POETS CORNER ENGINEMAN'S REMINISCENCE Well Mate, I've been in this old job for nigh on thirty years And I've seen a lot of changes in my time From the old steam locomotives hauling trains with sweat and tears To the modern Diesel speeding down the line. The years have passed as tho' on wings, since first I joined the Job, For I started at Mile End in '42 When the Mountain types were roaring as they struggled up the knob And I was then a lad as young as you. Sure, I've worked the RX on the Loop, the 'P' Class thro' the Port and shunted all the wharves at Birkenhead , Dollies on Suburban, and the pilot jobs I've caught, And a bit of cleaning time there, in the shed. Then a transfer to the Country, to the bottom of the State, Where the winter cold would make a fellow freeze Where the rain falls from the Heavens for nine months without abate, For the other three, drips quietly from the trees. I've fired the 'Y' to Beachport, which I tell you is no lark And the 'T' and 'Z' on trains up Wolseley way Tho' the narrow gauge has Finished, you'l find there in the Park Old Eighteen on which the kiddies love to play. Thro' my time in different parts, I've met some mighty blokes From office, yard and shed, or on the line , There are some of whom their names will bring the thought of many jokes, Old Nugget, Jim and Knuckle-busting Brian Hey, we'd better get her rolling for our Crib time now is done Keep a lookout Lad, don't miss that waving light For we have the 'Staff, and moving to the end of one more Run , He's on my side Mate. He's O.K. Second Right By 'D. Zell' Railway Inst Magazine 1997 THE TRAIN The lines of steel and strength, cragged, They began to quiver, Stretching,Trying to free themselves. From a long way off came the high-pitched whine. The speck approached.Quickly it grew, Faster, faster. The diesel careared past,Casting crazy and mysterious shadows Over the rugged ground. The smell of oil,The feeling of heat,Then,Onwards to the horizon. ALAN HINTON.