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Scenic Line Modelers, Inc


Revised: 20 November 2004

Ratified: 10 January 1998

Article I Name and Purpose

Section 1
The name of this organization shall be Scenic Line Modelers, Inc.

Section 2
The purpose of this organization shall be to increase and promote the satisfaction and enjoyment of its members in the hobby of Model Railroading. To these ends, the club will house, construct, and operate an HO standard gauge and HOn3 narrow gauge model railroad.

Ariticle II Membership

Section 1
Membership shall be open to all Lockheed Martin employees, their family members, or retirees of Lockheed Martin.

Section 2
The following classifications of membership shall be available:

  1. Charter
  2. Regular
  3. Junior
  4. Honorary

If a member's absence has caused significant delinquency of dues then the member may pay only the amount of the initiation fee to restore good standing. Club officers are required to pay all dues or possible forfeiture of office may be enforced by emergency re-election.

Section 3
Once a year each fall a minimum of the following officers shall be elected:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Majority vote of the members in good standing which are present at the election meeting shall decide the election of new officers.

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This page last modified 1 July 2006.