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Karl Raab Karl Raab
Mon, 21 Jan 2002

Train Start and Restart

My story is a familiar one.   I became involve with American Flyer at
the ripe old age of 3 months, Christmas 1948.    There is still an
old 8-mm movie of me propped up under the tree, while being circled
by a 312.

My Mom actually bought the set (4607 I think) for my Dad.   He never
had an electric train as a child, only a wind-up.     (I gave him a
wind-up AF #15 locomotive, train set as a Christmas present the year
before he past away, but that's another story.)

Dad and I had a great time with that old set.   It soon circled a 4x8
Railroad empire in the basement; complete with painted lake and a
requisite Plasticville town and picket fence.   (I still have a small
scare under my eye where I became impaled on that fence by falling
off a chair trying to get a better look.)
A 370 diesel was added later.   Mom got a new wash machine and Polk
Bros. here in Chicago included a 5112T set as a giveaway promotion.

The American Flyer was always well played with until slot car racing
came into vogue.  Then it was packed away for some 20 odd years.
Coming out only occasionally at Christmas for my children in the
80's.   Parts and maintenance were needed, and I didn't know where to
look for information.  So again the AF was packed away.
About 4 years ago my wife and I picked up a copy of Classic Toy
Trains for my brother-in-law, he collects Lionel.   Even though that
magazine is heavy on "O" gauge, the glimmer of AMERICAN FLYER
shown thru.   I don't think that I ever gave him the copy of that
magazine, I wore the print off the pages.    Here were ads for Hobby
Surplus Sale, S-Helper, Portlines, R.F. Giardina, Ron Leventon's and
American Models.
Within short order, I located S-Gaugian.   Here, finally, was the
storehouse of information I was looking for. That was all I needed to
rekindle my interest.   My quest for more information, and more
American Flyer, began.

Since then I've been pleasantly hooked again on American Flyer,
joining both the NASG and the old American Flyer Collectors Club.

It's been great fun.
I've met some really great friends all because of this hobby.
How do you put a value on that?
Enjoy...Karl Raab