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CANADIAN RAILWAY TELEGRAPH HISTORY-Canadian Telegraphic Historical Newspaper Accounts


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Article Four
"Canadian Pacific Telegraph Line Completed"
Originally Published February 06, 1890 in 'The Toronto Star'

	The Canadian Pacific Railway Company's line of telegraph was completed
	and opened for business from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Vancouver, British
	Columbia [sic-original completion date was 18 December 1889 but many gaps
	were still evident on the circuit].

	The British authorities in London were gratified that Halifax is now in
	direct contact with Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia.  However,
	the Western Union Telegraph Company [sic] has controlling circuits from
	Vanceboro, Maine to Halifax and New Glasgow, N.S. and through New
	Brunswick and Intercolonial Railways.  It was hoped by the Western Union
	that they could prevent the C.P.R., from completing the [first] national
	nationwide telegraph circuit.  The Canadian Pacific, however not to be
	beaten, constructed their wires immediately outside the railway fences.
	This necessitated getting the permission of every farmer along a distance
	of over four hundred miles to erect the necessary telegraph fixtures.

	The Canadian Pacific Railway Company now controls a continuous line of
	telegraphic circuits from Canso and Halifax, on the Atlantic to Vancouver,
	      British Columbia on the Pacific, and also to San Bernardio, 100 miles south
	      of Los Angeles, in southern California, a distance of nearly 6,000 miles of
	      telegraphic connections.

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