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A Sunday Morning at the Horseshoe Bend in Santa Ana Canyon 3/3/2013

by Chris Guenzler

I needed a few more pictures to fill out my Orange County Railway Historicial Society program for tomorrow night, so went out to the Horseshoe Bend of Santa Ana Canyon this first Sunday of March for some pictures. I hiked up the bridal trail to my favorite train-watching viewpoint in Orange County.

Here are the westbound and westbound views this morning.

First a westbound track inspector came below my vantage point.

A few minutes later an eastbound track inspector came by.

Metrolink 857 heading to Oceanside was my first train of the morning.

Next came BNSF 7251 West.

BNSF 7800 East.

A short BNSF 5531 West ran by me next.

BNSF 7866 West with DPU's 7561 and 4184 went, after which it became interesting.

BNSF 7627 came around that train with DPU's 6965 and 5064. That was some great train action for a few minutes this morning.

The last train was Metrolink 859 on its way Oceanside. With that, I returned home to Santa Ana to relax the rest of the day other than a train ride to Solana Beach.