The Evening Argus Jan. 1, 1896
In spite of the cold weather and storm, the work of rebuilding the Ann Arbor shops is progressing night and day. The heavy wind of yesterday blew down a row of studing which were in place.
Benzie Banner Jan. 2 , 1896
Mr. Cheney, of Owosso, accompanied by his wife and son were Christmas visitors in this place. Mr. Cheney is the man that built the depot here and made many friends while here. He has the |contract for building a new depot at Yuma.
Benzie Banner Jan. 2 , 1896
The dam of the Tobacco River Milling Co., and the Hubbell bridge, at Clare, were carried away by the freshet. The loss is about $6,000. Considerable damage has been done to the Ann Arbor railway road bed.
Benzie Banner Jan. 2 , 1896
The state railroad crossing board has approved the map of the new and more direct route of the Ann Arbor road into Alma, it was opposed by t h e D.. L. & N. railroad and the village of St Louis, but to no purpose.
Benzie Banner Jan. 2 , 1896
The Ann Arbor Railroad Co has a a large force of men working night and day rebuilding the burned shop at Owosso.
Benzie Banner Jan. 2 , 1896
Car ferry No. 2. lost her wheel Monday. A diver was sent for and a vigor search begun which lasted till Friday it was found. The powerful tug had been sent for came Friday towed the disabled ferry to Milwaukee where she will go on to the dock for repairs.
Owosso Times Jan. 3, 1896
The state railroad crossing board has approved the map of the new and more direct route of the Ann Arbor railway into Alma.
Benzie Banner Jan. 9, 1896
Captain Wm. Robertson is sailing Ann Arbor No. 2.
Benzie Banner Jan. 9, 1896
Passenger cars are running to North Frankfort for the present .
Owosso Times Jan. 10, 1896
Seven Ann Arbor freight cars were tipped into Lake Michigan, Sunday, by one of of the transfer boats. The loss will amount to several thousand dollars, above the insurance on the goods in the cars.
Isabella County Enterprise Jan. 10, 1896
The Ann Arbor company recently purchased from the Pullman company 750 box cars of 60,000 pounds capacity •each. They are all fitted with the patent automatic coupler and air brakes
Isabella County Enterprise Jan. 10, 1896
H. E. Riggs has resigned the position of chief engineer of the Ann Arbor and the department as separate from that of roadway and structures is abolished. J. J. Kirby is appointed assistant general passenger agent, with office at Toledo. He will perform such duties connected with the passenger department as may be assigned to him from time to time by the general passenger agent.
New York Times Jan. 11, 1896
George B. Parke, who has been in the service of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Road sine 1878, has retired from his post as Treasurer, the Treasurer's Department having been removed to New York.
The Evening Argus Jan. 13, 1896
The authorities of the Ann Arbor road are evidently expecting more before spring. The agents along the line north of Owosso, were today each presented with a new snow shovel.
Owosso Times Jan. 17, 1896
Despite the unfavorable since the burning of the Ann Arbor shops, the new machine and carpenter shops, 48x96 feet, located a little west and north of the place of the recent fire, is up and enclosed, and nearly ready for the machinery. The walls of the repair, or wrecking shop, 66x100 feet, and located on the site of the old shop, are up and will soon be be ready for the roof, which will be of a style wholly unknown in this state, and very little used in this country. It is known in the the old country as the “factory roof.” Through it the principal light of the the building is admitted. It is to to be hoped that the city will be prompt in affording the fire protection that Manager Ashley asked for. His request was a reasonable one.
Isabella County Enterprise Jan. 17, 1896
W. B. Burt is out as receiver of the Ann Arbor Railway Co., but as he is in as director, and has been made president oi the road, with H. W. Ashley as general superintendent, he will probably guide its destinies for some time to come. The road has put on 500 new box cars, which have been delivered and paid for, and by next fall will be as well ballasted, and as well equipped in every way, as any railroad in the state. It is to be one of t h e roads of the nation—that’s its destiny.—[Ann Arbor Courier.]
The Evening Argus Jan. 21, 1896
The window sash have been place in position in the new mill shop of the Ann Arbor road. The erecting shop is ready for the skylights. Tracks are being laid in it on the which to receive the cars to be repaired.
The Evening Argus Jan. 21, 1896
The Ann Arbor road has so far received 600 new box cars from the Pullman shops. The Pullman company will not recommence work on finishing the order until after February 17, it having a large order for the Pennsylvania railroad, which must be rushed. The Ann Arbor road is still to receive 125 box cars and 25 furniture cars.
The Evening Argus Jan. 21, 1896
Cables are arranged and fixed for the transfer boats at the Ann Arbor shops, which, it is believed, will obviate any further possibility of the cars sliding off the transfer boats. The cable will be attached to the stem of the boats. It will be passed over the cars and underneath, so that if the present fastening should become loose it would still hold the cars.
Benzie Banner Jan. 23, 1896
Wreckage of barrels of flour and tubs of butter, from the cars lost by the car ferry, was sighted last week and the sea gulls are feasting on the butter from broken tubs afloat.
Benzie Banner Jan. 23, 1896
Friday, when the tug Canfield was towing car ferry No. 1. into the harbor the big boat got started before the tug could get away and struck the tug on the side nearly resulting in a serious accident by swamping it. Result, a broken rail.
Owosso Times Jan. 24, 1896
Byron Herald: The Ann Arbor R'y Co. has purchased 10 acres of land south of the depot at Byron, for the purpose of obtaining gravel, and will have a large force of men working on the job the coming summer.
Owosso Times Jan. 24, 1896
The Ann Arbor road is building a 20x40 foot freight house at Durand.
The Evening Argus Feb. 3, 1896
Ann Arbor Officials are With Owosso, and Their Interest Here
General Manager Ashley, of the Ann Arbor road, has introduced a new feature in railroad business that can well imitated by other roads. It is a monthly inspection. Not by having his private attached to a special engine or through passenger train, but by its being attached to the local freight, stopping at every station. This enables a thorough inspection to be made.
General manager Ashley with President W. R. Burt, arrived in the city last evening, and the “Wolverine” laid in the yards until this morning, when it was attached to the local freight going north. President Burt returned to Saginaw on the morning train. Superintendent Bradley, Train master Fohey and Master Mechanic Tawse accompanied Mr. Ashley on his tour north.
During President Burt's stay in Owosso he expressed himself to the ARGUS as much pleased with the city. He made special inquiry as to how the furniture factories were running. He thought the town would always be a good one, and continue to grow. He took much interest in the new shops, and the novel roof of the erecting shop which gives light and air from the north. “It is poor economy,” he said, “for manufacturers or employers of labor to give their employees poor light. I think money invested in giving good light in factories , workshops and offices is the profitable investment that can be made.”
The Evening Argus Feb. 3, 1896
General Manager Ashley was much pleased with the progress made with the new shops. They are much better than the old one which burned. Some of the machinery has arrived, and the balance will be on hand in a few days. Mr. The Ashley looked over yards very carefully this morning. He said the night trains with sleepers would be put on about May 1st.
The Owosso Times Feb. 7, 1896
The machine shop of the Ann Arbor shops has been wired with larger wire and new incandescents of 110 volts resistance and sixteen candle power are now used. The larger wire is used so that more lights may be added to the circuit. The carpenter shop is rapidly nearing completion and the wrecking building is well under way. Four large racks for casting are are also being built to replace those destroyed by the fires. These rack are out-of-doors and have several capable of holding tons of castings. Three locomotives are undergoing reconstruction and some newly painted passenger cars grace the yards.
The Evening Argus Feb. 14, 1896
The Ann Arbor road sent two chair and two passenger cars to Ann Arbor today. They will be used tonight in conveying the extra exclusive members of the Palladium fraternities and their ladies to the ball to be given in Toledo. The cars were prepared with great care, and are as neat and clean as human hands can make them.
Isabella County Enterprise Feb. 14, 1896
Union township has paid off all her railroad bonds for constructing the Ann Arbor. They amounted to $7,250. The township has raised a portion each year for four years and are now well rid of the burden.
The Evening Argus Feb. 24, 1896
Four of the Ann Arbor engines have been armed with steel snow plows to combat the snow.
Owosso Times Feb. 28, 1896
John Tawse, an employee in the Ann Arbor shops, has devised a labor saving device for setting valves. Heretofore it has been the custom to to use a lever and move or “pinch” the locomotive backward and forward until the valve exactly covered the port holes in the steam chest. Mr. Tawse has the engine raised on jacks and places under the driving wheel a pair of friction rollers set in a frame and turned by a ratchet. The driving wheel wheel rests on the friction rollers and and is easily whirled into position. Mr. Tawes is receiving many congratulations for his ingenuity.
Owosso Times Feb. 28, 1896
Tuesday morning the water supply piping of the Ann Arbor shops broke and the machine hands were laid off for two hours until it was repaired.
The Evening Argus Feb 29, 1896
John White, the civil engineer, left this morning for Toledo on business. He had charge of the work of straightening the Ann Arbor track at Hamburg Junction last year, and it is probable that he will work for the company again this year.
The Evening Argus Feb. 29, 1896
A ton of the fine creamery butter washed ashore from the cars that slipped off the Ann Arbor car ferry in Lake Michigan has been received at the E. F. Dudley creamery. Considerable more butter came ashore, but the natives knew a good thing when they saw it and confiscated the butter in perfect condition. The company settled with the Minnesota owners for 10,000 pounds at 20 cents a pound.
New York Times March 1, 1896
Reports have been current for some time that the Flint and Pere Marquette would gain an entrance in to Toledo over the Ann Arbor. The fact is now officially announced by General Manager Crapo of the Flint and Pere Marquette and General Manager Ashley of the Ann Arbor. All of the details have been perfected, and as soon as the new tracks can be laid the Flint and Pere Marquette will run the trains into Toledo. The Flint and Pere Marquette has secured a perpetual right over all of the Ann Arbor Terminals.
The Evening Argus March 4, 1896
Ann Arbor car ferry No. 1 went into dry in Chicago yesterday, where it will receive a general overhauling. A lot of special repairs for the boat were sent to Chicago by express last evening.
The Ann Arbor roadway department is getting ready for the summer work. The ballaster, unloader and steam shovel are being overhauled, and as soon as the weather permits will be put to work.
The Owosso Times March 6, 1896
No. 28 is in the machine shop for repairs. Engine No. 32 will soon be
ready for service.
The wrecking building is now in use and
contains a crippled caboose, a passenger and freight cars, which are
being being operated upon.
The carpenter shop is nearly finished
and the wood working machinery is in place. It is run by an an
endless cable connected with the power house about 300 feet
Five hundred draw-bars with automatic couplers and
operating levers are are stacked in the yard and will substituted for
the old ones as soon as possible. It involves considerable labor as
new draught timbers have to be supplies. When in place the cars can
be coupled and uncoupled without the brakeman having to step in
between the cars, which has been the dangerous practice so long in
Henry R. Looker, foreman of the blacksmith and forging
department, has from time to time devised several labor saving tools.
His latest device is a method of making pockets for the new
draw-bars. These are made of iron bars for inches wide, an inch thick
and about two feet long. The bars were formerly bent by hand into
pockets shaped like a capital U, one man being able to bend thirty of
them in a day. By Mr. Looker's method the bars are laid across a form
and bent into shape by means of the trip-hammer. About 400 a day can
be made in this way. The prongs have to be bent in about an inch.
This is done by hand, but Mr. Looker has planned a machine to do that
work also..
Isabella County Enterprise March 6, 1896
Some Owosso Factories in Trouble.
When the Ann Arbor road, was built Owosso gave the company several acres if valuable land, some of which was used as sites for shops and the remainder was released by the company to various institutions,"one condition of the lease being that the firms should do a certain amount of shipping over the Ann Arbor line each month.” The conditions in some of these contracts have not been fulfilled, and the consequence the Owosso Electric Co., the Owosso Lumber & Fuel Co., and the general produce firm of Aiken & Whelan have all been notified to vacate at once. The Owosso Electric Co. have an expensive plant.
The Owosso Times March 20, 1896
Engine No. 6, which was in the Ann
Arbor shops for repairs went out Wednesday.
The machinery of the
Ann Arbor mill shop is all in place and running smoothly.
Benzie Banner April 2, 1896
The steam shovel is here grading out the bank. A carload of Italians arrived , Tuesday evening to aid in the work.
The Owosso Times April 7, 1896
The Ann Arbor Ry. shops are now running ten hours per day instead of but eight, but stop work Saturday noon, by this change putting in more time each week and yet getting a half holiday.
The Owosso Times April 7, 1896
Roy Cheal, telegraph operator at North Star, will remain in Owosso with his parents and relieve Warren Beckwith during his vacation.
Benzie Banner April 16, 1896
F. A. Hamilton, formerly section agent at this place, has been transferred to Lucas.
Benzie Banner April 16, 1896
The air pumps of the Ann Arbor No.1 are undergoing repairs.
Benzie Banner April 23, 1896
Case of Thompson Lumber Co. vs T. & A. R. R. given precedence over all other criminal business and is now on trial, A suit for burning of Thompson Planing Mill on trial at this time.
Term will last two weeks.
Benzie Banner April 23, 1896
The steam shovel is busy night and day bring down our beautiful scenery, and leaving in place a huge bank which will not be so pleasing to eye when entering Frankfort harbor.
The Evening Argus April 27, 1896
There is a large increase of the furniture shipments over the Ann Arbor road and the company's freight warehouse presents a very busy scene.
The Evening Argus April 29, 1896
The new daily train that will be put on the Ann Arbor road Sunday, May 17, will be very convenient for all eastern connections and help materially to increase the road's growing passenger business. It will also enable Owosso people to attend all concerts, lectures etc. at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and return home on the same day.
Benzie Banner April 30, 1896
The steam shovel went away Sunday morning
The Owosso Times May 1, 1896
Master mechanic Robert Tawse issued an order yesterday fixing the hours of work after May 1st, from 7:00 a. m. to 12:00 m., and 11:00 to 5:00 p. m., making a nine hour working day.
The Owosso Times May 1, 1896
Engine No. 18 which has been almost entirely rebuilt, went to the paint shop yesterday and will soon be in service again.
The Owosso Times May 1, 1896
Engine No. 12 came in for repairs yesterday.
The Owosso Times May 1, 1896
In the mill shop everything is running as usual. In the wrecking shop cabooses Nos. 4 and 5 are repaired. Passenger coaches 10 and 20 are resplendent in a new coat of paint.
Benzie Banner May7, 1896
New Trains on The "Ann Arbor."
The Ann Arbor R. R. Co., expects to change time about May 17th and will put on two new night trains between Toledo and Frankfort. These trains will carry sleeping cars, one of which will leave Toledo daily at 7:45 p. m., arriving at Frankfort at 8:50 following morning; the other will leave Frankfort 7:30 p. m. daily, arriving Toledo 8:55 a. m. The sleeping car fares will be S1.50 for lower and $1.00 for upper berths, or $2.50 for a section. The public have for a long time been demanding a reduction in sleeping car fares and it is hoped they will show their appreciation of this innovation on the part of the Ann Arbor R. R. by giving the new trains a generous support. The new schedule at Benzonia will be as follows: Going North—8:30 a. m.; 5:43 p. m. Going South—10:25 a. m.; 7:53 p. m.
The Ann Arbor Argus May 8, 1896
Isaac Hendershot and “Pat” Manning, two of the popular conductors on the Ann Arbor Railroad and well known to many of our citizens, have been discharged from the services of the company because of the the indemnity company which insures railroad employees against embezzlement, etc., refusing to renew their policies. Mel Bright, and Herbert E. Bennett, of this city, now have charge of the former conductors' trains. Conductor Murphy now has charge of the train from here to Toledo, which Bennett formerly had.
The Ann Arbor Argus May 8, 1896
The new timetable of the Ann Arbor road will go into effect Sunday, May 17. At that time two new trains will be put on, one will go north from Toledo passing Ann Arbor at 9:50 p. m. The train which runs opposite it from the north will pass Ann Arbor at &:110 a. m. On the same date the Sunday trains to and from Hamburg Junction will commence running for the summer, leaving Ann Arbor at 9:15 a. m., returning it leave Hamburg Junction at 7:15 p. m.
The Evening Argus May 8, 1896
Ann Arbor road is building a fine, large depot at Howell Junction. When finished it will be a great convenience to passengers.
Benzie Banner May 14, 1896
The Ann Arbor depot is going to be moved to the car ferry landing next week. [South Frankfort]
Benzie Banner May 14, 1896
The Ann Arbor No. 1. has just returned from her spring outfit and now the No. 2 receiving hers.
Benzie Banner May 14, 1896
Mr. Hobart. express messenger on the A. A. R. R. has rented Mrs. Averill's house and will soon occupy it.
Ann Arbor Argus May 15, 1896
The Ann Arbor railroad employees are now uniformed in handsome suits of navy blue cloth and brass buttons.
Next Sunday, May 17, the Ann Arbor road will commence its summer service of Sunday trains to Hamburg Junction. The train will leave here at 9:15 a. m., returning will leave Hamburg Junction at 7:15 p. m.
The Owosso Argus says: “It is reported that B. S. Stratton, the Ann Arbor station agent in Owosso, has been transfer to Ann Arbor, and that H. A. Middaugh, at Durand, will take his place. Mr. Stratton has a host of warm friends in Owosso, who wish him well, and Owosso's loss is Ann Arbor's gain. Mr Stratton takes the place of R. S. Greenwood, who has been advanced to the position of commercial agent, with headquarters in Pittsburgh or Cincinnati.” Should such a thing be, it would be rather a curious thing, as Mr. Stratton has followed Mr. Greenwood right along in the different stations the latter has had on the Ann Arbor road. He followed Mr. Greenwood at Dundee, again at Howell and is now spoken of for this place.
The Owosso Times May 15, 1896
Engine No. 18 is being painted.
The Owosso Times May 15, 1896
Those having passes are allowed to go through the shops but are not allowed to talk to the employees.
The Owosso Times May 15, 1896
The sleeping coaches Frankfort and Toledo were completed yesterday and will be used Sunday for the first time.
Isabella County Enterprise May 15, 1896
New Trains on the “Ann Arbor.”
The Ann Arbor R. R. company expects to change time about May 17th and will put on two new night trains between Toledo and Frankfort. These trains will carry sleeping ears, one of which will leave Toledo daily at 7:45 m., arriving Frankfort 8:50 following morning; the other will leave Frankfort, 7:30 p. m. daily, arriving Toledo 8:55 a, m. The sleeping car fares will be $1.50 for lower and $1.00 for upper berths or $2.50 for a section. The public have for a long time been demanding a reduction in sleeping car fares and it is hoped they will show their appreciation of this innovation on the part of the Ann Arbor R. R. by giving the new trains a generous support. The new schedule at Mt. Pleasant will be as follows: Going north, 12:25 a. m. 3:37 a. m., 9:35. Going south, 6:50 a. m., 3:40 p. m. 12:21 a. m.
Isabella County Enterprise May 15, 1896
First Sunday Excursion of the Season to Toledo, May 17th.
Lake Erie Park and Casino, Toledo, which proved such a popular resort last season' for Michigan people, will be opened Sunday, May 17, on a scale of magnificence equaled even by the most celebrated watering places of the east. Since the park was closed last fall, workmen have been busy remodeling and improving the grounds and buildings, and so well has the work been performed that it is now conceded to be the most beautiful resort on the chain of lakes. The following program has been arranged for the opening and will he free to patrons of the Ann Arbor R. R. excursion: The famous French Aerial Artists, St. Belmos, the most daring life leapers in the world, A dream of beauty—A marvel of brilliancy, Diana, the queen of electricity, in her wonderful fire dance. The eccentric grotesque comedians. Her, Burke and Eandell, late of Primrose & West’s minstrels. Allen & West, electrical musical novelty, Maude Hervey, the modern ideal girl. Lynch & Jewell, I society comedy sketch.. Emele Pearl, songs illustrated with beautiful steriopticari effects. A “Rube Oireus”, the riders, Tony and Frankie. Uhl’s famous military band and orchestra.
Train leaves Mt. Pleasant at 5:30 a. m. Fare for round trip, $1.25. Returning train leaves Toiedo7:00 p. m. giving seven hours in the city.
Benzie Banner June 11, 1896
Important Notice to Wheelmen
The Ann Arbor R- R- Co. take pleasure in announcing that hereafter Bicycles will be checked between all stations on its line without charge.
Sunday June 14th the Ann Arbor R. R. will run a cheap excursion to Frankfort and Crystal Lake. Special train will leave Benzonia at 11:33 a. m., arrive Frankfort 12 o'clock noon. The company's big steamer will leave Frankfort dock promptly at 2 p. m. for a three hours ride on Lake Michigan which will be free to passengers holding excursion tickets. Fare for the road trip only 50 cents. Returning special train leaves Frankfort 0.00 p. m. Crystal Lake 6:00
Owosso Times June 12, 1896
The Ann Arbor road commenced running trains Sunday, over its new road bed from Hamburg to Hamburg Junction. Heretofore the Grand Trunk road has been used.
Owosso Times June 19, 1896
The Ann Arbor Railroad Leads (adv)
As the most desirable line to the north
Michigan resorts. Why? Because you can
leave Owosso at 10:30 a. m. and reach ---
Ludington _______________at 5:20 p. m.
Manistee ________________ “ 6:00 “
Crystal Lake______________ “ 5:40 “
Petoskey_________________ “ 7:50 “
Bay View ________________ “ 7:55 “
Harbor Springs ____________ “ 8:00 “
You can take sleeper home or make good
connections with our day trains. It costs
you nothing for a seat in chair cars on our
day trains. We give you advantage of all
reduced rates and summer resort rates and
would be greatly pleased with with your patron-
Isabella County Enterprise June 26, 1986
Bert Axford is relieving Operator Jacobs at Clare for a week and E. W. Davis takes his place at the Ann Arbor depot.
Ann Arbor Argus July 3, 1896
It Happened on the Ann Arbor Railroad Tuesday Morning
The Ann Arbor railroad yard on Tuesday morning was rather a queer looking sight. Box cars were piled indiscriminately across the tracks and in the creek. Car trucks, brake beams, timbers and splinters laid around in every direction, one flat car was broken in two in the middle, and upside down on the ground near by, apparently with no injury done to it lay the great, big new 12-ton pump for the Ann Arbor Water Co. The cause of all this mess was this: At 2:30 o'clock Tuesday morning the fast freight train from the south arrived at Ann Arbor and was divided on the rise at the south end of the yard while the car on which the pump was and one or two others were left on the siding by the freight house. The crew did not get time to do this before the rear end of the train came rushing down the grade and struck the forward end with the result above stated. The flat car on which the pump was resting was doubled up like a jackknife. No one was injured except the brakeman on the rear end of the train who got his shoulder wrenched. Both the conductor and the other brakeman had narrow escape. The damage will be considerable. The wrecking train train came down from Owosso and cleared the track, and traffic was resumed about 9:15 a. m., the morning passenger trains north and south being delayed about two hours.
Benzie Banner July 9, 1896
The Ann Arbor Railroad are now bidding for the resort travel in northern Michigan and recognizing the beautiful location of Benzonia and its surrounding advantages, have advertised it as it the coming great Summer Assembly Grounds of West Michigan,. No mistake has been made in this; with proper management this section will develop rapidly.
Isabella County Enterprise July 10, 1896
Lightning struck the tower of the Ann Arbor railroad at Hamburg Junction, killing Henry Madison and injuring William Zeeb, John Dutney, E, Tompkins, of Hamburg, and F. Knabzohan and Sam Anderson, of Chicago.
Isabella County Enterprise July 10, 1896
It is reliably reported that the Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo railroad will be consolidated with the Flint & Pere Marquette road on July 10. The F. & P. M. is now building a new depot in Toledo, and will soon he in that city, and the consolidated line will make a fine lumber and coal road, and intersecting so many trunk lines will secure an enviable passenger traffic.
Isabella County Enterprise July 17, 1896
Last Friday Postmaster Russell received a telegram to be at the Ann Arbor afternoon train south. When the train pulled in the express messenger handed him orders to take charge of the mail car and deliver local mail to Ann Arbor, 125 miles south, his first run on the R. P. 0. For several months past, letters, packages and even registered letters have been opened, the money, stamps or merchandise removed and reported missing. Inspector Laramour set about the work of ascertaining the reason for this condition of affairs, and by means of the usual methods and patient waiting became;satisfied that he must let F. W. Hastings of St. Louis tell what he knew about it to the U. S. court at Bay City. It is thought many hundreds of dollars failed to reach the rightful owners on this line and whenever be could do so Postmaster Russell dissuaded people from sending money loose in a letter. In a telegram from St. Louis, “Mr. Hastings,mail agent on the Ann Arbor railway, whose arrest on the charge of tampering with the mails has been mentioned, is now at home. He claims that it is a put up job, and that he can and will prove his innocence when his trial comes on in October. Mr. Hastings’ reputation is above par in this city, and no one believes that there is any foundation for the charge.”
Benzie Banner July 23, 1896
The Ann Arbor No. 2 is in Toledo for repairs.
Benzie Banner Aug. 6,1896
Friday, the T. & A. Ferry when backing collided with a timber-hoisting scow, sinking her. The accident was caused by the breaking of the bell rope and the inability to signal the engine to stop.
Benzie Banner Aug. 20, 1896
Tuesday, the Ann Arbor Railway made a motion for a new trail of the case of the Thompsonville Lumber Co. vs. the Ann Arbor Railway, in which case a verdict had been given of $4,500 against the railroad. The motion is based on the claim that new evidence has been found that the lumber piles were set on fire. Many affidavits were offered to that effect.
The Owosso Times Aug. 21, 1986
A large part of the wreckage from the accident near Cadillac has been brought into the Ann Arbor Ry. yards in this city where it is being worked over and sorted out.
The Owosso Times Aug. 21, 1986
Workmen began this week to tear down No. 3, one of the oldest engines on the Ann Arbor road. The engine has outlived its usefulness and is now going into the scrap pile.
Isabella County Enterprise Aug. 28, 1896
The south-bound local freight train on the Ann Arbor was wrecked about three miles north of Ithaca at about 9 o’clock Wednesday morning by a ear jumping from the track. Conductor Hamilton, Brakeman F. Bowen and C. Hall of Mt. Pleasant were badly hurt. They were taken to Ithaca. The train was running about 20 miles per hour.
Benzie Banner Sept. 3, 1996
The steam shovel and the large crew of men that has been at Thompsonville the past two weeks on the Ann Arbor Railroad moved to this place last evening and it is expected to be here about two months.
The Owosso Times Sept. 4, 1896
The car shops commenced on Tuesday to run on full time again, an order to that effect being posted in the shops under date of Sept. 1.
Benzie Banner Sept. 17, 1896
Ex- Governor Ashley died at Alma Wednesday morning.
Isabella County Enterprise Sept 25, 1896
Ex-Congressman Ashley, of Ohio, Dead. Hon. James Ashley, of Ohio, ex-congressman, and territorial governor of Montana, died at the sanitarium at Alma, Mich. He has been lying very low for several days. He was one of the most prominent congressmen during the way and was a personal friend of President Lincoln. He was a prominent railroad magnate, being long connected with the Ann Arbor railroad.
Benzie Banner Oct. 8, 1896
The local southbound freight met with a slight accident yesterday morning. The track spreading derailed three cars; one loaded with furniture was overturned with considerable damage to the contents.
Benzie Banner Oct. 8, 1896
The R. R'y Co. are doing lots of work here on their road. The engine and 4 flat cars were on the track here last night and held the passenger train about one hour late.
Ann Arbor Argus Oct. 9, 1896
Smashup on the Ann Arbor Railroad
A bad wreck occurred on the Ann Arbor Railroad, Sunday morning at 6:50 o'clock, at its junction with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern at Dundee, which resulted in a Damage to the rolling stock, etc., of $6,000 to $8,000, beside delaying traffic for several hours. The train which usually passes Ann Arbor at 9:05 a. m., arriving at Hamburg Junction at a little after 10, did not reach its destination until after 1 o'clock in consequence.
The accident was caused by engine No. 37, drawing a sand and gravel train, in charge of Engineer Hanney, backing into the rear cars of a north bound freight drawn by engine No. 15, Engineer Richard Hustin, which was taking water. The fog, which was very thick, preventing Hanney from seeing what he was doing very well.
Isabella County Enterprise Oct. 9, 1896
A wreck occurred on the Ann Arbor railroad at the junction of the Ann Arbor and Lake Shore railways at Dundee. Engineer Hanney, of a sand and gravel train, was following a north bound freight which stopped to take water and the, fog being rather thick caused the gravel train to run into the freight. The wreck was a sad looking affair. The gravel train engine was ditched and ears were piled two and three deep. The train crews jumped in time to save their lives.
Benzie Banner Oct. 22, 1896
Collision on tho Ann Arbor Railroad. Two trains on the Ann Arbor railroad, a freight and a work train, collided near Pettysville. The engines, tenders of both trains and also six cars were demolished. The accident occurred in a deep cut and on a sharp curve, and neither engineer saw the other train until too late. The engineers and firemen jumped for their lives and the fireman of the freight train was badly bruised.
Ann Arbor Argus Oct. 23, 1896
Collision on the Ann Arbor Railroad
Through a misunderstanding of orders, a freight train and a work train on the Ann Arbor Railroad met in collision near Pettysville, Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, in a deep cut and on a short curve of the road. Neither of the engineers saw the other train until they were no more than five car lengths apart and it was impossible to prevent a collision. The engineers and firemen jumped for their lives and the of the freight train was badly bruised by coming in contract with a pile of stone. The engines and tenders and some of the cars on both trains were demolished.
Isabella County Enterprise Oct. 23, 1896
Collision on the Ann Arbor Railroad. Two trains on the Ann Arbor railroad, a freight and a work train, collided near Pettysville. ‘The engines, tenders of both trains and also six cars were demolished. The accident occurred in a deep cut and on a sharp curve, and neither engineer saw the other train until too late. The engineers and firemen jumped for their lives and the fireman of the freight train was badly bruised.
Benzie Banner Oct. 29, 1896
The west bound morning and east bound evening trains on the Ann Arbor railroad have been taken off.
Isabella County Enterprise Oct. 30, 1896
The two through night trains on the Ann Arbor were discontinued Saturday.
The Owosso Times Oct. 30, 1896
Roy Cheal went to Ottawa Junction, Monday morning, where he will be in the employ of the Ann Arbor road.
Isabella County Enterprise Oct. 30, 1896
The new terminal building of the Ann Arbor Railroad company was formally opened to use the 24th. The location is corner of Cherry and Seneca streets and the building a commodious and elegant structure.
Benzie Banner Nov. 12, 1896
Arrangements have been completed by which the Ann Arbor R'y will Transfer much of their business to the north side. A large boat with a capacity of 50 car loads will break bulk at Woodward's warehouse and the passenger trains will take and leave passengers thus avoiding the trouble of crossing the little lake by ferry. About fifty men will receive employment in handling the flour and freight to be reloaded from the boats to the cars. Heretofore the amount of freight to be handled across the lake at this point has been limited only by the capacity of the boats employed to carry it.
Benzie Banner Nov. 12, 1896
L. C. Merritt has had several men loading the old rails formerly used on the Crane narrow guage. There was 2 carloads. It was shipped to Detroit parties Wednesday morning.
The Owosso Times Nov. 13, 1896
The Ann Arbor Shops.
Every department of the Ann Arbor shops is running on ten hours time and full crews are at work. The clang of hammer, the roar of bellows, the swish of the painter's brush, are head on every hand. Every man has his work and seems strictly attentive to it under the supervision of a careful and experienced foreman. The shops are as comfortable as stoves and coal can make them, only a few of the men having to work out in the cold. At the round house several tenders are in to be painted. In the main shop engines Nos. 9 and 10 are being repaired. In the blacksmith shop the clans of the hammer and anvil, the glare of the forges and the flying of incandescent sparks, form a very pretty picture. A great convenience in this department is the steam hammer which is used to hammer both large and small work into shape and presses out crumpled sheet iron as if it were paper. The die weighs 1,400 pounds, is attached to a piston having a twenty inch stroke and under a hundred pounds pressure of steam is capable of delivering a blow of thirty tons. It is easily controlled by means of two levers, one controlling the steam supply and the other the length of the stroke. The carpenter shop is supplied with every variety of wood-working machinery and some new locomotive cabins are in process of construction. In the erecting shops, caboose No. 17 is being repainted. Snow plow No. 1 was sent north Tuesday, after having been care fully overhauled. Snow-plow No. 2 is being made ready for whatever storms the coming winter may present. Baggage and smoking car No. 103 has had its roof raised and is being painted. in the yards 800 posts to be placed at crossings are being made and painted black. The targets are an oblong sheet of iron about 6x25 Inches, pierced with two circles. The snow-plows are provided with flanges which run inside of the tracks, but these flanges have to be lifted at crossings or they will tear the lumber of the crossings to pieces. These signal posts are for the benefit of the snow-plow operators. A lot of bumping posts, the first to to used on the road, have been made and will be placed at the termini of sidetracks, to prevent cars from running off the end of the tracks. Baggage, mall and express car number 202, which had its side smashed recently, has been repaired and is being. The private car, Wolverine, is undergoing process of house-cleaning its interior arrangements are such as to make it a regular residence on wheels. in one end is a dining room and in the other a nice observation room. Two bed-room are furnished with handsome brass beadsteads and are quite large. Four smaller sections, devoted to berths, china closet and kitchen, give the officials nearly all the conveniences of home. The upholstering is of leather and the woodwork is dark and highly polished. Five fire-plug are distributed about the yards. A small house has been built for the hose cart and fire apparatus. When the hose arrives, a hose company will be formed among the employees.
Benzie Banner Nov.19, 1896
The Ann Arbor R'y Co. are extending their track to Woodward's warehouse again. Work commenced Monday
Benzie Banner Nov. 26, 1896
The railroad company are laying three tracks to Woodward's warehouse.
Benzie Banner Dec. 3, 1896
Passenger trains are running on the north side of the lake. Ticket office and waiting room at D. B. Butler's office.
Benzie Banner Dec. 3, 1896
The repairs on Woodward's warehouse are completed ready for winter's use the Ann Arbor railroad.
Benzie Banner Dec. 3, 1896
T. E. Gale, Roadmaster of the Ann Arbor R. R. is in town ferreting out a lot of crookedness of time rolls turned in by one foreman of the the construction crews.
The Evening Argus Dec. 4, 1896
Ann Arbor engine No. 33, has come into the shops with a broken crank pin. Engine No. 18 was brought in to have a snow plow put on in front.
The Evening Argus Dec. 7 1896
The Ann Arbor machine shops are so crowded with work that the men are working extra time until midnight. Thirty cripples have been brought into the shops since yesterday.
The Evening Argus Dec. 9, 1896
The next and last jury case No. 34, Marshall Thomas vs Ann Arbor Railroad Co. is ready for trial as soon as the present case is disposed of. A large number of witnesses have been subpoenaed. Watson & Chapman, the plaintiff's attorneys will produce in court a very complete model of the bridge near Milan where the plaintiff was injured. It is claimed the ropes and materials used to move the bridge were of poor quality and by the breaking of a rope the plaintiff received his injury. T. W. Whitney, of St. Louis, appears as attorney for the company. To mechanics this case involving the strength of materials, may prove very interesting.
Benzie Banner Dec. 17, 1896
[Thompsonville] The new Ann Arbor iron bridge will soon be put in position over the Betsey.
Benzie Banner Dec. 17, 1896
The first boat, beginning the winter transportation of flour and freight across the lake, breaking bulk at Woodward's warehouse, arrived Wednesday.
The Evening Argus Dec. 19, 1896
The Ann Arbor shops are working overtime, trying to get caught up on the work of repairing the engines needed for the increasing freight traffic.
The Evening Argus Dec 21, 1896
Engine No. 29 came out of the Ann Arbor shops this morning and was fired up.
Benzie Banner Dec. 24, 1896
The Ann Arbor company are putting a roof over the platform leading from the warehouse to the cars at the Woodward warehouse.
Benzie Banner Dec. 24, 1896
Capt. Roberston, of the Ann Arbor No. 2, has been promoted to Commodore and now has charge of the Ann Arbor line of boats coming to this place.