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Hanging Bridge scratchbuilt, by Hal. Built the hanging bridge from photos that were in several of our reference books, such as Scenic Line of the World and Black Canyon Revisited, George Beam's D&RGW Volume II, Trails Among The Columbine Salida Colorado and others. The bridge in order to fit in our layout is approximately one-half the actual length of the hanging bridge which is 280 '- 3" (approximately 140.0' ) Hal made some sketches to model the hanging bridge. After completing the model of the bridge, Hal found a book titled "Rails Thru The Gorge" by Doris B. Osterwald, which has information pertaining to the hanging bridge (see pages 25, 26 and 83-86). Using this information Hal checked the dimensions for the bridge and found it to be very close to the actual dimensions.


D&RGW Steel Truss Bridge scratchbuilt by HalZ. Between Howard and Parkdale, actually located near SpikeBuck, this steel truss still currently exists on the line along the Arkansas River from Pueblo to Salida. Hal shortened the layout's model by removing the center span to allow for some tight curves.


Colorado Fuel & Iron Mine Load Tracks - Modified Campbell trestles built by HalZ and GaryM. Narrow gauge high side gondolas were gravity fed through Colorado Fuel & Iron's load chutes, then rolled downgrade to load tracks that crossed over a creek. On US 50 approximately 3 miles from Monarch Pass summit, not much remains of the Mine and probably not for long.


Otto Plate Girder Micro Engineering, by Hal. 50' plate girder, close approximation of the 54' long prototype of the bridge spanning Poncha Creek, approximately 1 mile south of Otto, on the line between Poncha Junction and Mear's Junction.


Parkdale culvert at Milepost 171 scratchbult by HalZ. This culvert is still there, now used by Rock N Rail out of Canon City, just past the terminus of the Royal Gorge Route excursion line.


D&RGW Arkansas River Bridge
slightly modified Central Valley kit, by HalZ. This bridge is the narrow gauge mainline from Salida to Poncha Junction, crossing the Arkansas River. Portions of the footings are all that remain today.


Deck Girder, Plate Girder & Culvert -
Micro Engineering bridge kits and scratchbuilt culvert by HalZ, based on prototypes still exisiting between Texas Creek & Parkdale today.

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This page last modified 21 August 2008