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Shoreline Garden Railroad Club

The Shoreline Garden Railroad Club

A G scale Train Club for G-scale enthusiasts in Southern Delaware and North East Maryland and other nearby areas

Club Officers
  1. Don Parks-President
  2. Jay Davis-Vice President
  3. Marie Visco-Secretary
  4. Mary Noel-Treasurer
  5. J Paul Gillis-Director
  6. Mike Leistser-Director
  7. Hollis Noel-Director

Pictures from Monthly Meetings and Other Club Activities

October 2011 Meeting -Trip on Wilmington and Western Railroad

July 2011 Meeting at Mike and Claudia Leister's

June 2011 Meeting at Paul and Ann Bottino's

May 2011 meeting at East Coast Nurseries

April 2011 meeting at Jay and Sandy Ruark's

March 2011 meeting at Frank and Karen Gastel's

Thanks to Lou Visco for the photos

Christmas Party at the Rookery

November 2010 meeting at Mike and Claudia Leister's

October 2010 meeting at Harry and Sharon Holtgerewe's

Take a ride around Harry's layout

September 2010 meeting at Lou and Marie Visco's

August 2010 meeting at Hollis and Mary Noel's

July 2010 Meeting at Jay and Cindy Davis's

October Trip to B & O Museum

Layout at AppleScrapple festival in Bridgeville DE

The First Annual Great Train Race

Members of the club gathered one sunday in June, at the Moore estate for train racing. This included all matter of gravity side by side racing, and rocket powered demonstration runs

Rocked Powered Train Car Videos

Harry's White Ligntning
Joe's Flying Flat Car
Ed's "One Shot Wonder"
Brad' Flying Gondola
Paul's "Taste This" RC Cola Tanker

Maryland Municipalities League Display-Ocean City Convention Center

Maryland Gov. O'Malley views the trains

A beautiful fall ride on the Wilmington and Western Railroad commemorating Veterans Day and the 100th Birthday of Engine #58

Check out many more additional pictures from the trip

Riding on the West Chester Railroad

Link to open house schedule in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
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Site updated 6/15/11