The Toledo News-Bee Feb. 11, 1905
To Have Exclusive Transfer and Checking privileges Commencing on the First of March.
Through H. W. Ashley, assistant to president, the Ann Arbor railroad award the exclusive transfer and checking privileges to the Clark Coach-Transfer company, the change in transfer companies to take effect March 1. This places all of the Toledo depots with the Clark company, as that company has had the Lake Shore contract for about two years, and secured the exclusive contract with the C., H. & D., Pere Marquette and Termination station on January 1. Since its organization in November the Clark company has been making rapid strides. A private telephone system was installed connecting the hotels, theaters and barns. Experienced transfer men were placed at the head of all departments, new equipment added and one of the best transfer systems in the country installed. Since Capt. Dowling and Clifford Lamb sold out their interest in the Toledo Transfer company to a Mr. Wilson of Chicago, the Clark company is the only one owned exclusively by Toledo people. The transfer and checking privileges give the exclusive right to canvas passenger trains with uniformed agents and to check baggage over the railroads to destination for the traveling public. In addition to the depot and railroad contracts, the Clark company has all of the theatrical business and recently closed a contract to do all the work for the home and visiting baseball clubs during the coming season.
The Evening Argus Feb. 13, 1905
To Be Hoped Ann Arbor Will be Given That Privilege
It Is Best From Railroad Company's Stand point Road Will Maintain But One Crossing
The bit of trouble which has come upon the Ann Arbor railroad on account of its new Corunna Road crossing in this city is unfortunate. To begin with, there is little reason why there should be any trouble over the matter. The new section of main line was not intended for use until next spring and had scarcely been used except for a storage track. The company has made some extensive improvements in Owosso, an as soon as the frost is out of the ground will continue that work, laying a large amount of new track here. On account of these improvements it was necessary to have a storage track this winter. Then in the spring, when the pressure was released the company's plan was to petition for permission to use the new crossing and use that track exclusively tearing up the old main line. But one crossing would then be maintained. Should the crossing board pay a visit to Owosso, the members could readily see that the new crossing is far safer than the old. Drivers and pedestrians have a long view on either side of Corunna Road, whereas the crossing now in use has always been regarded as a death trap. Several bad accidents have occurred at the present crossing, because an approaching train can be seen only a few seconds before it is on the crossing. At the hearing on February 21, Owosso people earnestly hope permission will be given the company to use its new crossing. It will be best for the railroad company, better for the O. & C. E. Co., and the safest place for the public.
Ludington Daily News Feb. 23, 1905
The Ann Arbor line carferries has also practically suspended, No. 3 having returned to Frankfort last Monday after endeavoring for a week to escape from the field on the east shore and making the crossing. She still remains inside Frankfort harbor. Carferries Nos. 1 and 2 made no attempt whatever at running for a week prior to last Sunday when the left Manitowoc tandem for Frankfort. At last accounts the ferries had reached a point four miles off Frankfort and there further progress was prevented by a seemingly impenetrable wall of ice.
The Owosso Times Feb. 24, 1905
An Ann Arbor flat car jumped out of Ann Arbor train two miles south south of Clare, last week, and as the two sections of the train closed and coupled again automatically, and the car was clear of the track, it loss was not discovered until Clare was reached.
The Owosso Times March 3, 1905
The three Ann Arbor car ferries started north out of Frankfort, Monday, carrying 66 loaded cars.
The Owosso Times March 17, 1905
The Common Council has given the O & C. E. and the Ann Arbor Railroad permission to raise their new crossing on Corunna Avenue 40 inches, starting the 200 feet west of the crossing.
The Owosso Times March 17, 1905
The dispatchers' office of the Ann Arbor railroad at Durand will probably be moved to Owosso about April 1.
The Owosso Times March 17, 1905
Ann Arbor engines 1 and 43 are in the the shops for repairs. No. 48 has been sent out newly fixed up. No. 24 is in such bad shape that it has been stripped of its parts and will will be sent sent to the scrap heap.
The Evening Argus Mar. 20, 1905
Passenger Train and Light Engine Collided One Train man Killed, Several Others Injured
Accident Happened on Ann Arbor Railroad Near Mesick Dense Fog Prevailed.
An accident, the result of another a short time before, resulted in the death of one man and the injury of several others on the Ann Arbor railroad Saturday morning. The accident happened near Mesick, and Fireman John Doyle, of Jackson was the man killed.
About 8:30 o'clock that morning, a freight train ran into a washout near Bengall and ten cars were derailed. Engine No. 42, of the freight, started back at full speed toward Mesick shorty afterward and just before reaching there ran into passenger train No. 7, north bound, which was going about forty miles an hour.
Both engines were wrecked and Fireman John Doyle, of the passenger train, was instantly killed. Engineer Albert Voit was badly scalded and otherwise severely injured, and Engineer Christopher Chris and Fireman Bennett of the freight engine and a trainman name Parks were badly hurt. Several passengers were somewhat injured by being thrown from their seats by the crash, but none dangerously so. The injured were all taken back to Mesick, where they were given medical care. A dense for prevailed at the time of the accident, which prevented the engineers seeing each other until their engines were close together. A failure to deliver orders was the immediate cause of the accident. Roy Frisble, of Leondias, who was on Engine 42 at the time of the collision was terribly hurt, and died this morning from the effects of his injuries. He was 22 years old. Frisble was not a railroad man, but was riding on the engine at the time.
The other men who were injured will recover. The remains of Fireman Doyle arrived here this morning and were taken on to his home in Jackson. An escort, consisting of Jack O'Connor, H. Sawyer and John Downe accompanied the remains.
The Evening Argus Mar. 21, 1905
Fireman Irving Bennett Is In a Precarious Condition – Others of Mesick Wreck Improving Irving Bennett, of Owosso, the Ann Arbor fireman who was scalded in the wreck at Mesick, Saturday is getting along nicely and will recover from his injuries. Engineer Christopher Chris, of Engine came down from Mesick last evening, spending the night in Owosso. Speaking of how badly the engine was wrecked. Engineer Chris said proudly “(Old 42 is still ready for business, but all there was left of the other one was the 6 spot, number plate)!” He left this morning for his home in Toledo.
The funeral of Fireman John Doyle will take place in Jackson tomorrow.
Frank Mitchell of the local yards, was in Durand today.
Engineer Joe Goodale has moved his family over from Durand. His father, who is also an Ann Arbor man, will move over Wednesday.
The dispatchers' office will be moved over from Duran this week, the dispatchers meanwhile working in the freight offices in Durand until the offices here are ready for them.
The Evening Argus Mar. 23, 1905
A portion of that piece of ground lying between the machine shops and the river it being placed in readiness for three shop tracks. Work has begun on the track work proper. A little later in the season the eighth siding to the south of the main line will extend west nearly to the point where the new and old main lines come together. There will be eight of these tracks in all, with a storage capacity of five hundred cars.
It will not be long before preparations will be started towards the erection of a new (?) depot. Whether or not it is really to be anew depot remains to be seen. The best information to date indicates that perhaps after all the building now in use will be over to the east and a trifle north and will be so nicely remodeled that when completed it will be so nearly new that Owosso people will be well pleased and the traveling public very thankful. At that time the main line in the immediate vicinity of the depot will be straightened.
Funeral services for Ray Frisbee, one of the collision victims, who died Monday, were held at Leonidas, in St. Joseph' county, where the body was taken yesterday.
Conductor Jepson, who was at first thought to be fatally injured in the Mesick wreck, will probably recover, although his internal twists may cause him several weeks of more more or less unpleasant. Harry Pysler, of Mesick, and W. P. Massillid, the bell telephone lineman, who are on the injured list, will be none the worse for their experience within a few days.
The Evening Argus Mar. 28, 1905
The train dispatcher's office was moved over early yesterday and has been placed in position near the wreckers siding. For a few days, until the office has been connected up, the dispatchers will work from the freight house in Durand.
Trainmaster John O'Laughlin will have their headquarters in Owosso, commencing today.
Thomas Kerwin returned yesterday from Mt. Pleasant, where he spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, Albert C. Veit. Mr. Veit is slowly improving from the effects of his injuries received in the Mesick wreck. It seems certain he will wholly recover.
Ann Arbor passenger train No. 8, northbound, due here at 7:15 p. m., successfully withstood an attempt to wreck it Saturday evening at a point one mile south of Corunna. The train under charge of Conductor Melvin Bright and Engineer Michael Purcell,was bowling along a a good rate of speed, when it struck a heavy timber which had been laid across the track. The front of the pilot was shattered and a piece of the timber lodged under the train, which was not derailed. The air pipes were broken and the train was brought to Owosso after temporary repairs had been made under hand brakes. The train crew skirmished about about the place of the crime, but failed to find any trace of the miscreant. A yard engine was sent back from Owosso to make a more thorough investigation.
Owosso dispatch in Detroit Tribune of Sunday. The timber was “laid” across the track by the elements, not by the hands of vicious people, as implied above. The timber was telegraph pole which was left standing loose in a hole and blew across the track.
The Owosso Times March 31, 1905
The Ann Arbor dispatchers' office was brought back from Durand Sunday, and is located in the yards. A telephone pole south of Corunna, which had been loosened so it could be easily moved out of the way Sunday when the the train carrying the office approached, fell across the tracks and was stuck by passenger train No. 3, northbound. Fortunately, little damage was done.
The Evening Argus Apr. 1, 1905
Engineer Howard, of the shops, who has been absent from his duties for some time account of sickness, is expected back Monday.
Engine 42, which was in the Mesick wreck, is in the shops for many repairs. Engine 26, of the north run, and engine 51 – one of the big fellows – are also receiving considerable attention. The shops in all departments are very busy. John Troy, boiler shop foreman, and two helpers, are in Frankfort overhauling the boilers on No. 1.
R. Davis, carpenter, R. Cornell, machinist, J. Morgan, blacksmith, Hugh Shehee, blacksmith helper, and Robert Chandler, car repairer, have been added to the force this week.
Charles Black, clerk for trainmaster Fohey, and Arthur Dumond, time keeper for the transportation department have office room in the freight house for a week.
The train dispatchers will have been installed in their new offices in this city in less than a week. It is supposed that the remaining half of the Ann Arbor depot in Durand will be removed to a site opposite the Grand Trunk opposite the union depot.
Boston Evening Transcript Apr. 20, 1905
The control of the Ann Arbor Railroad, which has been on of the Gould roads for several years, was acquired yesterday by Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. of New York and Cincinnati. The charge of control involved the acquisition of more than two - thirds of the $3,250,000 common stock and more than three-fourths of the $4,000,000 of preferred stock. The stock was purchased from George J. Gould, President Ramsey of the Wabash and St. Louis banking interests. It is understood that Kleybolte & Co. will not operate the road, but ultimately will dispose of it to other interests. It was also reported that the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and the Pere Marquette have no interest in the purchase.
Railroad Gazette April 21,1905
It is reported that Eugene Zimmerman, President of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Pere Marquette System, and member of the syndicate which expects to purchase the Detroit Southern when it is offered at foreclosure sale on May 1, has bought the Ann Arbor Railroad & Steamship lines. A consolidation of the Ann Arbor and the Detroit Southern would give a road with 714 miles of line running from Ironton, on the Ohio River, through a connection between the two roads at Dundee, Mic., about half way between Detroit and Toledo, to Frankfort on the north end of Lake Michigan. The Ann Arbor runs a car ferry from Frankfort to Menominee And Manistique, Mich., and Manitowoc and Kewaunee, Wis. The Ann Arbor Railroad runs from Toledo, Ohio, to Frankfort, Mich. 292 miles.
Railroad Gazette April 28, 1905
The control of this road, it is announced, is held by Rudoph Kleybolte & Co., of Cincinnati. They have acquired over two-thirds of the $3,250,000 common stock and over three-fourths of the $1,000,000 preferred stock.. This stock was purchased from George J. Gould, Joseph Ramsey, Jr., and the St. Louis Union Trust Co., of St. Louis, who have been operating the property in the interests of the Gould system.
Railroad Gazette May 5, 1905
Cyrus J. Lawrence has resigned from the directorate. Henry W. Ashley, who has been Assistant to the President, has resigned.
The Owosso Times May 5, 1905
Will No Longer Be Connected With Ann Arbor Railroad.
Toledo, O., May 4. – Henry W. Ashley has resigned from the board of directors of the Ann Arbor railroad system and will not be connected with the property in any capacity in the future. Kleybolte & Co., bankers, are the purchasers. A member of Kleybolgte & Co. say: “The Ann Arbor will not go to the Pere Marquette, nor to the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton. Just where it it will will go I cannot say at this time. Engene Zimmerman has nothing to do with the purchase.”
The Ann Arbor system was created by the Ashleys, of Toledo, James M. Ashley and his sons, James M., jr., and Henry W., and Henry's father-in-law, Wellington R. Burt, of Saginaw. Mr Burt, however, did not come in until later years. The Ashleys first projected the the line from Toledo to Ann Arbor. They put practically none of their own money in it, but got towns and townships along the line to issue bonds. It was extended in time north to Frankfort by the same means.
Mr. Burt became president and Henry W. manager. Several years ago there was a bear movement in the stock. Burt and Henry W. gathered in a lot of it at below 20, then unloaded a controlling interest on the Wabash at something like 50. It was current reported that they cleaned up over $1,000,000. Immediately afterwards Joseph Ramsay, Jr., president of the Wabash, became president of the Ann Arbor also, and Ashley became “assistant to the president” in both the Wabash and the Ann Arbor service. They retained these positions until last week.
The Owosso Times May 5, 1905
It is stated that the Ann Arbor will expend $32,000 this year in making a better grade for the road between Farwell and Lake George.
The Evening Argus May 8, 1905
New System Formed by Merger to be so Known
New York, May 6 – The railroad system formed by the merger of the Ann Arbor and Detroit lines will, it is stated, bear the name of the Ann Arbor road. It will be under the management of Samuel Hunt, president of the Detroit Southern. A reciprocal arrangement has been entered into whereby the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton reaches Ironton over the Detroit Southern tracks, while the later reaches Toledo over the tracks of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton. A syndicate is now in control of the two closely associated systems, consisting of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and Pere Marquette on the one hand and the Ann Arbor and Detroit Southern on the other. Members of the syndicate maintain that there are no plans under way to dispose of the roads to one of the trunk lines.
Railroad Gazette May 12, 1905
The purchasers of the Detroit Southern at receiver's sale have incorporated the road in Michigan under the name of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton. It is reported that with with this is to be merged the Ann Arbor, the two not to be consolidated with, but to be operated in harmony with the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and Pere Marquette system, over whose tracks the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton trains are to enter Toledo.
Railroad Gazette May 19, 1905
George M. Cumming, President of the United States Mortgage & Trust Co., and Rudolph Kleybolte have been elected directors, succeeding Alvin W. Krech and Wellington R, Burt.
June 1, 1905 The Detroit, Toledo & Ironton first gains control of the Ann Arbor Railroad.
The Owosso Times June 2, 1905
Capt. Zenas H. Ross has been appointed ticket clerk at the Ann Arbor depot.
The Owosso Times June 2, 1905
Repairs are being made on the Ann Arbor freight house.
The Owosso Times June 9, 1905
Heavy storms caused wash-outs and delays on the railroads; with a few derailments. The Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk at had wash-outs at Lakeland. (Condensed story)
The Owosso Times June 9, 1905
The private car, Temigami, formerly the Wolverine, as left the Ann Arbor shops, newly painted, and gone to its destination on a new road in Canada.
The Owosso Times June 9, 1905
A northbound Ann Arbor Freight was wrecked Tuesday night by a washout at Bannister. Engine 50 and six cars went into the ditch.
Railroad Gazette June 16, 1905
Representatives of this company have bought control of the Ann Arbor and two road will probably shortly be consolidated. The purchasers have acquired 30,010 shares out of the total of 40,000 shares of preferred stock of the Ann Arbor and 21,900 shares out out of of the total of 32,500 shares of common stock. Payment was was made with $5,500,000 3 ½ -year 5 per cent collateral trust notes secured by the acquired shares of the Ann Arbor and by $5,000,000 general-mortgage 4 ½ per cent bonds of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton These notes have been underwritten by Rudolph Kleybolte & Co., who sold the Ann Arbor stock. It is reported that when the roads are combined, Joseph Ramsey, Jr., will retire as President of the Ann Arbor and will be succeeded by George M. Cumming, President of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton. This consolation will give the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton 714 miles of from Ironton, on the Ohio river, to Frankfort, near the north end of Lake Michigan.
Railroad Gazette June 30, 1905
There will be a meeting of the stockholders on June 26 to ratify the purchase of the control of the Ann Arbor, through the acquiring of $3,001,000 of the preferred stock and $2,190,000 of the common stock of that company; also to authorize the pledging of this and $5,000,000 of the consolidated mortgage bonds of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton to secure $5,500,000 3 ½ year 5 per cent notes. These notes are to be turned over to Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. as payment for the Ann Arbor shares and $5,000,000 in cash. Under the collateral trust agreement not more than $1,500,000 additional collateral trust notes may be issued to secure the rest of the capital stock amounting to to $999,000 of the preferred and $1,060,000 of the common. The stockholders will also vote on approval of a contract with Rudolph Kleybolte & Co., by which in exchange $225,000 (part of the $500,000 payment mentioned above) and $280,000 4 ½ per cent equipment trust notes due $208,000 annually beginning June 1, 1906, 1,800 coal cars, 200 flat cars, 500 box cars and 30 locomotives are to be delivered to the railroad company.
The Owosso Times July 14, 1905
The Ann Arbor round house at Durand has been torn down and the material will be be sent to Owosso for use here.
Benzie County Patriot Aug. 4, 1905
The Ping-Pong
From Frankfort – A. M. 10:10, P. M. 1:00, 2:25, 3:50, 4:50, 7:45, 9:05, 9:45
The 10:10 and 4:30 not Sunday. The 2:25 not on Saturday.
From Beulah-- A. M. 6:10, 9:57, P. .M. 1.40, 4:55, 6:05, 7:00, 8:25, 11:00
9:57 and 6:05 not on Sunday. The 6:10 not on Monday The round trip trip, 25 cents.
Benzie County Patriot Aug. 4, 1905
Engineer Richards Retained
An d now comes the official announcement from General Manage r R. K. Smith of the Ann Arbor and Detroit, Toledo and Ironton combination that O. D. Richard s is to be retained as chief Engineer of the consolidated roads. Mr, Richards has been with the Ann Arbor for a good many years and ha s demonstrated his fitness tor the place by handling all matters pertaining to his department tin a highly satisfactory and creditable manner. The PATRIOT congratulate s this genial gentleman up on his appointment and wishes him continued success. J. F. Bratton is the man who appears at the head of the car service department. We understand that Mr. Bratton is an old Lake Shoreman with large experience and will bring to his duties all tho ripeness and wisdom of a veteran in this lino of work. Another phase of the announcement which is of interest is that the operating department now in charge of W. F, Bradley of Toledo will be removed from that city to Owosso. the change to take place immediately.
The Owosso Times Sept. 22, 1905
The Ann Arbor special summer trains that go north at 10:30 p. m. and south at 3:30 a. m. will be discontinued next week.
The Owosso Times Sept. 22, 1905
No more northern interchangeable mileage books will be sold after Oct. 1, but the Central passenger association mileage orders will be placed on sale on all roads.
The Owosso Times Sept. 29, 1905
The new Grand Trunk passenger depot was opened for use Monday. The new depot at Durand will be fully completed soon. The waiting rooms are now in use.
The Owosso Times Oct. 13, 1905
A special train was run to Elsie and return from Owosso Monday morning on the Ann Arbor because a freight wreck had prevented the train from the north getting by.
Owosso News Oct. 21, 1905
Ann Arbor Engineer Ed Miller Lost His Life in Wreck
In a Rear End End Collision – Brakeman Roy Kimball Scalded and R. Schelbler, Fireman, Badly Injured
One man lost his life and two others, were severely injured in a rear end collision on the Ann Arbor road near Shepherd at 4 o'clock this morning.
Two extra freights, both double headers, were bound south. Both trains were heavily loaded. The first train was standing in siding the switches at Shepherd cooling a hot box when the second train coming along at a good gait dashed into the caboose of the rear train. There is a sharp curve in the road at the point where the collision took place, and there was no time for anyone to escape.
In the wreck that followed eight cars of the front train train were badly demolished, the front engine of the second train was toppled over in a ditch. Engineer, Ed miller was was instantly killed;His fire fireman, R. Scheibler, was slightly hurt and Roy Kimball, brakeman, who happened to be in the cab at the time was severely scalded. No one else on either train was injured.
The track and cars were so badly wrecked that the morning train south could not pass, and a relief train was sent to Shepherd to transfer passengers. The train arrived here over an hour and a half late.
Engineer Miller is one of the most popular men on road. Big and jolly he had many friends who are today grieving over his untimely death. He leaves a wife and little daughter, who reside on East Main street. The family came over with the division people last spring.
Mr. Scheibler is a single man, boarding at Nye's hotel. Mr. Kimball is a married man with a wife and child.
Scheibler and Kimball came down on the regular train this morning Miller's remains will be brought down this evening.
Owosso News Oct. 23, 1905 The funeral of Engineer Edward Miller who was killed at Shepherd Saturday morning was was held this afternoon Interment near Milan.
The Evening Argus Oct. 24, 1905
Alma Boy Struck by train lands on Pilot and Escapes Death
Harry Dunham, aged 15 years, is at home of his uncle in Shepherd recuperating from bruises and internal injuries received in a peculiar manner from an Ann Arbor train. Harry's home is in Alma. He says that while he was crossing the Ann Arbor he was struck by the engine of train No. 9, which was running at the rate of 15 miles an hour. Although bruised and partly stunned, he managed to crawl from the pilot up under the smoke box, where he rode until Shepherd was reached and he was discovered by Engineer T. J. Tubbs of Owosso.
The Owosso Times Dec. 1, 1905
A collision occurred on the Ann Arbor Railway near Shepard, Friday, between two freight trains, wrecking twelve cars and badly using up both engines – Nos. 19 an 51. No one was injured.