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D&D Mining & Steel

Serving the Steel and Mining industry in Eastern Kentucky


This layout is my 4th layout. It's still in the planning stage. I built a 16x16 foot building to put my layout in. The building was strictly designed for the layout. So the only obstruction is the door.

The layout is a free-lanced railroad. It's modeled after the steel mill switching operations of the Union Railroad (URR). The layout its self is a shelf layout 2' to 3' wide along the walls with a 5'x10' feet peninsula on one wall of the room. The layout will be a double deck layout with double mainline the upper level.

The upper level will have the steel mill that will model the operations of the URR. On the peninsula will be the Blast Furnace, Sinter plant, Ore crane and dock, and the ore ship being unloaded. Along with the steel mill will be a coke oven, Electric Furnace, and Rolling mill.

Name:: D&D Mining & Steel
Scale:: HO 1/87
Size:: 16 x 16 feet (Around the wall)
Prototype:: Free-lanced
Period:: 1960-1970
Locale:: Eastern Kentucky
Benchwork:: L brackets,1"x2", 2" Blue foam
Roadbed:: Cork
Track:: Code 100 Flex
Turnouts:: #4 Steel mill, #6 Mainline and yards
Minimum radius:: 18" Steel mill, 24 Mainline
Maximum Grade:: 2.25%
Scenery:: Plaster, screen wire, card board

Here is a schematic of my Basic Oxygen Furnace and Blast Furnace