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Ann Arbor RR newspaper articles for 1898

Benzie Banner Jan. 6, 1898
Wreck at Copemish.

Wednesday morning Extra No. .38 on the Ann Arbor going south broke in two at Churchill Hill, 5 1/2 miles east of Copemish, and 7 cars and a caboose came back to Copemish at the rate of 60 miles an hour with no one on board except Conductor Erwin Jones who was fast asleep in the caboose. At Copemish M. & N. E. engine No. 9 was standing across the be track taking water. The brakeman was on the tank and engineer and fire man on the engine. The engineer was about to oil up when he saw the cars coming and called to his companions to get out of danger. He got as far as the tank when the runaway cars struck the engine between the drive wheels. The engineer went with the tank to the right (north) of the A A. track, the fireman went with the engine to the left, thus clearing the right of way; but the seven A. A. cars loaded with flour and millings piled up on the caboose. No part of the caboose was left in tact but the conductor, who had slept through the wild run, crawled out of a hole under two cars and the wreck of the caboose burned and hurt internally. The M. & N. E. fireman escaped with a gash in the side of the head, the engineer was badly bruised and shaken up, neither seriously injured.

A practical railroad man estimated loss between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars. The engine is a complete wreck and will have to be completely rebuilt.

The Owosso Times Jan. 14, 1898

Ann Arbor Car Shops. Master Mechanic Tawse and crew returned from Manitowoc on a special train Sunday evening. The boys had a number of startling experiences while away three got lost in Manitowoc, several were sea sick on their return trip and others made some wonderful discoveries while in that city. They fixed car ferry No. 2 up in first-class order before returning home.
The M. & N. E. engine which was so badly smashed in the wreck at Copemish last week, is being repaired in the Owosso shops. It being through the fault of the Ann Arbor that the wreck occurred, they were compelled to do the work. The engine was a total wreck. Conductor Jones is recovering from the injuries received in the wreck at Copemish.
Several carpenters from here will leave for Whitmore Lake, Monday, to help re build the ice house.
Inventory is being taken at the Owosso shops and at every station along the road this week.
All business of the old year will be balanced up and give full sway to '98 business.
Wallace Hood, shipping clerk, had his legs badly scalded Monday by upsetting a pot of hot water. He will be laid up for a number of days.
Nell Shebee, foreman of the A. A. shops at Durand, visited his parents on Comstock street, Sunday.
Wm. Farrell, of Toledo, engineer, is visiting his brother-in-law Floyd Bloomer.
A new caboose, No. 20, has just been completed and was turned out Tuesday for its first run.
D. Filmore, "red Brown and A. L. Goodwin took a two days' outing at Ashley the first of the week.
John Sutton, car repairer, crushed one of his fingers Monday. He is unable to at tend to his duties.
The wrecking crew went to Alexis, Wednesday morning to pick up some cars which had been thrown from the track.
J. G. Walton, who has been inspecting the cars being built at Pullman, is expected home tomorrow.
Supt. Bradely, of Durand, was in the city Tuesday.
The largest and most difficult patch for a cylinder was made the first of the week by J. Schlickenmeyer. It was made of brass, the pattern being drawn by Geo. Sutton. It is being put on the cylinder of engine 29 which was broke last week at Frankfort.
Master Mechanic Ed. Wiest, of Manistee, employed by the M. & N. E. R. R. Is here overseeing the repairing of the M. & N. E. engine.
Benjamin Cross dropped a side rod strip on his foot Tuesday. He is confined to the house by his Injury.
A. Alcott, fireman in the shop, is sick. B. Britton is taking his place.
B. S. Stratton, agent, visited relatives in Bowling Green, Ohio, Sunday and Monday.

Benzie Banner Jan. 16, 1898
At McBain a branch road from the Ann Arbor railroad to Highland, Osceola county is being talked of. The road will bring into market a large tract of hard-wood timber, enough to keep McBain mills busy at least ten years.

Benzie Banner Jan. 16, 1898

Car ferry No. 2 has gone to Chicago for a new wheel.

Benzie Banner Jan. 20, 1898
The Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk railroads are about to erect a union depot at Durand. It is to be of brick, 200 feet long, two stories high, and will contain offices for superintendents and agents.

The Pentwater News Jan. 21, 1898
One Fatally Injured

Brakes on the rear end of an Ann Arbor freight train, which had been cut in two, failed to hold, and the cars slid down a grade at Copemish and collided with a M. & N. E. engine that was standing on the crossing. The engine and six cars were demolished. Conductor Jones of the freight was probably fatally injured. Engineer Firtzell and Fireman Ercott, the engine crew, were badly injured.

Benzie Banner Feb. 2, 1898
The passenger train was snow bound Monday night arriving here Tuesday night.

The Owosso Times Feb. 4, 1898

Ann Arbor Car Shops.

General Manager Ashley, of Toledo, and Supt. Bradley, of Durand, made their regular monthly inspection of the shops on Wednesday. They found every department of work progressing finely.
Rob't Tawse, M. M., was in Toledo on Wednesday on business pertaining to the road.
W. C. Stuart, joint accountant of the Ann Arbor at Toledo, spent Monday and Tuesday with his parent and friends in this city.
Daniel Pendergast, of Durand, made a business call here Tuesday.
Chair car No. 302 has undergone a complete overhauling. It now presents a very gandy appearance with its new Pullman finish.
The M. & N. E.. engine recently brought here for repairs has been completed and will be taken to Manistee tomorrow.
One of the steam shovels is being repaired preparatory for its summer work.
Engineer Corey, of Durand, visited the shops Tuesday.
Lineman Thos. McGrail and Train Master Fohey, of Durand, spend Tuesday at the master mechanic's office.
Chas. Carpenter, machinist helper, is in the University hospital at Ann Arbor. It thought an operation will have to be performed upon him before he can return return home.
An air pump for for the company's diver at Frankfort has just been completed by J. Tawse.

The Owosso Times Feb. 18, 1898

Ann Arbor Car Shops.

Monday is pay day.Coaches No. 10 an 16 are receiving a general overhauling and repairing throughout.
Fred Munshardt was called to Durand Monday, to work as relief for a few days in the yards at that place.
L. A.. Goodwin and Geo. Palmer have returned to work in the yards here, after laboring a few weeks in the company's yards at Durand.
J. Newell, of Pontiac, superintendent of the Pontiac, Oxford & Northern railway, made a business visit at the master mechanic's office, Monday.
Albert Velt, of Mt. Pleasant, was the guest of Thos. Kerwin, Monday.
The wrecking crew was called to Howell Junction to pick up a small wreck on the switch at that place.
A. Olcott, fireman is again unable to attend to his duties on account of sickness. J. Mackey is filling the position during his absence from the shop.
C. C. Reynolds, engineer, residing at Durand, has resigned his position and is now enroute for the Klondike.
Frank Wren was lain up the first of the week by sickness.
Three dozen large large torches were sent to Whitmore Lake, Wednesday, for the use of workmen cutting ice on the lake. Night and day crews are now busily engaged filling the large ice house with a fine crop of ice.
M. M. Robert Tawse, went to Whitmore Lake Wednesday.
Wm. Owens, who had his his foot badly crushed last week, is doing as well as can be expected.
A new new shaft 22 feet long is being turned by H. H. Beach, for the new wheel press.
A few of the member of the I. A. M. gave an oyster supper at McNally's cafe Saturday night, in honor of Ed. Weist, who returned to Manistee, Monday. Mr. Weist formerly lived in this city and was a member member of the association.

Benzie Banner Feb. 24, 1898
CRYSTAL CITY Several men have been putting up a new telegraph wire for the R. R. Co.

The Owosso Times Feb. 25, 1898

Ann Arbor Car Shops.

Engineer J. Connors, of Durand, visited his friends in the shops the first of the week
J. Scott, engineer at Frankfort, was visiting his parents on Dewey street the first of the week. While in the city he made a friendly call at the shops.
Master Mechanic Tawse was in Toledo Monday and Tuesday.
A new locomotive has recently been purchased by the Ann Arbor company from the Pittsburg Locomotive Works. It will be used as a switch engine at Toledo.
Foreman painter N. D. Berry returned from Toledo Tuesday where he re-numbered the new locomotive.

C. J. Mathews, general foreman, returned to work Monday after a week's illness. During his absence William Barnes acted as foreman.
Chas. Duffy, boiler maker, was in Frankfort the of the week repairing a boiler on one of the company's boats.
J. Tawse was in Durand the first of the week on business.
Engine No. 35 was brought to the shops Tuesday for repairs. It was smashed up Monday night by another engine dropping back against it. Engineer A. Wright was in charge at the time of the accident.
J. A. Miller, purchasing, agent of Toledo, was at master mechanic's office on business Tuesday.
N.D. Berry and L. A. Monte were in Durand Sunday.
A new wire has been strung from Cadillac to Frankfort and will be known as wire No. 2. The increase of telegraph business necessitated the erection of the new wire.
Engine No. 7 is being fitted with balance valves. This is the first “Rogers” engine that has ever been equipped with this new improvement.
A. Goddard, formerly engineer on the road, has accepted the position as permanent engineer in the shop, in the place of A. Alcott, resigned.
The air brake outfit, which was constructed a few months ago for the instruction of engineer, firemen and mechanics in the mechanism and working of the air brake system, was moved to Durand Wednesday and will be set up there for the instruction of the workmen in the Durand shop. Instructor Barnes and assistant Walton will accompany the machine and set it up.

The Evening Argus Feb. 26, 1898
The improvement is most decided

Some miscreant who should be hung and quartered without benefit of clergy, has been marring the parlor velvet finish of Ann Arbor passenger car No. 10. It has just recently emerged from the careful hands of Foreman Berry.

The Evening Argus Mar. 14, 1898
The small wheel press in the Ann Arbor machine shop has been moved to the paint shop to make room for a large drive wheel press, just received.

The Evening Argus Mar. 16, 1898
Engine No. 7, undergoing general repairs in the Ann Arbor car shops, will soon be put into service again. New steel eccentrics, something new, are being put on this engine. Engines 19 and 24 are expected from Durand today for repairs.

The Owosso Times March 25, 1898
Ann Arbor Car Shops.

Timekeeper Frank Wrea has purchased a new bicycle.
General Manager Ashley and Supt. Bradley made their monthly tour of inspection of the shops Saturday.
All temporary snow shovels have been removed from the company's engines, the last one on Tuesday from engine No. 17.
Watt Hurst, engineer from Durand, was a visitor in the shops Tuesday.
Daniel McGaffuey, formerly residing on Corunna avenue, but now of Durand, made his friends a pleasant call Tuesday.
Wm. Matthews is unable to attend his duties this week on account of sickness in his family.
Engine No. 35, after general overhauling, has again been sent upon the road.
Engines Nos. 17 and 19 are undergoing slight repairs.
The boys are highly elated over the news that W. H. Beck with, formerly operator at the Master Mecharic's office, is about to lead to the altar one of the belles of Victor, Col. It is also claimed that the young lady is an heiress to a rich gold mine situated near Victor. Mr. Beck with left this city for Colorado about four months ago, where he Is working as telegraph operator. The best wishes of his many friends and former brother workmen are extended to him.
Frank Roth, of Durand. called on friends in this city, Tuesday.
Harry Mackey visited his friends here Tuesday.
J. Tawse was in Toledo Saturday and Sunday.
The company has given several orders for casting to Stoggali's machine shop in this city.
Six new cinder cars will soon be built here to be used for the transportation of cinders to northern stations. They cars will be patterned after similar ones on the Grand Trunk road. Several carloads of cinders were picked up in and about the yards the first of the week and taken to Carland, to be used for filling in a sink hole in the railroad bed near that place.
William Barnes is acting as foreman in the machine department during the absence of C. J. Matthews.
George Westbrook, machinist from Durand, made a business call at the machine department Tuesday.
Miles Criwford is laying off this week on account of sickness.
J. Pulcipher is again unable to attend to his duties.
Ninety-six new grates have just been completed in the machine department and will be sent to Frankfort the first of next week for the firebox of boat No. 1
H. A. Beach found a peculiarly shaped stone Wednesday near the door of the machine shop. The stone, a very pretty one. is highly prized by Mr. Beach, and will be shaped into a watch charm by that gentleman.
Luther Sprinkle had the ends of three fingers of bis left hand cut off Tuesday while running a buzz saw in the wood department. Dr. Hume, the company's physician, dressed the wounds.
George Palmer is suffering quite badly from a bruise on his leg.
Chas. Bradley is constructing a small engine two feet long and about nine inches wide, which he will use to run a small dynamo for lighting his house. The engine is very neat and a pattern of good workmanship.
The large planer in charge of John McClellan broke down Tuesday and caused much delay in the work of the department.

Ann Arbor Car Shops.
Delayed from last week
Next Tuesday is pay day.
Robert Tawse returned from Frankfort Saturday.
F. J. Penoyer, engineer from Durand, was in the city Wednesday.
J. B. Turner and Frank Roth, of Durand, called on friends here, Monday.
Train Master M. D. Fohey was a caller at the master mechanic's office Tuesday.
Mackey returned home Tuesday after a few days visit at Toledo.
John Pulciphei returned to work Monday, after a two weeks lay off on account of sickness.
J. Flemmlng, boss tinner, went to Toledo Tuesday, where he is doing some repair work on several coaches.
William Golden has resigned his position as blacksmith in the shop, and has been succeeded by Lyman Aldertou.
Wm. Barnes aud Geo. Walton returned from Durand Monday, after a week's work on the air brake system in that town.
Jas. Sllckenmeyer expects in the near future to receive an appointment as apprentice to J. S Thompson, draughtsman.
Steam shovel No. 2, which has been undergoing extensive repairs, is now nearly completed, and will soon be ready for Its summer's work.
Caboose No. 17, which was badly smashed in the wreck at Alma three weeks ago, has been repaired and will soon be mustered into service again.
Chas. Hux went to Durand Wednesday for a few days to fill the position held by Harry Mackey, who, it is claimed, will soon become a Benedict.
Engineer W. Eliott spent Sunday and Monday with his father-in-law U. H. Hux. He visited the shops Monday and returned to his home in Durand, Monday evening.
M. H. Willis, who was been employed as car inspector for the past few months, has severed his connection with the company and returned to his old home at Geneva, N. Y.
It Is expected that a new car ferry will be added to the company's road, to transfer the loaded cars across the lakes. Negotiations have already been opened for the equipping of the boat.
New steel eccentrics and eccentric straps are being added to engine No. 7. The straps are lined with brass. This is the first Ann Arbor engine ever equipped with this new Invention, but it is thought to be a great improvement.
The foreman and bosses of the shops are much annoyed tills spring by men looking after work. Last Saturday a young green looking country boy applied at the machine department for a job. One of the mechanics set him to work carrying bars of steel, weighing about 150 pounds a piece, and told him that every one who worked in the shop had to undergo that operation as a test for the eye sight. Another workman of the same department set him breaking up old iron with a 50 pound sledge hammer. After about four hours of this hard labor he was sent to the office with instructions to fill out insurance blanks, but upon applying at the office for the blanks he was handed some stock registration blanks which he proceeded to fill out. but before he had the blank filled to his entire satisfaction, he evidently mistrusted that he was being made the victim of a practical joke, and when last seen was boarding a south bound freight for parts unknown.

The Owosso Times April 8, 1898

Ann Arbor Car Shops. Fred Miller has severed his connection with the company, and gone to farming.
The old tramway on the north side of the shops has been taken up and a new grade made, on which a storage sidetrack will be laid. A large gang of men from Toledo, under J. O. Laughlin are doing the work. This switch will be about one-half mile in length.
DwightN. Gullloi, of Chicago, formerly mechanic here, stopped over Tuesday and visited friends while enroute to Saginaw.
Wm. Cummer, formerly foreman in the shops, has accepted a position as master mechanic of the C. T. &. M. Ry., at Tecumseh
Geo. Sawyer and the wrecking crew returned from Frankfort Monday night, after picking engine No. 91 from the ditch.
Wm. Barnes was in Durand yesterday and gave his classes instructions on the air brake system. He holds two classes each day, twice a week, each class containing about thirty pupils.
Robert Tawo made a business trip to Toledo, Wednesday.
Clareuco Klnnej is a new man in the boiler department. He began work Monday.
D. McWhltmey is unable to be at work on account of sickness in his family.
Chief engineer O. B. Richards, of Toledo, was in the city, Monday and Tuesday.
Wiiliam Pease cut one of his hands quite badly Tuesday while running a drilling machine. He left Wednesday for Frankfort, where he will visit relatives while he is unable to work.
William Byerly. fireman, visited his family Tuesday.
Engine No. 30 was brought to the shops Wednesday for a general overhauling.
Ed Shehee, of Toledo, visited his friends here Tuesday.
P. J. Roach, of Durand, shook hands with old acquaintances in the city Wednesday.
Ed Garland, of the Garland Mfg. Co., of Howell, called on Frank Wren at the master mechanic's office Tuesday.
Chas. Duffy returned from Frankfort, Monday.
A car load of supplies was shipped to Frankfort yesterday.
A large force at machinists, carpenters, and painters, will leave the first of next week for that city to do extensive repairing on car ferry No. 2.
A large heater is being remodeled in the machine department for the company's boat at Frankfort.

The Owosso Times April 22, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
The new hydraulic driver wheel press has arrived and is being set up this week. It is an enormous piece of machinery, weighing about ten tons, with a pressing capacity of 250 tons.
The "Wolverine" with all the Ann Arbor Ry. officials passed through the city early Tuesday morning on an inspection trip of the entire road.
The brick walls of the old turn table have been taken down and piles have been driven for a new foundation. The table will also undergo extensive repairs.
The road's department boarding cars were in the city the first of the week. The men were helping in the repairing of the turn table.
Engineer, Geo. Brow, of Toledo, was in the city Tuesday on business.
George Palmer went to Frankfort Wednesday, and will remove bis family to that city in the near future.
Mr. Palmer and family have many friends in Owosso who regret their leaving the city.
Master Mechanic Tawse and draughtsman, J. S. Thompson, were in Grand Rapids, Saturday and Sunday, on business.
G. S. Corey, of Durand, spent Sunday with his parents on Corunna avenue.
Steamer No. 2 has again been put into service, after undergoing repairs at a Chicago dry dock.
N. D. Berry, foreman of the paint shop, is sick this week.
Alderman Harmon is sick this week with la grippe.
John Tawse, mechanic, met with a very painful accident, Saturday. While doing some repair work on an engine, a small piece of steel struck him in the left eye. He at once called upon Dr. Lamb, but was not able to receive relief till Monday, when the piece of metal was removed by the aid of a powerful magnet. The eye is still very sore and badly swollen.
J. Schllckenmeyer was called to Ann Arbor Wednesday to take charge of engine No. 8, In that city.
While testing the boiler of engine No. 26 in the round house Tuesday, with 100 pounds pressure of water, the boiler sheet burst, the water spurting out knocked John Mackey to the floor and gave him a good wetting. It took Mr. Mackey several seconds to regain his breath after receiving the cold, unceremonious bath.
Chris Hux is on the sick list.
Ben Cross was at Sherman the first of the week.
Engine No. 3 will be turned from the shop today.
William Barnes was In Durand, Wednesday.
The stock yards are undergoing extensive improvements.

The Owosso Times April 29, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.

Harry Noble and wife spend Sunday in Durand.

Engineer J. B. Hust, of Durand, visited friends here Tuesday.

Yhe interior of the master mechanic's office has been painted.

Geo. Westbrook, of Durand, was in the city, Tuesday, greeting friends.

Benjamin Phelps began work Wednesday as helper in the blacksmith shop.

Cabooses No. 15 and No. 23 have been remodeled and are again ready for service.

William Elliot, of Durand, made a pleasant visit at the machine department Tuesday.

Engine No. 30 is being painted and engine No. 38 is undergoing a complete overhauling.

Master mechanic Tawse and Mayor Kerwin made a business trip to Durand Wednesday.

Fore N. D. Berry with a crew of workman is in Toledo this freshening and decorating the central depot.

Henry Gregg and J. W Williams have resigned their positions in the blacksmith shop and left Tuesday for Detroit to enlist in the regular army.

The military companies of the northern part of the state passed through this city at 12 o'clock Tuesday night. The train consisted of 12 coaches.

A new boat for the A. A. car ferry is soon to be built at Cleveland, and two large marine engines arrived here Tuesday and are being remodeled for the new boat.

The new hydraulic press is now in good working order. The first work done by it was the pressing of the axle from a wheel of engine No. 19, requiring 200 tons pressure.

The Ann Arbor Argus Aug. 12, 1898
The Ann Arbor Railroad steam shovel is cutting down a hill in Northfield.

The Ann Arbor Argus Aug. 12, 1898

The four gravel trains on the Ann Arbor road have been taken off for a time, and the 200 cars are being repaired at the Owosso shops.

The Ann Arbor Argus Aug. 12, 1898

The contractors are at work on the paving of Main st. and already have the concrete foundation down as far as E. Ann st. The railroad company has nearly completed its work on the curves and “Y” at the corner of Ann And Main sts.

The Evening Argus Sept. 27, 1898
Beautiful Steel Ferry for the Ann Arbor Company Ready by Oct. 15

Saturday Master Mechanic Robert Tawse was in Cleveland to witness the launching of the “Ann Arbor No. 3,” the elegant new steel carferry which will be put into commission. It will ply between Frankfort and Gladstone and Kewaunee.

A large party of Ann Arbor road officials and friends made the trip to Toledo in Manager H. W. Ashley's private car “Wolverine,” and were the special guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ashley and Assistant Passenger Agent J. J. Kirby. The boat was christened by Miss Margaret Ashley, a six years old tot. The launching was very successfully accomplished. Mr. Tawse gives us the following concerning the description of the ferry.

“The “Ann Arbor No. 3” will cost $130,000. This does not include the machinery, which was furnished by the Ann Arbor Railroad company. The boat is 285 feet in length with a 56-foot beam. It has the capacity of carrying 24 loaded freight cars and 15,000 bushels of grain, beside accommodations for passengers. It is superior to “Ann Arbor No. 1” and “2” inasmuch as those two have not the capacity for carrying grain, and while the new boat is constructed of steel, the other two are of wood. “Ann Arbor No. 3” is of the twin-screw type, with two engines of 800 horsepower. Captain W. P. Robertson, who is now in charge of “Ann Arbor No. 2,” will assume command of the new boat and will navigate it between the above mentioned points, through Lake Michigan and Green Bay, in the interests of the railroad company. The rudder is about the size of a large barn door, so that you can in that way get some idea of the dimensions with figures.

The Owosso Times May 13, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
Deferred from last week.

Robert Tawse and Jas. S. Thompson are in Frankfort this week overseeing the remodeling and overhauling of car ferry No. 1; forty men carpenters, machinists, and painters were taken from the Owosso shops
The repair work on the marine engines is being done by J. J. Mackey in the machine room of the shops. It will be two weeks before the work is completed.
Conductor Goo. Bradley, of Durand, spent Monday in this city looking about the shops.
Supt. W. F. Bradley was at the Master Mechanic's office Tuesday.
N. D. Berry and family returned Saturday from a weeks visit at Toledo.
Extra No. 25, southbound, ran in on an open switch in the Owosso yards Saturday, upsetting several ears and doing considerable damage to the engine. The cars and engine are being repaired in the shop this week.
R. J. Tick, Asst. traveling Agt. of the Ann Arbor, was in this city Saturday and Sunday.
Conductor Hugh Manahan was shaking hands with old friends here Saturday and Sunday.
Fireman Ed Wllber of Durand, called on friends in Owosso Tuesday. Norman Berry, formerly with the O. & C T. Co , began work Tuesday in the paint shop.
J. D. McCartney returned to work Monday after a prolonged illness.
L Sprinkle, who has been laying off the past three weeks on account of an injured hand, resumed his duties Tuesday.
Thos. Voit. of Durand, was the guest of Thos. Kerwin Tuesday
Thos. McGrail, lineman was doing repair work to the wires and batteries about the shops Tuesday.
Chas. Bradley. Joe Walton and J. John son spent Sunday at Copemish.
Thos. Galusha began work as helper in the machine room last week.
Chas. Hux will soon take a six weeks lay off and will take a trip through the southern part of the state.
Fred Mursbardt is sick. Jacob Dingier is ill.
William Fillmore is acting foreman of the "pit" during Mr. Dingler's sickness.
Engine No. 40 is receiving extensive repairs.
Some fine polishing work is being done on the marine engines by J. J Mackey.
William Barnes spent Sunday in Toledo.
A large brass torch has just been completed by Chas. Duffy and will be sent to M. McAuliffe, chief engineer of the Lake steamer Nyanza.
William Holmes will visit friends in Toledo over Sunday.

The Owosso Times May 20, 1898

Louis Deal succeeds Roy Cheal as operator at the Ann Arbor depot.

The Owosso Times May 20, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
Thomas Markham, carpenter, who had been in Frankfort for two weeks doing repair work on boat No. 1, met with a very painful accident Sunday morning while making a few finishing touches on the boat before returning home. He was in a small hole near the rear end of the boat, through which one of the steam pipes passed, when the pipe burst under a pressure of 125 pounds and the steam burned him frightfully about the hands and face. He was at once attended by the Co's physician and was brought to his home in this city Monday night. He still suffers much pain from the accident. It will be several weeks before he is again able to return to work.
Robert Tawse was In Detroit Wednesday.
William Barues made his regular trip to Durand Wednesday.
The marine engines are being equipped with new patent oil cups which are adjustable a great improvement over the old ones.
New ship cranes are being made in the machine department for the Co's boats. They will be heavier and more durable than those made by the company last fall.
New stearn bearings for boats No. 1 and 2 are being made this week by H. H. Beach.
The meeting which was announced to be held at Durand last Sunday for the organizing of an insurance company, was indefinitely postponed.
Chas Markham, of Frankfort, returned to this city Monday with his father and is spending the week with his parents.
The repairs on Ann Arbor boat No. 1 at Frankfort have been completed and the workmen from this city returned home Monday night.
They expect to return to that city again the first of next week, when boat No. 2 will undergo a similar overhauling.
Norman Berry began work Monday in the paint shop.
L. Sprinkle returned to work Wednesday morning after an illness of six weeks
A shop track has been built between the machine and wood shops which will be used to convey heavy material from one shop to the other. to convey heavy material from one shop to the other.
The Wolverine was neatly repaired and turned from the shop the first of the week-
Engine No 27 was brought in Tuesday for repairs.
Boilermaker Saml. Trench is doing some very artistic work in the construction of a new fire box for the locomotive.
Work is progressing finely on the repairing of the marine engines for the company's new boat.
Jas. Williams and H. Gregs, formerly engaged as blacksmiths here, but now members of Co. G, shook hands with old friends in the shops Monday, having returned home on a furlough.
The steam shovel which has been making some extensive improvements on the road bed near Sherman, is undergoing repairs here this week. As soon as this repairing is finished the shovel and its crew will be taken to Whitmore Lake to cut down a big grade near that place.
Engine No. 18 north bound, laden with local freight, had a mishap Wednesday morning near Corunna. The cylinder head in some way became loosened, disabling the engine so it was impossible to continue the journey. It was brought to the shops and in three hours was repaired and again put in active service.

The Owosso Times May 27, 1898

The Ann Arbor switch engine “kicked” an empty box car in on the Robbins Table Co.'s switch Wednesday afternoon, a brakeman being left in charge to see that it was stopped at the proper place. From some cause the brake refused to work and the car ran off the end of the switch into the Table Co.'s oil house, smashing the whole side in and breaking open several barrels of oil. The brakeman escaped with slight injury.

The Owosso Times May 27, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.

Monday was pay day
C. Hux is on the sick list this week.
Ed Shebee, of Durand, was in the city Wednesday.
William Owen will visit ffriends in Durand, Sunday.
The flue cleaner is being overhauled and repaired this week.
Harry Mackey, of Durand, called upon friends here Monday.
Charles Hux will visit friends in Fenton Sunday and Monday.
J. Neelan, carpenter, is sick and unable to attend to his duties.
Engine No. 36 was brought in the first of the week for repairs.
William Elliot, of Durand, was looking about the shops Wednesday.
The shops will be closed all day Monday to observance of Memorial Day.
Carpenter, L. Webb, returned to work Wednesday, after a week's illness.
Jacob Dingler returned to work the first of the week, after two weeks sickness.
Engine No. 24 was turned from the shop Wednesday after a general overhauling.
J. O'Connor, engineer on No. 33, is spending the week with Owosso friends.
Thomas Markham who was badly scalded last week at Frankfort, is rapidly improving.
Henry Sawyer, of Sherman, is visiting his parents and friends in Owosso for a few days.
Daniel Pendergrast called on old friends here Monday, returning to his home at Durand, Monday night.
Chas. Beattie, W. Brown and Frank Jones have been engaged to do the painting on the combination cars, being built in the round house.
Frank Carr had two fingers of his left hand badly crushed Saturday while coupling cars at Dundee. He is visiting his parents in this city this week.

The Owosso Times July 8, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.

Engine No. 34 from the steam shovel plant at Chilson was brought to the shops Tuesday to receive two new eccentrics. After undergoing repair for 24 hours it was again put into service.
Air instructor Barnes was In Durand Wednesday and Thursday giving final instructions to his pupils who are to take the examination which begins July 18.
J. O. Connor and Daniel Preudergrast, of Durand, celebrated the 4th July Owosso.
Conductor Win. Couroy called on friends at the shops Tuesday.
Michael Griffith has accepted a position as brakeman on the road. He began bis duties Tuesday.
Engineer W, Davis, of Frankfort, the 4th July Owosso and greeted friends at the shops Tuesday.
Fireman W. F. Byerly returned from Detroit Wednesday. Crystal Lake Tuesday after enjoying a few days outing at that popular resort.
Chas. Duffey and William Pease returned from Frankfort Monday after doing repair work on the Co's boats at that place.
J. Tawse visited his parents in Jackson Sunday and Monday.
Frank Carr, of Durand, spent the 4th in Owosso.
Wm. Cole, from the Union station at Detroit, greeted old friends here Tuesday.
The new wire from Durand to Mt Pleasant has been strung and the offices along the road will be cut in upon it.
This will add greatly to the convenience of the operators as the two wires now in use are taxed to their utmost to accommodate the increasing business.
Harry Looker, foreman of the blacksmith shop, left Tuesday for Toledo where he will visit for a days.
Geo. Walton was in Durand Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Able returned' from a short visit at Menominee, Monday.
Albert Darling was called to Frankfort Saturday to aid in the rush of work which they are now having at the shops at that place.
Engine No. 6 is in the paint shop being painted No. 9 is undergoing general repairs.
George Darling is again able to be at work after several weeks sickness.
John McDonald returned to work Tuesday morning, decidedly improved in health after a long illness.
Six new ash elevators for the boats are being made here this week.
A new friction gear to be used in the hoisting of wheat into the boats is being made in the machine department.
Ben. Smith has been visiting friends In Detroit for several days.
He returned to work Monday.
J. Dingier is making a new set of brakes for engine No. 3 this week.
The tire removing torch made by Wm. Barnes was tried for the first time Tuesday and proved to be a great labor saving device. The removing of a tire was accomplished by the aid of the torch in 15 minutes, when it usually takes two men about five hours. A few small improvements are yet to be made then the machine will be complete.
John Tawse is making a key seating machine, which will be very useful to mechanics. The grooving will all be done by machinery, heretofore being done by hand.

The Owosso Times July 15, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
Robert Tawse was in Toledo Wednesday on official business.
Trainmaster M. D. Fohey was a visitor at the Master Mechanic's office Wednesday.
Engine No 37 was put into service Wednesday after undergoing extensive repairs.
Engines No. 13 and 31 went from the machine shop Tuesday.
A new smokestack is being added to engine No. 7.
New tires have been put on the drive wheels of No. 9.
Engine No 27 is being equipped with a new set of brasses and No. 8, "Flossie" was sent from the shop Tuesday to take a regular run on the north end.
Engineer Eugene Harteustien, of Durand, friends at the shops Monday.
Agent B. S. Stratton was in Toledo Wednesday.
The car, paint and tin departments of the shops are now working on 8 hours time, on account of but little repair work coming in.
J. F. Cardwell called on friends here Tuesday .
J. C. Kear is in Ann Arbor this week doing repair work on one of the Co's engines at that place.
J. O. Connors, of Durand, was the guest of Owosso friends Tuesday.
J. Sllckenmeyer was overcome with heat last Saturday while running some melted brass and was taken home. He has since fully recovered from the effects but as yet has not returned to work,
J. Tawse, mechanic, and three assistants will leave tomorrow for Frankfort to put new ash conveyors in boat No. 1.
Geo. Palmer rode his wheel to Chesaning Sunday, covering the distance in 62 minutes.
The flue rattler was running all day Tuesday and a large number of flues were cleaned up.
William Barnes was in Toledo Wednesday and Thursday.
Chas. Hux was in Durand Sunday calling on friends.
A set of eight cross head gibs was made the first of the week by mechanic J. McClelian.
A new eight inch expanding mandrill is under construction in the machine shop.
Miles Crawford's "kindergarten class" wore yellow ribbon Tuesday in observance of Orangeman's day.

The Owosso Times July 29, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.

Carpenter Ed. Titus and family have returned from an weeks outing at Frankfort and Menominee.
Engineer John Risber, of Cadillac, has been in town a few days this week on business Engineer
Charles Miller, of Toledo, spent Sunday in this city.
Wm. Barnes, air brake expert, has been in Durand the past week giving his pupils a thorough examination. A class of ten is examined at one time and there are twenty classes. So far the standing has been good.
Chas Caipenter has resigned his position in the shop on account of poor health. He left the first of the week for Howell to visit bis parents for a few weeks.
Guy Stauton, of the tin department, is spending the week in Lansing.
John Card well, of the dispatcher's office at Durand, was here the first of the week.
Frank Wren was in Vernon Sunday calling on friends.
R. J. Tick, of Toledo, was in the city Saturday.
Joseph Acberman, of the machine department, cut his fingers quite badly a few days ago while running the steel shears and has been unable to perform his duties since the accident. He left Tuesday for Frankfort for a few days recreation.
William Barrisford Jr. returned to work Wednesday after enjoying a weeks outing with the members of the Episcopal choir at Pine Lake.
John McClellan was iu Lansing Saturday calling 011 friends.
O S. Caruthers is in Manhattan this week giving the shops at that place a thorough white washing.
Engine No. 2 broke down Tuesday while running near Cadillac and was brought to the Owosso shops for repairs.
Engine No. 4 is receiving repairs in the machine department.
The painters and carpenters are still working on 8 hour time.
Engine No. 7 was brought In Tuesday with its front end badly demolished. While running at a good speed near Ann Arbor it smashed into the rear end of the work train and suddenly came to a stand still. The caboose of the work train was also slightly disfigured but fortunately the trainmen escaped injury.
Jas. Wannacott and wife are spending a few days at Crystal Lake fishing.
A large crane is being constructed near the wheel press to be used in hoisting the wheels and axles in position.
John Pulcipher, machinist, held the lucky number-244-which drew the horse given away Saturday night by Mrs. W. R. Gibson.
Harry Noble returned home Monday from a short outing iu the northern part of the state.
The Ann Arbor Car Shop Outing Club enjoyed a few hours rest in Gould's grove Sunday.
William Holmes will take his annual vacation next week
Chas. Thiede has been appointed foreman of engine pit No. 4 J. Schlickenmeyer is his assistant.
H. Gregg, a member of Co G, has favored several of his friends in the blacksmith shop with very interesting letters.
His experiences since he left Owosso are many and varied and are much enjoyed by his old friends, Most people regard a machine shop as a place of work with no pleasures whatever connected with the hard labor. This however is not true as may be readily seen by taking a walk through the shops here. Everything is arranged for the men's convenience and each person has some scheme of his own which adds to his comfort. The latest thing constructed is a large fan, not unlike the common electrical fan often seen in drug stores and restaurants, it was made by Chas. Hux and Harry Thompson and is a model. The fan is about five feet long and is placed so as to give a nice breeze to the whole east end of the department, where it is much enjoyed by all the men.
Caboose No 14 after undergoing general repairs was sent to the paint shop Wednesday for a new coat of paint.
Yardmaster Cuddabeck, of Ann Arbor, was in the city Tuesday.
The repair work in the shops is very light, nearly all of the company's cars being in good repair. There will undoubtedly be an abundance of work on passenger coaches however, as soon as the excursion season is over and the cars are brought in for their annual repairs.
J. Tawse. Wm. Omen, S. Gellaty and J. Neelan returned home from Frankfort Wednesday where they had been doing repair work on the company's boats for the past week.
W. W. Satton, carpenter, went to Crystal lake Wednesday for a week's outing.

The Owosso Times Aug. 5, 1898
Negotiations for Railway Terminals.
Menominee, Mich., July 29. – Negotiations are in progress between the the Wisconsin and Michigan, the Ann Arbor, the Dunmar and Wausukee and the Holmes & Son railroads – the last two exclusive logging roads – whereby the three are to have terminals here. If the deal is made the Wisconsin and Michigan will remove its eight miles of rails between Peshtigo and the harbor to a new line to be built from Bagley Junction to this city, a like distance.

The Owosso Times Aug. 5, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
Robort Tawse was in Durand Tuesday on business.
Chas. Mitchell is confined to his home this week by illness.
M. D. Fohey, Trainmaster, was a caller at the Mater Mechanic's office Wednesday.
Carpenter Sternaman is enjoying a few days recreation at Crystal Lake.
Three sets of drive wheels from the P. & O. R. R. are being turned up here this week.
Engine No. 9 and 14 will soon be turned from the shops after undergoing a general overhauling.
Miles Crawford went to Crystal Lake Tuesday to enjoy a few days outing at that popular resort.
Geo. Walton spent Sunday “on the farm” near Chesaning.
The A. A. “Kindergarten fleet” will camp out Saturday night and Sunday at Six-mile Creek.
William Holmes is taking a two week's vacation. He left Saturday for Leslie where he will will visit relatives.
Engineer Penoyer, of Durand, was in the city Wednesday attending the McCurdy-Griffith wedding.
Messrs. Daniel and Micheal Griffith, of Duran, attended their sister's wedding in this place Wednesday.
Harry Thompson was unable to to his duties in the machine department Wednesday on account of sickness.
Caboose No. 14 which has been remodeled was put into service Tuesday.
Engine No. 3 after a week's visit at the shops was put upon the road again Tuesday.
Donald Ferguson has accepted a position in the machine department, He has charge of the tool room.
David Filmore and Chas. Hux were in St. Charles calling on friends.
Wm. Mathews and family are enjoying a week's visit at Menominee and Marinette, Wis.
W. F. Byerly, Of Durand, is visiting friends in this city.
John Tawse, machinist, left Wednesday morning for an extended trip in New York and other eastern states.
Ald. Robert Harmon and family returned from Frankfort Tuesday on account of the death of Mr. Harmon's brother.
George Fauth, blacksmith, was in Detroit Wednesday.
John Cardwell, an employee at the dispatcher's office at Durand was in the city the first of the week calling on his friends here. This is his last week with the A. A. he having resigned to resume his studies in the Detroit Medical College and take up extra work at Grace Hospital.
Chas. Bradley has returned from his visit at Minneapolis and resumed his duties in the machine shop Monday.
Several loads of gravel have been distributed in and about the shops and yards this week, to be used in filling in and leveling up the low places.
Foreman painter N. D. Berry, is painting 40 Ann Arbor express signs to be placed at the various offices along the road.
Extra No. 39 had a mishap Tuesday afternoon. One of the break beams of a flat car loaded with gravel caught on a plank at Woodlawn crossing badly wrecking the car and tearing the road bed for several rods. The wreck was cleared away Tuesday night and brought the Owosso yards.

The Owosso Times Aug. 12, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
Engineer Sutliff, of Durand, was here Wednesday.
Engine No. 9, after undergoing a general overhauling, was put into service again Thursday.
Robert Tawse returned home from Frankfort Wednesday, after enjoying a short outing.
The P. & O. Ry. Co's drive wheels which have been receiving repairs here for the past ten days are now finished and will soon returned to their road. Some very neat work has been done upon them.
Miles Crawford left Wednesday for a short outing at Frankfort.
Louis Deal spent Sunday at Island Lake, visiting friends.
Agt, B. S. Stratton is at Crystal Lake this week, enjoying the good fishing which abounds there.
Chas. Carpenter, of Howell, was calling on old friends at the shops Tuesday.
Caboose No. 6 is in the shop receiving repairs for injuries received Monday at Cadillac by being tipped over on its side while being “staked in” at that place. Wrecking Master Sawyer with his crew, who were called to pick it up, bought the wreck to these yards Tuesday. The car was badly broken.
Two of the four work trains that have been drawing gravel all summer, have been taken off for the season. The aprons of seventy-five gravel cars were taken off at the Owosso shops the first of this of the week and the have since been since been doing commercial work.
John Mackey went home from the shops Wednesday afternoon, sick and unable to attend to his duties.
The tin shop department is again running on ten hours time.
Chas. Duffy will leave Monday for a week's visit at Jackson, Niles and Chicago.
A pump from the water tank at Hamburg Junction is being repaired here this week by Mile Bott.
Engine No. 37 is receiving repairs at the hands of machinists this week.
The Dirty Faced Tigers' base ball team has been reorganized, with David Filmore manager, and John Tawse, captain. The boys will do some good practicing with in the next few days, and expect to keep up their old time reputation as ball player. The schedule of games has not yet been arranged, but the first of a series will be played soon. The indoor ball suits owned by the A. A. indoor ball team will used by the tigers.
Jas. Dallas, road carpenter, was called to Frankfort Wednesday for one month.
Jas. Purdy, boiler maker, is in Ann Arbor this week doing repair work on one of the company's engines.
Wm. Barnes, air brake instructor, is still conducting the examination at Durand. The examinations are thorough in every respect, necessitating a longer period in which to conduct them than was at first expected.
Foreman C. J. Matthews has given the new steam crane a through test and found it to be perfect in every way.
Wm. Hurst and family are visiting in Ann Arbor.
Fireman Griffin, of Durand, spend Wednesday in Owosso.
Wm. Torance is spending a few days in Toledo.
Chas. Bradley made a flying trip to Fort Wayne, Ind., the first of the week.
Engine No. 2 seems to be fond of being in the round house. She was was recently turned from the shops after undergoing a thorough renovating and is again in for repairs.
Engine No. 27 will soon be turned out, almost a new engine.

The Owosso Times Aug. 26, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
Geo. Fauth returned to work Wednesday, after enjoying a week at Crystal Lake.
William Holmes has returned from a three weeks visit In Ohio
G. Griffith returned to work the first of the week. He spent his vacation at Frank fort.
W. E Butler, of Nogales, Ariz . called upon Machinist H. A. Beech, at the shop. Monday.
Mr. Butler and Mr. Beech were old school mates.
Ben Cross left Saturday for a short visit at Cincinnati and other Ohio points.
The stationary boiler No. 1 is receiving a new set of flues this week.
William Barnes will leave today for Cadillac and Frankfort, where he will conduct a few days examination on the air brake system.
The examination recently held at Durand proved very satisfactory. Hereafter the classes will be held once a month and examinations once a year.
The wrecking crew was called to the Ottawa yards Tuesday to pick up two car loads of ice and a car of lumber which had been derailed and damaged at that place.
Passenger engine No. 9 has been turned from the shop in good repair.
Engine No. 26 is receiving repairs this week in the Owosso shops.
Benj Cross left Tuesday morning for a few days visit at Cleveland.
Fireman Terwellinger, of Durand, was in the city Wednesday on business.
Peter Washburn went to Frankfort Tuesday to do a few days work on bridges near that place.
Peter Kear was in Ann Arbor Tuesday and Wednesday.
John McClellan and Chas. Bradley appear to be getting fat on the fish they received Monday evening from Miles Crawford, who is waging war on the finny tribe at Crystal Lake.
J. Tawse returned from New York the first of the week and reports having had a fine trip.
Robert Tawse and Mr. Walsh, of the Galena, Oil Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, went north Wednesday to instruct car inspectors about the use of certain oils
The "Wolverine" was in the shops the first of the week, receiving slight repairs.
Neal Shehee and Engineer Wicker, of Durand, were visitors here Tuesday.
Cabooses No. 6 and 25 are being renovated throughout. A new caboose is being built.
Geo. Salter, was at Frankfort Wednesday on business.
Warren Stuart, of Toledo, was a pleasant caller here the first of the week

The Owosso Times Sept. 16, 1898
The Car shops began running all departments on ten hours' time yesterday.

The Owosso Times Sept. 16, 1898
At the Ann Arbor Shops
Floyd Bailey assisted in the master mechanic's office Wednesday and Thursday doing the operating while Frank Collamer was absent
C. P. Hall, of the A. A. and M. C. switch engine is taking a vacation and is being relieved by George Seeley. of Bay City. Will Byerly. of Durand. is taking the place of Fireman Tom O'Neal, who is also taking a vacation from the switch engine.
Frank Collamar played ball at the Bancroft fair Wednesday and visited the Howell fair yesterday.
Switch engine No. 102 posed for Geo. Welte Wednesday morning and had its picture taken. The boys say the engine never moved a muscle but really looked pleasant during the ordeal.
Charles Hux returned to work Monday after a two week's lay off on account of sickness.
Andrew Niblock has a two week's leave of absence and will take two weeks vacation
Three more painters were put at work again this week. They are Wm. Barres-ford Jr., 0. D. Carruthers and David the latter of whom has just returned from Minneapolis where he has spent the summer with bis son.
Sam Trench put in Monday and Tuesday at Manhattan working on boiler repairs.
W. J. Welch, of Cleveland, Ohio, a of the Galena Oil Co.. is superintending the use of oils on the road this week. The contract with his company calls for the use of a certain annum of oil which is guaranteed to be sufficient. This makes a certain amount of Instruction necessary or enough oil would be wasted to far exceed the guarantee.
Frank Wren, of the master mechanic's' office, attended the Saginaw street fair yesterday.
George Palmer, one of the boiler helpers, was in Saginaw Wednesday.
Louis Deal, operator at the freight house, and Winnie Plowman, an operator at Durand, were in Howell Wednesday.
Victor Darliug, foreman of the car department, returned Wednesday from a week's trip to Cleveland.
Guy Stanton went home from the shops sick Tuesday.
Engines 33 and 36 were turned out of the shops Tuesday after a general overhauling.
Engine No. 37 was brought in Tuesday evening for a general overhauling. Nos. 38 and 20 are still in for the same purpose.
With tonight Fred Sauftleben completes ten years of continuous service as night watchman for the Ann Arbor shops During this time he has not missed a single night from his post but has been on hand for them all, three hundred-sixty-five days each year and even putting in two extra days for the two leap years parsed during that time. In spite of his close application, Mr. Sauftlebeu is still apparently good for many years more and is full of genial good humor.
Combination coach 105 has been refitted and repainted and is again ready to turn out in first class shape.
The company has just built twelve new platform baggage wagons and twelve new freight trucks.

The Owosso Times Nov. 4, 1898
Car Shop Notes.
John Puleifer, who has worked for the Ann Arbor railway in this city for eight or nine years, has accepted a position with the M. & N. E. Ry. and goes to Manistee to reside.
Jame Montague and Philip Oberrv are two new assistants in the forging room at the car shops.
There are a number of box at the shops now in process of construction, the company finding it to be advantageous to make over a large number of its flat cars to a form convenient for its growing freight trade.
Two new eight driver Baldwin locomotives have been ordered by the company.
The freight earning of the road for October are $3,000 greater than for this month last year.
Two new compressed air cranes have been ordered for the machine shop.

The Owosso Times Nov, 11, 1898
Charles Adams, who has been employed in Frankfort fort for the last few months is now here to look after the new private electric lighting plant for the Ann Arbor shops.

The Owosso Times Nov, 18, 1898
Dave Prendergast was up from Durand renewing acquaintance with the boys Wednesday.
Mike Foy, of Durand, was in the city Tues and Wednesday.
Engineer Eugene Hartenstien was up from Durand Tuesday and Wednesday.
Lou Gilbert began work Wednesday in the car repairing department.
Engine No. 22 came into the shops Wednesday for a new set of flues.
Rober. Tawse made a business trip over rhe south end of the road Monday.
Cortlin Carpenter, of Howell, commenced work in the shops Monday morning.
A sixty foot stack has been built in the boiler shop for use in the shops at Frankfort.
John Fleming and Chas. Carpenter spent Monday working in the Durand round house.
George Sawyer has been in Frankfort for several days getting the new stationary boiler in place in the shops there.
Herman Juhl, who has worked at the shops in the car repairing department for two or three, went to Durand Wednesday and began work as a brakesman on the northern division.
The new tools, drills, entire compressed air outfit which has been ordered will make the shops among the most up-to-date in the country. Fancy a workman holding a miniature engine in his hand for drilling holes in wood or boiler iron and will have an idea of the class of the labor saving improvements which are to be put in.

The Owosso Times Nov, 25, 1898

Ann Arbor Ry. Items.
Tuesday was pay day.
George Sawyer was in Manhattan Monday.
N. D. Berry is re decorating coach No. 17.
Coach No. 302 came Into the shops Saturday for a general overhauling.
O. D Richards, chief engineer, was In Owosso Tuesday forenoon. .
J. C. Kear, of Durand, has been in the shops here this week helping out.
George Van Camp and Will Byerly have been helping in the boiler shop this week.
Frank Wren, of the master mechanic's office, spent Thanksgiving with bis sister In North Star.
Wm. Barnes "taught school" in Durand Tuesday, it being time for the class in air brake instruction.
A. Hutchiuson returned to work the first of the week, after being kept away by the sickness of his family.
Benjamin Smith let a driving box fall on a finger Tuesday and suffered considerable pain and annoyance from the accident.
Chief Electrician Thomas McGrail has been looking after the wiring for the electric lights in the shop this week.
Charles Adams, lineman on the northern division, has been assisting in the wiring of the shops part of this week.
Louis Deal, operator at the station, went to Dundee Monday evening to attend the wedding of a friend.
Floyd Bailey filled his place during his absence.
Robert Tawse, Charles Duffy, and Jake Deugler took in the U. of M. vs. Chicago foot ball game in Chicago yesterday.
Mr. Dengler visited his mother in Ann Arbor Wednesday on his way to Chicago.
Wm. Pease who has been working in Durand for some time met with a bad accident Tuesday and was brought home. A flue plug blew out and the escaping steam badly scaled one of bis legs.
George Pulcifer and Clark Johnson, of Toledo, engineer and fireman of engine No. 7 were in the city Tuesday to take out that engine, which had been in the shops for two or three weeks.
One of the regular size locomotive boilers has been put in the shop and will be fitted up for a compressed air reservoir to be used in connection with the new compressed air machinery soon to be put in.
Robert Tawse, George Palmer, and Charles Duffy went to Frankfort Monday to put a new stack on the Ann Arbor car ferry No. 2, and make other minor repairs.
One of the four steam shovels at work at different points along the road came into the shop Monday for general repairs, an will probably remain here all winter.
Work is being pushed on the street ear which was damaged two weeks ago by being run into by an Ann Arbor engine on the Corunna road crossing. It will be a numder of days before the car will be ready to run.

Ludington Daily News Dec. 1, 1898
The Frankfort Express says: “The new steel carferry Ann Arbor No. 3 arrived in port yesterday morning and will make her initial trip trip across the lake tomorrow. She is a model boat in every particular and one of the finest carferries on the lakes. We cannot help but think what rapid strides have been made in the transportation of freight across Lake Michigan by carferries since the Ann Arbor No. 1 first poked her nose into our harbor just six years ago yesterday, and how the Manistee and Ludington papers ridiculed the project of the Ashley's building boats to carry loaded cars across the lake, but the F. & P. M. people soon changed their their minds about the feasibility of the enterprise and had one built to ply between Ludington and Manitowoc and are now contemplating the building of a second one, while the West Michigan people are operating the same system between Muskegon and Milwaukee and two lines of carferries are operated on the west shore by the Chicago & North Western and Wisconsin Central railways. Truly this a progressive age and to the Ashleys belong the credit of this system of carrying freight across our lakes.

The Owosso Times Dec. 2, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. Note.
Kd McFee is help in the boiler shop this week.
A large ash carrier is be in made the shops for use on the Ann Arbor ferry No. 2
Jake DenKler returned Tuesday evening from his visit in Chicago and Ann Arbor.
The electric lighting plant has been completed and is doing good service.
Engine No. 19 is now nearly ready to go out on the road after a thorough overhaul-in shops.
Frank Wren, of the master mechanic's office accompanied friends as far south as Cohoctah,
Wednesday morning. returning on No. l. Al. Goddard, engineer at the car shops, was in Durand Wednesday forenoon on business. J. Haupt filled his place at the shops during his absence.
George Sutter, pattern maker, cut his left hand so severely with a chisel that it Is feared he may lose two fingers. Be will certainly be laid up for some time.
W. W. Sutton, who went to Almyra, N. V , about two weeks ago on account of the serious illness of his mother, has decided to tay there and has sent word that he will not be back again.
Thomas Gordon made a trip to the south end of the line Tuesday to inspect and make some minor repairs on engine No. 37 which runs on the Pennsylvania-An- n Arbor belt line.
Marry Thompson and Charles Bradley have finished their four years apprenticeship and drew full machinist's wages for he month of November for the first time.
A part of the new compressed air tool have been received, but nothing can be done with them until the reservoir and pump are connected up and the air piped to the places where the tools are to be used.
Persons who have noticed the large white numbers and letters on the engines and tenders will perhaps be surprised to know that they are made of pure aluminum beaten into sheets almost as thin as gold leaf and stuck on the fresh paint on the engines and coaches.
John Q. Abel and Floyd Webb are expected back in a short time from West Virginia where they went a few weeks ago. They went with the intention of moving their families if the place pleased them, but have apparently concluded that Michigan, and Owosso, too, is good enough for them Their friends will be glad to see both men back.
Master Mechanic Robt. Tawse and Chief Clerk Thos. Kerwin, went to Frankfort Monday to make arrangements for extensive repairing for car ferry No. 2.
Mr. Kerwin returned Tuesday night, Mr. Tawse remaining until Wednesday Charles Duify and five other boiler makers went up at. the same time and remained to do the work which will take about two weeks, and includes the building of one new stack complete besides other minor repairs.
Extra No. 40 was unfortunate enough to derail four cars at the Carland switch shortly after noon Tuesday.
George Sawyer, foreman of the wrecking crew, got things in readiness and went north as soon as an engine could be brought up from Durand.
The south bound passenger train and the extra got away again about six o'clock.
The wrecking crew finished up the work at Carland Wednesday and brought the cars into the shops for repairs.
According to the performance sheet of the motive department there are now forty-two locomotives owned and in use by the Ann Arbor road, all but two of which, Nos. 101 and 102, are numbered consecutively from I to 40 inclusive. The list includes engines from various shops though the Pittsburg Locomotive Works is the firm which is represented by the largest number on the list There are twenty-one engines of this make on the road. The Rogers and the Baldwin companies follow with nine engines apiece; the Rhode Island company has two and the Grant company one.

The Owosso Times Dec. 9, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. and Shops.
M. D Fohy, Trainmaster, of Durand was in Owosso Wednesday morning.
Al. Veit, of Mt Pleasant, was in the city Tuesday visiting relatives.
Supt. W. F. Bradley, of Durand, was in the city Tuesday.
James Wonnacott and John McClellan were on the sick list the first of the week and were unable to attend to their duties in the shop.
Two boiler makers from Battle Creek have been set at work in the shops. They will probably remain three or four weeks or as long as the present rush in that department continues.
John Fleming and bis assistant C. Carpenter, went to Cadillac yesterday to do some repairing in the round house at that place.
George Van Camp and Wra. Pease returned Saturday evening from Manhattan where they put a patch on the boiler of Engine No 87.
Engines 13. 39 and 34 are now in for an overhauling.
Engine No. 17 was taken out of the shops Monday by Engineer Geo. Able,of Toledo, and Fireman Ed Shehe, of Manhattan. It will be used on the local freight between Durand and Toledo.
The compressed air plant is nearing completion. The reservoir has been placed in position outside the south-east corner of the forge shop and the compressor, a nine and a half inch Westinghouse air pump, which will be used in place of a regular shop air compressor, has been placed in its position in the engine room. Both the reservoir and the pump, the latter of which is the largest size made, and just as effective for this work as a larger stationary pump, and at the same time much cheaper, are now ready for use, and all that remains is to complete the necessary piping. One large drill which can be used for tapping, reaming or drilling holes up to two inches in diameter, is already on hand. The machine is not too large to be conveniently handled by one man, but it is designed to be swung from a support when in use and then solidly braced against the piece to be drilled. In the inside of the tool, which is about half the size of an ordinary coal scuttle, is a complete engine run by the compressed air, the supply of which is under perfect control of the operator who can regulate the speed or shut it off altogether. The hand hammers are about half the size of an old fashioned rolling pin with a punch or chisel fastened in one end and a handle like a saw or plane handle on the other. The workman holds this hammer firmly in both hands guiding the chisel or punch with his left hand while the tighter he holds the handle with bis right hand, which clasps a controlling lever in the handle, the harder and faster the miniature engine inside strikes the cutting or riveting tool. It is expected that the new tools will be given a trial today

The Owosso Times Dec. 16, 1898
A north bound freight train on the Ann Arbor Ry. had the last four cars thrown off the track by spreading rails on the high embankment near the Robbins table factory yesterday morning. The train ran a few rods before it was stopped. The wrecking crew and train was was summoned and soon got the car back on the track but not until the T, S, & M. and south bound Ann Arbor Passenger Trains were delayed about an hour. Agent B. S. Stratton with his usual energy and business-like attention to affairs made the necessary arrangements and had an extra made up and waiting ready to transfer passenger and baggage about the wreck, a measure which fortunately was not necessary.

The Owosso Times Dec. 16, 1898
Ann Arbor Ry. and Shop

A new flue sheet is being put in Engine 84
Coach 14 went into the carpenter shop Monday for a complete overhauling.
Win. Holmes returned to work Tuesday after a few days absence.
W. Barnes has been acting as foreman a part of the week during the absence of C J. Mathews.
J. J. Mackey returned Monday from a brief visit with his son Robert at Prank fort.
Mr and Mrs J Dengler spent Sunday with Ann Arbor relatives.
George Walton was in Ann Arbor the first of the week to make slight repairs on Engine No. 15, which is at work on a ditching train near that city.
Ctus Duffy was down from Frankfort Sunday and Monday returning there to finish the work on the transport.
John Waltz, of Battle Creek, and Pat O'Brien, a marine boiler maker of Chicago, are the latest additions to the boiler makers force.
The 120 foot smoke stack for the Ann Arbor car ferry No. 2 was shipped Friday. It took three flat cars to carry It.
John Tawse and Peter Kear returned Tuesday evening from two days work at Manhattan Junction and Toledo.
Master Mechanic Robert Tawse returned Monday night from a short inspection of the work being done on Ferry No. 2 at Frankfort.
Samuel Trench returned from Frankfort Tuesday night. He bad been working on the car ferry No. 2.
Engine No. 14 was brought into the shops Tuesday for light repairs. It was brought in by Engineer Richard Strong, of Durand, who spent the day here.
Coach 17 was turned out Friday after a complete overhauling. The Interior was trimmed with gold trimmings on a blue background after the design of N. D. Berry, foreman of the paint shop.
Chair car Cadillac is being repainted and redecorated. It will probably be used between Ann Arbor and Toledo for theater parties.
A brakeman named Hoey received severe injuries at Ithaca Friday. He attempted to got on the front end of a caboose, missed his hold and fell between the truck and platform curbing where he was dragged about thirty feet. He received a bad gash in bis head and some internal Injuries.
The system which everything about a railway line is watched nowadays, though only a specimen of the careful economy with which nearly all of the older enterprises are conducted is highly instructive as showing the intelligent, scientific effort to reduce the cost of running expenses to its lowest mark. The manner in which the use of one heavy item of expense, that of coal, is watched, is of itself interesting. In each class of service, passenger, local and through freights etc., the engineer is allowed a certain amount of coal with which he is expected to make the trip and a record of his success or failure is kept in the Master Mechanic's office. The standard allowance is made in pounds per car mile and varies from 11.1 pounds per car mile for passenger trains in winter to four pounds per car mile for through freights running on schedule time in summer and drawn by Pittsburg engines or engines of the "American" type. The allowances now made by the Ann Arbor road for summer and winter traffic are: passenger, 9 5 pounds in summer, 11.1 in winter; local freight 6 and 0 5; through freight, schedule time Pittsburg and American type locomotives 4 and 5.2; through freights, extras, 5 and 5.7. The ten wheeled locomotives, though really burning a larger amount of coal than the smaller engines, burn a smaller amount per car mile because they have so many more cars on each trip that when the whole amount of coal used, is divided by the product of the number of miles run and the number of cars drawn, the quotient is considerably smaller. This also accounts for the seemingly high allowance per car mile for passenger trains, the smaller number of cars in a train making the quotient unusually large. The latest method instead of using the car mile as a unit uses a method of tonnage which is even more accurate than the other owing to the fact that many loads are of greatly varying weight. This system is already partly in use on the Ann Arbor road and will probably be 'eventually adopted though it involves a large amount of work in changing the method of making reports.

The Owosso Times Dec. 23, 1898
Ann Arbor Railway Note.
Robert Tawse was In Frankfort the first half of the week.
Yesterday was pay day at the Owosso shops.
Jacob Waltz, who has been working in the boiler shop for the last two weeks, has returned to bis home in Battle Creek.
David Fillmore, shipping clerk, smashed a finger quite badly while handling a railway frog, Monday.
Engineer Dell Davis was in the city Wednesday, looking over engine No. 34, which is his regular engine.
A. L. Goddard and wife expect to spend three or four days about Christmas time in Toledo.
David Prendergast, of Durand, spent Wednesday in the city.
H. W. Ashley and W. F. Bradley spent Friday looking over the shops here.
John Duffy, Charles Duffy and Joe Ackerman boiler makers, J. Sheldon, blacksmith, A. Padden, car repairer, and A. Palmer were among a number of men sent to Frankfort the first of the week to help out repair work on the ferry beats.
John McDonald, one of the oldest men employed about the shops, has been suffering from rheumatism for several weeks and is still on the sick list, as are also Win Robbins and Phil O'Berry
John Sutter, who cut his band quite severely a few weeks ago while working with a gouge, is getting better and expects to be at work again soon.
Coach No. 14 has just been put into the carpenter shop for general overhauling, and No. 15 is in the paint shop.
John Bowles met with a painful accident Saturday, which will probably disfigure his face for life, He was running a punch when a wedge, which bad been put in to raise the plate which he was punching nearer to the punch, worked loose, and when the punch came down the wedge flew, striking him a sewn blow in the face. There was a bad cut on his forehead and another on his nose besides various smaller cuts and bruises.

The New York Times Dec. 26, 1898
Sold to the Toledo and Ann Arbor

MARINETTE, Wis., Dec. 24 - The Wisconsin and Michigan Railway, sixty miles long, has been sold to the Toledo and Arbor Railroad Company. The Wisconsin and Michigan is to be extended six miles to connect with the Holmes & Son logging railroad, which extends forty miles in a northwesterly direction from Pembina. The Holmes road will be extended to tap a big tract of pine in Forest and Vilas Counties, estimated to contain 1,000,000,000 feet. This vast amount of timber will be sawed in Marinette and Menominee mills.

The Owosso Times Dec. 30, 1898
Ann Arbor R'y Personal Mention.
Edward Koch, car repairer was in Ann Arbor for the company Monday.
Eugene and lieury Gregg, with their families, spent Christmas iu Clare.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Qulgley and daughter spent Christmas in Chesaning with Mr. Qulgley's parents.
Peter Kear went to Durand Wednesday, to take the flues out of engine No. 10.
John Tawse speut Christmas in Jackson and remained for the greater part of this week visiting relatives.
Robert Tawse was in Toledo the first half of the week.
George Sawyer, foreman of the wrecking crew, has been in Manhattan this week moving some of the company's buildings.
Conductors Tom Lowrey and Chas. Taylor of Durand, spent Christmas In this city.
Jack Woodman spent Christmas In Jackson.
Trios. E. Markham and son Glenn spent Christmas and the succeeding few days with his sou, Charles, who works for the G. R.. & I. R'y at Cadillac.
Chas. Thiede and wife spent Christmas in Toledo.
Albert Palmer has been iu Manhattan helping George Sawyer this week.
John Phillips and Frank Coilamer, of the master mechanic's office, heard the Bostonian give Robin Rood in Toledo Monday.
A. L Goddard and family visited in Toledo from Saturday until Tuesday.
Felix Begin and wife are visiting iu Toledo.
Albert Weitzke and family have gone to Sandusky, Ohio, to make an extended vacation
Fred Browu is in Cadillac assisting lu the car inspecting.
The men who have been at work iu the car ferry boats at Frankfort, all returned Saturday. the work being got out of the way by that time, and only incidental repairs are expected to call any of them back for some time.
Foreman N. D. Berry, of the paint shop, is putting the finishing touches on engine No 18. Nos. 39 and 34 are nearly ready to visit him also.
Nos. 20 and 31 are now la the shop for slight repairs, and No. 21 for general repairs.
Victor Darling was in Ann Arbor Tuesday inspecting snow plows.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Darling were home from Frankfort for the Christmas holidays.
John Farney, who has been assisting in the Frankfort shop, is now stationed here.
Machinist Benjamin Smith is laid up with a bad felon on bis finger.
John McClellan, who has been off for some time on account of sickness, returned to work Tuesday but was taken with another very severe attack Tuesday evening and is still laid up.
Ed. Cheuey is still acting as shipping clerk while D.Fillmore's fingers are recovering their normal size.
Milo Brott spent Christmas at home in this city but went to Manhattan Monday morning for a few days work.