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Lower panel open showing the mechanical locking bed.
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Another view of the mechanical locking.  The levers move the vertical 
rods up when the lever is pulled out.  This would then cause the approate horizontal rods to lock other levers thus providing protection against conflicting movements.
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On the bottom floor this code control equipment was for the "I" Street 
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The interlocking machine is supported by rails because it is so heavy.
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Relay building behind the tower.
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Relays which work in conjunction with the tower machine.
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Another view of the relay room.

Elvas Tower was built in 1912 (As close as we can figure, the original blueprints were re-drawn in 1940 and do not include
the year it was built). It was closed on Monday, November 1st 1999 at 11am and turned over to the California State Railroad Museum.

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