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Scenic Line Modelers, Inc

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can join ?
A: Official Regular Membership is open to current and pensioned Lockheed Martin employees and their families. "Volunteer" members, not affiliated with company employment, are accepted on a trial basis, and are treated as the same as regular members with the exception of holding office. From time to time in the past, we have had Volunteer Members, from a Computer consultant to an Arapahoe Sheriff Deputy. Currently, we do not have any active Volunteer members, but we are open to interested applicants.

Q: Can my kids join ?
A: Junior Membership is open to family members under 18 years of age. Young children are welcome but require supervision. Children under 18 are accepted on a trial basis. If they exhibit mature enough work habits and behavior, they may be accepted as club members without supervision. Currently, each member must pay dues as we do not have a family discount. The club membership and Board of Directors reserve the right to admit new members. The club has 2 official members who started under age 18. One began very early with his Father, also a member, the other a young teen without a parent member. Both now are 18 and older, already successful modelers and have developed advanced skills in many areas. Children are encouraged to participate because they are the future!

Q: How much are dues?
A: Model railroading is an expensive hobby; although not so much as compared with many others. Dues are $15 / month with a one time initiation fee of $20. In addition, members are expected to donate 4 pieces of rolling stock at their convenience. Dues are flexible, especially in cases where absences are common, and are only expected when members have time for participation. We also encourage re-initiation fees for part-time membership/partcipation.

Q: What if I can't make it to every meeting?
A: As our club meets purely as hobbyists, attendance is optional & left to the individual to best fit their schedule. We currently meet every Saturday morning. We are very informal. Lunchtimes are sometimes spent at the clubhouse by a few of our members, and we also regularly meet during Thursday evenings as people's schedules permit.

Q: Are you open to the public?
A: We meet in Bldg M-41E, in the Lockheed Martin Recreation Area. Visitors are always welcome to drop by the clubhouse anytime a member is present, but should refrain from other areas in the Recreation Area. In gneral, we try to entertain club open houses with Convention Layout Tours and Mini-Tours.

Q: If I join, what if I want to work/run trains after hours not during an official meeting?
A: After a trial membership and general orientation, members are issued a key to the building for their personal use to permit access to the building for the member's convenience.

Q: What if I go TDY or have a long leave of absence from the club?
A: The $20 initiation fee is requested to re-activate your membership. Dues are voluntary and we still have no strong arm gorilla to collect fees.

Q: What does the club model?
A: In general, everyone models their favorite railroad which is different, so the club decided originally that we would model a Colorado railroad that includes narrow gauge and standard gauge. Everyone had some standard gauge, most everyone liked narrow gauge, but no one really modeled it. We decided to model the Denver & Rio Grande Western over other Colorado roads, trying to model it to be as representative of the prototype as possible, featuring narrow gauge but including standard gauge as well. Because of the area we chose, the availability of models, and the types of trains run on the prototype, we decided to focus operating sessions from 1926 to 1955.

Q: What if I don't model the D&RGW?
A: For D&RGW operating sessions, D&RGW equipment is shared by some club members as well as a limited amount available from club owned equipment. We also plan to hold "foreign power" sessions to allow members to run their favorite roads in group settings. Individually, anyone can run their own equipment at any time if not interrupting work sessions.

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This page last modified 23 January 2009.