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CANADIAN RAILWAY TELEGRAPH HISTORY-Canadian Telegraphic Historical Newspaper Accounts

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Article Thirty-Six
"Telegraph Line From Skagway To Dawson"
Announced 18 March 1899

The Dominion Government of Canada has determined to construct a
telegraph circuit to connect the Yukon Territories with British
Columbia.  A party of engineers has now left Ottawa for the
Pacific Coast with instructions from the Canadian Government to
commence at once the construction of the circuit from Skagway
to Dawson City.  The estimated cost of the 600 mile circuit 
between the two named points is expected to be $150,000.  This
cost is calculated on a basis price of $250 per telegraph mile.
It is therefore expected the line will be operational by 
November 15 next instant.  

When completed, Dawson will be brought within six days' 
communication with Ottawa.  Whether the sea link will subsequently
be connected by a cable between Vancouver and Skagway, or whether
the Government line from Quesnelle, in the Cariboo country, will
be extended northward to connect with the Skagway and Dawson circuit, 
has yet to be determined.  The Government has decided that the
franchise for a telegraph line to Dawson is too valuable a
      circuit, and too important from the standpoint of national
      security, to be allowed to go into any other Government hands.

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