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photos Smokey sunset 7/31/02Smokey sunset 7/31/02
While out working on the backhoe here is a view to the West.
Fires in the Western states have made for some incredible sunsets.
A 15,000 acre fire has burned just 20 miles Southwest for the last 3 weeks.
Above unretouched images taken July 31, 2002, 5 minutes apart just after sunset.

Here a re a few photos of the East lake from the right of way. Oct. 12, 2002

The track will circle over 1/2 way arround the lake along the edge of the oxboe. This last photo is from the newly constructed dam.

Here are photos of the West lake from future right of way.  Sorry you can't really see the hundreds of geese near the far bank or the Wind River mountans some 20 miles away. Oct.12, 2002