The Toledo News-Bee Jan. 2,1911
Somewhere on Lake Erie, between Toledo and Detroit, a big Ann Arbor ice-crushing car ferry is held in the grip of heavy ice.
The ferry, just completed at the yards of the Toledo Shipbuilding company, left at 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning on a 530 mile trip to Manistique, Mich., through ice varying in thickness from two to 20 inches.
The ferry had little trouble in making her way out of the harbor, and it was expected that she would would make Detroit before nightfall. Apparently, ice heavier than anticipated was encountered. At 6 o'clock on Sunday night the ferry had not arrived at Detroit.
Owing to the fact that buoys, channel stakes and lightships have been removed for the winter, Capt. F. B. Tulledge, who is in charge of the ship, will not run her at night, and the big car ferry is probably in the ice near the month of Detroit river.
The Toledo New-Bee Jan. 21, 1911
Steel Coaches, of Interurban Style, Are to Displace the Railway's Accommodation Trains.
First Cat Will Be Sent Out on April 1 – Four Others to Go Into Service as Soon as Delivered
Service that will be almost similar to that provided by the electric interurbans will be established by the Ann Arbor railroad on April 1.
Just before returning to New York Saturday morning, Joseph Ramsey, jr. announced that the Ann Arbor has awarded the contract for five self-propelled gasoline steel cars. First of these cars is to be delivered to the Ann Arbor, April 1. Service will be inaugurated on that day.
The remaining four cars are to be delivered in quick succession and will be put in service just as fast as they arrive. The gasoline cars will take the place of some of the accommodation trains.
“The cars will be operated under out present system of dispatching. They will make all the stops that the interurban cars of today make. Fast through service will be provided by our steam trains. J. J. Kirby, general passenger agent of the road, is at work on the plan of operation for the cars,” said Ramsey.
The cars are to be cable of high speed. They will be thoroughly modern in every respect and will be larger than most of the Toledo interurban lines.
The is in reality operated by electricity. A gasoline engine, however, through an electric generator, makes the power which operates the car. No wire or poles are necessary.
The Ann Arbor will be the first road in this section of the country to put on these self-propelled gasoline cars. In the east and in the hilly western countries they have been put on by many roads.
Ramsey said Saturday that the service will be a boon to the farming community, and as such should bring increase trade to Toledo.
The Evening Argus Jan. 26, 1911
Cadillac News Says Charles Shears Weights 250 But Is Not Fat
The Cadillac News says: The personification of joviality, well liked known to all and weighting about 250 pounds – that's what Charles Shears, Ann Arbor railroad conductor is. His home is in Owosso, and he runs a train through Cadillac every other day.
If there's one thing in this world Conductor Shears like better than another it's a pint of milk to wash down a quarter of an apple pie. He will ride from Owosso to Clare and then eat his repast at he lunch counter there. At Cadillac it is the same thing. That's four times in one day. Conductor Shears has been on the road for 20 years. Now delving into figures.
Four pints of milk per day for 183 days in the year multiplied by 20, the number of years he has been on the road, will show that the railroad man has drunk 16,640 pints of milk while on his run. Four quarters of a pie per day for the same length of time totals 16,640 quarter of pies.
Now Conductor Shears is not fat. He's just nice and round and comfortable. He jumps a train with the agility of youth. He runs 100 yards in good time. He lifts heavy weights, wades through a bunch of tough ones and discounts fat men all around.
And all of that after eating 4,160 pies and drinking 8,230 quarts of milk.
The Evening Argus Jan. 28, 1911
Ann Arbor Passenger Train off the Track But No-one Injured
Spreading Rails Cause Trouble That Throws Railroad Schedule Out of Joint
ELSIE, Mich., Jan. 28 –Special-- The northbound passenger train on the Ann Arbor railroad, which leaves Owosso at 6:20 a. m., and is due here at 6:50, was wrecked at a point half mile north and west of this village this morning. The tender, baggage car and mail car were ditched and two passenger coaches bumped along on the rails for a distance of several rods, before the train came to a standstill. No one was injured. Spreading rails is given as the cause of the wreck.
The train left here on time and was bowling along at a rate estimated at between 25 and 30 miles an hour, when it hit the defective rails. The engine got by safety, but the tender left the track and broke its couplings with the engine. For some distance the tender bumped along on the ties, propelled by the force of the four cars behind it, which left the track when they struck the spot were the rails had spread.
Then the cars went clear of the ties and ploughed into the ground, with such force that when they came to a standstill, the tenders trucks were sunk out of sight. The baggage and mail cars did not capsize but when they came to a stop they were at a dangerous angle.
When the tender and the cars broke loose, the engine ploughed ahead some distance before it came to a stop. One of its front trucks left the rails. The engine crew remained in the cab and was unhurt. None of the passengers was injured, although they were all badly jolted.
The wrecking crew came up from Owosso and found the trucks of the tender, baggage and mail cars badly broken, and this afternoon the tender and two cars are still in the ditch. The two coaches have been put back onto the track. It is not believed that the wreck can be cleaned up and the track, which was badly torn up, repaired, before tomorrow.
Word of the wreck was at once sent to Owosso and a special train was sent up here to meet the train from north, due here at 8:20, and whose path was blocked by the wreck. The passengers, crew and baggage of the south bound train, were transferred to the special and brought to Owosso, while the passengers, crew and baggage of wrecked train were transferred to the train that had just come from the north.
That someone was not killed or at least badly hurt in the wreck, is due no doubt to the fact that the ditch into which the cars plunged, was not deep enough to allow them to tip over.
The Evening Argus Feb. 3, 1911
New Ann Arbor Cars Will Take On Passengers at Crossroads
Five Stops Between Owosso and Durand Besides the Two Regular Stations.
VERNON, Mich., Feb. 3 – When the Ann Arbor Railroad company inaugurates its new local passenger service, in which its fine new gasoline cars will figure, farmers will be given better accommodations by the railroad than at present. In the spring, when the new service is introduced, the new cars will make stops at cross roads which are most convenient places for the farmers to take or leave the cars.
The local Ann Arbor agent has been securing the names of crossings between Durand and Owosso. They are Durand way, Clark's and Reed's crossing, Owosso way, Howd's and Miller's.
The Evening Argus Feb. 6, 1911
Have a Case Against Ann Arbor Railroad
Corunna lawyers say the heirs of Loran Harnes, the Middletown man killed on the Corunna avenue crossing in Owosso by an Ann Arbor passenger train, Saturday night, have a case against the railroad. There is an electric alarm signal on the crossing, which is evidence that the road believes the crossing to be a dangerous one, and it is the duty of the company under this presumption, say the attorneys, to see that the alarm signal is in perfect condition at all times.
The street car crews and others who cross the track at this point say that the signal has been silent for several days. In fact, the street car narrowly escaped being smashed up on night last week, it is said.
Conductor Thomas threw the levers operating the targets and derailer and motioned his car ahead, just as a light engine swung around the abrupt curve to the south of Corunna avenue. It was going at a good rate of speed, and there was absolutely no indication of danger. The car was stopped just in time. It is probable that the engine was under the target when it was turned, and as the signal was out of commission there was no other protection.
The bell at the crossing was working all right yesterday.
The Evening Argus Feb. 10, 1911
Finds That Late Loran Barnes Came To Death Through His Own Careless
The Ann Arbor Railroad company and the crew of passenger train No. 3, northbound, on last Saturday night, were absolved from all blame for the death of Loran Barnes, who was killed when that train struck his rig at Corunna avenue crossing, by the verdict of the coroner's jury rendered last night. The six men deliberated for two and one-half hours before they were able to agree on a verdict, which is substantially as follows:
“We find that Laran Barnes came to his death by being struck by Ann Arbor passenger train No. 3, northbound, at Corunna avenue crossing, on the evening of Saturday, February 4, and his death was result of his own carelessness.”
The important point for the jury to decide was whether or not the electric alarm bell at the crossing was in working order at the time of the accident. Some evidence was to the effect that the bell was out of repair, while other testimony tended to show that it was put out of commission by the accident. It is known that one juryman wanted to hold the Ann Arbor liable, as he believed that the bell was not working. The others, however, were for the verdict rendered but it took a lot of argument to get the perverse juror in line.
Ludington Daily News Mar. 1, 1911
The four car ferries of the Ann Arbor fleet are being equipped this week with wireless apparatus by the United Wireless Telegraph company. In addition to the equipment on the boats, land stations will also be erected at Frankfort and Manistique, point touched by the ferries. As on the Pere Marquette ferries the pursers on the Ann Arbor ferries will be wireless operators.
The Evening Argus March 2, 1911
News Picked up Around The Local Railroad Shops
Every engine used by the Ann Arbor will have undergone a severe test as to the number of pounds pressure it boilers can stand, within a short time. The tests have been put to some of the engines already, and the rest will be put through the procedure as soon as possible. Cold water pressure is the test used, and the boilers must be able to stand 275 pounds without leaking, before they are pronounced perfect.
The test are the result of a law recently passed by the Ohio Legislature which makes it compulsory for every engine operating in Ohio to undergo this test before it is allowed to be run in that state. As practically every engine the Ann Arbor has, enters the Buckeye state at one time or another, the Ann Arbor is effected by the law. Some of their engines have leaked badly when put under the test and engine Nos. 75 and 51 are in the shops at present for a complete overhauling as a result. No. 75 will be entirely rebuilt.
Ann Arbor Notes
Train Dispatcher E. S. Waterman has accept the position of chief dispatcher for the Grand Trunk at Montreal and left today for the Canadian city. Noel Boylan, who has been operator at the dispatcher's office now becomes a dispatcher, as each of the dispatchers left, will move up a notch.
The steam shovel is being repaired and put into shape for the coming season, which opens about April 1.
President Joseph Ramsey, Jr. his assistant W. H. Holiday, and W. K. Lowell, another official, passed through here Tuesday en route to Toledo. The officials made a flying trip to Frankfort, leaving Toledo at 9 o'clock Monday night, going to Frankfort where they remained a little more than an hour and returning to Toledo, reaching there about 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The object of their trip is not known, for, as one office man here said, when asked if they stopped in Owosso they didn't even hesitate.
Engine No. 107 is in the shops for general repairs.
Ann Arbor trainmen tell the story of the arrest of six Mt. Pleasant young men who are locked up charged with serious offenses against four young girls. One is also held there for burglary, according to an Ann Arbor fireman.
George Chandler, foreman of the tin shop, was in Durand yesterday, called there by the death of his father-in-law.
Coaches 16 and 20 are in the shops for repairs and will also be given a coat of paint.
It is evident from a sign hung in the yard master's office that no one is wanted to loaf in there. The sign reads: “No loafing here. Do your business and GET OUT.”
South Frankfort Alert March 16, 1911
A railroad crew began work Tuesday on new wireless tower to be erected on the beach the storm Wednesday made them lay off on that date, but work ha s now been resumed.
The Evening Argus March 29, 1911
Engineer Hurst of Ann Arbor Road Receives Book Containing Descriptions and Cuts.
Engineer J. B. Hurst has received an book containing full descriptions and cuts of the new gasoline cars which the Ann Arbor road is to put into operation about the middle of April. The cars are equipped with 6 cylinder engines, the cylinders of which are 10 x 12 inches in dimensions. The engines are 200 horse power.
A view of the interior of the cars, is given and shows how pleasant the cars should be to ride in. The windows are round and dust proof, and are arranged in such a way that from any part of the car, an excellent view of the of the surrounding country is secured. In the rear of the car is a seat in the shape of a half circle, from which an excellent view is gained. The cars are lighted with acetyline gas.
The lines of the car are similar to a bullet, with a wedge shaped front and round back. The front is thus shaped to present less resistance. Information from various parts of the country, particularly in the west, show that the cars have given excellent satisfaction.
The Toledo News-Bee April 1, 1911
Ann Arbor's Gas Car Turns the Steam Road Into Farmer's Street Car System
Here's a picture of the first of new gasoline motor passenger cars that will be put into service on the Ann Arbor railroad probably on April 10.
It is an all-steel car, weighting 68,000 pounds. It is equipped with a 200-horsepower gasoline engine, capable of driving it at the rate of 70 miles an hour. The car is 72 ½ feet long. It has a seating capacity for 83 passengers as well a a baggage compartment.
The car is furnished inside with mahogany and leather, and cost the Ann Arbor railroad company $25,000. Five of them will be delivered to the company between April 10 and May 1.
One of the cars will be put on each of the five divisions of the Ann Arbor road. If at the end of the ensuing year they operation is the success that is hoped for, another bid other for cars will be placed.
General Passenger Agent J,
. J. Kirby has arranged a temporary schedule for the operation of the cars during the first few weeks. This schedule will be reduced if the car is capable of doing the work. Stops will be made at every section line, one mile apart, between Toledo and Ann Arbor. The new schedule is:
Leave -- Arrive --
Ann Arbor 7 a. m. Toledo 9 a. m.
Toledo 10 a. m. Ann Arbor 12 p. m.
Ann Arbor 2 p. m. Toledo 4 p. m.
Toledo 5 p. m. Ann Arbor 7 p. m.
Dundee Reporter 4-7-1911
The Ann Arbor railroad has purchased an eight-acre gravel pit near Cadillac for $2,000. There is enough material to grade 70 miles of track. The road has also closed a contract with upper peninsula men for 100,000 cedar ties to be used in improving its roadbed.
To comply with with an Ohio law the Ann Arbor railroad will send a car over its entire system to test the eyes of the employes. This is not required under the Michigan law, but as most of the men run through both states it becomes necessary if they are allows to run trains in Ohio.
The Toledo News-Bee April 15, 1911
Purchase of North Michigan Line By Ann Arbor Brings Business Here.
Ore and Lumber Fields of the Northern Peninsula Penetrated by Newly Acquire Line – Helps Coal Shippers.
Through the purchase of the Manistique & Lake Superior railroad by the Ann Arbor, announced on Saturday, Toledo will be given a direct line to the great iron ore, lumber, pulpwood and paper fields of the upper peninsula of Michigan. The deal will result in greatly increased tonnage in Toledo and for “all through” coal shippers it affords a direct rail line to the north.
The consideration in the deal was not made public. The Manistique & Lake Superior road is about 40 miles long. Its present terminal is at Shingleton. The roadbed has been and rails laid for an extension of the line from Shingleton to Munsing Junction on the upper peninsula.
At Manistique the road connects with the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie known as the “Soo line.” At Munising junction it connects with the Lake Superior and Ishpeming, the Marquette and Southeastern, and the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic, which latter line brings it with 38 miles of Marquette, the headquarters of the great ore and lumber interests of the upper peninsula.
The headquarters of the road will be in Toledo although the operating office will be at Manistique. The Ann Arbor now runs to Frankfort, Mich., from which place to Manistique it operates a line of car ferries.
Officers for the new road were appointed Saturday as follows: Assistant to the vice-president and general manager, W. D. Holliday; auditor, Joseph Goldham, Toledo; assistant auditor and cashier, C. H. Cox, Manistique; assistant treasurer, J. T. Walsh; general passenger agent, J. J. Kirby, general freight agent, H. S. Bradley; car accountant, T. H. Hervey, all of Toledo and superintendent, B. A. Craver, of Manistique.
South Frankfort Alert April 27, 1911
The noon passenger was three hours late in getting in here Wednesday. The delay was caused by a freight wreck on the other side of Cadillac. Several cars went in the ditch but no one was injured.
The Evening Argus May 6, 1911
First Electric Service of Kind Installed By Ann Arbor Road
Five Cars Will Be Used and Will Cover Whole Length of Line – Owosso People Shows Interest
When No. 1, the first gasoline electric car to make its appearance on the Ann Arbor railroad, rolled into Owosso last night at about 8:15, a large crowd of people had assembled on the depot platform to take a squint at the vehicle. A number rushed through the car, but the majority were content with an external survey of its graceful and business like lines. Expressions of admiration were general.
The car left Frankfort, the northern terminal, yesterday morning, a few hours after its arrival from the factory at Omaha. It made the regular stops during the day and was everywhere received by crowds of people, alive to the innovation of the inauguration of electric car service on a Michigan steam railroad.
Officers of the road who made the initial trip were W. D. Holiday, assistant to the president; J. J. Kirby, general passenger agent; J. Goldbaum, auditor; K. A. Gohring, superintendent and Assistant Master Mechanic Frelick, who acted as engineer. The normal crew of the car will include a conductor and baggageman besides the engineer.
This is the first of five received by the Ann Arbor. They will be run as local trains, making all small towns and road crossing stops and thus permitting the steam passenger trains to become limited trains. No. 1, will run between Ann Arbor and Toledo regularly, beginning next week. The other four cars, which will arrive at intervals of two weeks,will cover the remainder of the line. When No. 2arrives, about two weeks hence, it will put in service between Ann Arbor and Owosso. No. 3 will run between Owosso and Mt. Pleasant, No. 4 between Mt. Pleasant and Cadillac, and No. 5 between Cadillac and Frankfort. It is believed two round trips will be possible every 24 hours.
The fare on these cars will be the regular two cents a mile,as on steam roads, with the provision granted by the last legislative, that the minimum single fare will be five cents. The company will cater to the rural travel, making an average of three or four crossroad stops between present stations. The electricity in the car is generated by a gasoline engine and the motor is of 200 horsepower. The vehicle is capable of 70 miles an hour, but the normal will be about 40 miles.
The car is of steel, beautifully appointed and finished in mahogany. It has passenger, smoking and baggage compartments, is 74 feet long and seats 84 passengers. The seats are upholstered in leather and every modern convenience is afforded. It runs more smoothly than the ordinary interurban car and is easily handled.
The exterior of the vehicle is of red-brown color. Its appearance suggests at once, comfort and great speed possibilities, and its lines are similar to those of a bullet. The car is built a little lower than the regular passenger car. The wheels seem larger than the common car wheels.
The power generating apparatus is in a compartment about six feet long, at the forward end. The vehicle is equipped with a whistle than is keyed up considerably higher than that of the ordinary passenger engine and has less force. There is also a signal bell which clanged merrily as it pulled into town last night.
The car was brought from Nebraska by Engineer George Crocker of Ann Arbor who accompanied it on its maiden trip. Crocker has been on the Ann Arbor for 25 years, but has never before been over the north end of the line.
No. 1 left Owosso this morning at about 7:30 to complete its exhibition trip to Toledo.
The Toledo News-Bee May 8, 1911
The first of the five gasoline motor coaches the Ann Arbor Railroad company will use on the five divisions of its line between Toledo and Frankfort, Mich., was put in regular service Monday on the Toledo-Ann Arbor division. The other cars will be put on as fast as they arrive. About four trips a day between Toledo and Ann Arbor will be made by the car, stopping at every section line line, one mile apart, between Toledo and Ann Arbor on the regular trips.
The Evening Argus May 9, 1911
The new gasoline car of the Ann Arbor railroad on the maiden trip over the road, made a stop here Saturday for inspection, and a large crowd was at the station, who greatly enjoyed looking over the fine vehicle. It greatly pleased all of them.
The Evening Argus May 27, 1911
For the Ann Arbor Railroad Company's Two New Gasoline Cars
Owosso Service Will Be Greatly Improved New Schedule Becomes Effective Tomorrow
Ann Arbor officials this morning announced the schedule for the two gasoline cars on of which has been running between Ann Arbor and Toledo for two weeks, and the other of which will be put in service tomorrow morning. Contrary to the general opinion, both cars will run between Owosso and Toledo instead of one taking half the territory between the two cities, The schedule gives Owosso two cars every 24 hours each way, and becomes effective at 12:01 a. m. Sunday.
One of the cars ties up at Ann Arbor each night and one at Howell. The one at Howell leaves there at 6:30 in the morning, going south to Toledo. It reaches there at 10 o'clock and starts back at 10:45, reacheing Owosso at 3:40 p. m. It lays over here until 4:30 and then goes back back to Howell, arriving there at 6 p. m. where it stays the rest of the night. The other car, which ties up at Ann Arbor at night, leaves there at 7:10 a. m. northbound, and reaches here at 10:15. It lays over here until 11:15 when it starts for Toledo, arriving there a 4:15 p. m. It lays over there 45 minutes, then starts back and reaches Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock and ties up for the night.
Engineer Seymour Corey and Conductor William Conroy of this city will have charge of one car, and Engineer George Cricker and Conductor P. J. Harrison also of Owosso will have charge of the other. The schedule completed yesterday by Supt. K. A. Gohring, and W. D. Holliday, assistant to the president, will be in effect, it is probable, only until the third car reaches here when it will be changed. The schedule for the entire five will not be completed until all of them are ready to be put into operation.
It will be seen that the service from Owosso will be improved greatly by the cars. At present there is no train south from 9 o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon, but now a car is scheduled to go south at 11:45. Again, at present there is no train from the south now between 11:18 in the morning and 6:30 at night. One of the cars will arrive here at 3:40. The afternoon car south, leaves here only a half hour ahead of the southbound passenger train, and the morning car from the south gets here about an hour before the morning passenger train.
The Toledo News-Bee June 26, 1911
Toledo Boosters to Visit Towns on The Ann Arbor Line.
The first trade extension trip of the Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers' board of the Toledo Commerce Club will start on Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock from the Ann Arbor depot on Cherry street in one of the new gasoline cars of the Ann Arbor. The trip will consume two days. Stops will be made at 26 Michigan towns.
The Toledo News-Bee June 27, 1911
Special to News-Bee
Ann Arbor, Mich., June 27 – Fifty Toledo wholesale merchants and manufacturers, who arrived in this city this morning on the first trade extension trip, spent a busy two hours calling upon the merchants with whom they do business and visiting the university grounds and the many places of business interest here.
The visitors made their first stop at Dundee, where they were given a royal welcome by a reception committee. A party of business men of the village were met there and the visitors were taken to the business section of the town in autos.
Short stops at Azalia and Milan were also made and everywhere the greatest interest was shown in the excursion. No arrangements were made here by the Ann Arbor board of trade to entertain the visitors, but local business men did their best to welcome them and show them a good time. Luncheon was served at the American house at noon and at 1 o'clock the party left for Whitmore Lake, where 45 minutes they visited merchants.
The Evening Argus June 27, 1911
Ann Arbor Has Given Owosso More Trains and Better Service
Night Train On From Toledo and Additional Motor Cars – Change in Running Time
A new time table, which took effect yesterday morning, has been issued by the Ann Arbor road. It effects the running time of every passenger train and motor car in the service and adds one train each way, giving Owosso three trains each way, besides four motor cars each way every day. The number of the passenger trains have also been changed, a prefix of five being placed before the number of each train. Now instead of the number being 1, 2, 3, etc., as they have been for years, they will be 51, 52, 53, etc. The motor cars are to be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. up to 16.
Hereafter the southbound trains leave Owosso at 9:05 a. m., 5 p. m. and 3:20 a. m. while the northbound trains leave at 6:20 a. m., 11:05 a. m. and 7:05 p. m. A train which reaches here from Toledo at 12:00 a. m. remains here the rest of the night.
An increase in the the motor car service is called for by the time table. At present one car is running between Owosso and Mt. Pleasant, but another one will be added as soon as it gets here from Omaha, and two of them will be operated between Owosso and Cadillac. The running time will be No. 7 leave Owosso at 8:10 a. m., runs to Cadillac, reaching there at 1:15 p. m. Starts back as No. 10 at3:15, reaching here at 8:15 p. m. No. 8 will leave Cadillac at 8a. m., and south south, reaching Owosso at 1:15 p. m. At 2:50 p. m. it starts back to Cadillac as No. 9, and reaches there at 7:50 p. m. where it ties up for the night.
The time table also calls for motor car service between Cadillac and Frankfort, which will be added as soon as the other cars come. According to the time six cars in all will in service then. The motor cars on the south end leave here a 11:05 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. and arrive from the south at 10:15 a. m. and 2:45 p. m.
The Evening Argus July 19, 1911
William Cramer is car checking for the Ann Arbor, during the absence of Lawrence Martin who is enjoying a month's vacation in the northern part of the state.
The Evening Argus July 22, 1911
Ann Arbor Shopmen's Week Reduced One Day Until Further Notice
No One Here Seems to Know Reason For Order Which Has Already Taken Effect
The Ann Arbor shops are closed today and from now until further orders are received from President Joseph Ramsey, the men will work only five days a week. This is the substance of an order posted on the Bulletin boards about the shops a couple of of days ago, and which went into effect today.
Inquiries around the shops and of the heads of various departments failed to reveal the cause of the order. C. P. Bergman, master mechanic of the road, under whose supervision the shops are, stated this afternoon that he could give no reason for curtailment of the week of the working men. He said he had received the order and no explanation. It would be necessary, he said, to talk to Mr. Ramsey if the true reason were learned. Mr. Bergman declared that the shops are busy at present, but that he believed the work could be done in five days.
Another employe of the company, who usually knows the whys and wherefores of the official orders declared that he believed the cause simply a matter of economy. A great many of the railroads of the country have inaugurated policies of retrenchment, and it is believed that the Ann Arbor is bent on economizing as much as possible, without hurting its business.
The bulletin from the president of the road, came as a big surprise to the men. Of late everything has been moving around and on the road, and the month of June was the biggest in the history of the company, so far as the payroll was concerned.
The Evening Argus July 26, 1911
Some of our village people are buying some of the old box cars the Ann Arbor railroad is selling at ten dollars apiece, and will use them for woodsheds, chicken coops and other purposes.
The Evening Argus July 26, 1911
Ann Arbor Railroad Only One To Enforce Obedience To the 16 Hour Law
Trainmen Not Kept On Duty So Long At Stretch That He Is Apt To Sleep At Post
CADILLAC, Mich., July 26 – The Ann Arbor railroad enjoys the reputation of never in its history having killed a passenger in a wreck, a record not borne by any other railroad in the whole country, it is said. The Ann Arbor road is now working up another reputation and record, not enjoyed by all roads in this state, that of obeying the sixteen hour law, a law which provides that no railroad man in the state shall work more than sixteen hours without an intermission of the hours for rest.
Workmen will tell one that the railroad is more particular to see that the law is obeyed than some of the men are for they often find they are able to hour a few hours longer and experience any hardship or discomfort. However the men recognize that the is a good one and are glad that the Ann Arbor is seeing that it is upheld. They have found that more work and better work is now being done than when a trainman was sometimes doubled work on a then putting in xx hours work at a jump. The likelihood of accidents under the old system, is regarded as sufficient reason, for the new >(non-readable)
Ludington Daily News Aug. 2, 1911
Old Car ferry Ann Arbor No. 1 Lays Over Enroute To Muskegon – Only Iron Sheeted Shell Is Left.
In tow of the tug Torrent of the Green Bay Stone company, the wreck of car ferry Ann Arbor No. 1 was in port last week enroute to Muskegon where it is stated she will be converted into a stone scow by one of the harbor contracting companies.
The Ann Arbor No. 1 which was wooden craft burned to the water's edge in Manitowoc harbor over a year ago and lay in such position that the government reported her as a menace to navigation. After several unsuccessful attempts she was raised this summer and sold to Muskegon parties. The wreck is a pitiable object, there being nothing left but the iron sheeted shell and a few twisted iron arches of the once fine ship which plied between Manitowoc and Frankfort. Her entire upper works are gone down to the floor of the car deck, but few of the iron girders and beams having come through the fire intact. Her starboard side was boarded up with planks entire length.
Press dispatches from Manitowoc state that an hour after the wrecked carferry left that port, a message was received from the Ann Arbor railroad asking that certain iron arches and beams be taken off the ferry as they considered it their property. But the ferry was well out in the lake when the message was received and could not hold. She left Ludington Thursday morning for Muskegon.
Dundee Reporter 8-11-1911
The locomotive, tender and eight cars of an southbound freight train on the Ann Arbor railroad were derailed at Alexis, early Monday morning, and traffic was completely blocked on that road road for several hours. Neither the engine or any of the the cars were were damaged, and none of the of the train crew was injured. Wrecking cars of the Lake Shore and the Pere Marquette railroads were brought to the assistance of the operating department of the Ann Arbor. The derailed cars were lifted bodily from from the track and the engine put back on the rails, so that the southbound and northbound passenger trains were delayed not more than hour and a half. The derailment was caused by the breaking of a switch point.
The Evening Argus Aug. 26, 1911
Is Brought By Grand Trunk Railway Co. Against Noud-Kean Coal Co.
Defendant Is Successor to New Haven Coal Mining Company – News of Today From Corunna
CORUNNA Aug. 26 – Through Attorney Stanley, the Grand Trunk Railway company has filed a bill of particulars in a suit brought by that corporation, against the Noud-Kean Coal company, successors to the New Haven Coal Mining company.
The plaintiff sues to collect something over $6,000 in freight charges for advancing coal from the Ann Arbor road, over the plaintiff's line to Fenton. According to the declaration, the coal was delivered to the Egyptian Portland Cement company, and to W. H. Raph of Fenton, at the defendant's order.
Attorney S. Q. Pulver represents the defendant company in the case and has his appearance.
The Evening Argus Sept. 5, 1911
Ann Arbor Railroad's Steel Train Derailed
Near Marion, Mich., at about 6 o'clock yesterday morning, the Ann Arbor railroad company's steel passenger train was derailed, every car leaving the track while the train was proceeding southward at considerable speed. The cause of the derailment cannot be learned. The cars bumped along on the ties, cutting them up for some distance, but remaining upright. The wrecking crew was called to the scene and laid track out around. Trains have been delayed for hours, the schedule having been thrown completely out of joint.
The Evening Argus Sept. 15, 1911
From Lansing That New Depots Have Just Been Ordered For Owosso
LANSING, Mich., Set. 15 – At last Owosso is to have the depot question settled for all time, so far as the state railroad commission is concerned. Orders have been issued that the Grand Trunk, Ann Arbor and Michigan Central railroads shall erect a depot. This will mean three depots instead of the swell union depot that has been foremost in the minds of the residents of Owosso the past year.
The Evening Argus Sept. 26, 1911
St. Louis Man's Machine is Struck by Motor Car on Ann Arbor Road.
ALMA, Mich., Sept. 26 – Edward Clow, a St. Louis electrician, was struck by an Ann Arbor motor car early Sunday morning while attempting to cross the Ann Arbor tracks in his Reo runabout and died within a short time.
The accident occurred some 200 yards east of the passenger depot. It seems that Clow saw the motor coming and stopped his car just before reaching the track. Just before the motor reached him he desired to back up.
Clow placed placed his foot on what he thought to be the reserve lever, but it was the wrong level and his car shot ahead just in time to be smashed by the oncoming motor.
Clow was pinned to his and carried one hundred feet across the big railroad bridge. The auto was completely demolished and its driver was cut and badly bruised in a hundred places about the head and body. Two ribs, an arm and a leg were broken. The man was taken to Brainerd's hospital, where he died. Clow was thirty-five years old, and leaves a widow and two children.
The Evening Argus Oct. 27, 1911
Examination of William Margolis of Ann Arbor Taken Up Here Today
The examination of William Margolis of Ann Arbor, was taken up this afternoon in the municpal court, with Prosecuting Attorney J. H. Collins acting for the people. Margolis was arrested on a complaint made by the Ann Arbor railroad company charging him under a special act, with false billing. He is alleged to have made a shipment of old newspapers billed as “rubber” from Durand to a firm of junk dealers in Ann Arbor. The consignee came back on the railroad to recover.
The Evening Argus Nov. 14, 1911
Storm Causes Washouts On Ann Arbor Road
Cadillac, Mich., Nov. 14 – One of the worst rain storms of the year struck Cadillac late Saturday night, and continued until Sunday morning when snow began to fall. Two barns on Henry Lungren's farm near this city were blown down, but as far as is known no other damage was done by the wind, which accompanied the storm.
Several washouts were reported on the G. R. & I. And Ann Arbor railroads. Traffic was held up on the Ann Arbor road most of the day by bad washouts at Cadillac, Marion, Yuma, Mesick and several other places along the line. The washouts at this place was discovered by parties returning to their homes late Saturday night. In view of the fact that the washout was on a bad curve, and a passenger train due a short time afterwards, it is believed that a bad accident was narrowly averted.
A washout at Reed City on the G. R. & I. Delayed traffic all night and well up into the day.
The Toledo News-Bee Nov. 21, 1911
Refusing to be bound by the ruling of the Central Passenger association and the Michigan Passenger association, to the effect that no holiday excursion rates will be made, General Passenger Agent J. J. Kirby of the Ann Arbor, on Tuesday announced that his company will sell tickets on December 23, 24 and 25, good for return until January 2, same as in former years.
The association refused to grant excursion rates because in many states two-cent per mile laws have been passed.
The action of the Ann Arbor is bound, it is believed, to create quite a stir among railroads in the territory of these associations. It is predicted that other railroads will announce excursion rates.
The Evening Argus Nov. 29, 1911
Follows Lead of Ann Arbor in Break On Holiday Tickets
Following the lead of the Ann Arbor, the Grand Trunk railroad has broken away from the agreement of the Central association and the Michigan Passenger association and will make reduced rates for the holidays tickets from Chicago to Canadian points from December 16 to December 20, good for the return passage up to January 3, for one fare plus $2.
The action of the Grand Trunk, coupled with the break of the Ann Arbor, is expected to be followed by similar action on the part of other roads in the two passenger association.
The Evening Argus Dec. 14, 1911
Bert Collins Friday had one of the old box cars from the Ann Arbor railroad moved from our, village to his farm in Venice, a big traction engine being used in drawing the car on trucks, which cut up the soft roads badly. Some of the folks are protesting over the damage and asking the township commissioner to not allow the roads to be used this way, when they are so soft.
The Evening Argus Dec. 27, 1911
Fourteen Freight Cars In a Heap Just North of Mesick – No One Hurt
Local freight No. 83 on the Ann Arbor north which left here at 11:30 a. m. today, was wrecked at Claggets Crossing at 2:30 this afternoon. Fourteen cars left the track and were piled in a heap in the ditch. The cause is supposed to have been a broken rail. Owing to the complete blockage of the track, a transfer of all passengers is being made at the wreck. Claggets is two miles north of Mesick. – Cadillac News