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Colorado Railroad Museum 50th Birthday Celebration 7/11/2009 Part 2

by Chris Guenzler

After a wonderful parade of narrow gauge equipment around the museum's track, Denver and Rio Grande Western 2-8-0 346 then started getting its train out of storage to pull the trips around the museum. Rio Grande Southern Galloping Goose 7 would also be doing passenger duties this afternoon. It took about twenty minutes before our train reversed into the boarding area. Since I had been standing at the front of the line for over an hour trying without success to get through to Let's Talk Trains, which was celebrating their seventh anniversary show, I was first to board and sat in the open air covered car.

This would be my first ride behind Denver and Rio Grande Western 346.

I started a long line which finally had to be stopped and those people waited for the next train.

The crew had a quick meeting and with a toot of the whistle, we were off on a three-times-around-the-museum trip.

The train left the boarding area.

We passed Denver Rio Grande Western K-37 491.

We crossed the main road into the museum.

The roundhouse.

Curving behind the roundhouse.

Still rounding that curve.

Santa Fe observation car "Navajo" looked good from this view.

Rounding another curve.

Coming to the No Agua station and water tower.

Rounding the curve on which I photographed the parade.

Taking the last curve before completing our first loop.

Back by the boarding area.

The train crossed the road.

By the roundhouse again.

Passing more equipment.

At the No Agua station, our steam engine took water from the water tower.

The train took that curve.

The train went back by the boarding area for the second time. The third loop I just relaxed and enjoyed the sounds and smell of Denver and Rio Grande Western 346.

We returned to the boarding area and I detrained a happy train rider then went and got a hot dog and Coca-Cola before I getting up to a bench above the tracks to wait for the steam train's next trip.


Denver and Rio Grande Western 346 and train passed my location.

Rio Grande Southern Galloping Goose 7 came by me next.

The steam train went past me for the last time. It had been a great experience visiting the Colorado Railroad Museum twice in four days and they have a wonderful collection and know how to put on a fantastic show! I left the museum and drove into Denver for my next train trip.