The Oroville depot and ATSF caboose #999582 can be found on Oliver St. Notice the WPRR logo on the wall.
(note: the caboose, 999582, suffered and interior fire on Feb. 08, 2020.)
Just across the street can be found an old passenger car turned business.
Nearby at Lincoln & Spur is ex SP caboose #1091.
Just across the tracks from the depot, Hewitt Park is home to Western Pacific #164 and Feather River Ry shay #1.
WP Roundhouse Site
On the east side of Oroville yard once stood a huge Western Pacific roundhouse. Unforutunately,
it burned to the ground several years ago. Here you can see the site. Note the stall tracks still
visible. The final image is provides an aerial view.
SP And SN Enter Oroville
1. and 2. North and south views of the Southern Pacific Oroville branch at Ophir Road.
3. SP tracks just behind the old WP roundhouse site.
4. and 5. East and west views of the SN row into Oroville at Riverbend Park. The Sacramento
Northern crossed the Feather River here and the bridge abutments still stand.
Quartz, Old WP and Oroville Dam RR ROW
A multipurpose trail skirts the Thermolito Diversion Pool on what was once the old Western Pacific/
Oroville Dam RR right of way. Photo views start at Quartz and head east to just past an old tunnel.
The tunnel is the sight of a horrible head on crash suffered by the Oroville Dam RR. It is now lighted
for trail users. Last photo is looking back towards Quartz and the bridge crossing the pool on the
new alignment built to go around Lake Oroville.
The Oroville Freight Cars
The area surrounding the intersection of Hwy 70 with Ophir Rd and Pacific Hieghts Rd is a haven
for lost freight cars. Rails once crossed Hwy 70 here.
1. and 2. These two boxcars stand where there once was a scrap yard. No longer on property.
3. Nearby on Feather River Blvd is ex WP #20967. No longer on property.
4. PFE Reefer #460105 rests behind Bartel Welding. Noted off property 2011.
5. Granite Construction uses this old boxcar.
6-8. WP flatcar #2865 along with these 3 WP boxes rest in an open field nearby.
9. Compass Equipment owns no less than seven boxcars and reefers. One is ex UPFE.
10. There are two boxcars under this roof at the back of a scrap yard on Feather River Blvd.
11. This unknown boxcar sits behind the county diposal company.
12. WP boxcar #65109 is privately owned and located at the south end of Oroville yard.
13. Mathews Ready Mix has incorporated a boxcar into one of their structures.
See also my locomotive rosters for the Sacramento Northern and Oroville Dam RR railroads.
For more related photos check out my Feather River Ry and Swayne Lumber photo pages.

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