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                                       MINUTES OF MEETING


                                               October 18, 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mr. Rodney Chabot, Chairman, at 7:00 pm.  The meeting took place at the New Haven Railroad Station.


The following people were in attendance:


Rodney Chabot     -   Chairman

Jim Cameron        -   Vice Chairman

Peter S. Myers       -   Council Member

Jack Reidy           -   CDOT

Joan Ventrillo        -   Council Member

Joan Foster          -   CDOT

Jim Mohs             -   Council Member

John Hogan          -   Metro-North

Fred Chidester      -   Metro-North

Eugene Colonese  -   Metro-North

Joe Kanell            -   Metro-North

Ted Bowen           -   Metro-North

Jeff Maron            -   Council Member

Jim Turngren        -   Amtrak

Nancy Crelan        -   Waterbury Commuter

David LaFemina    -   Council Member


1.     The minutes of the September 13, 2000 meeting were accepted as submitted.


2.     Old Business


a. Danbury Branch:


Congressman Maloney has advised that a $2,000,000 appropriation has been approved for an Engineering Study for the re-electrification of the Danbury Branch.  Mr. Harris has appointed an Engineering firm to do this Work.


b. MU Fleet Upgrade


The MU fleet upgrade design is expected be out to bid the end of October.  Work is expected to start in the fall of 2001 at the rate of 2 pairs of cars per month in a 5 year program.  The bar cars will be the last units to be upgraded as they are being redesigned.


In addition to the rehabilitation program, 10 new Bombardier coaches have been ordered to be delivered between July and September of 2002.  Also 4 new Genesis locomotives are scheduled for delivery during October, 2001.


Mr. Peter Cannito, Metro-North President, advised Council Chairman Chabot that a window replacement program is being initiated in the MU cars.  The work will start in the spring (2001).  The windows are expected to have a 6 year life expectancy.  A continuous cyclical replacement program is planned to be continued in the future.


Due to operational difficulties in the electrical current smoothing devices, heat sensors are being installed in these devices to prevent overheating.


c. Stamford Station


The anticipated completion of the on-going construction is now in the spring of 2002.  The garage addition is scheduled to go out for bids in November 2000.  The work on the floors, the lighting, the seats, and the escalators is progressing satisfactorily.  The west bound side “Drop-off” area will be available shortly.



       d. Contract Negotiations


We were advised that the negotiations will be renewed at the next legislators session, but will not be available for the current session.


e. Trash on Trains


In a followup to commuter Lomartire letter relative to trash on the trains, Mr. Ted Bowen advised the council that there were 91 complaints this year.  The railroad inspectors reported a 13% improvement over the 1999 base year.


f.  Commuter Krulic Complaint Letter


This letter outlined inappropriate remarks by Grand Central Station Masters’s office - The employee was reprimanded and a letter of apology was sent to Ms. Krulic along with two complimentary tickets.


g. Transportation Summit


Chairman Chabot and Vice-Chairman Cameron attended the transportation Summit on Thursday September 28, 2000 in Hartford along with the Media, politicians and other interested parties.  Issues discussed included closing I-95 exits, metered access, EZPass Tolls, charging employees for parking at work, and re-vamping DOT to put more accent on the railroads.


h. Joan Ventrilio Presentation


Ms. Ventrilio advised on the poor communications, including wrong information, to Shore Line East Commuters concerning locations of the connecting New Haven line trains.


Shore Line East ridership was reported as improved.  The ridership has recovered to the previous levels.


i.  The new State Street Station is scheduled for completion in 15 months.  This is a pedestrian station for New Haven workers.


j.  The problem with diesel engines idling over the whole week-end at the Danbury Station is still under investigation by Mr. Reidy and Mr. Caniry.  This will be reported at the November meeting.


k. Waterbury Line


Improvements include no buses required this past month.  The regular Engineer and conductor were back in July according to Nancy Crelan and Jack Reidy.


New Naugutuck Station is under construction.


The new schedule adversely affects the 9 to 5 commuter from Bridgeport.  This is to be taken under advisement.  There were also reports on the misuse of the toilet facilities by commuters.


  “l”   Communications


The commuter/CONDOT answering machine in New Haven will be fixed by November.


3. New Business


1.  A new Metro North passenger satisfaction survey will be conducted in November according to Mr. Colonese.


It was suggested by Chairman Chabot that a question be included to determine the demand for Metro-North Access to Penn Station.


2.  A question was raised as to the timing of station information Kiosks being installed.  Mr. Reidy to report at the next meeting.


3.  Winter Preparations


Mr. Hogan advised that diligent preparations have been made for winter conditions.


4. New October 28 Time Schedule


It was suggested that the conductors advise of the new schedules effective October 29, 2000.


Numerous complaints have been received about the changes which are being looked into by Mr. Colonese and Mr. Reidy.


The next meeting will be Wednesday November 15, 2000 at Bridgeport RR Station, 7pm  



Respectfully submitted:   Peter S. Myers, Acting Secretary