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Neil Trump's Dual Motored GP Dual Motored GP by Neil Trump
Reverse unit

The reverse unit has been turned around and secured to the frame, but it’s position has been determined by the additional alteration to the front of the chassis. The support for the front chassis  encroached into a slightly larger area than I anticipated.


Whilst I had been working on the locomotive it seemed an easy addition to add directional lighting which required the use of two diodes. Whilst altering the lighting I found that the existing light holder interfered with the front chassis yoke hold and as a temporary fix I simply glued it into position.

Draw bar capacity:
This has more than doubled and I put this down to the following factors:-

 a) Two motors           
 b) Four traction tyres  
 c) Improved gear ratio


With the upgraded transmission units, the Geep will have a scale top speed of about 45-50 m.p.h. and a minimum scale speed of about 4 m.p.h. which gives it a nice prototypical operating range. These speed ranges could be increased by about 60%-70% by changing to the 11.5:1 gear ratio. Additionally the motor chassis are a lot quieter due to the fact that there are less moving parts and that the bodies do not amplify the sound when they are tucked up inside.