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Railway Senority Booklets These are Official Railway Senority Booklets I have scanned and worked out an XML object coding to show them ... Flash MacroMedia is NOT needed, however, you may be required to upgrade your browser and set a higher screen resolution. | |
LAST NAME, First Name (Initials) | Canadian Railway - Known Stations and Years |
Adair AL | CNR agt 1917sd ORT605 |
Adair EA | CNR Moncton TD 1952sd |
Aiton HJ | CPR agt Canterbury SD1910 |
Albert Claude | CNR Edmundston div 1939sd ORT4003 |
Alexander TE | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me SD1912 |
Alexander CM | CPR asst agt Minto 1951sd, agt Woodstock 1956sd ORT5027,4818 |
Allen FW | CPR agt St Stephen 1918sd ORT3191 |
Anderson FE | CPR agt Debec Jct SD1913 |
![]() Anderson, John F | CPR Wire Chief Saint John - started 1939, moved to the office Sydney NS & returned to Saint John in1951 /r 1971 /passed away Mar 1981 |
Annett HW | CPR agt Woodstock SD1902 |
Anthony RW | DAR Agt Truro NS THen TD Saint John NB SD1953 |
Appleby HF | CNR agt Campbellton div 1937sd ORT3925 |
Atkinson BA | CNR agt Moncton div 1929sd ORT960 |
Armstrong ER | CPR asst agt St George 1950sd, agt Brownville Jct(ME), Perth Jct 1955sd ORT5381 |
Armstrong JI Miss | CPR spr agt Brownville Jct ME 1945 sd ORT4161 |
Arnold JA | CNR Marysville yrs? /d67 |
Artes TM | CPR agt Brownville Jct(Me) 1938sd, TD St John 1945sd ORT1638 |
Astle NW | CNR agt Edmundston 1942sd, TD1965 ORT4273 |
Astle SNH | CNR agt Boiestown 1938/72 ORT4387 |
Atkinson BA | CNR agt 1929sd ORT960 |
Badeau PR | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1944sd ORT2324 |
Baker AM | CPR asst agt Aroostook 1925sd ORT1489 |
Baker LW | CPR asst agt Fredericton 1945sd ORT2283 |
Bailey Mrs ER | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1956sd |
![]() Baird G C Trudy Ms | CPR agt Brownville Jct ME SD 1976-84 . stayed away from railroading from 1984-90 when she was hired as a crew dispatcher Roseville CA for Southern Pacific . worked that position & Chief Crew Dispatcher until she became TD 1992 . holds first trick on a single track-TWC job from west of Stockton CA to Richmond (San Francisco) CA . (see husband below, William) |
![]() Baird William M | CPR agt Brownville Jct ME TD Saint John . worked for CPR until 1984 when replaced with MBS . went to Southern Pacific in Tucson AZ as TD & ACTD 1984-89 . CTD & Asst Manager Transportation 1989-94 . took off for the Santa Fe in Chicago - the BNSF merger then took us to Fort Worth TX then to BNSF office In San Bernardino CA . currently hold first trick on the Needles Sub (CTC) from Needles Ca to just outside of Barstow CA . SD10973 (see wife above, Trudy - see fa, CM Baird) on Quebec page) |
Ballie FJ | CPR agt Longh Pond SD1907 |
Bardsley WT | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me SD1907 |
Barth EL | CPR agt Greenville Me SD1916 |
Bartlett W | CPR agt Benson SD1915 |
Barton Miss AL | CPR caretaker agt New Brunswick Dist Cumberland Bay 1947sd ORT4821 |
Beaulieu, RF | CNR agt Edmundston div 1917sd ORT251 |
Bedford A | CPR agt Greenville Maine SD1911 |
Belcher CS | DAR Agt Middleton NS SD11943 |
Bell RN | CPR agt Hartland 1952sd ORT3465 |
Belliveau JFU | CNR Campbellton TD 1951 |
Belliveau Oscar | CNR Moncton TD 1990 |
Best SJ | CNR ACD St John's 1983 |
Billingsley RJ | CNR Campbellton TD 1948 |
Blagdon DJ | CPR agt/t St John 1964sd ORT6867 |
Blagdon GD | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME), Jackman 1952sd ORT4731 |
Blair | CNR agt Campbellton Div 1942sd ORT4147 |
Blanchard GM | CPR agt Jackmen Maine SD1908 |
Blanchard OM | CPR agt Greenville 1919sd ORT4340 |
Blizzard AC | CPR agt Fredericton Jct 1945sd ORT2553 |
Blizzard MA | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1952sd ORT4960 |
Blizzard TE | CPR agt Fredericton 1948sd, RTD New Brunswick Dist Woodstock 1954sd ORT3130 |
Bolger TC | CPR agt Canterbury 1940sd ORT1447 |
Boone DW | CPR agt Perth, Aroostook, Upper Kent 1954sd ORT2697 |
Borque J | CPR agt Holeb SD1886 |
Boucher AW | CNR agt Campbellton div 1940sd ORT3425 |
Boucher JV | CNR opr Edmunston "H" office, relief TD Edmunston 1955 |
Boudreau Joseph Cleophas | My dad, Joseph Cleophas Boudreau, was a telegrapher in Petit Rocher, NB in 1943 and more. Then we lived in Capreol, Ont in 1945 and more and then we lived in Campbellton, NB in 1949 and more. He terminated his telegraphy career there in 1952.
Prior to 1943, he was a telegrapher for various railroads on the US coastal lines from Massachusetts and south to Drifton, Florida. He also had a brother named Emery Boudreau that was a CNR telegrapher, but I know not where. I believe my grandparents, John and Elizabeth Jane Boudreau were station agents at Beaver Brook Station, NB during that era also. I cannot find any proof of that either, but I visited that water stop myself in 1943 and John was not there, but Elizabeth Jane was. (Notes from Ray Boudreau) |
Boulay RG | CNR agt Campbellton Div 1943sd ORT4777 |
Boulet GR | CNR Campbellton TD 1965 1942sd |
Boyles EF | CNR opr Salisbury, TD Moncton 1956 |
Bowering R | CNR CD St John's 1979 |
Breau JA | CNR agt Edmundston div 1914sd ORT231 |
Brennan CW | CPR sp agt/t St John 1964sd ORT7052 |
Breton PE | CNR Edmunston TD 1951 |
Brewer CF | CPR agt Greenville 1916sd ORT655 |
Brewer FE | CPR agt Jackman SD1912 |
Britt HP | CPR agt Brownville Jct (ME) 1915, TD New Brunswick Dist 1937sd ORT759 |
Brock W | CPR asst agt Minto 1943sd ORT4556 |
Brown Ross | CNR agt Sussex, Rothesay 1930s?, Shediac 1940s? |
Buckley BJ | CNR agt Campbellton div 1941sd ORT4384 |
Buckley JG | CNR agt Campbellton div 1940sd ORT3256 |
Bulmer RF | CNR Edmundston div agt 1917sd, Relief TD Edmundston only 1939sd, ORT869 |
Bureaux Alfred | CNR Moncton yrs? /r87 |
Burnett CA | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me SD1909 |
Burpee FJ | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me SD1900 |
Caines JL | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1958sd |
Caldwell PW | CNR agt Campbellton div 1916sd ORT466 |
Caldwell RJ | CPR agt Jackman sd 1917 |
Calhoun GML | CNR agt Campbellton Div 1943sd |
Camp FH | CPR Agt Benton SD1915 |
Campbell Neil | CNR TD Moncton 1977 |
Carr CF | CPR Agt Woodstock SD 1973 |
Carr EH | CPR agt Woodstock 1910 sd TD Woodstock 1920sd CTD Woodstock 1944sd |
Carr FH | CPR agt Watt sd1913 ORT 1040 |
Carr HE | CPRAgt Harvey SD1910 |
Carr HR | CPR agt Fort Fairfield (ME) 1926sd ORT1223 |
Carrier G | CNR agt Edmunston TD 1947 |
Carrier JA | CNR agt Edmundston div 1929sd ORT2077 |
Carriere JR | CNR ACD Edmundston 1977 |
Carroll Geo | CPR agt Woodstock 1902 SD 1902 |
Carter Botsford | CNR Deersdale TO office on Napadogan Sub (during WWII) / Port Elgin 1959-65(?) |
Caulfield DD | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1931sd, TD 1947sd, sp TD St John 1965 ORT4119 |
Caulfield GR | CPR agt Westfield, Lancaster 1938sd ORT5327 |
Caulfield GR | CPR agt Saint John sd1938 |
Caulfield UV | CPR Agt Westfield SD 1901 |
Chase G | CPR Agt Fredericton Jct SD1915 |
Chase Royden G | CPR throughout NB stns? yrs? /d86 |
Chandler C E | CPR agt Edmundston sd 1942 ORT 3525 |
Chisholm DD | CNR agt-opr Coldbrook, relief TD Moncton 1961 |
Chouinard JA | CNR TD Campbellton 1964 |
Christie AG | CPR agt Canterbury SD1908 |
Clark CA | CPR sp agt Woodstock 1958sd |
Clark CF | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1953sd ORT4973 |
Clark GE | CPR TD Saint John SD1970 Ex DAR |
Clark GH | CNR Moncton div 1913sd ORT124 |
Clark MR | CPR Agt McAdam SD1904 |
Clark WB | CPR agt Hartland sd 1909 |
Clark WF | DAR Agt Windsor NS SD1953 |
Clarke RA | CNR agt Edmundston div 1936sd ORT1612 |
Clifford VJ | CPR Agt Moosehead sd1917 |
Clinch BC | CPR asst agt St Andrews 1952sd, agt Woodstock 1958sd ORT5356 |
Colpitts SL | CPR Agt Canterbury sd1016 |
Colter JA | CPR spr agt Brownville Jct Me 1945sd |
Comeau JM | CNR Campbellton TD 1948 |
Connell ED | CPR agt St Andrews, St John 1948sd ORT2779 |
Connell GH | CPR caretaker agt Cody 1946sd ORT4832 |
Connell J R | CPR agt Saint John sd 1908 |
Connors JE | CPR agt Hartland, St Andrews 1951sd ORT4113 |
Cormier JAH | CNR opr "RW" Moncton, rlf TD Moncton 1961 |
Cosman AR | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1958sd |
Cosman AR | CPR agt Minto 1929sd ORT1431 |
Cosman RH | CPR asst agt Lancaster 1920sd ORT899 |
Couglan TL | CPR Agt Fredericton SD 1912 |
Cougle LC | CPR Agt Perth NB SD1909 |
Cougle PM | CPR agt Woodstock, St John 1925sd, TD St John, Woodstock 1943sd ORT1034 |
Counter J | CPR Agt Brownville SD1915 |
Crandall JR | CPR agt Onawa(ME), Greenville(ME), Brownville Jct(ME) 1948sd ORT5185 |
Crawford CA | CPR TD Saint John sd1974 |
Crouse JE | CPR agt Burtt's Corner 1925sd ORT1311 |
Crozier TJ | CPR agt Greenville sd1916 |
Curran T | CPR Agt Fort Fairfield sd1916 |
Currie CE | CPR agt Brownville Jct (ME) 1918sd ORT4338 |
Cusack RB | CNR opr Newcastle, relief TD Campbellton 1964 |
D'Anjou J Albert | CNR Campbellton div 1937sd ORT1351 |
Daggett BL | CPR Agt hartland sd 1901 |
Darrah WR | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1956sd ORT5804 |
Davis Geo T | CPR Agt Andover sd1904 |
Davis HL | CNR TD 1965 1941sd |
Deakin OF | CPR Agt St Andrews sd1905 |
Debeck Kenneth E | CPR agt Mattawamkeak Me SD1974 EX Mec |
Dee JF | CPR asst agt Grand Falls 1952, Agt Perth, Aroostook 1952sd ORT4152 . passed away 09 Mar 2012 |
Delano CW | CPR agt Bath sd1917 ORT3728 |
Demers EJ | CPR agt Jackman 1917sd ORT585 |
Demmings BL | CPR agt Spare Saint John SD1975 |
Demmings MC | CPR sp agt Woodstock 1958sd |
Densmore GH | CPR Agt Brownville sd 1913 |
Dick, DG | CPR asst agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1956sd, agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1958sd ORT5932 |
Dickinson, AN | CPR agt Chipman 1951sd ORT4227 |
Doherty MJ | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1957sd |
Donavan DW | CPR Agt Canterbury sd1912 |
Doucet DJ | CNR agt-opr New Denmark, relief TD Edmunston 1955 |
Dow F | CPR Agt Debec sd1891 |
Dow James | CPR Agt Debec sd1893 |
Drillo AG | CNR agt Moncton div 1939sd ORT3684 |
![]() Duncan William WW | ICR Edmundston 1913-17 (may have worked in Salisbury or Moncton also?) |
Dunham, WL | CPR agt Plaster Rock 1930sd ORT1454 |
Duplisea DA | CPR agt Fredericton Jct 1947sd ORT2622 |
Duplisea GW | CPR agt Lancaster 1925sd ORT1329 |
Duplisea WN | CPR Agt Harvey sd1907 |
Edwards CT | CPR agt McAdam 1951sd, TD St John 1964 ORT5532 |
Edwards George | CPR Agt Hartland sd1911 |
Edwards GE | CPR agt Agt Mattawamkeag SD1974 EX MEC |
Edwards GG | CPR agt Barnard sd1915 |
Edwards RM | CPR agt Edmundston 1942sd ORT4133 |
Esson AM | CNR agt Campbellton div 1928sd ORT687 |
Esson JA | CPR Agt Brownville sd1912 |
![]() Everett, Floyd E | CPR 1952, CNR wire chief Moncton, Snr Plant Tech, Moncton, Retired CNCP Telecommunications. (Parent Company CN Telegraphs) /r 1987 (sine RH Cdn circuit) |
Ettinger VN | DAR Agt Yarmouth SD 1951 |
Fahey JM | CPR Agt Watt sd1911 |
Fairfax G | CPR agt St Stephen sd1917 |
Farmer JO | CPR agt Perth sd1912 |
Farnham Mrs JI | CPR agt Aroostook 1951sd ORT9590 |
Faulkner Douglas | CPR Asst Agt Woodstock sd 1909 |
![]() Fearon Gord | CNR spr opr & agt . started Moncton Div Aug 291957 to May 1963 . worked out of Moncton NB & Island Div . also Allandale & Hornepayne Div |
Flemming CW | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1955sd ORT4335 |
Fletcher FG | CPR TD Woodstock 1960sd ORT2074 |
Fletcher JE | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1944sd, TD 1954sd, sp TD St John 1965 ORT2074 |
Foley JL | CPR agt Jackman(ME) 1944sd ORT2113 |
Fortin L | CNR agt Edmundston div 1915sd ORT471 |
Fox JA | CPR asst agt Lancaster 1925sd ORT5537 |
Fulton RG | CPR TD St John, Woodstock 1946sd ORT1916 |
Francis WC | CNR agt Moncton yrs? |
Frigon O | CNR agt Campbellton div 1941sd |
Fullerton WV | CNR agt Moncton div 1939sd ORT3882 |
Fulton RG | CPR agt New Brunswick Dist Woodstock 1943sd ORT1916 |
Gage Leona | CNR opr St Leonard, relief TD Edmunston 1962 |
Gagne GH | CNR swing 3 Pacific Jct, relief TD Moncton 1964 |
![]() Gaines Aubrey | CPR Agt Aroostook SD1896 (see brother below - grtgrd uncle to BCorreia) |
![]() ![]() Gaines CS | CPR Agt Aroostook SD1907 (see brother above grtgrd uncle to BCorreia) |
Gallagher GH | CPR Spr Agt Brownville SD1909 |
Gamache JE | CNR agt Campbellton div 1940sd ORT1430 |
Garret EA | CNR agt Edmundston TD 1965 1941sd |
Giberson DD | CPR agt Perth Jct 1940sd ORT4150 |
Giberson DR | CPR Spr Agt Saint John sd1973 |
Gibson BC | CPR Agt Jackman SD1974 |
Gibson H | CPR Asst Agt Woodstock SD1908 |
Giles HT | CPR agt Upper Kent 1916sd Ort 1209 |
Gillispie Joe | CPR agt Saint John sd1915 ORT3856(wife below) |
Gillespie, Margret G (Mrs) | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1941sd ORT5330 (husband above) |
Gillett FC | CPR sp agt/t St John 1963sd ORT6907 |
Gillilard JR | CPR agt Edmunston 1926sd ORT1143 |
Gillis CF | CNR agt Moncton Div 1942sd ORT4380 |
Gillis PA | CNR agt Moncton div 1916sd ORT673 |
Glenn CC | CNR agt Edmunston Div 1943sd ORT4700 |
Godreau JA | CNR agt Edmundston div 1917sd ORT2160 |
Gove Arthur | CPR Agt StAndrews SD1908 |
Graham GF | CPR sp agt/t St John 1964sd ORT6995 |
Graham GL | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME), Harvey, Perth Jct 1953sd ORT4748 |
Graham RB | CNR agt Campbellton div 1917sd ORT655 |
Grant CL | CPR agt Woodstock 1959sd |
Grant HA | CPR asst agt Edmundston 1955sd, sp agt Woodstock 1957sd ORT5553 |
Grant HL | CPR agt/t Edmundston 1964sd ORT6933 |
Grant JL | CNR Northern 1938, Hornpayne, Oba ON |
Graves JL | CPR Agt Greenville SD 1904 |
Graves SA | CNR agt Moncton Div 1943sd |
Gray KA | CPR agt Mattawamkeag SD1974 EX MEC |
Greer JD | CPR agt Woodstock 1959sd |
Guay AP | CPR agt Jackman(ME), Brownville Jct(ME) 1950sd ORT4035 |
Guay JA | CPR Agt Jackman SD1913 |
Guerette FG | CPR Agt Holeb SD1913 |
Hagerman RB | CPR Agt Woodstock SD 1908 |
Hallett GB | CPR Agt Canterbury SD1911 |
Hatchette LM | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1943sd, TD St John 1951sd ORT2221 |
![]() Hallett Helen W (Miss) | "... a well know former resident of Grand Fall, occurred at Moncton City Hospital at the age of 93. She was the only daugther of the late Robert A. and Emily (Day) Hallett. Miss Hallett served as manger of the Canadian National Telegraph Company in Grand Falls for 37 years. She was also employed for a time in Woodstock, Saint John, and Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta." Helen was born 1 July 1880, Grand Falls, NB, died 06 April 1974, Moncton, NB, buried Grand Falls, NB. ..." |
Harris AC | CPR Agt Benson SD 1908 |
Harris AL | CPR agt Woodstock 1927sd, TD St John, Woodstock 1947sd ORT1393 |
Harris JM | CPR TD Brownville SD1900 |
Harris LT | CPR asst agt Lancaster 1954sd ORT5533 |
Harten RA | CPR agt Fredericton 1946sd ORT3852 |
Hartin DJ | CPR spare agt St John SD1977 |
Hartin FC | CPR Spare Agt St John SD1977 |
![]() Hartt Byron C | CPR agt-telegrapher sp, Brownville Jct (ME) 1956sd ORT5745 |
Harvey HM | CPR Agt Hoyt SD1912 |
Harvie DE | DAR Agt Kentville SD1956 |
Hatchette LM | CPR agt St John, TD Brownville Jct Me 1943sd ORT1219, 2221 |
Haughn RH | CPR agt Woodstock 1959sd |
Hawkins JN | CPR asst agt Lancaster 1951sd ORT4818 |
Hayes JL | CPR Agt Debec SD1916 |
Hazel Charles J | CPR agt Fairville SD1909 |
Hebert Alphonse J | CPR Asst Agt Edmundston SD 1918 |
Hebert ML | CNR agt Edmunston Div 1943sd ORT4437 |
Heenan AH | CPR Asst Agt Fredericton Jct SD1910 |
Heenan DF | CPR Asst agt Fredericton SD1910 |
Heenan FA | CPR agt Fredericton Jct 1941sd, sp TD St John 1965sd ORT1868 |
Hegarty GB | CPR agt Brownville Jct (ME) 1918sd ORT1292 |
Hendry EL | CPR Agt Greenville SD1916 |
Hetherington A | CNR Fredericton yrs? /d67 |
Hickey JA | CNR Campbellton TD 1965, 1944sd |
Hickey LJ | CNR Edmundston TD 1965, 1941sd |
Hillman Donald | CNR sp opr Frederickton 1966 |
Hobbs VW | CPR Agt Jackman SD1917 |
Holden HL | CPR agt Welsford sd 1915 |
Hooser WS | CPR agt Grand Falls 1914sd Ort1070 |
Horncastle JR | DAR Agt Windsor ns SD1955 |
Horne EG | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1957sd |
Howard GA | CPR TD Brownville sd1907 |
Howard Gaecdi | CPR Brownville sd 1898 |
Howard WR | CPR TD Brownville SD1890 |
Howatt MA | CNR agt Island div 1924sd ORT3369 |
Hoyt LA | CPR agt 1913sd, TD Woodstock 1926sd ORT496 |
Hoyt JP | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1951sd ORT5027 |
Hoyt RB | CPR agt McAdam 1951sd ORT3920 |
Hughey JF | CPR agt Jackman(ME) 1940sd ORT1725 |
Hunt EA | DAR Agt Windsor NS SD1951 |
Hunter CB | CPR Agt Debec SD1910 |
Hutchinson J | CPR agt Chipman, Bristol 1954sd ORT5077 |
Irvine ER | CPR Agt Plaster Rock SD1911 |
Inman DR | CPR Spr Agt Saint John SD1970 |
Jardine EE | CNR agt Island div 1931sd ORT1225 |
Jarvis OK | CPR agt St Stephen, Chipman 1951sd ORT3930 |
Jay Stewart | CPR Asst Agt Saint John sd1970 |
Jeffrey GR | CPR caretaker agt Young's Cove Rd 1941sd ORT4846 |
Jewett DB | CPR agt, Aroostook 1914sd ORT481 |
Jones AE | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1958sd |
Johnson RR | CPR Agt Holeb sd1895 |
Journay WJ | CPR Agt Brownville sd1912 |
Kane J | CPR Agt Hoyt SD1886 |
Kelly RD | CPR agt Bay Shore 1948sd, sp TD St John 1965 ORT4732 |
Kennedy GM | CPR Spr Agt Saint John SD1973 |
Ketch JA | CPR agt Presque Isle(ME) 1943sd ORT1219 |
King DL | CNR agt-opr Harcourt, relief TD Moncton 1961 |
King HW | CPR Agt Woodstock sd 1902 |
King WA | CPR Agt Greenville SD1917 |
Kingdom HM | CPR Agt Brownville SD1917 |
Kingston CL | CPR agt St Andrews sd1945 |
Kingston KJ | CPR agt Fort Fairfield Me 1944sd |
Kingston LC | CPR agt Hoyt, Harvey 1943sd ORT2886 |
Kinney CR | DAR Spr Agt DAR SD1952 |
Kirkpatrick EJ | CPR agt Woodstock 1907 sd |
Laidlaw WH | CPR agt-opr St John sd1920, TD St John SD1943 ORT/CERT#4098 |
Laine JA | CNR Edmunston TD 1953 |
Lamontagne W L | CPR agt Jackman Maine 1939sd Ort 3909 |
Lauzier XJE | CNR TD Campbellton Div 1940sd |
Lawrence AL | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1960sd |
Lebans RC | CNR Moncton TD 1965 1945sd |
LeBel RA | CNR opr "H" Edmunston, relief TD Edmunston 1962 |
Le Blanc JC | DAR Spr Agt DAR SD1959 |
LeBlanc H | CPR agt Bristol, Florenceville 1947sd ORT4120 |
LeBlanc HV | CNR opr Moncton, relief TD Moncton 1964 |
LeBlanc JE | CNR ACD Moncton 1977sd |
LeBlanc JEF | CNR Moncton TD 1947sd |
LeBlanc JLP | CNR Campbellton TD 1952sd |
Levasseur RG | CNR agt, TD Moncton Div 1941sd ORT3388 |
Levasseur TG | CNR agt Moncton TD1965 1941sd |
Lemieux R | CNR Edmundston div 1937sd ORT1630 |
Lewis SA | CNR agt Moncton div TD 1965 1939sd ORT3427 |
Lewis TH | CNR Moncton TD 1965, 1941sd |
Lindsay ML | CPR sp agt/t st John 1964sd ORT7068 |
Little GE | CNR agt Campbellton div 1916sd ORT936 |
Long FD | CNR agt Edmundston div 1929sd ORT1979 |
Lozier JE | CNR agt Campbellton div 1940sd ORT2061 |
Lyon JW | CNR agt Campbellton div 1940sd ORT1078 |
Lyon LC | CPR spr agt Brownville Me 1940sd |
MacEwen JER | CNR Island div 1911sd |
MacFawn GA | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1928sd ORT5078 |
MacGregor JA | CNR TD 1965 Moncton 1940sd |
MacKinnon CA | DAR Spr Agt DAR SD 1964 |
MacLennan AD | CNR agt Island div 1930sd ORT1711 |
MacPherson CW | CPR agt McAdam, Burtts Corner 1951sd, sp TD St John 1965 ORT4065 |
Manzer CW | CPRAgt Woodstock sd1886 |
Marshall LF | CPR agt Welsford 1923sd ORT998 |
Marson GD | CPR Agt Brownville sd1973 |
Matthews RS | CNR agt Edmunston Div 1942sd ORT4424 |
McAllister DW | CPR agt Grand Falls, Fort Fairfield(ME) 1947sd ORT2651 |
McCabe AW | CNR agt Moncton div 1936sd ORT1218 |
McCarthy CN | CPR Agt Holeg SD1898 |
McCarthy FW | CPR Agt Green River sd1917 |
McCormack GJ | CNR Island div 1915sd ORT234 |
McCracken JC | CPR agt McAdam 1941sd ORT1919 |
McCrea GJ | CPR asst agt Grand Falls 1953sd ORT5083 |
McCrea JD | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1957sd |
McEachery JV | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1954sd ORT5352 |
McEwen JER | CNR agt Island Div 1911sd |
McGuiggan MR | CPR TD Brownville sd1912 |
McInerney EJ | CNR agt Moncton div TD 1965 1928sd ORT1948 |
McIntosh GE | CPR Agt McAdam SD1910 |
McIntosh DR | CPR agt Brownville Jct, St Andrews 1959sd |
McIntyre CL | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1941sd ORT4274 |
McIver PJ | CPR agt Vanceboro SD1974 EX MEC |
McKay HR | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1945sd, TD 1954sd ORT2361 |
McKenzie GC | CPR agt North Devon 1924sd ORT974 |
McKinnon RJ | CPR agt Vanceboro SD1974 ex MEC |
McLardy FE | CPR Agt Bristol SD1913 |
McLaughlin WT | CNR Saint John yrs? /d66 |
![]() McLeod, John Irvine | ICR Ferris Stn 1877, Dalhousie Jct 1880, Penobsquis 1903, Seoesis ME 1909-10 |
McLeod RC | CNR CD Moncton 1979 |
McNeil Gregory | CNR agt-opr Little Bras d'Or, relief TD New Glasgow NS 1956 |
McNeish JW | CNR agt Campbellton div TD 1965 1941sd ORT4239 |
McQuarrie GH | CNR agt Moncton div 1918sd ORT663 |
McWilliam RF | CNR Moncton TD sd1948 |
Meating BR | CPR asst agt 1960sd |
Mercer H | CPR Agt Harvey SD1917 |
Merriman IB | CPR TD Brownville sd 1878 |
Mersereau A | CPR TD Brownville SD1900 |
Mersereau PC | CPR agt Fredericton Jct 1923sd ORT959 |
Mersereau PC | CPR agt FrederictonJct 1923 ORT 2007 |
Michael EL | DAR Spr Agt DAR SD1959 |
Michaud CY | CPR sp agt/t St John 1966sd ORT7237 |
Michaud JA | CPR Agt Jackman SD1906 |
Michaud John Maurice | CPR agt Caribou(ME) 1946sd ORT2135 (passed away peacefully at the age of 86, Saturday Nov 2, 2013 - Born Dec 16, 1926, employed as a Station Agent & Telegrapher with the CPR in 1946. He worked in various locations in the Eastern Division including Caribou, Presque Isle and North Devon, NB. He married Claire Kirby of Brownville Junction in 1948. Claire was also employed as a telegrapher in Hardy Pond after the war and their first date was arranged over the telegraph. He retired as Agent/Operator in Greenville, in 1984) |
Michaud JP | CPR agt Jackman SD1972, SprAgt Saint John SD1973 |
Michaud PE | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1940sd ORT1755 |
Miller JW | CNR opr Newcastle, relfTD Campbellton 1964 |
Miller LI | CPR agt Watt, Millville 1950sd ORT2995 |
Miller RJ | CNR agt Campbellton TD1965 1942sd |
Mockler CW | CPR Agt Minto sd 1916 |
Mockler WD | CPR asst agt Perth 1946sd ORT2959 |
Mooers DL | CPR asst agt Edmundston 1920sd ORT1224 |
Moore NW | CPR sp agt Bornwville Jct(ME) 1958sd |
Moran FV | CNR ACD Edmundston 1983 |
Morgan EC | CPR Agt Florenceville sd1912 |
Morrell JR | CPR Agt Aroostook SD1969 |
Morrisey JK | CPR Agt Saint John SD1917 |
Morrison AF | CPR Agt Holeb SD1912 |
Mosher EB | CPR TD Woodstock sd1909 |
Mulherin Harry F | CPR Agt Edmundston sd1910 |
Murray WL | CPR asst agt Chipman 1953sd, agt Woodstock 1956sd ORT5719 |
Myers SA | CNR TD 1965 Moncton 1939sd |
Narrowmore DH | CPR Spare Agt Saint John SD1973 |
Nason AL | CPR agt Harvey SD1910 |
Nason CF | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME), Watt 1952sd ORT4749 |
Nason DA | CPR agt Harvey, Woodstock. St John 1949sd, TD St John 1962 ORT3139 |
Nason EW | CPR asst agt Brownville Jct Me 1960sd |
Nason KD | CPR agt Woodstock, Millville 1951sd ORT4288 |
Nason LM | CPR agt St George 1928sd ORT1075 |
Nason NE | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME), Aroostook 1955sd ORT5313 |
Nason PA | CPR agt McAdam SD1898 |
Nason RE | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME), St John 1955sd ORT5332 |
Nason WM | CPR agt New Brunswick Dist Brownville Jct(ME) 1954sd ORT5365 |
Nason WW | CPR agt Harvey 1915sd ORT530 |
Never Ross Eugene | CPR agt St Andrews, Hartland 1953sd ORT4112 (Central Blissville, NB. After a long hard battle with cancer, Ross passed away peacefully surrounded by his family at the Oromocto Public Hospital on Dec 11 2013 - For 35 years, Ross worked as a Telegrapher for CP Rail until his retirement) |
Nicholson HH | CNR agt Island div 1927sd ORT1761 |
Nickerson PA | CNR Salisbury yrs? /r67 |
Nixon DE | CPR agt Houlton 1923sd ORT1220 |
Nixon FB | CNR Woodstock 1949 / relf Stratford Div ON ?-1955 |
Nixon LV | CPR spr agt Saint John 1972sd |
![]() Nixon RV | CPR agt Aroostook, Woodstock, St Andrews 1949sd, TD Saint John sd1969 . retired 1985 |
Noble WF | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me |
Nutter AL | CPR agt Kirby SD1891 |
O'Blenis, GL | CNR Moncton TD 1965 1945sd |
Oliver BW | CPR agt Canterbury 1907 sd |
Oliver CE | CPR asst agt Grand Falls 1918sd ORT1289 |
Oliver WE | CPR TD Woodstock SD1914 |
Oulton Charles Renwick | DAR stns? 1907 / CPR Estevan(?) 1917 / Port Elgin NB 1920-59 / during WWII Sackville / after retires AG-CARE meeting Island Mixed & express truck |
Owens RB | CPR agt Florenceville SD1887 |
Owens John A | CPR agt Brownville Me SD1974 (majority of his career at CPR as a telegrapher/operator and finally as a supervisor at Bangor & Aroostook Railroad, retiring in 1998) |
Page FR | CNR Moncton div 1916sd ORT657 |
Parker C L | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me 1909 sd TD Woodstock sd 1954 |
Parker GS | CPR agt St Andrews 1916sd |
Parker Martin L | CPR Spare Agt Saint John SD1917 |
Perry RC | CPR asst agt Hartland 1948sd ORT3841 |
Phillips JA | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME), McAdam 1958sd |
Phillips NL | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1952sd ORT4948 |
Picard JA | CNR Edmunston TD 1965 1945sd |
Pitarys George | CPR agt Jackman SD1977 |
Poitras JG | CNR Grand Falls 1953/d72 |
Pothier HM | DAR Agt Yarmouth NS SD1941 |
Potter AS | CPR Asst Agt Harvey SD1915 |
Potter BA | CPR agt Brownville Jct Me. TD SD1896 |
Potter RB | CPR Asst Agent Woodstock SD1916 |
Potter RL | CPR asst agt Andover 1955sd, Woodstock, sp st John 1958sd ORT5889 |
Powell LC | CNR Moncton div 1918sd ORT2240 |
Proux F | CNR agt Edmunston Div 1915sd ORT471 |
Proulx JH | CNR TD 1965 81941sd |
Purves JR | CNR Red Rock 1935/72 |
Quigg JE | CPR agt Greenville 1929sd ORT1736 |
Quigg JH | CPR agt Lancaster, ST John 1948sd, RTD New Brunswick Dist Brownville Jct(ME) 1957sd, TD st John 1962 ORT3609 |
Tapp JA | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1954sd ORT5331 |
Terris HJ | CNR agt Campbellton Div 1942sd ORT4380 |
Thibeault AR | CNR TD Campbellton 1952, CD Campbellton 1979 |
Thompson GO | CNR Moncton div 1919sd ORT948 |
Tompkins RJ | CPR agt/t Hartland 1940sd ORT1778 |
Tracy EA | CPR agt Fredericton 1927sd ORT1168 |
Tracy EA | CPR agt/t Cullerton 1958sd ORT5933 |
Turner JW | CPR agt Lancaster 1943sd ORT2777 |
Rand EH | CPR Agt Fredericton Jct SD 1908 |
Raymond LO | CNR Edmundston div 1913sd ORT452 |
Record EV | CPR asst agt Lancaster 1946sd ORT5416 |
Redstone WA | CPR agt Florenceville, McAdam 1928sd ORT1727 |
Reed CF | CPR Agt Greenville Me SD1901 |
Richard FL | CNR agt Campbellton div 1940sd ORT1467 |
Richardson RH | CPR Agt McAdam NB SD1967 |
Richardson TP | CPR Agt Blissville NB SD 1906 |
Ricker NJ | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1954sd ORT5312 |
Rioux HD | CPR agt Jackman (ME) 1927sd ORT1390 |
Roberts RL | CPR Agt Jackman SD1916 |
Roberts WH | CNR agt Moncton Div 1943sd ORT4237 |
Robertson GD | CPR Agt Hoyt SD1900 |
Robertson Joel T | CPR Agt McAdam NB SD1971 |
Rockwell AW | CPR Agt Brownville Jct Me SD1895 |
Rogers WH | CNR Campbellton div 1917sd ORT821 |
Ross JA | CPR Agt Brownville Jct Me SD 1910 |
Rowley AE | CPR Agt Greenville Me sd 1894 |
Rowley RAE | CPR agt McAdam 1916sd ORT905,1886 |
Roy AD | CNR agt-opr Estcourt, ref TD Edmunston 1959 |
Roy JA | CNR Moncton TD 1951 |
Roy JY | CNR agt Campbellton Div 1942sd ORT4602 |
Ryder GG | CPR Agt Hoyt NB SD1916 |
Salley Meylon L | CPR agt Mattawamkeag SD1974 ex MEC |
Sanderson VR | CPR sp asst agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1956sd ORT5943 |
Sansom Carl | CNR agt Edmundston div 1939sd ORT3753 |
Saunders VR | CPR sp agt/t St John 1963sd ORT6868 |
Schriver Berry L | CPR Agt Woodstock NB Retired as chief of Police there |
Scott FA | CPR asst agt Edmundston 1956sd ORT5859 |
Shannon PM | CNR agt Moncton div 1918sd ORT3358 |
Sharber J | CNR Edmundston TD 1965 1941sd ORT5200 |
Shaw JE | CNR agt Edmundston 1941sd, TD 1965 ORT4569 |
Shaw RV | CPR TD Brownville Jct SD1909 |
Shay DJ | CPR agt anceboro SD1974 EX MEC |
Shepard HF | CPR Agt Westfield Beach SD1912 |
Shideler RL | CPR spr agt Sydney 1951sd |
Simard JLP | CNR Campbellton 1947 |
Simpson EA | CPR sp agt Woodstock 1958sd |
Simpson GH | CPR agt St Stephen 1902sd ORT 3898 |
Sinstadt DV | CPR agt Aroostook 1946sd ORT2375 |
Skinner GK | DAR Agt Digby SD1951 |
Slattery FG | CPR agt Woodstock 1945sd, RTD 1952sd, TD St John 1960 ORT5421 |
Smith CC | CPR agt Bath 1915sd ORT782 |
Smith CG | Agt Musquash 1915sd Ort 1648 |
Smith CE | CPR agt Upper Kent, Edmundston 1951sd ORT4244 |
Small EL | CPR Agt Brownville Jct SD1909 |
Smith GA | CPR Agt Kentville NS TD Saint John SD 1971 |
Smith GC | CPR Spr Agt Saint John SD1971 |
Smith GE | CPR agt Andover, Kent 1943sd ORT3781 |
Smith HL | CNR agt Moncton div 1936sd ORT1241 |
Smith HT | CPR agt Pennfield 1943sd ORT2125 |
Smith HR | CPR asst agt Minto 1945sd ORT5103 |
Smith RB | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1959sd |
Smith RC | CPR agt Chipman 1947sd ORT2551 |
Snarr LE | CNR Petitcodiac yrs? /r67 |
Soucy FE | CNR Edmunston TD 1947 |
Sparks CJ | CPR agt Debec Jct 1926sd ORT1326 |
Spear JM | CPR agt Burtts Corner 1919sd Ort 1976 |
Spencer B | CPR Agt Hardy Pond SD 1916 |
Spencer JE | CNR agt Campbellton div 1937sd ORT3348 |
Spencer SE | CNR agt Campbellton TD1965 1942sd |
Stark MA | CPR Spr Agt Saint John SD1974 |
Steeves HR | CNR agt Campbellton div 1918sd ORT1113 |
Stevens RT | CPR agt Woodstock 1919sd, TD New Brunswick Dist Woodstock 1947sd ORT896 |
Stevens WC | CPR agt Lancaster 1945sd ORT5333 |
Stewart LF | CNR TD 1965 Moncton 1939sd |
Stillwell AB | CPR agt Millville 1922sd ORT704 |
Stillwell RF | CPR agt Canterbury 1924sd ORT1086 |
Street AB | CPR Agt Green River SD1889 |
Street HD | CPR Agt Edmundston NB SD1913 |
Strout DL Ms. | CPR Spr Agt Saint John |
![]() Strout Ken | CPR MEC CNR spr agt-opr in joint facilities betn MC Railroad & CPR 1971-5 when CP bought the track betwn Vanceboro, Maine & Mattawamkeag from MEC . work agt-opr Vanceboro & Mattawamkeag . qualified CP rules & delivered orders to CP trains Vanceboro & Keag . Danville Jct, Maine as a CN joint agt-opr 1979-85 |
Sullivan LF | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1944sd ORT2494 |
Sullivan JR | CNR opr Moncton Yd, swing TD Moncton 1956 |
Sullivan WV | CNR Newcastle 1934-5?, 14 stns? yrs? |
Swift FS | CNR Moncton yrs? /d67 |
Swim DE | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1958sd |
Tapp JA | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME), Mcadam 1954sd ORT5331 |
Taylor JH | CPR Spr agt Saint John SD1974 |
Taylor RS | DAR agt Hanstport NS SD 1948 |
![]() Thibault Carl | CNR agt-opr Edmundston Div 1951-64 working all along the Edmudston Div |
Thomas AB | CPR sp agt Brownville Jct(ME) 1958sd ORT5956 |
Thomas AB | CPR sp agt/t St John 1966sd |
Tomlinson TB | CPR Agt Upper Kent sd 1913 |
Tompkins HW | CPR Agt Upper Kent SD1906 |
Tompkins RJ | CPR agt Hartland 1940sd ORT1778 |
Thompson GO | CNR agt 1919sd ORT948 |
Titus RW | CNR agt Moncton Div 1941sd ORT4081 |
Toomey DJ | CPR TD Saint John SD 1970 EX DAR |
Townsley CP | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1957sd ORT6249 |
Tracy EA | CPR agt/t Fredericton Jct 1927sd ORT1168 |
Tracy EA | CPR asst agt Woodstock 1957sd, sp agt Woodstock 1958sd ORT5933 |
Turner JW | CPR agt Lancaster 1943sd, sp TD St John 1965 ORT2777 |
Vallie LN | CPR agt Hoyt SD1917 |
Van Blarcom ML | DAR Agt Kentville NS SD 1951 |
Vaughn WJ | CPR agt Welsfod SD1908 |
![]() Verret G | CNR Edmunston Div, opr, rlf agt, Moncton 'NY' 1962-72 SD Aug 10 1951-72 . 1972-89 promoted to Car Management field of car distribution . retired mid1989 |
Waldon CW | CPR agt McAdam SD1915 |
Walker LR | CPR Spare Agt Saint John SD1975 |
Walsh WJ | CPR agt Brownville Jct me. TD SD1908 |
Walter AW | CNR agt Campbellton TD 1965 1942sd |
Ward FM | CNR agt Campbellton div 1913sd ORT568 |
Ward George | CNR agt Moncton div 1939sd ORT2361 |
Ward HP | CNR Campbellton div 1929sd |
![]() Ward, Parlee ('Pearl') Hector | CPR agt Sackville 1923-41, Moncton 1941-54 veteran WWI /r 1954 |
Ward RA | CNR Moncton TD 1945 |
Warden MD | CPR agt Greenville SD1911 |
Warman RW | CPR sp asst agt Woodstock 1957sd ORT5986 |
Webb James A | CPR agt Lancaster 1942sd, RTD Brownville Jct (ME) 1953sd, sp TD St John 1965 ORT2085 (started work with CPR 1942 at age of 16 and lasted 42 years until his retirement in 1984. During this period he enlisted into the armed forces to assist in the war effort but was refused entry due to his work with the railroad being considered an essential service) |
West, DG | CPR agt Fredericton, North Devon 1946sd ORT2626 |
Whetmore RW | CNR Moncton /d67 |
White M? | CPR Moncton T/Wire Chf |
White RD | CPR sp agt/t St John, agt Aroostook TD Saint John 1966sd |
Wilcox JH | CPR agt Brownville Jct(ME) Lancaster 1945sd, RelfTD 1957sd, TD St John 1961 ORT4998 |
Wiley WF | CPR sp agt/t St John 1964sd ORT7132 |
Wilson HA | CPR agt Woodstock 1946sd ORT2222 |
Wood JE | CNR agt Campbellton div 1917sd ORT1555 |
Wood RH | CNR agt Campbellton TD 1951 |