Isabella County Enterprise Jan. 4, 1889
Army Corp.
Engineers contract No. 58, Frankfort harbor, placing three cribs on
stone foundation, George W. Crouter, Charlevoix, $8,595.
Isabella Country Enterprise Jan. 11, 1889
Wm. Pickard
and Mike Garvin have a $23,000 contract on the construction of the T.
& A. extension west of Cadillac.
The Saginaw Herald says: The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan railroad has about completed arrangements with the Detroit, Lansing & Northern for running through trains between East Saginaw and Detroit by way of Howell Junction. This will be six miles shorter than any other route between these points.
A freight train on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad broke in two while climbing "Urania Hill," south of Ann Arbor Tuesday. The rear half ran back at a terrific speed, crashing into a freight following. The fog was heavy, and the engineer and fireman couldn't see, but they jumped as the trains came together. The engine was badly damaged and the caboose and two coal and two box cars smashed. It made the noon mail train several hours late at Mt. Pleasant.
Owosso The Times January 11, 1889
Howell Republican: Parties who grumble because “a bonus” is often given for manufacturing industries are reminded that the pay roll of the T. & A. A. car shops of Owosso, an institution which that city gave $25,000 for, amounts to $8,000 per month. It was not a bad investment.
Owosso folks built 184 new house last year, and there isn't a vacant residence in the city. We envy Owosso this magnificent showing, because it is principally on account of her securing the T. & A. A. car shops which Howell might have had.
The T., A. A. & N. M. road earned $68,107 in December, an increase over the same month of 1887 of $20,564.
Owosso The Times January 18, 1889
Frankfort Express: A mixed train will be immediately placed on the T. & A. to make a round trip daily, between Cadillac and the Manistee river. Further operations for the winter have been suspended.
The Daily Argus News Jan. 21,
Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 20 – J. B. Bonnors, master of
transportation of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railway,
arrived in the city last night and stated that there is an alarming
spread of smallpox along the line of the road to Michigan. He
reported six cases at Dundee, Mich., twenty-two miles from Toledo,
seven at Azalia, a station seventy-seven miles distant, four at
Milan, thirty-one miles distant, and a more general spread at
Petersburg, a small station in Michigan on the Adrian branch of the
Lake Shore from Toledo to Chicago. He says a quarantine has been
established at Azalia, and persons who have not been exposed are not
allowed to get off trains and those who have been exposed are not
allowed to board them.
Clare Democrat Jan. 25, 1889
Passenger Train on the T., A. A. & N. M. Ditched and the Engine
Completely Demolished
Fortunately no Lives Were Lost, Through the
Passengers Received a Serve Shaking Up. -- The Engineer Severely But
not Seriously Injured
Last Monday, the south bound passenger
train on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad, due at
Clare at 1 o'clock a. m., was two or three minutes behind the
schedule time. The F. & F. P. train had pulled in at the depot,
and the crowd stood in waiting upon the platform for the T. & A.,
which was only a mile so distant, as could be by the smoke upon the
horizon above the tree tops. As the train neared the village and was
rounding the curve about 80 rods north of the depot, those in waiting
suddenly became aware that something unusual had happened. There was
a crash, and the noise and clouds of the escaping steam conveyed the
news that a serious, if not fatal accident had occurred. People
rushed for the spot.
A DEMOCRAT reporter was one of the
first to reach the scene. It took some time for the clouds of smoke
and steam to clear away before a view could be had of the position of
the engine. The balance of the train, consisting of a baggage car and
smoker combined and a passenger coach, had left the track, but
succeeded in retaining an upright position, and sustained no damage
excepting to the front end of the baggage car. It is needless to give
assurance that the passengers received a severe shaking up.
The engine was completely demolished. It looked as though it had
broken in twain, the front part of the tender leaving the track and
heading for the woods, apparently endeavoring to drag the engine with
it. The back of cab part was farthest out into the ditch, lying at an
right angle with the track. The engine was thrown over upon its left
side, puffing and groaning as through it was a living being,
realizing its direful position and fighting with the grim monster
with last breath. The reason of the engine leaving the track was to
all appearances caused by one of the rails at the switch springing
sufficiently to allow the flange of the wheel to strike the end of
the adjoining rail. The engine, No. 12, was in charge of Engineer
Waters, who promptly shut off the steam and applied the air brakes.
The train was under such motion that it ran the distance of 7 or 8
rods before it came to a halt. The engineer bravely hung to his post
of duty and it is one of the nicest marvelous streaks of good fortune
that he was not killed out right, may be thankful he escaped with
severe cuts about the head and face and bruises about arms and body.
The fireman, J. Sibbaid, who had made a leap for life, was the first
to his assistance and succeeded in extricating him from the debris
under which he was buried.
Passenger traffic was not delayed as
there was a switch above and below the wreck, allowing the trains to
sidetrack and pass. The wrecking car and crew arrive about 10:30
o'clock, and it was long onto the middle of the next night before the
debris was cleared away.
Everyone is thankful that the accident
was not more serious and was accompanied without loss of life.
Owosso The Times January 25, 1889
The Monday evening train on the T. & A. A. road jumped the track at Clare. No one was was inured except Engineer Waters.
Isabella County Enterprise Feb. 1, 1889
The selling of
week end tickets has been discontinued by all the railroads of the
state except the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan. This road
continues to use them thus furnishing their patrons with cheap
facilities for spending Sunday at home or with friends.
Lake George, a small station on the T. & A. a few miles out from Cadillac, takes its name from a lake of remarkably pure water, upon which it is situated. For the next few weeks, it will probably be the liveliest small town along the whole line of the road, scarcity of ice further south being the cause of it. Arrangements have been made for shipping out about forty carloads of ice daily. Two firms from Mt. Pleasant are building ice houses on the Lake shore, each with a capacity of 1,000 tons and Has. Ashley, Jr., is having erected a mammoth house with about 9,000 square feet floor capacity. This is to filled for shipments next summer. The ice is about eleven inches thick and is said to be of the very finest quality.
Adrian THE WEEKLY PRESS February 1, 1889
Miss Hattie Burt, daughter of Wellington R. Burt, was married in East Saginaw, Wednesday evening, to H. W. Ashley, general manager of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan road.
Owosso The Times February 8, 1889
Pay day on the T., A. A. Ry. Will here after be the 21st of each month.
Isabella County Enterprise Feb. 15, 1889
The Toledo, Ann
Arbor & North Michigan railroad company are shipping 40 car loads
of ice daily from Lake George, a beautiful spring lake thee miles
long near Farwell, to Toledo, Columbus and West Virginia.
Owosso The Times February 22, 1889
Saginaw Herald: J. M. Ashley, Jr., is negotiating for the right of way for T., A. A. & N. M. to Manistee, from which is now about 30 miles distant. He made a liberal offer to the Manistee & Northeastern railroad company for their logging road, which, if accept, will leave but eight miles to build. The road will be into Manistee early in spring.
Cadillac News: George Davis, chief engineer of the T. & A. railroad, is putting in full time and evenings at present, preparing for an unprecedented campaign of railroad building next spring. Next week George will start out on a sixty mile tramp through the woods, locating extensions and informing himself as to grades, right-of-way and other matters incidental to railroad building. He promises that railroad connections will be made with Manistee, Frankfort and Glen Arbor before the snow of another winter shall cover the land, but we don't believe he would cross his heart as to the latter connection. Mr. Davis estimates that there is not less than eight hundred million feet of pine timber tributary to T. & A. road, and at least three thousand million feet of hard wood.
Benzie Banner March 21, 1889
has a new depot, they say its a boom to the place. (Toledo, Ann Arbor
& Lake Michigan)
Pinckney Dispatch March 28, 1889
T., A, A, & N. M. agency and baggage men have supplied with neat
Corunna Journal March 28, 1889
Howell citizens propose to resist the payment of bonds issued to the T, A. A. & N. M. railroad company, and have employed Turner & Turner of Owosso to contest the matter in the courts.
The towns along the Durand & Saginaw railroad now get their main by railway service and the star route service has been discontinued.
It is reported at East Saginaw that the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Michigan railroad will throw up the Toledo, Saginaw and Mackinac railroad at the expiration of its lease, July 1, and that the Grand Trunk will buy the lease.
Work on the Chippewa Valley railroad is to be commenced at the earliest moment from Big Rapids east to Mt. Pleasant west. The cars are to be running within a year. The C. V. R. R. will connect at Mt. Pleasant with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern railroad. From Big Rapids the intention is to push on to Manistee.
Owosso The Times March 29, 1889
The Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon R. R. now distributes mail to all points on the line.
There is strong talk that about July 1st, when the T. & N, M. Ry. Co's. lease of the Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad expires, the road will change hands and that the T. & & A. A. will withdraw from the valley. It is quite probable the Grand Trunk will obtain possession of the road.
Benzie Banner April 11, 1889
people have long speculated as to the probability of Sherman being
made a station on the Toledo & Ann Arbor extension. The Cadillac
Democrat contains the following on the subject:
congratulate our fellow citizens of North Springville, Sherman
village and Wexford upon the fat, settled at last that they are to
have a railroad. The Lake Michigan extension of the T. A. A. & N.
M. Ry. Will traverse the townships named, touching the corner of
Section 1, North Springville, upon which section a part of the
village of Sherman is located. The only matter of regret it that the
survey comes no nearer than that to the village. As a condition to
the adoption of this route, the railroad people asked the right of
way and a bonus of $5,000, which was readily granted. Springville and
Wexford each giving $2,5000, and Sherman securing the land. Work will
begin immediately, will be pushed to an early completion. The line
runs north, from near Harrietta, through Springville and Wexford,
leaving the county somewhere on section 1, of the latter
The railroad number two will stretch across Benzie
County county within the next year is now almost a certainly. It has
been among the possibilities for some time, and prospects are growing
From an exchange we note:
The Manistee & North
Eastern railroad company has recently purchased steel rails enough to
lay fifteen miles of track, and they say they will have their road
built to the Bear Lake and Sherman state road by the first of May,
and to the Benzie county line by the first of July.
Wexford township decided by a two-thirds majority that they would help the T. & A. A. R. R.
Owosso The Times April 12, 1889
The TIMES extends congratulations to Fred Simpson, operator at the T. & A. depot upon his promotion to train dispatcher at Toledo.
Owosso Council ordinance to allow installing track on Cass street to connect with Michigan Central tracks.
Benzie Banner April 18, 1889
soon expects to have five new (charcoal)coal kilns.
The New York Times April 27,
Detroit, Mich., April 26 – President Ashley's
annual report of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway
shows the gross earnings for the year to have been $687,579.01,
operating expenses $433,392.11, net earnings $254,186.90. During the
year property valued at $75,000 was acquired at Owosso, and the iron
with which the road was originally laid was replaced with fifty-six
pound steel rails. It is the intention of the company to occupy the
territory west and north of Cadillac, and when the system is complete
it will consist of 460 miles of road, crossing every trunk line in
Michigan. At the Lake Michigan terminus a large iron plant will be
established for the manufacture of charcoal pig iron from Escanaba
The New York Times May 2, 1889
Howell, Mich., May 1 – The north bound train on the
Toledo and Ann Arbor Road had just passed a point three miles north
of this place, about 9 o'clock last night, when the track immediately
in the wake of the train sunk fully five feet below its former level
for a distance of half a mile. It has been necessary to transfer
passenger around the sunken section of track today, and freight
traffic has been stopped. The connection will be re-established
around the breach by tomorrow morning. Similar trouble has occurred
in the vicinity before. It is attributed to quicksand.
Owosso The Times May 3, 1889
the Cadillac Express.
The morning was clear and bright after a night's rain last Friday when a special train bearing E. A. Todd, of Owosso, and I. A. Faucher, of Mt. Pleasant, directors of the Lake Michigan division of the Toledo & Ann Arbor road, with J. M. Ashley, vice president and J.C. Carland, superintendent made a run out to the terminus of the extension's present completion. Running along the very edge of Big Clam lake the road is graded an air line for a few miles through high and low ground until the new station of Boon is reached. Near here is one of the prettiest curves on any part of the entire road. Boon Is being rapidly settled. More people are there now than there are roofs to cover. With the high range of hills on either side beyond this place it is easy to see why an air line here was impracticable. Beyond Henrietta, another vigorous, rapidly growing timber town, the road enters a forest of hardwood, extending for more than nine miles square of solid beech and maple — one of the finest pieces of hardwood timber In the state. The track is laid about three miles west of Henrietta, and from there to the Manistee river a force of over 600 men with teams are at work at different points. The road is well graded, passes through some fine farming land and has every sign of creating new life and enterprise in the section through which it runs. "On to Frankfort" is the present purpose of its managers.
Benzie Banner May 9, 1889
Picturesque Prophecy.
A map of the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
North Michigan railway, issued a few days ago by the passenger
department of that road, indulges in a picturesque prophecy, by
showing the road completed to Glen Arbor, in Leelanau county, with
branches to Frankfort and Manistee. Harrietta, the new-born town,
about twenty miles west of Cadillac, is made the junction for the
branches to Manistee and Frankfort, while Cadillac appears as only an
ordinary station on the long line. The Traverse City Herald of
this week, says that a definite proposition has been made to that
city, to run the “T. & A.” there, too, but the new
map gives no intimation of the company's intention in that respect,
as it does respecting the other towns mentioned. [Cadillac News and
Pinckney Dispatch May 9, 1889
C. Van Amburg of place received the appointment for U. S. postal
clerk yesterday, his route to be over the T. & A. from Toledo to
Cadillac. At a salary of $800 per year. [Brighton Argus]
The Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad are experiencing considerable trouble at the old “sink hole” about four miles north of here. The track sunk about twelve feet Tuesday night. At present all trains run as near the “sink” as possible when the baggage, express, etc., is transferred in wagons to the train waiting on the opposite side, and passengers can either pick their way around the march on foot or ride in a wagon a distance by road of about one mile. Work in filling up the hole is being pushed as rapidly as possible.[Livingston Republican]
Owosso The Times May 10, 1889
A map of the T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Recently issued by the passenger department, indulges in picturesque prophecy, showing the road complete to Glen Arbor, Leelenaw county.
A Stretch of Railroad Sinks
The north-bound train on the Toledo & Ann Arbor road had just passed a point three miles north of Howell the other night when the track in the wake of the train sank fully five feet below its former level for distance of half a mile mile. It had been necessary since to transfer passengers around the sunken section of track and freight traffic was stopped. Similar trouble had occurred in the vicinity before. It was attributed to quicksand.
Owosso The Times May 17, 1889
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan is continually trying to please its patrons. Its latest move is to place a reclining chair car on the road.
Benzie Banner May 23, 1889
Cadillac dispatch to the Grand Rapids Herald says: “Work
is about to be commenced on the bridge to cross the Manistee river
for the extension of the T., A. A. & N. M. railroad. The road
will go within one and a-half miles of Sherman. At this point there
is to be a water tank and probably a station, as most of the freight
and passenger traffic to and from Sherman will undoubtedly go this
way, being a shorter haul by several miles than from Manton on the G.
R. & I., the way the traffic now goes in. Commencing this week a
mixed train will be run regularly three times per week to Harrietta
and return. This road is opening up some good country and towns that
have started are growing rapidly.”
The “Ann Arbor” has just added another accommodation for the traveling public which pleases Wexford county people immensely. It is a parlor car service, the privileges of which one can enjoy, by paying ten cents extra fare, from Cadillac to Toledo or between any stations on the line. The scheme will doubtless prove very popular.
Owosso The Times May 24, 1889
The T. & N. M. pay car will visit Owosso on the 21st of each month hereafter.
Owosso The Times May 31, 1889
James Prendergart, switchman at the T. & A. A. yard injured.
Benzie Banner June 6, 1889
president of the T. & A. has received his reward. A new street in
Harriette has been named Ashley avenue. The T. & A. branch runs
within a mile and a half of Sherman, and a “spur” to run
to the village is asked for by the people. Harriette is not spelled
“Harrietta” as almost every newspaper prints it. It's a
new town but has pride enough to wish.
The Pinckney Dispatch June 6,
Sherman will have a boom. The T. A. A. & L. M.
railroad will pass within a mile of that place and a spur will run to
the village.
Owosso The Times June 7, 1889
The T. A. A, & N. M. Ry. Co. will transport provisions and clothing in boxes to Johnstown, Pa., free, account of the Johnstown suffers. Boxes to be addressed to proper parties.
Benzie Banner June 13, 1889
a vote of 60 to 1 the people of Sherman decided to bond the village
$5,000 for public improvements. This means that the T. & A. track
will extend up into the village by means of a spur. Sherman people,
by this act, cast their bread upon their waters, and it is most
probable they will find it again before many days.
Owosso The Times July 12, 1889
Bancroft Advertiser: This afternoon, the electric warning bell was placed in position at the railroad crossing on Shiawassee Ave. Of it merits we are unable to say, as it has not been in use long enough to judge correctly.
Benzie Banner Aug. 1, 1889
City offers the Ashley's $25,000 to bring the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
Northern road to that place. Going to do it? You bet. That amount of
money will coax that road around almost anywhere. [Detroit Journal]
Owosso The Times August 2, 1889
The biggest job on the extension of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & lake Michigan railroad will be be “Dingman's fill,” up in Wexford county, over Newton creek. It is the deepest in the state, being 90 feet from bottom to the top of the grade, nearly 2,000 feet in length and will cost $40,000.
Benzie Banner Aug. 8, 1889
biggest job on the extension of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Lake
Michigan railroad will be “Dingman's fill,” in this
county, over Newton creek. It is the deepest in the state, being 90
feet from the bottom to the top of the grade, the base covering 1,500
feet in width. The fill is nearly 2,000 feet in length and will cost
$30,000. [Cadillac Democrat]
The New York Times Aug. 27,
General Manager Ashley of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Road says that papers were made out and signed in Toledo
Saturday by which the road will purchase what is known as the Saginaw
Construction Company's Durand Branch. It will be transferred when the
construction company shall complete the extension to Oaatka Beach,
twenty miles north of East Saginaw.
The Owosso American Aug. 28,
The Excursion to Whitmore Lake
Lake Whitmore is
located on the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. 52 miles south of
The excursion to Whitmore Lake last Sunday to the employes
of the T. A. A., and their families was largely attended, there being
three train loads at the lake, one each from Toledo, Cadillac and
Saginaw. The train pulled out of Owosso accompanied by the K. T.
Band, Owosso Browns B. B. C. and a large number of employees about
ten o'clock with the heavily loaded coaches and engine 24 with Jesse
Darling at the throttle and Herman Rosenkrans as fireman. The engine
was beautifully and tastily trimmed with flags, and bunting, also a
combination car well covered with evergreens, flags and bunting, the
work of Mr. Chas. Pillens foreman of the roundhouse. On each side of
the car in large letters was the word “Owosso,” and on
one side of the same care a fine portrait 7x6 feet, of Jame M.
Ashley, Sr., president of the road, finely encircled in evergreens.
Above the painting were the words “Our Employer,” and at
the bottom it read: “Long May he Live.” This painting was
by the “great and only Bedford;” and was fine piece of
The train arrived at Whitmore about one o'clock where two
trains had already arrived, and immediately the vast crowd made a
rush for the seats in the orchard surrounding the lake, where the
lunch baskets were quickly opened, and the hungry tourists devoured
their contents with eagerness.
About three o'clock the Owosso
Browns and the Ann Arbor base ball club played an interesting game of
ball with a large crowd in attendance, and not withstanding some bad
decisions by the umpire, the Browns came off victorious by a score of
9 to 8. About six o'clock the train started homeward all feeling that
they had a good time notwithstanding the very hot weather.
It was
estimated that 2,000 persons were in attendance at the lake. Seeming
the only unhappiness that was met by excursionists was the emptiness
of the water tanks in the coaches. This over sight however, was
explained to us by the local agent, and right here let us say that
company can justly feel Proud of their Owosso hustling station agent.
(no pun intended) Manager H. W. Ashley and wife, J. B. Connors Master
Transportation, W. H. Bennett Gen't Freight Agent and other officials
were in attendance. Mr. A. Stevens proprietor of the Lake House, has
nice shady picnic grounds adjoining the lake and has first-class
hotel in every respect. Engineer Pete Reinert of No. 26, was
proud of the ornament that decorated his pilot when the photograph of
the engine was taken. Engineer Darling of No. 24 might well feel
proud of his engine as it presented a “dandy” appearance.
Engineer Jim Garetson of No. 8 had his engine nicely decorated. The
three engines were photographed at Whitmore Lake. Master of
Transportation J. B. Connors played first base in the ball game, and
is a good player. Owosso is always glad to the T. & A. A.,
prosper and thinks the officials are gentlemen in every sense of the
word, but they “can't play ball.”
Owosso The Times August 30, 1889
The T, & A. A. R. R. will bring all freights from points in Shiawassee county to Owosso for the county fair at one rate. Full freight will be paid coming to Owosso and free freight on returning home.
Owosso The Times September 6, 1889
The T. & A. A. road are building 200 freight cars at Lafayette, Ind., beside a number at Michigan Car Works.
The Ann Arbor road has arranged to have a cold storage house built on their property just north of the track. Mr. Dudley is the gentleman who will have charge of it when completed. The building will cost about $5,000.
Mr. Galloway, the master mechanic of the T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Co. informs us that they are contemplating the erection of a two story brick to be used as general offices for those officials who are directly connected with the equipment and operating force of the road. This building will be of brick, two stories high, about 40x60. It is expected the building will be ready to occupy in about 60 days. This will bring to Owosso the master of transportation, car accountant, supervisor of bridges, road master and others.
Benzie Banner Sept. 12, 1889
“What's To Be Is To Be,” But
Northern is Not Much Wiser on the Subject than it was Some Months
The improvement committee of the village of Frankfort are
Negotiating with manager Ashley, of the Toledo & Ann Arbor
railroad and Mr. Lee Burt, of Detroit, proposing to give the latter
$30,000 to erect a new iron furnace at that place. This, it is
stated, will assure the T., A. A. & N. M. railroad extension to
Frankfort and give that town a permanent boom. [Cadillac
This is correct, with one exception. However, if
all things work together for good we will excess the grammatical
The present indications are that the T. & A. A.
railroad will go into Manistee over the Douglas road, and that both
companies will be interested in the building of thee Manistee and
Northeastern road from the Junction in Cleon northward. [Sherman
Chief Engineer J. J. Hubbell, of the M. & N.
E., disclaims all knowledge of the story that the Ann Arbor folks
have leased the Buckley & Douglas line and he does no think such
a termination of affairs at all probable. So don't depend too much on
The T. & A. road has fifteen men engaged in surveying a route into Benzie county. On Wednesday morning they were on section four, Springdale township, were headed this way, and were making rapid progress. The road may not touch Benzonia, but it will lake Frankfort its lake port terminus, without a doubt. Keep your eye on the plan of operation.
Owosso The Times September 13, 1889
The T. A. A. & N. M. are extending their tunnel 200 feet at Howell. Is This an attempt to cater to gushing picnic parties or will they the lamps as the train goes through?
Benzie Banner Sept. 19, 1889
Toledo & Ann Arbor is securing the right of way through Gilmore
township. This will lead the road into South Frankfort, and rumor has
it that the depot and round house will be located at a point near the
east end of the bridge.
The Pinckney Dispatch September 19,
The T. A. A. & N. M. R'y company have purchased the
Durand branch to Saginaw. The Ashley's expect to have under their
control 360 miles of track between Toledo and Lake Michigan before
Jan. 1st next.[South Lyon Excelsior]
Benzie Banner Sept.26, 1889
late for insertion last week interesting notes on railroad matters
were received at this office for publication. Just how affairs will
terminate is not definitely known as yet, but it is confidently
expected that before winter is here Benzie county will have railway
connection direct with Toledo, over the F. & S. E. and T. A. A. &
N.M. The Ashley road, extending some distance beyond Sherman, in this
direction,will be pushed through to the center of the southeast
section (number 36) of Weldon township, and there connect with F. &
S. E., now building to that point, and the two roads will combine in
transportation. This is the same rumor that so pleased us some months
ago and proved groundless, but the prospects are that this time there
will be no backward move in the arrangements. This information is not
official, but be relied upon, we think. The Ashleys have been in
Frankfort again,during the past two weeks, negotiating with the
officers of our road, with this object in view.
(Frankfort) The T. & A.A. Engineer is here, surveying a track on Chandler's land to south side harbor pier.
(South Frankfort) The T. & A. A. surveyors are here. The route from William Gray's runs north of the road, though mush of the way it follows it closely. Then it turns to the north to miss the cemetery, then follows the edge of the swamp until it reaches the west end of the bridge when it passes down Main street to Banks' old store building, and stops somewhere near that place.
The statement of Frankfort correspondent last week, that the depot and round house would be at the east end of the bridge must have been a typographical error.
Benzie Banner Oct. 3, 1889
that the Toledo road is to use the F. & S.E. Road to run to
Frankfort this winter, would it not be advisable to have the mails
carried by trains, thereby saving one day in time, and get the
Detroit mail the same day it is started.
The iron is laid on the T. & A., to the east line of Cleon township.
The T. & A. are making a new survey of their proposed extension from the junction on section 7, in Cleon, to South Frankfort. It runs a little north of west and crosses all the northern tier of sections in the township of Springdale, thence it takes a northwesterly course to destination.
On Monday last a bargain was consummated between the managers of the T.& A. and the Frankfort & Southeastern railroad by which the gap of about 2 and half, between the junction of the T. & A., with M. & N. E. and the present terminus of the F. & S. E, will be built at once and the Ashley road will run into Frankfort over the F. & S. E. until they can complete their line to South Frankfort, which will probably be accomplished by next fall. It is expected that by this arrangement the T. & A. willing be running to Frankfort by November 1.
Owosso The Times October 4, 1889
Mr. McGuire, for five years station agent at St. Louis, succeeds Mr. Proud as T. & A. station agent in Owosso.
Benzie Banner Oct. 10, 1889
Cleon correspondent says: The first steel rail lain across the county
into Manistee county, on the T. & A., September 20, 11:10 a. m.
N. M. RYS.
The T., A. A. & N. M. Ry., ever on alert to
please the traveling public will after October 1st make no
extra charge for seats in their elegant palace chair cars. They will
after that date be run on trains No. 1 and 6 between Toledo and
Clare, instead of trains No. 2 and 3 as heretofore. W. H. Bennett, G.
P. A.
Arganut Oct. 19, 1889
Owosso The Times October 18, 1889
Said that the T. & A. A. road will run into Frankfort by November first.
Benzie Banner Oct. 31, 1889
the Cadillac News and Express
It has been promised by
manager H. A. Ashley, of the T. & A. , that passenger and local
trains on the north end of that road will be timed as to benefit
Cadillac trade to a greater extent than do the trains on the south
division of the road. The trains will be so run that persons residing
along the line, even so far from Cadillac as Benzie and Manistee
counties, will be able to come to this city in the afternoon and
return in the afternoon, with several hours between trains to
transact business. The management of the T. & A. seems willing to
consult the interests of Cadillac at every opportunity, and their
friendly favor should be remembered.
The Little Burg Promises to be Booming
Town, and its Location is Given Below – Railroad Notes from All
Along the Line for the benefit of Banner Readers.
From the
Manistee Advocate:
Have you ever heard of Copemish? Well,
if you have not, you ate going to hear of it, and hear of it often,
too, if you expect to live in this section of the country. It's a
brand new town, located at the junction on the Manistee and
Northeastern railroad, with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Lake Michigan
railroad, in the northeast corner of section 18, town, 24 north,
range 13 west, in Cleon township, near the northeastern corner of
Manistee county.
The new town is situated in the heart of the best
farming country in this section; both the Manistee & Northeastern
railroad and Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern railroad officials are
interested in its prosperity, so there is hardly a doubt but it has
come to stay,and be a prosperous community.
It is definitely decided now that the Toledo, Ann Arbor &
Northeastern will build their road to connect with the Frankfort &
South Easter, and is almost certain Henry Starke will extend his road
to the junction at Copemish; this will make quite a railroad town.
Already W. R. Smith, of Manistee,has a nice hotel built there, and we
expect before snow flies it will be a busy, bustling town. The
following diagram may give some idea how the town is located as
regards the railroads:
In speaking of Copemish, the Cadillac News
and Express says:
The next station on the T., A. A. & L. M. R.
R., beyond the growing town of Harriette, which will probably be of
importance, is Copemish, the Indian name for beech City, the
significance of which is very apt,, as the new town is located in the
midst of a heavy growth of beech and hardwood. It will be the
junction of the Lake Michigan branch of the T. & A., and the
Manistee & Northeastern, the latter being the old Buckley &
Douglas road. The new town lies forty-five miles east of Cadillac and
twenty-three miles from Manistee, and a settlement and growth at that
point is expected to be rapidly made.
the Ann Arbor road was extended beyond Cadillac, Boon has had an
existence. The following items from that town we find in the Cadillac
Gardner's mill has been running day and night the
past week.
Mr. Matevia has six coal kilns in use. Another is
nearly completed and three more are to be built.
The contract for
building the new school house was let to A. A. Hardy for $469. The
building is to be 26 x 40.
The frame of Mr. Ross' feed and flour
store is up.
The Rev. Mr. Stamp preached to a well-filled house
Sunday night last. It is well suggest to the friends that they bring
blocks of wood to sit as the seating capacity is limited.,
Owosso The Times November 1, 1889
Durand Express: Work has actually been commenced on the new depot. The baggage room will be move 20 feet west, leaving a space of 40 feet between it and the old depot, which will be filled by an an addition the width of the old part, making a waiting room, opening into the baggage room which will also be enlarged. The change will be an improvement in the accommodations, but will hardly add to the beauty of the premises.
Benzie Banner Nov. 7, 1889
Ann Arbor & North Michigan railway company to Farmers' Loan and
Trust company of New York, a “consolidated mortgage” –
10,000 bonds for $1,000 each, payable January 1, 1940, “in gold
coin of the U. S. A. of the present standard weight and fineness, “
with interest at 8 per cent, payable semi-annually, in like coin,
recorded in Lucas county, O., also in the following counties in
Michigan: Monroe, Washtenaw, Livingston, Genesee, Shiawassee,
Clinton, Gratiot, Isabelle, Clare, Osceola, Wexford, Manistee,
Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Saginaw, Bay.
The Pinckney Dispatch November 7,
Prominent citizens of Ypsilanti are negotiating with
Toledo & Ann Arbor road for an extension of that road through
Ypsilanti to Belleville.
Sumner Shaw Thompson, president of the Frankfort & Southeastern railroad, died in Frankfort recently. His remains were sent to Lyndon, Vt., for interment. Mr. Thompson was one the oldest railroad builders in the United States, and a heavy stockholder in the Canadian Pacific, Vermont Central and a dozen other eastern roads. He was president of the First National Bank of St. Johnsbury, Vt. His estate is estimated as worth $7,000,000.
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan earned $99,108.78 during the month of October this year, an increase of $26,064.26. The road is under the best of management and its importance can be best be judged for the comparison of its earnings to a large extent, and although two heavy locomotives and 150 box cars were added last week, the lack of both coaches and freight cars is still great. Five more locomotives, 300 flats and 200 box cars are already ordered and six passenger coaches are building. The Ann Arbor's success is phenomenal.[Ann Arbor Courier]
Benzie Banner Nov. 14, 1889
and Frankfort were connected by rail during the early part of this
week, but not until next Monday will regular trains commence running.
Through trains will not be run, it having been so arranged that each
company will use its own track and transfer passengers and local
freight at Copemish.
The Detroit Evening News wishes itself a heavy stock holder in the Ashley railroad, no doubt. It says: “With a $10,000,000 mortgage on its back the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad is pretty well saddled. However, terminal facilities at Toledo and on Lake Michigan, with a line of steamers across the lake, will put the road into shape to make money.
Sherman Pioneer: J. C. Carland, the hustling superintendent of construction on the T. & A. extension, says he will have cars running into Frankfort by the 15th of November. He has now laid about thirty miles of new rails this summer over the most difficult and expensive portion of the whole line from Toledo to Frankfort. This makes over a hundred miles of road built by the company since two years ago last June, and nearly all the road runs through a timbered country, thus opening up to market millions of dollars' worth of material which heretofore had been comparatively worthless. Our people as yet do not begin to realize the advantages this road is going to be to them, but in less than a year they will see results that will surprise them.
Owosso The Times November 8, 1889
T. & AA. A. R. R.
On and after date, our, train No. 1 will make immediate connection at Manhattan Junction with train No. 7, on the Wheeling & Lake Erie railway, which is now made a fast train to all principal points on the Baltimore and Ohio, arriving in Washington D. C. at 10:30 a. m., Baltimore 11:30 a. M. the following morning; Philadelphia and New York the same afternoon. This Train makes the fastest time of any train ever run between Michigan, Washington and Baltimore.
Isabella Country Enterprise Nov. 15,
The T. & A. placed on record the week in the county
register's office a mortgage for $ 10,000,000. This, the document
says, is to refund the sole of the former debt of $5,040,000 and
secure funds for building boats, docks and wharves at Frankfort and
Escanaba. The T. & A. proposes to have a share in the iron trade
of the upper peninsula.
Owosso The Times November 15, 1889
All lines of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railway Company have been consolidated and a $10,000,000 mortgage to the Farmers Loan & Trust Company of New York, covering all the road and its branches, is being recorded in the Register off deeds offices in the counties though which the road runs. This mortgage run 50 years, bears 5 per cent interest, and is given to provide for the purchase of Toledo, Ann Arbor & Lake Michigan Railway, the establishment of a line of steamers and barges across Lake Michigan, and for the construction of docks and terminals on Lake Michigan and at Toledo, O. The equipment of the company, according to statements set forth in the document, consist of 41 locomotives, 39 passenger and baggage cars, 1,250 freight cars, with a complement of cabooses, etc., which cost $927,000, repair shops at Owosso, Mich., including 22 acres of land, a round house for 40 locomotives, car shops, etc., which cost $140,000.
The Toledo & North Michigan earned $89,108.78 during October, and increase of $26,064.52. The road is under the best management and its importance can best be judged from the comparison of its earnings as given. It, too, has shared in the car famine to a large extent, and although two heavy locomotive and 150 box cars have been received this week, the lack of both coaches and freight cars is still great. Five more locomotives, 300 flat and 200 box cars are already ordered and six passenger coaches are building.
Isabella Country Enterprise Nov. 22, 1889
Local mail now
leaves on the T. & A. at 4:35 instead of on the early morning
train south.
T. & A. trains now run Nos. 2 and 3 to Copemish to connect for Frankfort and Nos. 1 and 4 only to and from Clare.
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railway company has ordered five new locomotives, 300 flat cars, 200 box cars and six more passenger coaches.
The last rail has been laid on the Frankfort & Southeastern road, which connects at Copemish with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern.
Isabella Country Enterprise Nov. 29, 1889
Regular rail
communication has been established between Cadillac and Frankfort.
The last rail on the Frankfort & Southeastern and the Toledo, Ann
Arbor & Lake Michigan roads having been laid Nov. 20.
Owosso The Times November 29, 1889
Work has been commenced on the new building to be used as dispatchers and transportation office of the T. & A. A. Ry. The building will be one story high, 24x50 feet, located east of the depot.
The T. A. A. & N. M. railway has been completed to Frankfort. The morning train train north, leaving Toledo at 6, a. m., passing Owosso at 10:15, reaching Frankfort at 5:40 p. m., the distance is 298.9 miles. South the morning train leaves Frankfort at 7:50, reaches Cadillac at 10:50, stops over there until 1:50 p. m., passes Owosso at 6:60, and reaches Toledo at 11:15. A train also leaves Toledo at 3:25, p. m., passes Owosso at 8, reaching Clare at 10:45. A train also leaves Clare at 5:30 a. m. reaching Frankfort at 11, leaves Frankfort at 2:50, p. m. reaching Clare at 8:40, leaving Clare at 8:15, a. m. passes Owosso at 9:10, and reaches Toledo 1:10, p. m. This line is as well equipped as any road in the state and is doing a fine business. It is and has been of much value to the business interests of Owosso, and all of our people are more than pleased that its success is assured.
The Pinckney Dispatch December 5,
The new T., A. A. & N. M. depot at Ann Arbor is
nearly finished.
W. R. Burt has given his son-in-law's railroad, the T. A. A. & N. M., a contract to haul 18,000 car loads of salt (Saginaw Valley) at the rate of 100 per day.
The passenger station, freight house and water tank of the T., A. A. & N. M. at this place, are to be removed from their present location to a point east of the tunnel, near Hubbell St., to relieve the company of the expense of keeping a regular flag man at that place. The present comfortable appearing building will be torn down, and a frame structure erected instead. The work will be commenced early in the spring. General Manager was in the city a few days since and these facts are attributed to his visit. By his proposition the company propose to bulldoze the corporation into removing the flagman. Not much.[Howell Livingston Herald]
Owosso The Times December 6, 1889
Gates have been put in at the T. A. A. crossing on Washington street.
Owosso The Times December 20, 1889
The gates at the T. & A. A, Washington street crossing will be operated from a house near the street, built for that purpose.