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Houston Tinplate Operators Society - Lionel, Trains, Layouts: Newsletter

Newsletter: May 1996

In this issue:

Letter From The President - May 1996

By Mike Schnieder and Karl Bernard

To start things off for the 96-97 year, let us now have some words from our president, Mike Schneider:

I am honored to be your president for this year. There are some developments on the horizon for HTOS. Our bylaws are official, and then it's on to the permanent layout! I am currently working on ideas for generating revenue for the club. If you have any thoughts, please share them with me. Also, if you know anyone interested in our hobby, by all means bring them up to our club. The sight of the trains in action will certainly get them excited about our hobby. I'll be in touch!

The Prez,
Mike Schneider

Our Very First Issue

By Karl Bernard

Welcome to the first issue of The Houston Tinplate Society's Newsletter. In this issue you'll find mostly commentary and some news about what's happening in our organization. Since this is the first issue, content may be a bit, short, but rest assured, more is definitely on the way. Keep your eyes open for member profiles, reminders of events and updates on the state of O-gauge and tinplate railroading in general in addition to any topic that members wish to discuss or provide articles about.

We Are Moving!

By Karl Bernard

Just like the man said, there are exciting developments on the horizon. Some we face with mixed emotions, such as our impending move. With the change in management at Town & Country Mall comes a change in the grand scheme of things for the Houston Tinplate Operator's Society and that change means moving. For those who don't remember, we used to be on the second level next to Neiman Marcus. The space we now occupy, next to the Sabarro Pizz is very small. Soon we will all be familiar with our old stomping grounds all over again as we move in and set up shop once again. This is certainly a major change and inconvenience for us at this time, but it will be a great opportunity to enlarge and expand our permanent layout. The space we will be moving (back) into is close to four times the size of our current sight. Hopefully this will be our last move for a long time. No matter what space we are in, we continue to owe a great deal to Town & Country Mall for being our benefactor and generously working with us to provide a Tinplate Railroad experience for mall-goers.

Change in Town & Country Mall Managment

By Karl Bernard

As most of us know, there has been a changing of the guard in the management team of Town & Country Mall. The mall is now under the steady hand of Jim Roemer as our Property Manager. Our president, Mike, has been in touch with Mr. Roemer, and things look good. We are still seen as a valuable public relation asset to the mall and he is willing to work with us under those terms. We may even be able to make a firmer agreement to be in our new (old) spot for at least 18 months. These are all tentative plans which will be worked out by our president and Mr. Roemer.

Your Officers

By Karl Bernard
  • President...............Mike Schneider
  • Vice-President......Mark Whetzel
  • Treasurer...............Will Esken
  • Secretary...............Karl M. Bernard
  • Communications...Luther Franklin

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