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About & Bylaws



Contents below on this page
1. About Loose Ties
2. Bylaws

1. About Loose Ties


Loose Ties (a name chosen by the members) is an informal group of toy train enthusiasts who share a common interest, a love of toy trains. Formed in 1996 by A. Robert Walker, aka "Grandpa Cho Cho", with a core group of less than a dozen, today active membership has swelled to twenty five.

The ages and backgrounds of the members are as eclectic as the trains they collect and operate. What all members, whether eighteen or eighty, have in common, is their love, appreciation, and enjoyment of toy trains.

On a monthly basis, Loose Ties gather at a member's home or at a site of special interest. Activities range from running each other's trains on home layouts, staging shows, viewing very special train collections, or touring manufacturing facilities in the area.

Despite the relatively small size of the group, each month's meetings are interesting, exciting and generally well attended. Some members have extensive train collections, consisting of toy trains representative of all eras of the train maker's art, while others concentrate less on collecting and more on operating.

Some members have few if any trains, but yet have a passion for them, and are in the early stages of developing their hobby. What all have in common, is that they are "hooked" on trains.

Modular Layout

The group built a modular railroad for public display in 1999, and have updated it several times. You can see photos on the photo pages.

Dues & Donations

Loose Ties is a self sustaining organization. Annual dues, which primarily cover mailing and printing costs, are $15.00. There is never a charge for admission to shows or displays, although donations are much appreciated. All contributions are used for maintenance and expansion of club activities.

Bylaws . . . (last revised Nov 14, 2000)



Section 1: Name: The name of this organization shall be the Loose Ties Model Railroad Club. This Club is a nonprofit organization.


Section 1: Purpose: The purpose of the Loose Ties Model Railroad Club is to promote the hobby of model railroading, to provide education and information to it's members and to the general public regarding model trains.


Section 1: Membership: Membership shall be open to all persons interested in the promotion of model railroading.


Section 1: Duration of Membership: Membership shall be continuous with the paying of the annual dues on January 1st.

Section 2: Non-payment of Dues: Any person failing to pay dues by March 31st., will automatically sever their membership.


Section 1: Officers: The officers of this Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.


Section 1: Finances: The revenue of this Club shall be derived from the annual membership dues and from other sources as may be approved by the Club.


Section 1: Quorum: a quorum is defined as those members present.

Section 2: Acceptance by Members: A member, by payment of his or her dues thereby accepts the principles of the Loose Ties Model Railroad Club as expressed in its objectives and submits him or herself to, and agrees to comply with, and be bound by the by-laws of this Club.

Section 3: All new members will be required to pay annual dues.

Section 4: All children sixteen (16) years of age may attend meetings as a guest and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


Section 1: Amendment of the By-laws: Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be submitted to the President for consideration by the membership. Bylaws will be amended by a majority of the votes cast by the membership present.

Section 2: Amendments: These by-laws may be amended, or added to, at any regular or special meeting of the Club, by a majority of those present provided that all members have had at least ten days prior notice of the proposed change to the by-laws.


Section 1: Election of Officers: At the October meeting the President shall appoint a nominating committee. At the next regular meeting in November the nominating committee shall report the names of the persons selected for the different offices, at which time the President shall open the nominations for each office in order--President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. The election will take place at the November meeting. The person receiving the highest number of votes for each office will be declared elected to that office. Newly elected officers will assume their responsibilities in January.


Section 1: Duties of Officers: President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at meetings of the Club and such other duties as may pertain to the office.

ARTICLE 10 (Continued)

Section 2: Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside at meetings of the Club in the absence of the President, and to perform such other duties as may be assigned to the office.

Section 3: Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record and preserve the minutes of meetings, keep the records of membership, send out notices of meetings of the Club, and such other duties as may be assigned to that office including the management of all correspondence.

Section 4: Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have full custody of the funds, accounting for the same to the Club at its annual meeting, and to present a financial report at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Club. The Treasurer will make all payments by the Club by cash or check. The Treasurer is to pay no bills unless instructed to do so by a vote of the Club, except in an emergency, and then by the direction of the Executive Committee. A report of such action by the Executive Committee and all other action taken on accounts payable shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 5: Executive Committee: For the Executive Committee to act on any business that may arise requiring action prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Club, will require a vote of two thirds of the Committee (at least 3 members).


Section 1: Dues and Fees: Any changes to dues for the ensuing year shall be set at the December meeting. If there are no changes, dues shall remain constant from the year just ending.


Section 1: Methods of Voting: The voting of this Club shall be by voice, except for the election of officers, which shall be by secret ballet.


Section 1: Committees: The President shall, subject to the approval of the Club, appoint such committees as he or she may deem necessary. The President is to be a member of all committees, but may vote only in cases of ties.

Section 2: Duties of Committees: Each committee shall transact such business as is delegated to it by the President.


Section 1: Order of business: The order of business at all meetings of this club shall be:
  • Call to Order
  • Check of Officers
  • Introduction of Visitors
  • Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • Treasurer's Report
  • When Appropriate--Nominations of officers
  • Committee Reports
  • Correspondence
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • For the Good of the Club
  • Collection of Dues, Fees
  • Adjournment


Section 1: Obscene Language: Obscene language will not be permitted in the Loose Ties Model Railroad Club. Fines are as follows: First offense, a warning; second offense, a fine not to exceed one dollar; third offense thirty (30) days suspension from the Club.

Section 2: Alcoholic Beverages: Alcoholic beverages will not be permitted at Club meetings.


Section 1: Amendments: No amendments or additions to these by-laws may be made which are not in harmony with the stated purpose of the Loose Ties Model Railroad Club.

These By-Laws were adopted by a unanimous vote of the membership present at a duly called meeting of the said Loose Ties Model Railroad Club held at Lewisburg, County of Union, State of Pennsylvania, on the eighth (8) Day of December in the year nineteen ninety seven (1997), and revised by a unanimous vote of the membership present at a duly called meeting of this Club at New Berlin, County of Union, State of Pennsylvania, on the fourteenth (14) day of November in the year two thousand (2000). (Revision Underlined: Article 9, Section 1)


This page modified 3/12/2007 by James R. Ingram