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November 1997 General Minutes

November 1997 General Minutes

Washington Association of Rail Passengers
Board ot Directors Meeting
November 8, 1997. University Plaza Hotel. Seattle. Washington


Executive Committee Members:
Chuck Mott, President; Dennis Fait, Vice-President-West; Hans Mueller, Treasurer; Ellen Barton, Secretary

Board of Directors:
Loren Herrigstad, Paul Scott, Rocky Shay, Steve Spear, Bill Weeks, Eleanor Stewart, Stephanie Weber, Warren Yee, Noel Hancock, Jerome Sheldon, Hal Cooper.

Members and Guests:
Stuart Adams, Jim Holley, Shirley Waldo, Frank Waldo, Jim McIntosh, Kay Chelemedos, Lee Hess, Robert Rohrer.

Meeting Minutes:

The meeting was called to order at 12:15 pm by President Chuck Mott. The agenda was approved.

The meeting minutes for September were approved with one correction: Dan Ohman was mistakenly listed as attending.

The Treasurer's Report showed an increase in membership, by one. Funds are lower than usual due to normal seasonal expenditures.

Upcoming meetings:

Excerpts from Executive Director's legislative report. delivered by Chuck Mott due to Lloyd Flem's Husky-related absence: Class I Railroad Professionals attending a Washington D.C., Conference will be addressed by our Executive Director, by special invitation through Railway Age magazine. He will discuss the internal disputes between various rail interests -- or "fratricidal spats" -- and the shared successes which could be gained by working together.

The Amtrak Express docket received comments from WashARP, the only non-governmental group in the U.S. to be asked to participate. Comments centered on the profit opportunities in express "freight" hauling.

Amtrak Reauthorization passed with $2.3 billion in capital (not operating) costs. Thanks to efforts of Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas and Bob Kerry of Nebraska, and all those WashARP members who called and wrote their legislators. The bill includes stipulation language that Amtrak must show progress on entrepreneurial management changes.

Re-authorization funds allow debt reduction for Amtrak, and funding (finally) of equipment repair at the Beach Grove facility.

King Street Station concerns raised in regards to Paul Allen's proposed purchase of Union Station. Discussion centered on the need for King Street Station area to remain and improve as a transportation center. Possibility of such a center being relocated to Tukwila raised strong objections, however, with growth projected both King Street and Tukwila will likely be needed in the future.

East Side Transit interest has begun to show up due to grid-lock and development. Hal Cooper discussed some causes and effects.

Talgo Washington Assembly facility hosted a tour with the state's Ralph Munro. Contract stipulations include 50% U.S. material and 25% Washington state labor and content.

Jack Metcalf will face a campaign next year against a retired military officer and he may need to garner support from the union and Talgo-rider constituencies in his district.

Proposed resolutions to establish sections within WashARP for specific member interest areas, as described by Vice President East-Jim Neal. engendered some discussion with specific objections to the collection of additional dues (see third resolution, below). Motion to accept the resolution was made by Hal Cooper, Seconded by Paul Scott. The motion passed with 10 votes in favor, 3 opposed.

Proposed Resolution to create Vice President Commuter-Transit received little discussion. The motion to accept the resolution was made by Jim Neal, Seconded by Hans Mueller. The motion passed with 11 votes in favor, 1 opposed. and 2 abstentions.

Proposed Resolution to establish section dues structure resulted in discussion leading to a lower dues fee, amending the fees to half the general membership dues amount for the membership level involved (i.e., $10 for individual; $15 for household/family). The designation of household membership was amended to read "household/family." The motion to accept the resolution as amended was made by Hans Mueller, seconded by Paul Scott. The motion passed unanimously.

Proposed Resolution to Restructure the Board of Directors was tabled due to the timing of the Board election.

Proposed Resolution to define Quorum vote requirements, received it's first reading by Jim Neal. Copies of the proposed resolution were requested to be mailed with the meeting minutes (see attached).


"Art and the Railroad" presentation on the interlocking history of Art, Nature and the Railroad in the American West, by J. Craig Thrope.


Membership development subcommittee will be convened by Secretary Ellen Barton for the purpose of planning strategy for membership increase and Action. Toward the purpose of membership enhancement, a reward is offered for the member who brings in 5 or more new or renewing members by the December meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

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Last Update: 01/04/00
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee