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Hi-line Turntable Construction

Hi-line turntable construction - 01/11/03

Elizabeth shows us the main bearing for the turntable. It is from a Dodge minivan and mounted to a
plate which will be bolted to the turntable in the foreground. The turntable itself is recycled from the previous
transfer table system with two of the bridges butt welded and then cut to length.
In this photo the 5" gauge rail is still in place.

Frank Desaulniers measuring twice and cutting once. This is the base onto which the uprights
(bottom right of the photo) will be welded. The two threaded studs allow for adjustments
when aligning the turntable and the steaming bays.

Elizabeth watches as Frank welds the post to the bearing plate.

Frank now welds the adjustment plate for the center support to the base structure.

The fore threaded studs will allow us to adjust the turntable each Spring. There is severe frost
each winter in our part of Canada.

Elizabeth listens as Frank explains MIG welding to her.

...and here she goes, her first try at welding. Liz caught on very quickly and did lots more welding
on this day. She now has her own MIG welder at home.

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