Letters to Dan's Wigwag Site ![]()
Feb. 2004---Present
Banks, OR Update... 11/17/10
Hello Dan:
My name is Heather Murphy and I am a park ranger with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) at Stub Stewart State Park, which also maintains the Banks-Vernonia State Trail, the first rail-trail in Oregon. I was referred to your site by one of our park hosts and love all the photos of our Oregon wigwags. Though I am not a railroadie myself, I have recently been involved in a project that brought the rails a little closer to my heart. After reading many of the sad letters on your site regarding the wigwags that were removed from service, I am excited to write this note regarding the Sellers Road wigwag in Banks, Oregon.
We recently opened a trailhead at Banks where Sellers Road used to be. I say used to be, because through a complex project involving ODOT Rail, Washington County, the City of Banks and OPRD we were able to make the intersection safer by realigning the 5-way intersection into a 4-way. Why am I telling you this? Well, the rail crossing at Banks Road/Sellers Road still had the Sellers Road wigwag (in operation, too!). In the process, the original location for the wigwag was going to become our parking area for the trailhead. We were able to successfully work with ODOT Rail to acquire the wigwag on loan, provided we displayed it and made it work. I am happy to say it received a new home near it's old home at our trailhead and will be electrified next week so visitors can push a button to activate the bell and arm. We did not want to lose the history of the railway and hope people for years to come will enjoy this wigwag.
As I am the park's interpretive ranger, I also plan to create some informational panels regarding the railway and definately include the wigwag. I hope when I begin this project, any wigwag questions I have I may be able to ask you?
Although the wigwag isn't doing what it was originally designed to do, we are pleased it will not be destroyed, recycled, damaged further, or forgotten.
Heather Murphy
Volunteer Coordinator &
Interpretive Park Ranger
Oregon update... 11/17/10Dan,
If you're still posting updates to your wig-wag site, the remaining wig-wag in Banks at N.W. Sellers Road has been removed as part of the (very long) anticipated intersection/alignment project. Google Earth has a recent (about two week old) aerial image of the road construction and the new crossing surface:
This was the last operating (I use that term loosely, as the railroad is embargoed north of Banks) wig-wag on the Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad, and the last operating wig-wag on a freight railroad north of Roseburg. The two on the Willamette Shores Trolley are still around for the time being.
- Erik
More info on Baraboo and Devil's Lake, WI... 11/17/10You show two pictures of identical surviving wigwags in Wisconsin - Baraboo
and Devil's Lake.The text says "According to MapQuest this is an ex-CNW line."
That is correct. I just would like to give you a little more specific and
validated information. These are on the Madison - to - Elroy line. It
was part of the Madison "400" route from Chicago to Minneapolis / St. Paul.The line currently only runs from Madison to Reedsburg (and Reedsburg to Sparta
is the "400 Trail", a rail-to-trail bike path.). The line is now run by the
Wisconsin and Southern Railroad (WSOR), with the wigwags still protecting the
crossings.Kenneth Bohl
Old wigwag article... 11/17/10This is an article from an old issue of Electrical Review and Western Electrician Magazine.
The wig-wag is made by Magnetic Flagman Company in Los Angeles.
It doesn't look like the electromagnetic version developed later that we all know and love.Try this site out for the article:
--Jim Baker, Whittier, Ca
Museum wigwag in San Dimas, Ca... 11/17/10I stepped in to report another 'MUSEUM' Wig-Wag installation.
The Pacific Rairoad Society's Pacific Railroad Museum located in the ex-Santa Fe depot at San Dimas, CA has a mounted and operating 'under-hanging' wig-wag in its display area.
Further information if you need it...please contact me,
--Jim Baker, PRS Museum Volunteer
Bad news from Redlands, Ca... 11/17/10Greetings, my old pen-pal. :)
I had to drive past the Nevada Street wigwag in Redlands yesterday, so I brought along the camera to snap a few pix for Mike's Railroad Crossing Website and give you an update.
It's still there, but it won't be for long.
The power lines have been cut, the rails partially paved over and the line is blocked with dirt on either side of the street. The entire signal is kind of leaning toward the freeway; it probably wouldn't work at that weird angle even if it were powered up. The old Santa Fe crossbuck in the 1999 photos is gone. It's been replaced by another old pinched steam pipe with hastily added modern crossbucks. It too looks as if it'll fall over at any moment. The pavement is relatively fresh, but the rails look as if they haven't been used in a long time.
Just a matter of time before Metrolink comes through and does their thing. Unless BNSF is running locals on either side of that crossing, the line is temporarily severed to through traffic.
I'll forward the pix ASAP. They're on my home computer.
CORP Oregon updates… 5/10/10Hi Dan,
Some CORP wagger updates, not all of them bad. For a while I thought we were down to a single wig-wag at 11th St. in Medford. The one near Reedsport has been gone for a while as has the one at Hugo. Ditto Tolo Road. The Ashland signal was changed out recently. And, I've heard that Dole Road has fallen to flashers and an electronic bell. :'( Last month on the way back from a YW crew meeting, we drove by Ager-Beswick and found it without banner and obviously out of service. That left 11th St. in Medford as the sole survivor. But, yesterday a couple friends, on the way back to Redding/Chico after a weekend of model trains and bluegrass in Oregon, noted that Ager-Beswick is indeed complete and in service. (They found a piece of wire and, well, it WAS Sunday out in the middle of no where...).
Larry Tuttle
Impressive scale model of a DW type… 5/10/10I've had a link to your Wig-Wag page for a while, as
part of my construction article for a B&M Style DW
I noticed you don't have a picture of the ex-MEC Style
DW at the Conway Scenic in North Conway, NH. I could
email one of mine, either full-size (2.9 MB) or reduced.jbvb
Wisconsin Update… 5/10/10
The wig wag on the WSOR at Black Earth, WI., has been removed and standard crossing flashers protect this crossing now. That leaves one active set of wig wags on the WSOR Prairie du Chein line, they are at Avoca. (the other two sets on this line, at Blue River WI and Black Earth, are gone.)
Ray Peacock
Not sure where to file this one… 5/10/10
Hi, Dan!
Not sure if this fits under the category of Fictional Wigwags, Museum Wigwags, or 21st Century Wigwags, but worth a mention ...
I saw a Pixar short this weekend, "UFM-Unidentified Flying Mater". In the short, the character Mater (from the feature Cars) has a close encounter with an alien space ship at a railroad crossing in a scene reminiscent of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. But in UFM, it's a pair of Upper Quadrant Wigwags that go crazy instead of the highway flasher jerking back and forth as in CE3K. I always thought the jerking flasher was a little silly. Spielberg couldn't conjure up a Wigwag instead? They were easier to come by in 1977.
The attention to detail for the Wigwags in UFM is exceptional, although I doubt that a PAIR of Wigwags would have been used on such a narrow two lane road! In any case, I hope you have a chance to see this short sometime (I don't know if it's available on DVD or not). The Pixar shorts show up on the ABC Family Channel from time to time, usually when a Pixar feature is also showing.
The "Cars" land area is currently under construction at Disney's California Adventure in Anaheim, and I think is supposed to be evocative of the fictional town of Radiator Springs. Who knows--maybe we'll get a retro Wigwag or two out of the deal.
Oregon Update… 5/10/10
Hello Dan
Greetings from Eugene, Oregon
With great sadness, I write to inform you that the wig wag on SE Uglow Ave in Dallas, Oregon is no more. It occurs to me that you might already know from others who visit your web site but just in case nobody had, I decided to make sure and let you know. Under the Oregon wig wags, it is listed as still in service.
This afternoon, as I was having a look at the Dallas area in Google Earth's street view, I discovered that the Uglow wig wag was gone. In it's place, two highway flashers had been installed, complete with the new electronic bells at the top of the mast. From the looks of the date Google Earth car passed through, this replacement must have happened only within the past year. In fact, the car may have even passed as finishing touches were being put on it as there is a maintenance man working on one of the new flashers, with his utility rig parked right there beside.
The Uglow wig wag was one of two of these venerable signals in Dallas, the other protecting the Lyle St crossing just to the west of Uglow. With the retiring of the Lyle wig wag, the Uglow signal became the very last of its kind in within a 30 mile radius that once had several wig wag protected crossings in places that included Amity, McMinnville, Oregon Highway 51 between Salem and Independence, and West Salem.
West Salem's signals were located on Edgewater St, right about where the branch of Key Bank is located today. I know this because that was down the hill from where my family lived for part of the years I was growing up. The Edgewater St. crossing was protected by two signals. I remember how the crossbuck on one of them was actually white lettering on a black background rather than the usual other way around. It seems to me that these two signals were there until about 1985 though I don't know exactly when they were removed as our family by then had moved from there.
A little bit of history about that railroad line. It was built in 1914 as the Salem, Falls City and Western railroad. At the time it was built, it connected with Southern Pacific's main line in Salem, crossing the Willamette River and running through West Salem and onward out to Gerlinger where it intersected with SP's westside line between McMinnville and Corvallis. From there, it continued onward to Dallas, Fall's City and Black Rock and into the foothills of the Coast Range of Polk County where it served logging operations. After World War I, the line was absorbed into SP's Oregon operations. Much of the traffic handled on the line was forest product related, including several mills. At Eola, there was a log dump to where logs were hauled from the Cascades to be dumped into the Willamette River to be floated to mills downstream. The line remained fully in operation until 1964 when the section between West Salem in Gerlinger was closed. I remember still seeing rails along that stretch as I was growing up in the 1970s, until they were gradually removed. SP continued to service several points in West Salem, the farthest one being Pumlite, a cinder block factory about half a mile from the location of the Edgewater St. wig wags. It was on an increasingly semi-regular basis that the trains that serviced it were usually a switch engine moving either one flat car or box car to the spur on Pumlite's loading dock. By the time we moved from there, the operations that far into West Salem had been discontinued and the tracks had been removed right up to one end of the crossing. Even then, I knew the signals did not have much longer.
Only a little of the line remains today. The only trackage is several miles in length between Gerlinger and Dallas operated today by Genessee and Wyoming's Willamette and Pacific railroad, serving mills in Dallas. On recent item of noteworthiness is the line's originally Willamette River crossing between Salem and West Salem. After all trackage was removed in West Salem, the bridge was converted and opened this past year, (2009), to bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Along the original approach at the west side of the bridge, there is an all weather public display about the history of the bridge and the line.
One final thing I will say about the Uglow wig wag, I remember how for a time as I was growing up wondering if Uglow Ave. had been named as such because of the wig wag. Well, if a wig wag swings back in and forth and has a light, wouldn't it make sense that it would create a kind of "U glow" effect? Especially at night after dark? But in later years that that was probably not the case because Uglow was more likely to be someone's last name. I even had a look in our local area telephone book which confirmed my hunch. There actually were a few people with that as a last name.
But anyway Dan, with this wig wag now gone, that leaves no wig wags remaining in Western Oregon between those along the route of the Willamette Shore Trolley in Portland and Round Prairie Rd, just south of Roseburg.
Daniel Collins--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chandler, Mo 5/10/10
Dear Dan,
Really like the beautiful photo of the Chandler Wig-Wag taken by Robert Lambrecht on your website. I regret to inform you that the Wig-Wag signal at Chandler has been retired and removed to Pittsburg, Kansas by the Kaw River Railroad. Kaw River Railroad leases the tracks from the BNSF. Service to Kearney, MO has been reduced to once every 6 weeks or so. Wig-Wag was replaced by regular crossing lights and crossbuck signal about 3 months ago. Have a Happy New Year. Love your website. Keep up the good work.
David-- David Hardy
Last Montana Wigwags Gone... 3/25/09Dan
I've been trying to keep an online up to date record of wig wags by placing them on a
map via Google Maps. By using Street View, I'm able to see if the Wig Wags have been
removed or not... It seems the Wig Wags in Montana on W Water St. have been removed,
below is the Street View:Stephen
I placed a new link to Stephen's archive on the Master List page... -DF
Lebanon, Or. wigwag gone... 12/21/08Dan, you probably already know, but I can confirm that the wig-wag in Lebanon on Berlin Road is now removed.
Here's what the crossing looks like now, from Google Maps:
- Erik
Neenah, WI wigwag finds new home... 7/31/08Dear Dan,
Thank you for putting together a comprehensive website on Wigwags. Here
at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI, we have recently acquired
a wigwag that is posted on your site and I would like to send updated information on its current location.The Wigwag noted on the wigwag list as located in Neenah, WI – E.
North Water St. operated by Wisconsin Central has been gifted to the National Railroad Museum by CN.I hope this information helps to update your records.
Karen M. Fontanetta
Curator of Collections
National Railroad Museum
One of the Willamette Shore Wigwags out... 7/31/08Hi Dan,
I really enjoy your wig-wag site! A Fantastic job!
I do have an update for you regarding one of our wig-wag singals
on the Willamette Shore Trolley line (Former SP Jefferson Street Branch) in Oregon.The wig-wag located at Willamette Park (Nebraska Street) has been removed
from service as of April 2008. We believe that a garbage truck hit the wig-wag
doing fatal damage to the mechanism. It was decided by those in charge to remove
it as replacement parts are scarce. The crossing is now a 4-way stop. Our head
signal guy and I removed the mechanism from the mast this past weekend.
The mast will be removed in the near future. Fortunately we still have the
other two wig-wags still doing their job for the forseeable future.Best Regards,
Brian R. Sopke
Willamette Shore Trolley
Kansas Looses 2 more Wigwags... 4/10/08The two wig wags that were in operation in Winfield, KS, have been removed in favor
of new modern signals. It was a sad day when the old signals came down. The new signals
are probably much more safe, but they don't have the nostalgia of the wig wags.Keith Anglemyer
Is the wigwag in Independence still in service or were these the last 2 in Kansas?
Canada's Last 2 Wigwags Endangered... 3/29/08Hi Dan,
Great site! I've been a fan of Wig-Wags since I was a kid. Coming from Chatham, Ontario,
I still have fond memories of the whole downtown district using Wig-Wags. They were removed
sometime around '86-87. Just a memory now. The two remaining Wig-Wags left in Canada,
located near Tilbury, are slated for removal in early 2009... Sad, but I guess inevitable.
Thanks again and keep up the good work!Yours,
Brad Gagner
Chatham, Ontario
Old Wigwag Photo - link... 3/29/08Dan,
I would like for you may visit to my uploaded webpage of the Abandoned NC&STL
Railway at the Whiteville Station between Memphis & Jackson, Tennessee.
Look at the first b&w picture of this webpage showing the wig wag road
crossing signal next to the Pacific steam engine Class K passing the depot heading for Memphis.http://www.oldncstlrr.8m.com/whiteville.htm
Eric C. Fleet
NC&STL Railway Exploration
Wigwag Spotted in the UK... 3/29/08Dan,
There is a Wig-Wag in the UK. It's one of the rare, 'Santa Fe' style
ones with the high crossbucks. It's on a private railway in Buckinghamshire.I could only find one photograph that isn't very good here:
and another...
http://www.michaelpead.co.uk/photography/rail/fawley/2006-05-21%20fawley%2024.shtmlI don't know if it works, I don't live in that part of Britain.
Max Goldstein.
Wigwag Media - New Website... 3/29/08Dear Dan,
Love the site, I remember when it was little and I found it from a google search. I must
say that I'm a young wigwag fan, so young that I have
truly never really seen the real deal during my life time besides the trip to the museum.
I'm writing in to let you know that your site has inspired
me to create an online video archive of all the wig wag videos currently on the net,
so they may forever stay remembered and viewed by others even
younger and older than me :). Maybe some day I'll be able to lay down 3k and purchase
a WRRS auto flagman No 5 harp style if theres any around by then, lol.I'd like to dedicate WigWagMedia.com to Dan's WigWag site, for inspiring me to help
preserve railroading history for all railroading fans young and old.Regards,
Stephen Basile
Willamette Shores Trolley update... 2/24/08Dan,
I happened to have been driving in the neighborhood and thought I'd share this
update regarding the Nevada Street wig-wag on the Willamette Shores Trolley line in S.W. Portland (entrance to Willamette Park).(Sorry for the poor quality photo, it was from my cell phone.)
This must have happened in the last couple of weeks. The other two wig-wags
on the line are OK (I drove and checked). It doesn't look like it was a damaged
banner because the attachment to the motor looks OK; and the utility meter for
the electric connection is still spinning (I work for a power company so I checked)
so it doesn't look like a WST signalman turned it off.Very sad...hopefully it'll get fixed, or hopefully it's just removed for repainting!
- Erik Halstead
Wigwag Spotted in the UK... 2/24/08Dan,
There is a Wig-Wag in the UK. It's one of the rare, 'Santa Fe' style ones with
the high crossbucks. It's on a private railway in Buckinghamshire.I could only find one photograph that isn't very good here:
I don't know if it works, I don't live in that part of Britain.
Max Goldstein.
Oregon wigwag updates... 1/29/08Dan,
I thought I'd give you a quick update on the wig-wag situation in Northwestern Oregon.
ODOT has really come down hard on the remaining wig-wags:1. Dallas (Lyle Street), the private crossing for the Weyerhauser mill - removed, replaced with a stop sign (!)
2. Dallas (Uglow Street) - scheduled to be replaced with flashers but I haven't field verified if this has been
done yet. If not yet, it will be VERY soon.
3. Banks - This one appears to be still standing, BUT - the Port of Tillamook Bay RR is shut down.
4. Timber - removed, (stored in a yard) in Tillamook rusting in the salt air (along with the SD-9s
and GP-9s doing the same, since the railroad is shut down.)
5. Lebanon - this one has been removed or at least disconnected, a new intersection re-alignment
project obsoleted this signal, to be replaced with flashers.
6. Knappa - removed. The track was out-of-service anyways (there is no business west of
Wauna and parts of the track are still washed out from a storm a year or two ago.)
This was the last wig-wag on the former Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway and associated lines.Essentially the only wig-wags left will be those on the Willamette Shores Trolley Line
(and they too are endangered; there is talk of converting this line to a Portland Streetcar
line which would obliverate the wig-wags), and those in the few-and-far museums in Oregon.
I have no idea if the wig-wag in Carlton is still functional; but the one at the museum in Brooks is.- Erik Halstead
Madison Wisconsin wigwag - lease on life... 1/29/08Dear Dan,
I wanted to inform you that the Thornton Ave. wigwags still exist in the same
spot, only they now protect a bike/pedestrian path called Yahara Parkway .
This change was made in summer of 2006. Below is a link to current pictures of the crossing.http://www.rxrsignals.net/Wisconsin/Madison/R-Y/Yahara2/
Central Ca. - Porterville wigwags in trouble... 1/29/08SJVR has started the paperwork to abandon the Porterville sub south of Lindsay.
There is virtually no traffic south of milepost 266 and the line has been red-flagged
for some time. This, of course place the wig-wags on the sub in Lindsay in jeopardy!Thomas Platten
Timber, OR wigwag down... 1/29/08I have confirmed the rumors floating about the Internet and the Timber, Oregon
wigwag has indeed been replaced. The crossing is now guarded by flashing lights
and mechanical bells. No gates, though. It was removed sometime between September
and November, 2007.This is all I know right now.
Andrew Fields
Portland, OR
Joplin and Liberty Missuri wigwag update... 1/29/08Dan,
I visited the Missouri wigwags in Joplin and Liberty today (11/29/07) as
I was traveling through the state. I'm pleased to announce that they are both still in
place. Also, just about the time I arrived at the one in Joplin I heard a diesel horn
and a train came through, so I witnessed that one operate for a train and took
several pictures of it.Thanks for your site. I wouldn't have known about the wigwags without it.
Is $1700 a good deal? 1/29/08hi dan
i need your opinion. my husband is wanting to purchase a "wig wag
magnetic switchman with the banner on the bottom". this will be his
first wig wag. he told me it was going to cost $1700.00 - is he
getting ripped off or is this a good buy. i think my husband is crazy
to spend this amount and he says he thinks it is fair. we will base
whether or not he buys it on what you think. anxious to hear from you.thank you, dianne
Casmalia, Ca. wigwag retirement confirmed... 9/28/07Dan,
I just returned from San Luis Obispo as guides on the Coast Starlight.
I had the passengers all primed to see the "only wigwag signal on the
Coast Route", but it had been removed and replaced with two cross arm
signals. This happened within the last two weeks as it was there when I
made the same trip on Sept 15.Perhaps a wake is in order.
Don Chalfant
Sheboygan Falls, Wi - retirements... 8/12/07Be advised that all wig wags in Sheboygan Falls have been removed because tha track was pulled
out of service by the Union Pacific. The Kohler wig wags are still intact and operating.
I have not been in that part of Plymouth lately to see if the wig wags are still there.
The UP serviced those signals.-John Van Wyk
Knappa, Or. wigwag retired... 4/22/07Dear Dan,
I have some news about the wigwag at Knappa. It’s been retired,
and the crossing now has just crossbucks . Also, the track is used past Wauna each summer by the Astoria
Excursion Train; and on occasion to Tongue Point by the Coast Guard.Sincerely,
Wigwag on display in Iowa... 4/22/07Dan,
There is a wig-wag system in an Onawa, Iowa park. It was moved here along with the old depot a few
years ago from the old C&NW line. That line had a few of them between Sioux City and Council Bluffs.
I'm not sure of the different names for all the signals but it is of the time shown at Lima Center, Wisconsin.Miles Miller
Council Bluffs Iowa
All Kansas wigwags endangered... 4/22/07Hi Dan;
The Liberty MO Wig-Wag is now on the KAW River RR owned by WATCO Companies.
You can access the WATCO web page and download the timetable which has the Wig-Wag crossing listed as:MP: 205.5
Nearest Station: LIBERTY
Crossing Name: MCGINNIS RD (118thSt.)
Crossing Protection: HWY SIG
DOT# 079357LIn KS the Wig-Wags are all scheduled for replacement in 2007. I believe Cherryvale is already gone.
Montana memories... 4/22/07I grew up in Lewistown, MT. I just thought I would update that all the wig-wags are now gone due to
BNSF pulling up all the track "to" and "in" this town. It makes me feel like my heart was cut out.
At one time, the MLWK had 9 wig-wags in this busy, small town. Both GN & MLWK originally serviced the city.
Slowly, certain wig-wags were replaced with flashers, until only the two remained on the quiet residential
"Water Street", as pictured on your site. (Although these wig-wags were repainted with black targets around the red light in recent years)Interestingly enough, each wig-wag that guarded a crossing in Lewistown had their own unique
"bell" sound & rhythm! Very Cool!!!
Some fast, some slow.....some "tinny".....some overly loud......some would miss the "beat" 50% of the time!!One Wig-wag in particular guarded a paved crossing that was located at the very "throat" of the rail-road yard,
and was "flagging" more often in any 24-hour period, than silent. But this was back in the late 60's and
early 70's. Surely the 40's & 50's kept the signal just as busy, if not more so.Sincerely & Sadly,
John P.
Divernon, Il. (missed from last August)... 4/22/07My name is Casey, I am 12 years old and I know a little about the wigwags that were in Divernon,IL.
1) Divernon has 6 railroad crossings 4 have crossbucks & flashers.
2) here is when the Divernon wigwags were removed
__SOUTH ST_I_______KENNY ST___________DODDS ST ___________BROWN ST___________________
10/2004 10/2004 9/1999 Between 1988and19913) the wigwags at south & kenny streets were dismantled and parts were given to rail road workers
4) they were removed because they were starting to malfunction.
5) The wigwag at Kenny st. was panted silver a few months before it was removed.
I hope you found this info intresting.
Casey, GIANT wigwag fan.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cherryvale, Ka wigwag retired... 4/22/07Word comes to me from my friends on the RRTulsa mailing list that the
wig-wag north of Cherryvale, Kansas, has been taken out of service.
Charles Stacy Richardson
Tulsa, Oklahoma
"New" wigwag in Newhall, Ca... 4/22/07I wanted to let you know that there is a wig wag being installed in
Newhall, California. I drove by today and saw it and it's currently
still surrounded by scaffolding. I don't know any further info on
the age or pedigree but will send you a picture of it if you would
like. It is located in William S. Hart Park near the old Southern
Pacific train station that was originally located couple of miles
north in Saugus. There is an S.P. class M-4 Mogul (2-6-0) nearby
also. You can see it at the bottom of this webpage: http://
www.steamlocomotive.com/losangeles/David Putnam
ALL Oregon Wigwags endangered... 1/14/07Dan:
Just a note. The Oregon DOT has started a program to replace all the
remaining wig-wag's with gates and blinkers by next year. Get your photos ASAPCliff
Rainier OregonHe later adds:
Finally found the NRHS Trainmaster with the wig-wag story in it.
Get your pictures now as the following wig-wag signals are scheduled to
be replaced by ODOT using SAFETEA-LU money:Portland & Western
Knappa-Waterhouse Road
Dallas-Lyle St. & Uglow St.
Ashland-Oak St.
Medford-11th. St.
Albany & Eastern
Lebanon-Berlin Road
Banks-Sellers Road
Timber-Timber RoadFrom ODOT July 2006
Hope this is of some use to you.
Cliff W West
Rainier Oregon
More bad news from Oregon... 1/14/07Dan,
Bad news for the two surviving wig-wags in Dallas, Oregon:
Lyle Street, which is the private crossing into the Weyerhauser
(formerly Willamette Industries) sawmill, has been removed. Because it's a
private crossing it's now protected by stop signs.Uglow Street, just to the east, is slated for removal and to be
replaced with flashers and gates.It was difficult to catch either of these in action, as the P&W served
the Dallas area only a couple times a week with a switch job out of
McMinnville in the wee hours. Some of the railfans up here tried but I believe
none were successful in capturing the last train to pass either of them.Because ODOT is working hard to make sure every outdated/obsolete
crossing signal is removed (and all unsigned crossings have stop signs), the end
is near for the two remaining wig-wags on the Port of Tillamook Bay (in
Banks and Timber). The remaining wig-wag in Knappa on the P&W's Astoria Line
might be around for awhile, since it's in a remote area and the track
that it protects is embargoed (the line to the west of it was washed out,
and there hasn't been freight trains on the route in years; the last Lewis
& Clark Excursion Train was some two years ago). No word on the wig-wags
on the Willamette Shores Trolley Line, but ODOT considers that line a
railroad just the same as everything else.The wig-wags were dismantled and will likely be "preserved" by someone
at ODOT or someone with ODOT connections. Not sure who, though, at this
point, will get which one. I know I won't...- Erik Halstead
Griswold locations in MN... 1/14/07Dan,
I live in Fridley, MN. Here are some locations of Griswold rotating banners yet existing:
Northeast Minneapolis, MN
27th Ave and 22nd Ave crossings of the BNSF spur that was once the NP lead to Minneapolis Union Station.
The 22nd Ave is between NE California Street and NE 2nd St by Bottineau field.
The Lowry Avenue crossing is a newer crossing gate at a much busier street.St. Louis Park, MN
There are two Griswold crossing flashers missing their rotating signs by St. Louis Park High school.
One pair are guarding Walker Street from the CP (old Minneapolis Northfield and Southern)
just north of Highway 7. The second set guard Dakota Ave S right by the intersection with Lake St W.Harris, MN
440th Street at Forest Blvd has 4 flashers on one set and a stop sign. This is the old BNSF
St. Paul to Duluth line, Ex Great Northern. It is now just a spur from Mora with its southern terminus at North Branch.Pine City, MN
Same BNSF line, by the Pine City Depot 3rd Ave SE
Please don’t print my name.
Info on Bertram, TX wigwags... 1/14/07This is in regard to the wig-wag signals in Bertram , Texas. The signals belong to the
Austin Steam Train Association which operates a tourist train from Cedar Park, just
north of Austin, to Burnet, Tx.. They are part of a display that includes a restored depot
in Bertram (the depot is originally from south Texas.) The wig-wags were originally about
1 mile east of Elgin, Texas, on the same ex-SP line. The banners are stored and used on
special occasions, such as Railfair weekend at the end of June. The Austin Steam Train website
<austinsteamtrain.org> might have some photos of the signals in operation.Clif Jones
Wisc. Wigwags taking a beating... 11/6/06Hi Dan,
Scratch the single wig wag at Blue River, WI. on the old MILW Prairie Du Chein line...
Roadwork on the crossing spelled the end for it in the last month or so.ray p.
Wisc. Wigwags taking a beating (2)... 11/6/06Hello from Wisconsin, Dan.
Sad news to start off with. Four Wig Wags
have been removed from service. The Kentucky Street Wig Wags in
Sheboygan are gone. The line is out of service and dosen't look like it will see
action anytime soon.The two Wig Wags in Sheboygan Falls at Highway 32 and PP are also
gone. Union Pacific embargoed the line earlier this year and Highway 32 is
being rebuilt, so they've removed the rails and signals at the crossing. The
embargo affects the other four Wig Wags on the line as well. As of
today though, they're still in place. There's talk about Wisconsin &
Southern taking over service, but nothing is certain yet. It's unknown if the
other Wig Wags will survive until then.-Brent
Wisc. Wigwags taking a beating (3)... 11/6/06The wigwags at STH 32 in Sheboyugan Falls have been removed in the last few weeks.
The Buffalo Street wigwag in Sheboygan Falls is disconnected from electrical utilities
and therefor inoperable. The Kentucky Street wigwags in Sheboygan are also gone.
They were removed last year.John Van Wyk
Good news/bad news from Ca... 11/6/06Good News, After several weeks of having a brakelight as a substitute for a banner,
the SJVRR installed a replacement banner to the O Street wig wag. A used banner
that shows evidence of being blasted by a shotgun was used as the replacement.
No fresh paint here. The signalman raised the banner as close to the motor box
as possible hoping to avoid a collision with a truck or bus. What a sweet sight!Ernest Sanchez
Actually, this is what happened (according to a source):
The wigwag in Lemoore was recently removed. The motor box and banner went
to O St in Fresno. The old motor box from O St was rebuilt and will be kept for spare.
The shot up banner you mentioned should be the same shot up banner from Lemoore...-Dan
Oklahoma's last 2 wigwags gone... 6/28/06Alas, I must report that both wig-wags on the Stillwater Central are gone.
No information on when or how, but they've definitely been removed.
And this, sadly, removes Oklahoma from the list of states with live wig-wags.Bob Burket
Santa Monica, California
O street (Fresno, Ca.) update... 6/19/06Two Sundays ago while railfanning I noticed the wigwag banner was being held by two wires.
The SJVRR had a train stored on the tracks for the weekend and cut it for the O Street crossing.
They activated the signal circuit for over 24 hours, noy being supported, the banner twirled
until it fell off around noon. I was taking my son to his grandmas around 1 pm and saw the
banner on the ground. When I returned at 1:30 the banner was gone. I spoke to a nearby
security guard who stated that he saw a late 80's model silver faded chevrolet caprice stop
and one person picked up the banner and threw it into the car. It was possibly picked up
for scrap. I called in the missing banner to the signal company hotline and by the next day
an automotive style two lens brakelight was installed to replace the missing red light.
No banner though.It amazing that the banner stayed up so long being constantly hit be trucks and
buses pulling out of the cardlock fuel lot.Who knows , we might get a new banner.
That's all, too bad it isn't good news.
Ernest Sanchez
Casmalia, Ca. update... 6/6/06I don't have any new facts to offer, but just am writing to effuse that I got two
outstanding glimpses of the Casmalia wig-wag Saturday June 3rd, from the
open vestibule door of a private car on the San Luis Obispo Surfliner.
It is alive and apparently in excellent health. Because it's on the outside
of a fairly sharp curve, it's not a good view from a train unless you can
lean out a window, but that's what I did. The train began grinding
around the curve at the point I had been told the week before somebody
had seen it, and the engineer was blowing for a crossing, and I was
breathless with uncertainty and anticipation. Then suddenly, there
it was, nicely painted, red light gleaming, swinging and dinging away.
I think it's been nearly twenty years since I've seen one in the wild from
a train. The view is so short I heard about four dings total, but it was heaven.Bob Burket
Santa Monica, California
Eureka, Ca. (partial) wigwag gone... 6/2/06Went by there today (4/27) and the entire wigwag... from the ground up
is now gone. Appears to have been unbolted or torched right at the
base. Nothing at all left except the adjacent electical box. We can
hope, I suppose, that it was taken by someone for safekeeping, but
there wasn't a whole lot left to save.Harry Marnell
The Eureka, CA wig wag is completly gone. Interestingly enough where the
Sears Point wig wag was, there is now no signals at all.
Will try and check out the Ukiah wig wag tomarrow.Lawrence LaBranche
Wigwag at ORM... 6/2/06It came from Enid Oklahoma where it used to protecting 26th Street on the east side of town.
Jason Reimer
Railroad Museum of Oklahoma
Brodhead, WI wigwags removed... 6/2/06Hi Dan,
For your report, the wigwags that protected the exMILW crossing in Brodhead WI,
now operated by the WSOR, are gone. Speeds on the RR were raised to 25mph thru town,
necessitating the need for more updated crossing protection.I have a few photos of the wig wags in action, but they are slides and I don't have
a scanner, perhaps someone else has some photos.Ray peacock
madison, wi.
Griswolds and wigwags spotted... 6/2/06Hello! This is my first time writing to you. My name is James Meier. I
am 11 years old and I love Wig-Wags, I also like your website. I sent this
E-Mail to tell you about some signals.
Minnesota Griswolds:There are 4 Griswold signals in Owatonna, MN. They have stop signs
and operate. Not many trains go through the crossing, which is owned
by the Dakota, Minnesota, and Eastern Railroad.Here are the directions: In Owatonna there is a gas station by a park,
the crossing is around there.
Wisconsin Wig-Wags:In Cataract, WI: There are 3 wigwags near the town at the Little Falls
Railroad and Doll Museum. They are all WRRS Wig-Wags, one is a
Harpes. They don't operate yet, sadly.Directions: Take a county road from Cataract (Not the one that goes
through the town) Follow it, and it will lead you right to it .In Pepin, WI: There is also another WRRS Wig-Wag in Pepin. It is at an
old railroad depot turned into a museum. I operates really good. You
can see the depot from the road.
-----------------I hope you can find them!
James Meier
Oklahoma wigwag on display... 6/2/06The Railroad Museum of Oklahoma in Enid has on display a working wig wag.
It used to protected independence street that is two blocks to the east of the museum.Jason Reimer
Railroad Museum of Oklahoma
Stolen Wigwag in Swayzee, Ind... 1/31/06
Just came across your website today. I heard from an in-law last month that she saw in the
Marion, Indiana newspaper that a wigwag had been stolen in Swayzee, Indiana.
She wondered what a wigwag or "wiggy waggy," as she called it, was, and I had no idea.
I love antiques, so my curiosity got the better of me. My son and I were speaking with a
member of the Indiana Transportation Museum yesterday and he told us about your website.
I tried to track down the article online in the Marion newspaper tonight but couldn't find it.
Since you do not mention the Swayzee wigwag on your site, I assume you were not aware of it.
If you're interested, you might check around Swayzee to see if anyone has a photo of it.
Surely, someone does and it would make a nice addition to your collection. If you're
interested and you find a photo, let me know. I'd like to see what it looked like.
I drive through Swayzee often and had no idea it existed, which is a shame.Thanks and keep up the good work!
Doug Fishback
Sturgeon Bay and WRRS... 1/31/06Hello,
There was a wig-wag in Sturgeon Bay in front the old Anhappe and Western Depot
(formerly abandoned, then sight of several businesses, now for sale), it appeared to
be what your site ID's as a WRRS (i.e. the 2 in Madison, WI. on Thorton Ave. and in Plymouth, WI.)
but the tag inside the mag. relay box read (I did some data collection) The Railroad Supply Co. Style 5, No. 2280.Is this an old distributor of WRRS equipment? Several web searches have come up empty looking for information.
I am curious if this Wig-Wag was located somewhere in that vicinity (A&W absorbed by the GBW circa 1905)
since it was relocated to the front of the Depot (tracks ran behind the depot according to 1924 War Department
surveys and 1963 Aerial photographs). It would be nice to know if it was located in Sturgeoan Bay or whereever else.Thank you for your time.
Maxwell Holmquist
Early Chicago Railway Supply wigwag... 1/31/06Hi Dan, I just picked up a very old bell & wig-wag and would appreciate any
help that your readers can provide. This Chicago Railway Supply and Service
unit was installed by a New England shortline in the 20's and has been
sitting in their backshop for many, many years. The unit is unlike any
shown on your website. The mechanism is just a horizontally mounted
cast-iron box with gear train and no evident provision to "park" the
banner when the signal shuts off. Everything appears to be there with the
exception of a connecting rod or link that connects the final drive
gear to the top of the swing arm. The top of the swing arm is worn but I
believe that the wear is from the arm striking the inside of the mechanism
cover. There are two paint schemes apparent on the banner, one simply saying
STOP in large, radially oriented letters and then a more basic, second
scheme. The original, carbon filament GE "National Mazda" lamp is intact and in
working order. I'm attaching a few photos for your reference. The
brass SN plate says Chicago Railway Supply and Service. Gen. Office Chicago,
Ill, Works, Carpentersville, Ill. SN 3296. The castings carry part # 1689-__.
Any literature, photos or diagrams (especially showing the connecting
link) would be a great help.Dan Myers
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Griswolds in Minnesota... 1/31/06I’m not a huge rail fan (although my curiosity is growing) but I have noticed a couple
of these Griswold signals. I think there are some in/near Lakeville, MN along the fmr.
Soo line (now it’s mostly CP and mainly unused). I’ll look when I’m back home sometime.
The line roughly follows Kenwood Trail (CR 50/5) through Burnsville and Lakeville.
I think there might be some of these on 155th street, 172nd street, and 210th street crossings.
I’ll check into it sometime if you are curious or would like pics. Thanks for the great site.Matt Steele
Fredonia, Kansas wigwags retired... 1/31/06South Kansas & OK built a new connector and bypassed this trackage in town .
Track is GONE . These signals are in the collection of Heart of the Heartlands @
Carona,KS Donated by the RR management to our Club's Museum display.
I'm surprised Mark Springer didn't update you on these .Gordon Garrett
-Well, actually he did, but I got it after your email...
The Wig-Wags in Fredonia Kansas that I sent you pictures for are now
gone. That track has been abandoned and the wigwags are removed.
Mark Springer (1/7/06)
Eureka, Ca. "partial" wigwag destroyed by storm... 1/31/06......At Standard Oil behind Mervyn's @ the Bayshore Mall. It fell from the storm last week.
Wind broke the pole in two places and it's laying in a heap around the support box.
I called the Timber Heritage Group......maybe they can legally collect the pieces.
Nothing is broken except the pole.Roy Richey
Virginia City
Roseburg, Ind. wigwag may have been stolen... 1/31/06It' was reported that these wig-wags and mast were damaged beyond repair but up on inventory
the materials could not be located or returned . central of indiana,tp&w has launched an investigation
on the were abouts of signal materials and are looking toward prosucution and not if returned promptlysincerly dennis holman
Anaheim, Ca. update... 1/31/06You might be interested to know that the wigwag in Anaheim at Lemon and
Santa Ana Sts. is still up and running. I passed it the other day. When
I was a kid, I lived on Randolph St. in Southgate, CA. There was a
wigwag on every corner. I really heard the death knell a couple of
years ago when they were finally replaced.I have pictures (snapshots) of various wigwags that I have taken over
the years. Nearly all examples in the photos are gone now. I think you
might enjoy putting the pictures up on your site. If you are
let me know.Nice job!
Tracy Sands
Wasau, Wi wigwags retired... 11/29/05First, I really like your wigwag site.
Sadly, I must report the end for a wigwag. The Wausau, WI, wigwag at
Garfield Ave. was replaced by a CN crew on November 1, 2005. I watched
them do it, and within a couple of hours they had new standard flashers in
place.I work near that crossing, and I'll miss that piece of railroad nostalgia.
Brett Barker
Wausau, WI
Fresno, Ca. Wigwag Update... 11/20/05
Went to Fresno last Saturday (10/22). All four wigwags are still intact, and the
one at Van Ness & California now has crossbucks mounted on its mast. That
and the absence of a Magnetic Flagman base makes it look vaguely Santa
Fe-like now.I managed to catch the SJVR job that runs to BNSF's Calwa Yard by way of the
remains of the Clovis branch and its three wigwags. The wigwag at Broadway
and Cherry works as poorly as it looks. The banner doesn't swing through
its full arc, the bell barely sounds, and I can't confirm that the light lit
up. I'll have to come up with an excuse to get down there again later this
winter to try my luck again, or maybe try to catch a train in Hanford.While I'm at it, the Seabright wigwag on the UP in Santa Cruz, as well as
the two on the SCBT&P on Cherry St., are also still intact as of the last
few weeks.See Evan's new photos here (look under the SP section and scroll down to the Fresno photos marked "New")
Roseburg, In. "double wigwag" retired... 10/17/05Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the WigWag signal in Roseburg
Indiana is gone as of October the 3rd. =( All that's left is the mast but
the actual signals are gone and have been replaced by two standard railroad
crossing signs. I'm sending a photo (600pix X 400pix) of what is left, even
though it's not much.My railroad signal webpage has some more crossing photos on it ...
Mark Vogel
Last 2 Texas wigwags gone... 10/15/05Dan,
I became a frequent visitor to your website over the past month or so since I found out the
BNSF and TXDOT were in the process of removing the last remaining wigwags in Texas.
Good work especially on the restoration info.Both signals, located in Brenham, Texas, were de-activated on Oct 7 at about 9:00 am.
I was able to secure these signals for the Houston Gulf Coast Railroad Museum in Houston.Both signals and the associated crossing relays were saved intact and in operating condition.
We hope to have at least one on display in 2006. I hope to use your guide to refurbishing the
flags and repainting the motors, masts and battery box.Regards,
Jerry Dorcz
Vista Ca. wigwag retired... 9/29/05Wigwag Site,
Saw this afternoon that the Vista wigwag at Guajome Street has been removed.
Crossing lights have replaced it. Sorry for the sad news.railsdfan
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Wigwag Photo of the Month... 8/17/05
What a magnificent picture is your new Wigwag Photo Of the Month!
New photos get rarer and rarer, but the quality seems to get higher and higher.
My office is decorated with that splendid shot of the Santa Claus Espee Coast Line
shot from 1999, with its fine display of brand-new engine with working wigwag.Still love your site.
Bob Burket
Santa Monica, California (no wigwags here for decades)
Dalton, Wi wigwags retired... 8/7/05Hey Dan,
The wig wags at County Rd. E near Friesland WI. (Dalton) were replaced by gates and flashers
by UP this past week (6/20/05). This is MP 244 on the ex CNW now UP Adams sub.http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=46703
The block signals were also replaced by a single mast double headed UP shrouded Safetran signal.
The trilighters that they replaced were themselves replacements for semaphores that CNW put up in the early '80s.There is still (as far as I know) a single wig wag protecting County highway H just a couple miles west of this location.
Ray Peacock
aka Chico on the trainorders board.
madison, wi.
Alton Illinois Update... 8/7/05Dan, actually caught a light set of UP power passing 0one of the wig wags three days ago.
The streets that cross one has been dead ended and the other has a salvage yard on the end,
no street signs anymore but one wig wag will swing / illinois street some of the time with light
burnt out. The other wig wag the light comes on and bell but no swing /east illinois street.Randy Allard
Longhorn Railroad Museum... 8/7/05Longhorn Railroad Museum, Longhorn, TX. It is a crossbuck/wig-wag combo.
It sits in the museum, easily visible from Wetmore Road in Northwest San Antonio, TX.
I just happened to see it while running the Texas Eagle between San Antonio and Austin.
Don't know if you've already been clued in about this one. And, I believe the Bertram
wig wag may have a banner, now.Earl Richmond
Locomotive Engineer
Amtrak San Antonio
Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum... 8/7/05We're going to be putting up a WRRS Model 5 cantilever mounted wigwag at the
Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum. Our website is http://hvrm.railfan.net/
Also, there is a museum/restaurant north of Monon, Indiana that has a
Magnetic Flagman upper quadrant wigwag, a WRRS Model 5 harp-mounted
wigwag and a US&S Style DW wigwag. All are operational. I know because
I wired them. As an added attraction, the restaurant serves excellent food.John Schultz
C&IRR Signal Maintainer
Signal Committee, HVRM
Hoquiam, Wa. wigwag retired... 4/24/05Dan,
I who hesitated may have lost. I accessed your site for the first time on December 28, 2004.
I asked my bother-in-law in Hoquiam to make a physical sighting that morning and came down
later in the day to look at it myself.Last Thursday, April 21st, I got a sad message. The wigwag was removed the day before.
My in law says that the guys taking it down said it was going someplace special.I don't know what kind of fate this was.
After negotiating with the City of Buckley, Washington, The Foothills Historical Society
of Buckley, and many others, I sent out the attached letter to the short line who operates
the tracks down in Grays Harbor County on Wednesday.I was following your advice and snooping for myself. That I will continue to do.
But at the same time as I tell you the Hoquiam wigwag is out of service, if you could
help us in any way, please do.Chuck Morrison
Sad News from Michigan... 2/14/05The Vernon wig wag was knocked down today. Go here for more info. I'm literally crying right now.
Gregg Pullano
--------------------------------------------------------------------------NWP Eureka wigwag update... 11/14/04
As of Sept 2/04 wig-wag still stands behind Bayshore Mall at the Chevron bulk plant crossing.
Clamp-on ladders are falling to the box from rust and the box has cracks.Roy Richey
Virginia City
Fresno wigwag update... 11/14/04Hi Dan,
Just went thru Fresno Wed. Nov. 3. All four wigwags are still in service.
They are starting to look there age unfortunately. The wigwag on Hamilton St
had it's Red Light on and was trying swing, but couldn't due to some problem.
Was like that couple of years ago. The wigwag on H st. was looking the worst
for wear, but was still in service The wigwag on Van Ness had it's banner
repaired and strightened out. That's the best it's looked in over ten years.
At least that wigwag is looking better! That's all for now.Larry Granfield(San Diego)
Fresno, Ca. area wigwag removed... 11/14/04For California, on the former SP Exeter branch, the Wig Wag on Locan avenue
has been replaced by standard flashers and gates.Bill Steck
Wigwags gone in Divernon Ill. 11/14/04Much to my dismay, while running a coal train to Crown #3 mine at Farmersville
on the CN (IC) through Divernon, I saw that the Wig Wag crossing signals are gone.
They have been replaced by crossbucks and flashers. Bummer.
I am fairly certain that they were not consigned to the junk pile but probably
have been preserved in some private individual's collection.Dave Allenson
CN(IC) engineer
......................................................................Just wanted to let you know that the Divernon wigwags were taken down 2 weeks ago.
They have been replaced with modern flashers. Just thought you would like to know.
I did find a new one that is still in existence in Marion, Illinois.
I don't remember the street off the top of my head but I could find out for you if you are interested.Russ Hoedebecke
Wigwag photo link from 1975... 11/14/04A photo dated 1975:
http://www.nonotuck.us/kens/winters_branch/Found this at:
Historic Packing Houses, Packing Sheds and Other Industrial Structures
in Central and Northern California. Copyright 2004 by James E. Lancaster, Ph.D.Ken Parks
Lebanon, Or wigwag endangered again... (from July) 11/14/04Dan,
I didn't mention this in my last e-mail, but the wig-wag currently on
the Albany Eastern RR north of Lebanon is again on the endangered list.http://news.statesmanjournal.com/article.cfm?i=84335
A couple of derailments blamed on extremely poor track conditions is
prompting the AERC to enact a weight limit, which may result in the
loss of shipments (and ultimately the loss of the line for a second time). No
news on whether the AERC will entirely stop operations anytime soon, but
given that there are about three shippers left, all significantly north of
Lebanon, we are all waiting for the word.- Erik Halstead
Kansasville wigwags retired... 7/9/04Hello from Wisconsin Dan. You can scratch the Kansasville Wig-Wags
off of the list. They've been removed and replaced with crossbucks. The
truck with the signal relay cabinet was pulling away from the scene of the
crime when I drove by this afternoon. The Dalton Wig-Wags are supposedly
going to be replaced too. I have a vacation coming up, so I'll try to drive out
and see if they are still there.-Brent
Lewiston, MT wigwags to go... 6/21/04Good Morning Dan,
The SFBN (sic) (BNSF?) RR is deffinitely leaving Lewistown, MT. Likely completed removal of rail,
accessories within next 1-2 yrs. We of the LT, city will receive the existing RR bed and
ROW and will use it for a Greenbelt (Rails to Trails) within the City, and for new
water-sewer line facilities.If any person is interested in securing any RR accessories, e.g., “wig-wags’ I suggest
they contact the MT. Dept. of Transportation, Helena, MT. to secure current
abandonment info. and the SFBN office, Seattle, WA. It is a “done deal’…….Regards,
Marv Hoffer
Brenham, TX Update... 6/21/04Much to my surprise, BOTH wig wags in Brenham TX are alive and well. I
have included new images of each that I took on Saturday. The overcast
weather made the lighting less than ideal, but you can still see both
signals pretty well. The Church Street wig wag looks like it may have
gotten a new banner since my last visit several years ago. The glass lens
on the north side was broken out, exposing the bulb.The Hwy 36 wig wag looks just as I remember it a few years back.
Both of these signals should be relatively safe for a while, since they
serve a little-used industrial spur in downtown Brenham TX. It is
currently part of the BNSF, but was originally part of the Houston and
Texas Central RR (H&TC, later Southern Pacific) from Houston to
Austin. When SP abandoned the line in the 1950's, Santa Fe took over this
part to serve a few industries in the area.Apparently, these are the last wig-wags operating in TX (at least on a
class 1 RR), unless someone finds others not reported yet.Ken Stavinoha
Magnetic Flagman in Ohio... 6/21/04Dan,
I have an interest in historic traffic control devices such as traffic and train signals,
and highway signage. After digging around about a year ago I found your site and
have book-marked it. I frequent your site about once a month and enjoy reading
about wig wags. I vaguely remember a wig wag at a busy railroad crossing in my
home town of Akron, Ohio. I know the signal was removed about forty years ago.
Too bad a few more are not around.Today, I happened to find a web site devoted to a small railroad museum in
north-central Ohio. The museum is located in Bellevue, which is about equidistant
from Toledo and Cleveland. The museum has a wig wag I've attached the address
for your review. I don't know if the wig wag is operational, yet I'm sure some
communication may provide more information.http://www.onebellevue.com/madriver/051.jpg
David L. Bennett
What's wrong with this picture?... 2/27/04Dan,
Love your site! I was just checking out your recent updates and
noticed something. On that odd signal in Michigan, besides the highway
signal retrofit banner, did you notice the crossbuck? The "railroad" and
"crossing" are backwards!Chris Bagg
Springfield, IL
Wigwag update requested (Cudahay, WI)... 2/27/04Dan ;
If some one can get down to Milwaukee's south side . Located on
the UP formally CNW in the mid "80's there were wigwags near the Patric
Cudhay plant Entrance near Cudahay WI. Also if someone could get over to my house
I have a working wigwag in the back yard from upper Michiagan. I do not
have a digital picture set up on my computer.Barry
Butler WI.Brent Georgi updates us:
"You could probably put a little foot note by the letter asking about the
Wig-Wags in Cudahay. They were removed six or seven years ago. They were
on C&NW's (now UP's) Kenosha subdivision. (I was lucky enough to see a
long, slow coal train go past them once.) The crossing has been upgraded
twice since then, most recently last summer with LED lights and gates."-Brent
Eureka, Ca. wigwag info... 2/27/04Dan,
I have a comment about the wigwag behind Bayshore Mall in Eureka.
That is the second banner in recent years. I saw the first one twisting in the
wind during a winter storm about 12 years ago. A few days later it was gone.
This banner replaced it and it was rusty when installed. It has "evaporated"
in the salt environment over the years to what you see today. It was
functional in 1997 when we ran the last excursion train down to Shively,
but was real rusty then.Roy Richey
Virginia City, NV
Griswold signals on display in Stoughton, WI... 2/27/04I came across two out of service units at the Stoughton, WI Chamber of Commerce
building which is an ex-Milwaukee Road station now on the Wisconsin & Southern.I don't know for sure if they were the original units at the Hwy 51 crossing at the
station here in Stoughton, but chances are pretty good that they were used in that location..They appear to be in good shape, but they are missing the stop signs and the overhead lamps.
The units appear to be used for decorative purposes.The location is on Hwy 51 in Stoughton, WI at the Wisconsin & Southern crossing.
If I get a digital camera, I'll take a few shots.John Karay
Stoughton, WI
Last Riverside, CA wigwag gone... 2/27/04As part of rebuilding the Riverside Branch of the UP in Riverside,
the 3rd street wig wag was removed in December 2003.Heavy relay rail and new ties/ballast.
Have not checked on the two on the branch in Colton.
Ed Von Nordeck
Wigwag sightings in MO... 2/27/04Dan
2 unlisted wig-wags:
1) East 3rd street Joplin, MO. ex SLS, line now operated by M&NA.
2) Ex SLSF from Baxter Springs route 66 crossing on the Joplin line,
owned by Jeff Cooney and on display at Heart of the
Heartlands museum at Carona,KS.Both ore operational.Will update with more info and verification of status.
Bob King
Oaklahoma misc... 2/27/04Dan:
The Wig-wag that the ORM folks have is from Enid, Oklahoma. It
guarded a crossing of the Santa Fe's Enid District inside the grounds of the
former Champlin Refinery complex that wasn't open to public traffic. BNSF
donated it a couple of years ago.This map shows where it was located (click here):
As far as the two wig-wags on the Stillwater Central - the one labeled
Glencoe is actually located on Glencoe Road and was still working last time
I was out that way (It's only a few miles from home, but I'm usually at work
when the SLWC is running). The Stillwater one was actually located on
Brush Creek Road; it was replaced by a set of standard flashers back during
this summer.Other Oklahoma Static/Museum wigwags:
Antlers - the Oklahoma Department of Transportation group headquarters
has the wigwag that was once located at the US 271/OK 3 crossing in town.
Fairland - the city has the wigwag from the Main St. crossing over the
Frisco on display in the city park just south of downtown.Both are former Frisco Wigwags - I'll try to dig up some photos soon.
The Railroad Museum of Oklahoma has one on display in Enid, but I don't
remember where it is from.....Until later,
John Kirk--------------------------------------------------------------------------