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Car Kits
Rolling Stock
OF The
Below you will find photos of the first
car kits I have built in Large-scale.
All kits were Bachmann except for the Caboose
which is Kalamazoo
I will be building several cars of each type, and each type
will carry the same company look. So I'm only posting
a photo of the first car kit, of each type I build.
All Photos Are links, to save loading time.
Only the links with a date next to it, are active.
Caboose # 50 ------------------   Photo            Built  Feb. 1999
Caboose # 61 ------------------   Photo         Built  June 2000
Caboose # 08 ------------------   Photo         Built  Feb. 2001
V&T Caboose  ---------------    Photo         Built Oct. 2000
All 5 Cabooses ---------------    Photo          
Combine  # 811 ---------------   Photo            Built  April 1999
Passenger Car # 817 -------     Photo         Built Jan. 2001  
Box car  # 200  ---------------    Photo            Built  April 1999
Reefer  # 408  -----------------    Photo            Built March 2000
Tank car  #   ------------------    Photo             Built  Jan. 2000 
Tank car  #   ------------------    Photo         Built Jan. 2001
Tank car  #   ------------------    Photo         Built Oct. 2000
Gondola #  --------------------    Photo         Built  June 2000
Stock cars  --------------------    Photo
Switching Yard 
Updated 16 March 2001