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MINUTES: December 2002







SACIA Offices, Stamford,Conn.

December 18, 2002




The minutes of the November 20 meeting were accepted with the following change.  Train delays on SLE were due to construction and tie work.





1.       Shore Line East:   Tunnel work on track 2 will start in January and is expected to take 5-6 weeks.  Permanent information system at State St. Station  should be in place by the end of January.  On train 3638 of December 18 only two doors were opened at State St. for 100 passengers and tickets were not collected east of State St..  It was explained the train was under staffed.


2.       Waterbury Branch:   28 bus trips in November including buses necessary for the bridgework project.  At Waterbury station the two telephones are often out of service due to vandalism and question was asked if one could be installed in a safer place.


3.       Danbury Branch:   5 bus trips in November substituting for trains.


4.       Stamford Station:   New garage to open in April.  Engineers evaluating old garage to determine what to do with it.  Safety repairs (poor steps, etc.) are underway.  Five TV monitors will be in the station facility including one on the walkway from the new garage but not on the street level from the new garage.  There are only funds available for five monitors.


5.       Shop backlog:   Average daily number of cars short this month was seven with forty-four in the shop.  The rehab program is moving ahead with completion of two pairs a month to be reached in January.


6.       Ticket machine glare:   Machines will be turned to avoid glare by June.


7.       New Cars:  "What new cars????", said Mr. Harris.  No decision yet on the type of cars or the financing and none expected in the short run.



8.       MN- LIRR merger:   Harry Harris considers this to be a "done deal" but a study how to do it has not been started.  CDOT will ask for a "seat at the table".


9.       NH Coliseum parking:   Will close at the end of December.  Parking at Temple St. has begun. Questions about a new garage at NH station will be answered in January.


10.     Darien Station:   Selectmen increased daily parking fee $.25.  All of Darien's share of the fees goes into the Town's general fund and there is not a clear understanding of how funds are used for station repairs.  Council will follow up.  CDOT is studying how funds are used at all stations.


11.     MN labor contract:   Talks are in the early stage. Gene Colonese does not expect a strike at the end of this year.





1.        Waterbury Station construction:   The request for bonding funds was turned down.  At this point nothing further is occurring.


2.       GCT shortage of restrooms:   It was been noticed that this is a severe problem on weekends.  The Council will write a letter asking for an improvement.


3.       Conn. Fare increase:   A substantial increase in the subsidy will be needed over the next two years just to maintain existing service.  How this will be achieved will not be know until the new budget is set but with the State's deficit we should expect a fare increase.  After discussion of the Council's long standing support of small regular fare increases, it was

agreed that we would review this position at a future meeting.


4.       Ticket collection:   MN reviews this problem on a regular basis.  At times trains are short crews or have unexpected riders which leads to uncollected tickets.  Seat checks are not used on all trains.


5.       Other:   Discussion of the Transportation Strategy Board's report and its lack of new rail equipment for trains going to GCT until 2012 and 2013.  This equipment will only replace the M2 cars and not provide for an expansion of service.  In addition Harry Harris spoke of a $3 billion capital need over the next eleven years (to 2014) with only $1.2 billion funded. 




Respectfully submitted,

Carl Leaman, Acting Secretary




The following were present:


>From the Council: Rodney Chabot, Chairman,  Jim Cameron, Vice Chairman,  Ed Zimmerman, Peter Marcuse,  Lee Carlson, Peter Millard,  Carl Leaman,  Bob Jelley,  Jeff Maron,  Joe Mc Gee


>From CDOT: Harry Harris, Ray Cox, Mike Donnarumma


>From Metro-North: Gene Colonese, Fred Chichester


>From Amtrak:  Gary Gilbert


>From the public: Scott Crosby, Darien resident