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“From Heritage to Vision”

Making a difference in New Hampshire’s Economic Future
through Transportation Research and Education

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Meeting Minutes – March 25, 2002


The NHRRA meeting was held at the Concord Public Library and President Griffin called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Due to the fact NHRRA was hosting a guest speaker, it was decided to forgo the reading of the previous minutes and the treasurer’s report. It was noted that there would be an election held at the April meeting. *

President Griffin introduced Nancy Girard, Director and vice-president of the New Hampshire office of the Conservation Law Foundation, (CLF). Ms. Girard spoke about the grant which was awarded to the CLF by the Environmental Protection Agency. It is titled the “Northern New England Rail Revitalization Project”, with the objective being to carry-out a two- year effort to work for the development of a cost-effective passenger and freight rail network in northern New England. Collaborating on the effort are the Vermont Agency of Transportation, the Vermont Natural Resources Council, and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental services.

Ms. Girard indicated that the full text of the proposal is available on the CLF web site. NHRRA Webmaster Kenyon Karl stated that he would provide a link between the two organization’s web sites. The URL for the NHRRA website is

President Griffin commented that 2002 is a critical election year in NH. Every major office except Senator Gregg’s is open. It is time to question the candidates on their perspective on transportation with rail revitalization in particular.

The meeting concluded with a spirited question and answer session. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

The next meeting will be held on April 22, 2002 at the Concord Public Library, 45 Green Street, Concord, commencing at 7 pm. The meeting will focus on implementing suggestions made at the previous workshops relating to developing better community outreach for NHRRA.

* It should be noted there was a bylaws amendment that changes the term of office for officers to 3 -2 year terms. Elections will not be held until 2003

Respectively submitted,
Peter J. Griffin, President

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