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Article Thirteen
"Telegraph Line to the Klondyke [sic]"
Announced 04 September 1897

	The Canadian Government has submitted formal proposals to the United States
	Government to establish telegraphic communication with the Klondyke [sic] region
	in Alaska by the construction of a telegraph circuit from the head of winter
	navigation on the Lynn Canal to the centre of the Klondyke [sic] region.  The
	proposals have been taken under advisement.  They have been approved by the
	British Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and were forwarded
	by the Governor-General of Canada through the British Embassy to the State
	Department, and referred to the Interior Department.  The papers are locked
	up pending consideration.

	The proposals, while reserving the right of either country pending the
	settlement of the international boundary line between the United States
	and Canada, south of Mt. St. Elias, urged the expediency of establishing a
	permanent route giving access to the interior at all seasons of the year.

	The most feasible route, according to Canadian authories, would be to start 
	from the head of the navigation in the Winter on the Lynn Canal (the body
	of water running from Juneau up beyond Dyea and Chilcat), forming part of the 
	      present overland route, crossing the mountains by White Pass, or by any other 
	      pass which may seem more accessible, and proceed northward to Fort Selkirk,
	      and thence to Klondyke [sic].
	      The Canadian Government asserts its readiness to undertake to open communication
	      by constructing a telegraph line from the head of winter navigation on the Lynn
	      Canal, traversing a distance of 80 miles across the summit of the mountain range
	      from which a trail can be followed to Fort Selkirk and the Klondyke [sic].  The
	      Government also signifies its intention, in case the propositions are adopted, 
	      to erect suitable places for shelter at periods from 40 to 50 miles along the line
	      and to keep up dog trains during the months of winter for the conveyance
	      of the mails to and from the interior.

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