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model circus trains

This Page Last Updated on 02/24/2004

If you are a model railroader or circus modeler and interested in building your own model circus train, then you will want to know about the Circus Model Builders, International.  The Circus Model Builders offer complete plans of a variety of circus railcars, wagons, tents, and just about anything else that is circus related which you might want to build.  You do not need to be a member to purchase the plans, however, members can obtain the plans at half the price of non-members.  Additionally, you receive six issues of their magazine, Little Circus Wagon


Below, you will find photographs of model circus trains in a variety of scales.  When known, the builders have also been listed.


1.jpg (102312 bytes)
Dick Britton
1 inch Scale
4.jpg (100133 bytes)
Clair Lovelace
1/2 inch Scale
Britton 4.jpg (150078 bytes)
Dick Britton
1 inch Scale
6.jpg (109568 bytes)
HO Scale
John Allen 1.jpg (111772 bytes)
John Allen
m7.jpg (126110 bytes)
Patrick Wentzel
1" Scale
m3.jpg (83382 bytes)
Al Conover
1/4 inch Scale
Britton 2.jpg (96932 bytes)
Dick Britton
60 Ft Wooden Flat
1 Inch Scale


Britton 1.jpg (99298 bytes)
Dick Britton
1 inch live steam
Lovelace.jpg (137737 bytes)
Clair Lovelace
1/2 inch Scale
m8.jpg (132809 bytes)
Patrick Wentzel
1" Scale
2.jpg (104873 bytes)
1 inch scale
Britton 3.jpg (118729 bytes)
Dick Britton
1 Inch Scale
Al Conover.jpg (84283 bytes)
Al Conover
1/4 inch Scale
Parade.jpg (99599 bytes)
HO Scale
m2.jpg (124952 bytes)
Eric Doyle
N Gauge
m4.jpg (80322 bytes)
Tom Stephens
1/4 inch Scale


5.jpg (119518 bytes)
Ralph Johnson
1/4 inch scale


5.jpg (143438 bytes)
HO Scale


m6.jpg (107064 bytes)
HO Scale
Unloading Scene


Wild West.jpg (102123 bytes)
HO Scale
Wild West Era


Chapman.jpg (142430 bytes)
Jim Chapman
HO Scale
m5.jpg (82623 bytes)
John Allen
HO Scale


Clyde Reynolds.75.jpg (134093 bytes)
Circus People
 have to eat
Clyde Reynolds
 3/4 inch Scale
