
45 cars of iron have passed north on the T. & N. M. the past week
for the road between Mt. Pleasant and Clare.
County Enterprise July 29, 1887
Forty five car loads of iron have
been received at this of the T. & A. and much of it is piled up
in the yards at Mt. Pleasant awaiting to be used.
The T. & A.
have laid a 'Y' east of the river and north of Broadway to connect
the new main line near the bridge with the portion lately vacated by
the F. & P. M.
The T. & A. has laid the iron to their new
bridge across the Chippewa. The ties for the road further north have
been delayed in reaching this point, as they were to come down the
river. They were expected last night and when they do arrive Clare
people can soon come to Mt. Pleasant direct, for every preparation is
made for pushing the track laying as rapidly as possible.
The Times July 29, 1887
Saginaw Herald: On Monday last when the
surveyors of the Saginaw, Toledo & Mackinaw railway began their
work, they started from it point west of Durand and close to that
village. They kept at work on this line all Monday and part of
Tuesday, when J. M. Ashley. Jr.. arrived on the scene and said that
the surveyors had got on the wrong track. He hired a rig and started
after them but failed to find them, and another man was sent out to
hunt for them and he found them in a swamp near Flushing. The entire
corps of surveyors were then brought back to Durand and started on a
new line from a point two mites southeast of Durand, where the
Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern leaves the Detroit, Grand Haven &
Milwaukee road. From this point the line runs to Duffield, four miles
from Durand. where it crosses the Chicago it Grand Trunk. it crosses
the Detroit. Grand Haven & Milwaukee road two miles cut of
Durand. This survey leaves Durand out. On the new line the surveyors
passed Flushing Thursday.
From Flushing to Duffield, the Grand
Think crossing. the distance is 14 miles. When the second line was
started Durand people began to grow uneasy, and when they saw their
village passed two miles to the southeast, they put their heads
together on Thursday and concluded to send Chat. H. DeCamp, one of
their business men, to interview the Saginaw directors on the
subject. Mr. DeCamp arrived' here Friday night and yesterday had an
Inform talk with Mr. W. B. Burl but he evidently got but little
satisfaction, and left for home last evening via Owosso. He believes
the reason Mr. Ashley gave Durand the go-by was on account of a
grudge he had against that place for not standing up to their
agreement with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern road. It didn't
pay the notes given, and they are now In Garrison's bank at Vernon
for collection. According to Mr. DeCamp, Ashley said he would some
day get even with Durand, and he now believes that eventful period of
time has arrived. Mr. Burt, however, disabused Mr. DeCamp's mind on
that point. He said the new company had no old grudges against any
place, and all they desired was to get the beat line. Durand, It was
stated, had offered nothing as an inducement to cover the extra coat
of the line to that point. The line from Saginaw to Flushing and then
to Durand is no straighter than an elbow, and this doubtless is the
reason for the change to route. On the other hand, a glance at the
map will show that the new line from Flushing to Duffield, to a point
where it forms a junction with the T., A. A. & N. road, Is
perfectly straight, and shorten the distance some two miles. The
expense of this two mile, and also the dis advantage of us
crooked line, is undoubtedly the reason for going two miles to the
southeast of Durand. Time connection at Duffield with the Chicago &
Grand Trunk Is just as good as could be had at Durand, and with the
Detroit, Grand Haven it Milwaukee road is more direct on the route to
The Howell people are inviting the people along the T.,&
A. A. R. R. to petition against the Sunday excursion business. We say
amen to it. The influence of Sunday desecration will end
disastrously-- its power for evil will be unlimited.
Isabella County Enterprise August 5, 1887 Next Monday August 8, the T. A. A. & N. M. railroad will run an excursion from Mt. Pleasant to Island Lake where the state troops will encamp. An opportunity will be given visitors to experience the excitement of a sham battle which will take place on that day. The train leaves Mt. Pleasant at 6:00 A. M. and arrive at Island Lake at 10:30. Fare for round trip from Mt. Pleasant and Shepherd is $2.50. A good chance for a days enjoyment.
The Ann Arbor Courier Aug. 10,
The new depot of the T., A. A. & N. M R. R., Mr. Wales
tells us, will be commenced very soon, and there will be a grand
transformation scene in that section of the city.
It was rumored
in the city yesterday that Richard McDonald, of Northfield, upon
returning home from Whitmore Lake with his family Sunday, Found his
house, barn and farm buildings burned to the ground. But as near as
we can learn a passing engine set fire to some grass on the Toledo
road about 1 ½ miles south of the Lake Sunday, and burned to
within a few rods of the buildings of Patrick McDonald, and but for
the quick work of a few neighbors would have burned said buildings
We understand that the farmers along the line of the T., A.
A. & N. M. R. R. residing in the township of Pittsfield, who have
suffered from the burning of fences, wood, etc., by by reason of
passing trains, are to combine and bring suit against the company for
the loss.
Station Agent O. G. Wales, of the T., A. A. & N.M.
R. R., has rendered the Ann Arbor City Band free round trip tickets
to Whitmore Lake for the great pioneer picnic, to take place next
week Saturday. A very graceful thing in Mr. Wales, and one the boys
will properly appreciates. The T. & A .A. is wide awake.
understand that the farmers along the line of the T., A. A. & N.
M. R. R. residing in the township of Pittsfield, who have suffered
from the burning of fences, wood, etc., bu reason of passing trains,
are to combine and bring suit against the company for the loss.
Owosso American Aug. 10, 1887
Now is Owosso's Chance!
Offer Made for the Location of the T., A. A. & N. M. Railway
The Common Council Monday Evening by An Almost Unanimous
Vote Decide to submit the Question to the people.
Supt. Ashley was in the city last
week relative to the location of the shops of the T., A. A. & N.
M. R'y. He said if the people of Owosso wanted the shops they could
have them' what the company want is $25,000 and 20 acres of land;
also they would like to locate them here very much, as it is so near
the center of their road, and if not located here they will remain in
Toledo, where they now are and the people of that city want them to
remain there, but Mr. Ashley states that it is at one end of road it
is not so convenient as it would be near the center.
They will
have to know in a few weeks, as they would commence putting up the
buildings this fall – all of which will be built of brick and
the material as far as can be will be purchased here. It is
understood that the land will be donated to the city for that
Just think what shops of this kind have done for other
places where they are located. Jackson, the Mich. Central; Ionia, the
Detroit, Lansing & Northern; Fort Gratiot, near Port Huron, the
Grand Trunk; East Saginaw, the Flint & Pere Marquette, and
others. Citizens of Owosso now have a chance to secure these shops.
Now the question is “will they do it?”
Work will be
commenced by Sept. 1, and the buildings pushed to an early
completion. It will be necessary to vote on the question; we ought to
give it a good round “yes” majority. Ann Arbor and Howell
have offered great inducements, but the company prefer Owosso, and we
can have the shops if the voters of this city will get to the front
and vote the aid required to get them. At Ionia, where the shops of
D., L. &N. R. R. R., are located, they pay out monthly to their
employees alone, $13,000, and this road to-day has not so many miles
of track as the T., A, A, & N. M. Ry. Now Owosso should have
these shops. They would be of great value to the city, and be a
permanent institution. It has been stated over and over again that
Owosso is the best location on the entire line for them and the
company know it.
The company offers everything that is fair. They
do not ask a cent of this money only as the work progresses, and then
through the hands of a committee of citizens appointed for that
purpose. And then if the shops should ever be removed, the entire
plant, lands, etc, revert back to the city.
The Common Council,
Monday evening, voted, with but one dissenting voice to submit to the
people the question of securing these shops, and on Monday, Aug. 22,
a special election will take place. It cannot be that any opposition
of any extent will be made to a project of such great benefit to all
classes of Owosso to both the business and laboring element.
all means let's have the shops.
New York Times Aug. 11, 1887
Ohio, Aug. 10 – The body of a man found floating in the bay
here was today identified as that of Lewis E. Stowe, of Toledo,
Assistant Auditor of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan
Railroad. He left Toledo last Saturday and Had $80 when he left. The
Coroner found 48 cents on his person. It is supposed he was robbed
and thrown into the water
The Times August 12, 1887
The T. S. & M. railroad is graded
and ready for the rails for several miles beyond Cedar Springs.
Last Monday was pay day on the T. & A. and James Ashley was in some way detained so that he did not reach Mt. Pleasant with the money until Tuesday noon. When Tuesday morning came a number of men, instead of going to work came to town to get their pay. Besides losing their time they had a good walk to Mt. Pleasant and back without their money. Mr. Ashley, on his arrival immediately sent the cashier to pay off along the line, and those who came to town had to wait until last for their pay by not being at their post when the paymaster came along.
Ann Arbor Courier Aug. 24, 1887
The T., A. A. & N. M. R. R.
will put in a side track to the new boiler and engine works of
Barclay & Reeves.
County Enterprise August 26, 1887
The iron is now down on the T. &
A. beyond the half-way, or Calkinsville. It will be through in time
for the people of Clare to attend the Isabella County fair at Mt.
The T. & A. being completed to Calkinsville of Half
Way, the road will run an excursion both ways next Sunday to give
people a chance to attend the Indian camp meeting.
The Toledo &
Ann Arbor railroad will give half fare rates to all those who attend
the Isabella County fair October 4, 5, 6, 7. It is to be hoped that
the F. & P. M. may do the same.
Owosso The Times August
26, 1887
The following is the proposition made by H. 'W. Ashley to
the city for the location of the T, A. A. & N. M. R. R. car shops
in this city:
Toledo, Ohio, August 18th, 1887. V. C. Payne, Esq.,
Owosso, Mich.:
I have received copy of a notice of a public
meeting to be held in your city to tomorrow; Friday evening, the l9th
I understand that your committee, with whom I had conference
some two weeks ago, propose to present at this public meeting the
conditions and stipulations which this company will exact and offer,
provided its shops and repair works are located in your city.
wish to avoid the possibility of any misunderstanding between this
company and your electors as to these term and conditions.
these works are located in your city the company will require the
transfer, free and unincumbered, land to the amount of fifteen or
twenty acres and the payment of twenty-five thousand dollar in money.
If these conditions are complied with the company will locate and
maintain perpetually its principal shops for the repairs of its
engines, cars and road tools in your city.
The officers of the
company will reserve the right to select the site of these works,
regardless of any local prejudices that may exist among your
citizens. This property will be selected with the. view of giving the
company the best and most economical means of operating its works.
The exact amount of land which it will be necessary to have for these
purposes, cannot be stated until the site is selected, inasmuch as
the location cf the buildings and the amount of ground necessary
therefor will depend, in a great measure, upon the general contour of
the land. We shall not, however, demand or ask your citizens to
secure, property which Is of unusual value, on account of its
location for business purposes, nor any land which by reason of the
present improvements thereon would be more expensive than the land
which usually lies adjacent to a city the size of Owosso.
the company will require that twenty-five thousand dollars in money
be deposited in the hands of Trustees, subject to be paid out under
the provisions of a contract hereafter to be made between the
authorities of your village and these of this company, in the event
that, your citizens elect to enter into this arrangement.
I wish
it distinctly understood that the company does not propose to handle
any bonds, or securities of any kind, or to have anything to do, or
any knowledge of the manner in which the money which it is proposed
to give to this company for this purpose, is raised.
These are
the terms and conditions which the company demand as a condition to
the location, of its principal shops in your city.
If these
conditions are complied with the company proposes to locate its
principal repair and machine shop in your city. These shops will
consist of an engine house, a machine shop, a car shop and a paint
shop. the engine house will probably be built with five stalls, on a
plan which will permit the company , to increase it to twenty stalls.
The machine shops will be of size which will permit us to rebuild
three or four engines at one time, and will contain the necessary
machinery to maintain the fifty or more engines which will be in the
service of the road and its branches. The car shop will be
constructed in such manner as wilt permit the repairs of cars indoors
and will contain necessary machinery for this purpose. The paint shop
will be of size which will permit the painting of two or more
passenger cars at one time, and will contain no machinery of any
kind. The engine house and machine shop will be of brick; the car
shop and paint shop will probably be frame structures.
From this
description you will understand about the nature of the structures
which the company considers, necessary for its present demands. These
buildings and machinery will of necessity increases the lines of the
company are extended, and as the machinery and cars, the property of
the company, become older and from year to year need to have more
expense in order to maintain them in suitable condition.
propose that the authorities of your city and this company enter into
a contract whereby the money which it is proposed that your citizens
donate In cash shall all be used in the erection of the buildings
above described; that none of this money shall be used for the
purpose of buying machinery or for any other improvements; in other
words we propose that the money which your citizens donate shall all
be used for the construction of the buildings necessary for these
work, and that the company provide the machinery which will be
required to do these repair from time lo time as the work makes it
necessary. I wish it distinctly understood that the company does not
propose to place in these buildings any more machinery Immediately
than is necessary for the repairs and renewals of the rolling stock
which it now owns. This rolling stock is for the most part new, and
it is not necessary to have many of the machines now which will he
required in order to maintain this property as it prows older.
order that there may be no conflict or subsequent difference between
your citizens and officers of this company as to the manner in which
this money is expended, I propose that the amount stipulated shall be
placed in the hands of some trustee to be paid contractors on these
buildings on the joint order of the officers of this Company and a
committee of your citizens. If this plan is followed in good faith
both by your committee and the officers of the company, both parties
to the arrangement will have equal protection and guarantee that
stipulations upon which the work is being done is fully complied
The inquiry has been made by several of your citizens as to
the number of men which this arrangement would locate in your city
and the amount of money which which men receive per month as wages
from this company. You will see that it is possible for me to answer
accurately these inquiries. the company now owns thirty-three engines
and some five hundred cars; as this equipment grows older the amount
of repairs and the number of men employed, to keep it in. order will
be largely increased. You can obtain an approximate knowledge of the
benefits which these work will be to your city by investigating the
results of the location of similar shops in like cities both in your
State and elsewhere your State and elsewhere. To understand what will
he the intimate benefits to your city yon should ascertain what
benefits such places as Ionia. Jackson, Grand Rapid and Battle Creek
in your State and Norwalk, .Newark and other cities in Ohio have
derived from the location of .similar works in these towns. In order
, to secure the work of the Michigan Central road I understand that
Jackson donated some fifty or sixty. acres of land find one hundred
thousand dollar in money: that Battle Creek donated some thirty or
forty acres of land and fifty thousand dollars in money; Norwalk
donated some forty acres of land and fifty thousand dollars in money.
These figures may not be exactly accurate but are approximately so
and will indicate to you the efforts which other cities or like size
with your own have put forth in order to secure similar works.
these shops are located in your City it will be necessary to make
Owosso the end of both the southern and northern divisions; if this
is done your city will be the home of as many as seventy five per
cent, of all the enginemen, firemen, conductors and brakemen as well
as all of the men employed in the repair shops proper. The pay roll
of these employees at present amounts to between seven and ten
thousand dollars per month.
These men are well paid and can afford
to buy property and undoubtedly will in most cases become permanent
residents of your city.
I wish to call attention of your tax
payers to the difference in the value of these works to your city as
compared with any mercantile or general manufacturing works of like
size and which employs a like number of men and paying the same
amount of money on its pay roll. If you induce a manufacturing
establishment to locate in your city it is not improbable that for
some years or during the time that there is demand for his product in
the market his location will bu of in much value to your community as
the location of these works, but in the time of business depression t
or want of demand for the particular articles which this manufacturer
has to dispose of the number of men in his-employ necessarily
decreases or his works are closed altogether; in either event your
community loses u part or the whole or the benefit which you sought
to derive from securing the location of this business. With railroad
property the reverse of this principle is true; the repairs and
renewals on engines and cars depend upon the number of miles it is
necessary to run them and not on the amount of money which the
company earns from the service. If the company is unable to meet its
obligations it is not permitted to with draw its trains but is
compelled to operate its road and to pay its labor, even when the
capital invested does not obtain any returns; so that in a general
decline of business or in case of financial failure on part of
railroad company the benefits which a city obtains by reason of
location of the repair shops continues.
I have been asked what
security the company could offer that the works would continue to be
operated as the principal repair works of the company in the event
that the present ownership was transferred or that the bondholders
take possession of the property on account of the inability of the
present company to meet its obligations. I am authorized to make n
contract with your city which will bind the company so long as the
present organization is maintained. It does not affect your interests
whether the present management operating the road so long as any
future management under this Company is bound by any contract which I
sign as its managing officer. In the event that a new organization is
formed by reason of .the failure of the present company to meet its
obligations, your attorney will advise you that the courts have
decided in a number of cases that such a contract as the one which it
is proposed . to make between your citizens and this company must be
continued. If these works are located in your city under a contract,
such as is outlined in this communication, they will be permanent and
will be operated as the principal shops of this company, or its
successors or lessor, regardless of the disposition or wishes of any
future management.
I have today received a proposition from
another city on this line similar to the one which it is proposed to
accept from you. If there is any considerable opposition on the part
of your taxpayers, or is likely to be any delay in getting to worn on
these structures, the company will reserve the privilege of
withdrawing the proposition after a reasonable time.
General Manager,
The vote for the bond to support getting T.,
A. A. & N. M. shops was 648 for and 66 against it.
Pinckney Dispatch September 1, 1887 The Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon road is to be completed to Muskegon by Nov. 15. The line commences at Ashley, where it connects with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern, and passes through Perrinton, Carson, Vickeryville, Sheridan, Greenville, Cedar Springs and Sparta, the course being almost an air line from Ashley to Muskegon. At present it will be used as a feeder for the Toledo & Ann Arbor, but the owners expect to extend it eastward across the state to St. Clair or Port Huron during the coming year.
County Enterprise Sept. 2, 1887
The Toledo & Ann Arbor
railroad company is having 14 new locomotives built.
Surveyor John
White of the T. & A. makes his headquarters at Clare for two or
three weeks.
James M. Ashley, Jr., of the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
North Michigan, came down from Mt. Pleasant last evening. He says
they are laying iron from both ends of the Cadillac division, and
have about 25 miles already laid. The graders expect to complete
their work as early as the 15th of next month, when it is proposed to
bring the entire force here and commence the work of grading the
Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw between this city city and Durand.
[Saginaw Courier]
Railroad Gazette September 2, 1887
Thirty-one miles of track are laid on the extension of this road from Mt. Pleasant to Cadillac, and the road, which will be 68 long is to be opened for business on Nov. 15. A Line is also being built from Mt. Pleasant up the Chippewa Valley to Sherman City, 18 miles.
Dispatch September 8, 1887
Rails are being laid on both ends of
the Cadillac division of the Toledo & Ann Arbor road.
The Times September 16,1887
Owosso City Council Minutes for TAA&NM
Bonus and land grant
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of
the City of Owosso Gentlemen Your special committee appointed at a
regular meeting of the Common Council, August 22d, 1887,, to whom was
referred Ike negotiations pending between the city of Owosso and
The-Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railway Company, Mr, II.
W. Ashley, General Manager, beg leave to report.
shops shall
revert to the grantor for the me and benefit of said City, It is
understood that if the City fails to perform and fulfill tho
agreement and conditions on its part herein set forth within thirty
(30) days from date, this agreement shall be null and void at option
of the Company.
Toledo Ann Arbor & North Michigan R'y Co. by
H. W. Ashley, General Manager.
The City of Owosso by its
committee, viz:
James H. Calkins,
Oscar Wells,
Julius Frieseke,
A. L. Williams.
Stearns F. Smith.
the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Owosso,
Gentleman: Henry W. Ashley. General Manager of this
Company is authorized to act for the President and Board of Directors
in all negotiations concerning tho location of the repair shops for
this Company, and the agreement into with the authorities of Owosso,
under date of Sept. 7th, 1887, is hereby approved.
By order of the
Board of Directors,
J. M. Ashley, Pres,
D. F. Jeuvis, Sec.
Carland has been very busy lately rushing the T. & A. into Clare.
The crossing of the F. & P. M. was affected Sunday and the
remainder of the iron was laid later. So Clare has two railroads now,
the T. & A. opening up the place to the south. The work between
Clare and Cadillac is being pushed with the fullest force
The Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon railroad has reached
Greenville and gone on toward Cedar Spring.
Railroad Gazette Sept. 16, 1887
Work is progressing on the extension of this road, from Mt. Pleasant, Mich. To Cadillac, 68 miles. More than 35 miles of track are now laid, and it is expected to have the road in operation by the last of November. A line is also being built from Mt. Pleasant to Sherman City, 18 miles.
The Democrat, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1887
Owosso has signed the contract with Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad and will have the shops.
Railroad Gazette Sept. 28, 1887
This company will build shops at Owosso, Mich. Work will begin within 30 days.
County Enterprise Oct. 14, 1887
The T. & A. will probably in
about ten days put on an accommodation train to run between Mt.
Pleasant and Farwell in connection with the regular passenger and
freight trains.
The iron has not yet been laid to Farwell on
the T. & A., but will probably reach there in a few days. It is
now down as far as Harrison Junction where a bridge is building which
delays the iron laying.
Ann Arbor Courier Oct. 19, 1887
Freights on the T. & A. A. R.
R. are increasing so rapidly at this point, that nothing but a new
freight house will ever answer the purpose. And when the T. & A.
A. attempt anything they accomplish it usually.
Dispatch October 20, 1887
(M. A. L.} Our section hands were called
upon to aid in constructing the new side track at Hamburg last week
and of course responded nobly. They did thee professional squinting
to a charm as usual.
The state railroad crossing board have
approved the map of the route of the Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw
railroad through Genessee county.
County Enterprise Oct. 21, 1887
Work on the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
Northern Michigan car shops at Owosso is to be commenced at once.
Railroad Gazette Oct. 21, 1887
Work was begun last week on the company's shops at Owosso, Mich. An engine-house, 80 by 200 ft., capable of accommodating 35 locomotives, will be erected.
Dispatch October 27, 1887
The road bed of the Toledo, Ann Arbor
and Cadillac railroad is nearly completed and there is only about 16
miles of track to lay.
County Enterprise Oct. 28, 1887
Work was begun last Friday on the
Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad between Durand and Saginaw.
County Enterprise Nov. 4, 1887
It is expect that regular trains on
the Toledo road road will commence running by December 1st to
A mortgage representing $1,260,000 has been placed on
record by Register Cassady. It is given by the T. & A. railroad
to the Union Trust Company, and bearing 6 per cent. And securing
thirty year gold bonds.
Journal 11-10-1887
The stockholders of the Toledo, Saginaw &
Muskegon railroad will meet in Detroit N ovember 14, io increase the
number of directors to 11, and to take into consideration the
extension of the line from its present terminus at Ashley to Saginaw,
To reach the city the road will pass through portions of the
townships of Chapin, Brady, St. Charles, Spaulding and Bridgeport. It
is stated that both this road and the Chicago, Kalamazoo &
Saginaw will negotiate with the new Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw
railroad company to use their terminal in Saginaw.—[Saginaw
The Times Nov. 11, 1887
It is expected that regular trains on the
Toledo road will commence running Dec. 1st to Cadillac
Nov. 15 – The stockholders of the Toledo, Saginaw and Muskegon
Railway, a new line in this State, met in Detroit yesterday and
elected as President David Robinson, Jr. of Toledo; Vice-President
and Manager, W. V. McCracken, of New York; Secretary and Treasurer,
William Baker, of Toledo; Auditor and Freight and Passenger Agent, I.
K. McCracken, of Fort Wayne; Assistant Secretary, Joseph P.
Pennington; Directors, David Robinson, Jr., James M. Ashley, William
Baker, and John Cummings, of Toledo; W. V. McCracken and George T.
Evans, of New York; E. Middleton, of Greenville, Mich.; L. G. Mason,
of Muskegon, Mich,; I. K. McCracken and H. M. McCracken, of Fort
Wayne, Ind.
Work has commenced on the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
Cadillac round house at Cadillac.
General manager H. W. Ashley was
in Mt. Pleasant Tuesday and viewed the new railroad from here north
as far as Lake George in company with J. M. Ashley, Jr., and
Superintendent J. C. Carland and surveyor John White.
foundation of the Toledo & Ann Arbor round house at Owosso is
completed. The round house will accommodate 36 locomotives.The
stockholders of the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon railway met in
Detroit recently and elected as president David Robinson, Jr., of
Toledo; vice-president and manager, W. A. McCracken of New York;
secretary and treasurer, Wm. Baker of Toledo; auditor and freight
passenger agent; J. K. McCracken of Fort Wayne; assistant secretary,
Joseph P. Pennington; directors, David Robinson, Jr., James Ashley,
Wm. Baker and John Cummings of Toledo; W. V. McCracken and George A.
Evens of new New York; E. Middleton of Greenville, L. G. Mason of
Muskegon; I. K. McCracken and M. M. McCracken of Fort Wayne. The road
is 96 miles in length, from Muskegon on Lake Michigan to Ashley, on
the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan, making a direct road from
Muskegon to Toledo, and good connections with Detroit. Work upon it
has been actively pushed all summer, and the route will be opened for
business by the middle of December it is expected.
County Enterprise Nov. 25, 1887
Agent McLennan of the T. & A.
posted the following in the depot on Monday: “To employees: The
pay car leaves Toledo, Tuesday, the 22nd at 6:30 a. m. H. W. Ashley,
Gen. Manager.” We hope to report next week that our Vernon
friends and all others have received their full pay. Agent McLannan
says all contracted debts will be paid in full within three weeks as
the company have begun to receive installments from the Union Trust
Company on the large loan recently mentioned in the ENTERPRISE, and
also the bonus due the road on the completion of the laying of the
iron will be paid as soon as the two ends meet between Lake George
and Marion.
Journal 11- - 1887
Ashley, with two railways, is threatened with
third the Kalamazoo, Hasting & Saginaw. The village now boasts of
300 inhabitants for three years' growth.
Corunna Journal 11- -
Marion, Oseola county, on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North
Michigan railroad, is the latest infant town. Christopher Clark is
the founder and boomer.
County Enterprise Dec. 2, 1887
The T. & A. new combination
bridge for crossing the Muskegon river passed through here yesterday.
It will take about three days to effect the crossing.
The space
between the two ends of the T. & A. construction is now only
seven and before another week it will undoubtedly be closed. Regular
trains to Cadillac about New Years is the latest guess. There is much
ballasting to be done beyond Clare.
The T. & A. telegraph line
is now in operation to the Muskegon river.
The memory of the
famous “Howell Railroad War” is still green in the hearts
of many Michigan people. The Toledo & Ann Arbor Co., cut under
the track of the Detroit, Lansing & Northern near Howell, and as
the work was not done to suit the latter company a row ensued that
resulted in the stoppage of trains, tearing up the tracks, and lots
of law suits. Later, the managers of the tow roads got to a better
understanding of each other , and it was decided to put in a good
bridge at the crossing. This work was begun this fall and was pushed
to its fullest extent, at at great cost, but it has now been found
that it is impossible to complete the work owing to water and
quicksand. Now the Toledo & Ann Arbor folks has changed the route
of their road and crosses the other road at a grade nearer to Howell.
An Interlocking switch is to be put in so that trains can pass
without stopping. It has been a costly bit of engineering.
The Times Dec. 2, 1887
C. L. Putt has returned to Banister and
accepted the position of station agent on the T. & A. R. R. R. S.
Knight takes Mr. Putt's position as baggage master at the
The brick on the round house of the T. & A. A.
shops will be completed this week. It would have been done were this
but for the meanness of some one who cut off the the measuring poles,
compelling the company to tear out a portion of the walls already
laid. The trenches are being dug for the engine building, which will
be 80x160 feet, with two wings, one 40x40 feet and the other 20x40
feet; stone work will be commenced for it to-day. The carpenter shop
has been staked out and will also be a large building.
Dispatch December 8, 1887
The memory of the famous “Howell
Railroad war” is still green in the hearts of many Michigan
people. The Toledo & Ann Arbor Co. cut under the track of the
Detroit, Lansing & Northern near Howell and a the work was done
to suit the latter company a row ensued that resulted in the stoppage
of trains, tearing up the tracks and lots of lawsuits. Later, the
managers of the two roads got to a better understanding of each
other, and it was decided to put a good bridge at the crossing. This
work was begun this fall and pushed to the fullest extent and at
great cost, but it has now been found that it is impossible to
complete the work owing to water and quicksand. Now the Toledo &
Ann Arbor folks have changed the route of their road and cross the
other road at grade nearer to Howell. An interlocking switch is to be
put in so that trains can pass without stopping. It has been a costly
bit of engineering.[Brighton Argus]
County Enterprise Dec. 9, 1887
At last reports the T. & A. Has
not crossed the Muskegon, the bridge job occupying more time than was
at first estimated. The iron laying is done all but the crossing
above named.
Owosso The Times Dec. 9, 1887
The connecting
rails on the Toledo and Muskegon railroads were laid at three p. m.
Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1887
A Farmer Obstructing a Railroad
Cadillac, Mich., Dec.10 – The Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan railroad was surveyed through John Chapin's farm. Chapin swore that he would have no railroad running up his farm, and posted a notice warning trespassers that he would shoot the first railroader caught prowling on the premises. Yesterday track layers began work, and when Chapin's farm was reached he fired upon them, shooting John Thomas through the bowels and Fred Sabine through the head. They are dangerously hurt. Chapin has been arrested.
Daily Argus News Dec. 12, 1887
A Fatal Shot
Cadillac, Mich.,
Dec. 11 – Gust Hebling, the victim of the shooting affray on
the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad yesterday, died
last night. He was aged 25, and a married man. The prisoners, the
Chapin brothers, were taken to Hersey, the county seat of Osceola
county. The opinion is now general that the railroad employes were
trespassers on Chapin's farm; that the railroad company had not
procured the right of way, and that Chapin defended his property
according to legal advice. The Chapins claim that they did not intend
to do any shooting, but were driven to it by the railway foreman,
Davis, who had his men surrounding the Chapins and then ordered them
to fire on the Chapins. One of the latter fired one shot, which hit
Corunna Journal December 15, 1887 The last rail of the Toledo, Saginaw and Muskegon railroad was laid on the 30th just east of Sparta, and though trains will be running on the line by Dec 20. This is the road that leads from Muskegon east on the T., A. A. & N. M.
County Enterprise Dec. 16, 1887
The F. & P. M. road are trying
to keep the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon road from entering East
A dispute over the right of way of the Toledo, Ann
Arbor & Cadillac road arose near Cadillac the other day. A
regular battle with rifles, axes and clubs ensued. One man was shot,
perhaps fatally, and several other were injured. A number of arrests
were made.
Dispatch December 22, 1887
The. T., A. A. & N. M. gravel train
was pulled off until next spring.[Pettysville Correspondent]
Journal December 22,1887
Alex MeKercher of Vernon, was put off a
T. & A. A. train recently while holding a return ticket, the time
limit ot which had expired. He this week through his his attorney,
John T. McCurdy, brought suit against the company for $5,000 damages.
Isabella County Enterprise Dec 23, 1887 Trains through to Cadillac have commenced running this week. Two trains a day leave here – an accommodation at 6:30 a. m. and a regular passenger train at 1 p. m. Trains from Cadillac arrive at Mt. Pleasant at 10:17 a. m. and 4:22 p. m.
Ann Arbor Courier Dec. 26, 1887
New time table on the T. & A.
A. R. R. Two through trains to East Saginaw now.
Hon. John T.
Rich, state railroad commissioner, was in the city last Friday
looking up the T. & A. A. street crossings.
Several elegant
new $10,000 passenger coaches will be put on the T. & A. A. line
between Toledo and East Saginaw.
Yesterday morning a stick of
timber got out of place on a T. A. A. freight car, and managed to
wiggle itself around in such a manner as to knock the car off the
track, about 1 ½ miles east of this city, and scattered thing
about promiscuously.
It is with pleasure and regret that we have
to announce the promotion of A. J. Paisley of this city to be General
Passenger and Ticket Agent of the T. & A. A. R. R., relieving W.
H. Bennett, who will hereafter perform the duties of General Freight
Agent only. It is a pleasure to note the advancement of so deserving
a gentleman. We regret it because it will take from us one of the
most genital and pleasant agents the T, & A. A. has ever
stationed here. Mr. Paisley is one of the hustlers, and the
authorities of the road have shown rare good judgment in his
promotion. He will assume his new duties Jan. 1st, and his
headquarters will be at Toledo.
Dispatch December 29, 1887
The new passenger and freight depot at
the junction of the T. & A. A. and D. L. & N. railroad, near
Howell is to be complete Jan. 10.
Corunna Journal December 29,
The last spike on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & -North Michigan
road, between Toledo and Cadillac was driven near the last named
place Tuesday. Excursions were run from Toledo and the two places
united in celebrating the event.
County Enterprise Dec. 30, 1887
At the meeting of the Cadillac
Business Men's Association, it was decided to celebrate the
completion of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Cadillac by a banquet.
Excursion trains from Cadillac and from Toledo will meet at the
Muskegon River, witness the driving of the last spike, and then got
to Cadillac for a grand good time in the evening. A special meeting
of the association will be held next Wednesday evening to arrange for
the jubilee.
The T. A. A, & C. and the T. A. A. & N.
railroads are to be consolidated February 29th unless some objection
is made.
Wednesday was the day set for the banquet celebrating
the driving of the golden spike and completion of the Toledo, Ann
Arbor & Cadillac railroad. The Cadillac business men's
association issued invitations to many prominent people along the
line from Toledo to Cadillac to a feast at that place at 4 o'clock p.
m. on the above day. Accordingly Mt. Pleasant guests to the number of
fourteen went to the T. & A. depot to join the excursion from
Toledo which was joined at dinner at Alma by about fifty
excursionists from off the T. A. A. C. road. The Mt. Pleasant party
were President Kane and councilmen Wetmore, Conlogue, Hicks, Clerk
Dains, G. L. Granger, M. Deveraux, F. W. Carr, Wm. N. Brown, H. H.
Graves, A. S. Coutant, Jnc. A. Harris and D. Redman. After waiting
patiently for four hours expecting to hear the welcome sound of the
whistle of the excursion train every minute, they were disappointed
on receiving a telegram that the afternoon train south was off the
track this side of Alma and that the excursion could not pass until
the wreck was cleared up. A fierce wind had blown all day and the
cuts were will filled with snow. The excursion left Alma at 9:30 in
the evening and had processed north to near Calkinsville. Here a tree
blown across the track caused another delay and several of the party
roused the farmers in the vicinity who brought them back to Mt.
Pleasant whence they took they took the early train south. It was
near morning when the excursionists reached the upper end. H. H.
Graves, we, hear is the only one of the Mt. Pleasant party who
ventured the trip.