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Canadian Railway Telegraph Genealogy
Agents, Operators, Dispatchers

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  • CPR Ontario-Quebec Senority 1965 System Division No.7
  • CPR Senority 1970 Ontario-Quebec System Division No.7
  • CPR Senority 1971 Ontario-Quebec System Division No.7
  • CNR Senority 1944 Atlantic/Central/GTW
  • CPR Senority 1938 Quebec Division No.7
  • ort / ORT = Order of Railroad Telegraphers
  • sd / SD = Seniority Date
  • TD / Dis= Train Dispatcher
  • CTD = Chief Train Disptacher
  • ACTD = Assistant Chief Train Dispatcher
  • agt / AGT = Agent
  • opr / OPR = Operator
  • swg / Swg = Swing
  • rlf / RLF Relief
  • mvt / MVT = Movement
  • dir / DIR = Director
  • mgr / MGR = Manager
  • Superv = Supervisor
  • var / VAR = Various
  • stn(s) / STNS = station(s)
  • Asst = Assistant
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    Click link to open a new window for Listing of Canadian Pacific Railway MONTREAL RTC's A to L only (others in Listing below too)
    LAST NAME, First Name (Initials)Canadian Railway - Known Stations and Years
    Abran RECPR agt Staynerville 1947sd ORT2453
    Alain GCNR opr St Foy 1942sd
    Alain JGYCNR opr Doonacona 1951sd
    Alain JLCNR agt Laurentian Div 1919sd ORT266
    Alain PCNR agt Laurentian div 1913sd
    Albert CCNR agt 1939sd ORT4003
    Albert EJCNR apr opr var stns 1965sd
    Albert JECNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT2338
    Albert JPECNR opr Charny 1942sd
    Albert JYGCNR opr Ste Foy 1947sd
    Albertson LLCNR swg agt-opr, opr Kingston 1954sd
    Alder ARCNR opr St Jerome & Montreal 1943
    Allaire JGCNR opr Monet 1965sd
    Allaire XCNR agt 1912sd ORT784
    Allard IsidoreCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd ORT4473
    Allard JCCNR opr Chauvigny 1953sd
    Allard JEICNR agt-opr St Tite 1940sd
    Allard JLGCNR swg opr No 8 Quebec 1956sd
    Allard JPDGCNR relief agt vars locations 1942sd
    Allard JRCNR 2nd opr Danville 1942sd
    Allard PENCNR Terminal Traffic St Johns 1925sd
    Allard PFCNR agt Laurentian div 1925sd ORT2214
    Allen GCPR agt Sutton 1959sd ORT6403
    Almond JLRCNR agt Mechanic Falls ME 1940sd
    Ames JLCNR agt-opr Bates 1950sd
    Anctil JFCNR agt-opr spr TD Loretteville 1939sd
    Anctil JNCNR agt Montreal Termls 1921sd ORT399
    Anderson AECNR ACTD Belleville (Rideau) 1941sd
    Andre JCRCNR opr Cornwall 1956sd
    Andrews JGCNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1940sd
    Arcand ACNR agt 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1923
    Armstrong AGCPR agt Ottawa West, Vankleek Hill 1937sd ORT1578
    Armstrong JDECNR agt Levis div 1939sd ORT4201
    Armstrong NPCPR agt Winchester 1950sd ORT3353
    Armstrong ZCNR agt Levis div 1908sd ORT979
    Arsenault JACNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1919sd ORT1433
    Arsenault JPCNR opr Roxboro 1965sd
    Atkinson JWGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt St Paul 1909
    Aube JARCNR swg opr No 17 Quebec 1951sd
    Aube JECNR agt Laurentian div 1906sd ORT256
    Aube J EugeneCNR agt Laurentian div 1922sd * ORT1356
    Aube JRCNR agt-opr Desbiens 1943sd
    Aube SylvioCNR relief agt 1947sd
    Auclair JUCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1917sd ORT1101
    Auclair M (Miss)CNR agt-opr St Bruno 1943sd
    Audet AACNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT4231 /retired as a Area Manager(Laurentian) / opr signature was 'AAA' /d age 65
    Audet ElphegeCNR swg agt-opr, opr Lac Edouard 1956sd
    Audet JFRCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT1451
    Audet JMCPR agt swg 1951sd, RLF TD Farnham sd1962 ORT3923
    Audet Liliane CNT telegraph Operator for 10 yrs (bro below)

    Audet Philippe R
    CNR swg Agt & Opr LaMalbaie Sub Laurentian Div SRB 473041 - started CNR Aug 1951 to Jun 1968 / opr sig was 'A' / (sister above)
    Audet RaoulCNR Levis, Three Rivers 1945-? / (cousin to AA Audet above)
    Audette RGCNR agt Trois-Rivieres 1918sd
    Auger ACNR opr Chicoutimi 1942sd
    Auger Alfred ACNR agt Laurentian div 1925sd ORT4228
    Auger JGCNR agt 1914sd
    Auger AJCNR TD Quebec 1925sd

    Auger Maurice
    CPT messenger 1942-4, telegrapher & T&R 1944, Brockville, House of Commons, Petawawa, Montreal, Smiths Falls (VP MTC, sine OG)
    Bachand YCPR agt Montreal West Tower 1948sd, Rlf Trf Supvr Park Ave sd1964 ORT3850
    Bailly JHCNR Laurentian div 1916sd, TD 1920sd ORT1000
    Baines JKCNR opr-leverman Coteau 1947sd
    Baird CMCPR agt-opr Montreal sd1940 TD Montreal
    . agt Adamsville PQ; TD Farnham & Smith Falls
    . 1964-6 CTD Park Ave
    . 1966-8 CTD St John NB
    . 1968-71 Asst Supt Brownville Jct Maine
    . 1971 to retirement Inspector of Transportation & Asst Supt Transportation Atlantic Region Montreal & Senior Consultant for CP Consulting
    . SD1946 ORT1626
    . see son, Bill (and his wife) on NB page
    Baker CDCPR agt Pembroke 1945sd ORT2186
    Baker FDCNR opr Port Hope (Rideau) 1927sd
    Banford AFCNR agt Montreal Term'ls Prescott 1920sd
    Barbeau JLCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1929sd ORT4074
    Barceloux JPCPR agt Seaway Canal swg 1946sd ORT5000
    Barkley GRCPR agt Bedell 1960sd ORT6860
    Barlow HFCNR opr Cardinal 1943sd
    Barluk SMCPR Sudbury div 19405, TD Sudbury 1951, CTD Schreiber 1956, Smiths Falls Div /r90
    Barratt SCCPR agt-opr Cobden ORT1071 sd1925
    Barrette JTRCNR opr Sorel 1948sd
    Baulke JRCNR agt-opr Renfrew 1925sd
    Beach GTCNR TD 1942sd
    Beach JPCNR agt-opr 1947sd
    Beaudet JPECNR Levis div 1939sd ORT4276
    Beaudoin ACNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1914sd ORT950
    Beaudoin FCPR agt Montreal LOA 1945sd, TD Montreal SD1959 ORT2142
    Beaudry JPECNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) sd1923
    Beaudry WJCPR agt-opr St Hughes ORT1495 sd1938

    Beaulieu Bernard
    CNR agt-opr Cochrane & St Lawrence Div 1943-60 (bro Jacques)
    Beaulieu JosephCNR agt Levis div 1900sd ORT165
    Beaulieu JacquesCNR agt-opr Montreal Term'ls 1941sd /r 1983 (bro Bernard)
    Beauliew JATCNR opr L'Isletville 1951sd
    Beaulieu JBCNR agt Levis div 1911sd ORT494
    Beaulieu JCBCNR agt-opr Varennes 1943sd
    Beaulieu JGCPR agt-opr Labelle ORT1796 sd1942 (LOA Montreal 1967)
    Beaulieu JHACNR swg TD Belleville (Rideau) 1947sd
    Beaulieu JMCPR agt-opr Bedford ORT1698 sd1930

    Beaulieu Louis
    CNR agt Shawinigan Falls 1911sd ORT528 /r late 1950s (fa of Bernard & Jacques)
    Beaumier JPCPR leverman 1953sd ORT4995
    Beauregard RCPR agt Lennoxville Diamond 1957sd ORT5836
    Beausjour VCPR agt-opr Westmount ORT1589 sd1930
    Bechard JRCPR agt Adirondack Jct 1943sd ORT1872
    Bedard FCNR agt Laurentian div 1939sd * ORT1842
    Beers BHCPR agt-opr Farnham sd1940, TD Farnham Dist 7 SD1944 ORT1662
    Begin A YvonCNR agt-opr La Baie 1951sd
    Begin PierreCNR opr St Raymond 1943sd
    Beland ACPR agt-opr Yamachiche ORT1099 sd1924
    Beland CCPR agt Spr 1960sd ORT6708

    Beland Yves
    CNR learnt Morse in repeater car with Jacques Plamondon & Cecil Upham 1940s
    . con't study in Sudbury School of Telegraphy 1953
    . St Lawrence div 1956-Oct1965
    . worked spr board, loaned to Capreol div winter 1957
    . loaned to Cochrane Div winter 1958
    steady pos Cantic Stn night shift Opr until 1965
    left CNR 1965 for Canada Customs - Inspector to 1982 then promoted to Superintendent of Customs /r 1993 (sine YB on MTC circuit)
    Belanger ACNR opr Quebec 1928 (LOA 03 Aug 1928 due to illness)
    Belanger ConradCNR Levis div 1924sd
    Belanger ECPR agt-opr Park Ave, St Luc Yd sd1928, Trf Supvr Park Ave Stn sd1944 ORT1455
    Belanger JCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT3844
    Belanger JACNR agt Levis div 1912sd ORT713
    Belanger JACNR agt Laurentian div 1912sd ORT1751
    Belanger JFTGTR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1908
    Belanger JLACNR agt Levis div 1904sd ORT1265
    Belanger JCPR agt Magog 1964sd ORT7015
    Belanger JJACNR opr St Jerome 1943sd

    Belanger Joseph Odilon
    CPR agt-opr - My grandmother, Rosanne Dawson, was married to Joseph Odilon Belanger (Known by his initials, 'J.O.') who began his career as a Telegrapher for the CPR at Chicoutami PQ in 1899. Later he was a telegraph operator and station agent on the CPR at St. Therese, Louiseville and Grondines - all in the province of Quebec.
    He transferred to Markstay, near Sudbury, ON in 1902.
    In 1903 and 1904, and still with CPR, he worked in Medicine Hat, AB, and then returned to Champlain for a short time.
    In 1907 he joined the services of the T&NO Railway (Temiskaming and Northern Ontario RR) as Station Agent and Telegrapher in Dane, ON. He was transfered to Latchford, ON in 1909 and worked there until 1912 at which time he was sent as Station Agent, Telephone Operator and Telegrapher in Elk Lake, ON. He remained there until 1928.
    In 1928 he accepted a final transfer to Haileybury where he filled the position of Station Agent and Telegraph Operator until he retired in 1935.
    All his service from 1907 on, was with the T&NO RR (later Ontario Northland Rwy)
    I have a gold medallion on a heavy gold chain that was presented to him on his 25th anniversary of service as a Telegrapher.
    Joseph Odilon Belanger died in 1936.
    I know that my grandmother's father, (John Dawson) was also connected to the railway in Levis. Early census records indicate his profession as 'gardien'
    Belanger L AmableCNR Levis div 1928sd
    Belanger JLCNR swg opr No 7 Chambord 1951sd
    Belanger JPCNR TD Montreal 1941sd
    Belanger J ReneCNR opr- La Tuque 1947sd
    Belanger JWCNR agt Laurentian div 1913sd ORT3639
    Belanger LNCNR agt-opr Montreal Yard 1952sd
    Belanger MCPR agt Windsor Stn 1957sd ORT5866
    Belander PECNR agt-opr St Casimir 1941sd
    Bell CACNR agt Laurentian div 1915sd ORT4295
    Belisle ACNR Morse Teleprinter opr 'NA' Montreal 1953sd
    Belisle GFCNR general agt Rouses Point 1943sd
    Belleau FJCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1927sd ORT4184
    Bellefeuille GCPR TD Smiths Falls Dis 7 SD1958 ORT2366
    Belhumeur JGCPR agt Montreal West Stn 1948sd ORT2589
    Bergeron JCPR agt Actonville 1951sd ORT4205
    Bergeron PCPR agt swg 1953sd ORT4769
    Beriault Armand JCPR Imfalls, Lemborke, Renfrew, Haleys, Arnprior, Maniwake, Egonville, Bedell, Dorval 1942?-19??
    Bernard AndreCNR relief opr No 1 Quebec 1959sd
    Bernard J ArmandCNR agt Dorval 1942sd ORT5912
    Bernard JHCNR agt 1913sd ORT696
    Bernard PJCNR agt 1910sd ORT515
    Bernier ACPR agt swg 1948sd ORT 2351, RLF TD Montreal sd1963
    RLF Traf Supvr Park Ave sd1964, ORT2351
    Bernier GHCNR agt-opr St Helene 1946sd
    Bernier JAJCNR agt Laurentian div 1938sd ORT3962
    Bernier JALCNR agt-opr St Gregoire 1951sd
    Bernier JAMCNR agt-opr Baie St Paul 1941sd
    Bernier Joseph ECNR Levis div 1919sd ORT4168
    Bernier WenceslasCNR agt Levis div 1899sd ORT159
    Beriaut (Berriault) Geroges JulesCPR agt - System Division No 7 - Templeton & Gatineau 07 Jul 1915sd ORT 1149

    Cert. 1149

    Je me presente: Shirley (Beriault) Berriault, je suis la filleule et petite-fillede Geroges Jules Beriaut (Berriault), Ancien Chef des gares de Templeton et Gatineau. Mon parrain etait aussi telegraphiste pour ces gares.
    J'ai en ma possession son livret bleu (The Order of Railroad Telegraphers Canadian Pacific Railway - System Division No. 7).
    J'ai aussi sa chaine et medaillon en or qu'il a recu de l'Ort. J'ai une photocopie de lui a la Gare de Templeton avec des employes que je n'ai jamais pu reconnaitre qui que ce soit.)

    Berthiaume MCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Berthiaume YCPR leverman Windsor Twr 1952sd, Trn Dir Montreal sd1961 ORT5278
    Bertrand JGCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT1244
    Bertrand JPBCNR opr Riviere a Pierre 1956sd
    Berube AVECNR agt Levis div 1917sd ORT3701

    Berube Cyrille
    CNR telegrapher, Levis div 1944
    . opr Joffre for 16 yrs
    . stn agt Ste Helene, Kamouraska,St Isidore, St Romuald
    . /r 1985
    Berube JMCNR agt-opr Laprairie Champlain 1940sd
    Berube LOCNR agt Laurentian div 1916sd
    Bessette GCPR agt-opr Ste Annes ORT1135 sd1926
    Bessette JLACNR agt 1927sd ORT3769
    Bessette RCPR agt-opr St Johns ORT1107 sd1925

    Bienvenu, Vianney
    CNR swg telegrapher 1941 on the Montreal West Island line as far out as Dorion, Qc., then moved to Sherbrooke, Qc. for the rest of the war. My sister Diane was born there in '44, but by 1946, my parents were in Groveton, New Hampshire followed by a short stint in Gorham, N.H. always as telegrapher. I remember living in Gorham, H.H as a very young boy & by about 1955-'56 he had been named station master for the Groveton N.H. station, a post he held until his early & sudden death in 1966. His birth date was July 15, 1913 ... his pay check came from CVR, St.Albans, Vt
    Bilodeau JELCNR agt-opr Vankleek Hill 1953sd
    Bilodeau WTCNR agt Laurentian div 1908, TD 1911sd ORT2923
    Binda CACPR agt Ste Rose 1943sd ORT1838
    Binet ValereCNR agt Laurentian div 1925sd ORT3747
    Biron GCPR agt Lanoraie 1942sd ORT1746
    Biron RCPR agt-opr St Jerome ORT1597 sd1940
    Bissonnette JulesCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT1501
    Birtz JGCNR opr Rouses Point 1942sd
    Blackburn J RosaireCNR swg opr No 9, started 1951 Laurentian Div, 1967 TD Quebec, 1968 Montreal Supvr Agencies & Supt Carload Section St Lawrence Div - /r 1990
    Blain YHCPR agt Montreal 1944sd, Trf Supvr Park Ave Stn sd1951 ORT2293
    Blais GCNR agt Laurentian div 1914sd
    Blanchard ACNR Montreal 1943
    Blanchard WRCNR opr St Jerome 1942sd
    Blanchet GCNR Armagh /d73
    Blanchet GerardCNR agt Levis div 1939sd ORT4243
    Blanchet GHCNR swg opr No 3 Quebec 1948sd
    Blanchet JDHCNR Levis div 1919sd ORT1531
    Blanchet PECNR opr La Tuque 1943sd
    Blanchet JJLCNR Levis div 1920sd ORT1985
    Blanchette JRCPR agt Hampstead 1946sd ORT4041
    Blondeau JACPR agt-opr Montreal, Park Ave sd1926, TD Montreal SD1941 ORT1313
    Blondeau JGCPR agt Quebec 1930sd ORT2098
    Blondeau JLCPR agt-opr St Basile ORT3001 sd1927
    Blondeau PECPR agt-opr Berthierville ORT1426 sd1927
    Blouin JLCNR opr Princeville 1951sd
    Blouin WGCNR agt Senneterre 1947sd
    Blouin WRCNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT1422
    Boie NCPR agt Campbells Bay 1956sd ORT5911
    Boisvert JLCPR agt Hochelaga 1920sd ORT7282
    Boisvert JWCNR Levis div 1924sd ORT1967
    Boivin JDACNR Morse teleprinter Opr 'E' Quebec 1951sd
    Boivin JPCNR Morse Teleprinter Opr 'E' Quebec 'QC' 1943sd
    Boivin JRDCNR spr opr vars stns Quebec 1964sd
    Boivin OACNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1919sd, TD 1924sd ORT1780
    Boivin RCNR opr Lac Bouchette 1943sd
    Boldue JSGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt ste Annes 1917
    Bolduc JCCNR agt Laurentian div 1908sd ORT315
    Bonenfant JACNR Levis div 1918sd ORT3661
    Bonenfant JAWCNR agt Laurentian div 1929sd ORT4145
    Bonneau GCNR 1st opr Victoriaville 1942sd
    Bonneau JEDCNR Levis div 1924sd ORT2276
    Bonneau SCPR agt swg 1965sd ORT7140
    Bordeleau JAYCNR agt-opr St Andrews East 1957sd
    Bosse RLCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Boston JHCNR agt 'NA' Office Montreal 1940sd
    Botting HRCNR opr Brighton 1948sd
    Bouchard CECNR Levis div 1918sd ORT4405
    Bouchard JACNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT2327
    Bouchard JEGTR Eastern Lines 4th Dis agt Ft Covington 1919
    Bouchard JMPCNR agt-opr Arvida Quebec 1941sd ORT4511
    Bouchard PPCNR agt-opr St Jean Port Joli 1940sd
    Bouchard RJCNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1942
    Bouchard WCNR Montreal 1940/72
    Boucher ACPR agt Mtl West Stn 1964sd ORT7033
    Boucher CCPR agt swg 1956sd ORT6476
    Boucher J ArthurCNR agt Levis div 1917sd ORT1274
    Bourdeault LJCNR agt-opr Ste Foy 1924sd
    Boudreault WCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd * ORT4429
    Boulais LACNR agt-opr Ft Covington 1927sd
    Boulais PECPR St Luc
    Boulanger ACNR agt Laurentian div 1905sd
    Boulanger BLCNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1942
    Boulanger JECNR agt Levis div 1915sd, TD Levis div 1918sd ORT1083
    Boulard RGCPR agt Mtl West Twr 1961sd
    Boulet JCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Bouley HFCNR agt-opr Hervey 1927sd
    Boulger HPGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Cedars 1918
    Bouliana JEGCNR opr Sherbrooke 1943sd
    Bourassa GGCPR agt Mile-End 1942sd ORT1874
    Bourassa HNCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1908sd ORT393
    Bourbeau JLCNR agt Levis div 1904sd ORT2641
    Bourbeau JRCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4302
    Bourcier FCNR agt Levis div 1913sd ORT923
    Bourdin, GBCPR Rlf Trf Supvr Park Ave sd1956 ORT3077
    Bourdin GBCPR agt Outremont swg 1949sd ORT3077
    Bourgault JECNR agt Levis div 1915sd TD Levis div 1918sd
    Bourgault JOCNR agt Levis div 1913sd ORT1925
    Bourgault RogerCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4353
    Bourgeault TJECNR agt 1918sd
    Bournival JMCNR opr St Paulin 1948sd
    Boutin JHLCNR agt Laurentian div 1928sd

    Boutin, Leandre
    CNR telegrapher Contrecoeur, Hornepayne, Levis, London, St Lawrence Divs 1944sd /r 1981
    . 1991-2 volunteer treasurer in first admin counsel creating Cooperative apartment building for retired telegraphers & their widows in Laprairie Qc. - project completed with other telegraphers: Bernard Landry, Raymond Leclerc, J Guy Hamel (see their notes on these pages!) - classic wall plaque given by Canadian National authorities
    Boutin, PPCNR agt Levis div 1939sd ORT4246
    Boyd ?CPR Lavant 40 yrs (fa of below)
    Boyd ECPR
    Boyer JPRRCNR spr opr vars stns Montreal 1958sd
    Boyes WEGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Lachine Wharf 1903
    Brazeau JJCPR agt swg 1957sd ORT5834
    Brazeau JUCPR agt-opr sd1917, TD Montreal SD1939 ORT633
    Brazeau LCPR agt-opr Bourget, Gatineau ORT1070 sd1924
    Brazeau MCPR agt swg 1959sd ORT6484
    Breault GECPR 'RA' Office (Montreal) 1956
    Bresse JLRCNR spr opr Quebec 1956sd
    Bretherick GECNR opr Belleville 1951sd
    Breton OCNR opr Senneterre 1927sd
    Brien GCNR opr Pte aux Trembles 1951sd
    Brin ECNR opr-agt 'MB' Tower Champlain 1951sd
    Brochu AlfCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd
    Brochu JCCNR swg Asst Chief TD/CTD 1942sd

    Brochu, JEA
    CNR agt Levis div vars agencies: Trois-Pistoles 1932, St-Charles de Caplan 1934, St-Pierre de Montmagny 1936-54, finally, Montmagny 1955-62 /r 1962
    . died May 2002 at 104 years 6 months 1916sd ORT1161 (see son, ON)
    Brodeur JAECNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1906sd, TD 1909sd ORT1437
    Brodeur JRCNR agt-opr 1942sd
    Brophy RJCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1927sd ORT4135
    Brophy RJACNR Montreal /r67
    Brouillette DLCNR agt Laurentian div 1923sd
    Brousseau JGCNR TD 1942sd
    Brousseau JPCNR agt-opr Lac Bouchette 1942sd
    Brown DACNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Brown HACNR agt-opr Haliburton (Rideau) 1944sd
    Brown ORCNR agt-opr Lakefield 1947sd
    Brunet ACNR TD Montreal 1942sd
    Brunelle ClaudeCNR opr Saguenay Power 1957sd
    Brunet JLCNR Trainmaster Road Foreman Levis 1928sd
    Brunke RACNR agt-opr Newcastle 1956sd
    Buder FWCPR agt-opr Renfrew ORT1088 sd1925
    Buder GMCPR agt-opr Smiths Falls sd1941, TD Montreal SD1953 ORT1795
    Buck WECNR opr Prescott 1944sd
    Busby RCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Busque CCPR agt Roxton Falls 1962sd ORT6742
    Busque RCPR agt Nantes 1962sd ORT5877
    Bussiere JACNR agt Laurentian div 1925sd * ORT2344
    Bureau FernandCNR agt-opr Casey 1957sd
    Byers HOCPR caretaker agt Valois 1930sd ORT1802
    Cadot PCPR agt Batiscan 1958sd ORT5934
    Cadrin MGCNR agt-opr Dosquet 1942sd
    Cahill JJCNR agt Levis div 1918sd ORT1289
    Calardo DCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1912sd ORT1149
    Calci ACPR agt Montreal West Tower 1945sd ORT5279

    Camp, William
    CPR opr Montreal late 1800s-1900 (had his own private rail car)
    Campeau BCPR agt spr 1965sd ORT7266
    Cantin RCNR agt-opr Cap Rougue 1941sd
    Carani JARCNR Relief agt Quebec 1942sd
    Carignan JulienCNR asst agt Chicoutimi 1953sd
    Carmichael RTCPR agt Bedell 1962sd
    Carndines JGCNR Morse Teleprinter Opr 'NA' Montreal 1952sd
    Caron ACNR Yardmaster Garneau 1941sd
    Caron BCNR opr Shawinigan 1942sd
    Caron DECNR agt 1914sd ORT1004
    Caron EmileCNR agt Laurentian div 1929sd ORT4341
    Caron GHCNR opr-leverman 'MB' St Lambert 1927sd
    Caron LGCNR agt Laurentian div 1921sd ORT2048
    Caron JGCPR agt swg 1955sd ORT5467
    Caron JL swg opr Charette and Shawinigan 1942sdCNR
    Caron MauriceCNR agt Levis div 1941sd ORT4502
    Carpentier JECPR agt-opr St Jovite ORT2989 sd1925
    Carr JBGTR Eastern Lines 4th Dis agt Carr's 1913?
    Carriere CHCNR opr Limoilou 1959sd
    Carriere JGLNCNR opr Ahuntsic 1942sd
    Carriere PECPR agt-opr Trois Rivieres sd1941, TD Trois Riveres SD1957 ORT1731 (LOA 1967 Montreal)
    Carriere RCNR TD Montreal 1941sd
    Carriere RichardCPR Hull West 1955 /r62
    Cartier RomeoCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4356
    Cataford JBGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt st Dominique 1913
    Chabot ArmCNR Levis div 1927sd
    Chabot GACPR agt-opr St Felix ORT2476 sd1941
    Chabot LMCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1941sd
    Chabot JCNR agt-opr St Francois 1943sd
    Chabot JBCPR agt-opr Smiths Falls sd1941, TD Montreal Smiths Falls Dis 7 SD1953 ORT2201
    Chabot JMDLCNR agt swg Mvt Dir Montreal Yard 1941sd
    Chabot MGCPR agt LOA Trois-Rivers 1955sd ORT3187
    Chandonnet RCPR agt spr 1962sd ORT4581
    Chapdelaine RCPR agt spr 1965sd ORT7077
    Chapman LBCPR agt Hull 1965sd ORT7207
    Chaput JPACNR opr Montreal Yard 1942sd
    Chaput LucienCNR agt Levis div 1941sd * ORT4426
    Chaput LPCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1913sd ORT1890
    Chaput LPXCNR agt-opr Ste Martine 1943sd
    Chaput WCPR agt swg 1957sd ORT5831
    Charbonneau AECPR agt-opr Seaway Canal ORT2683 sd1924
    Charest ArthurCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4336
    Charest JALCNR Levis /d67
    Charland JECNR agt Levis div 1918,TD Levis div 1940sd ORT1536
    Charlebois PECNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1924sd ORT4446
    Charlebois PECPR agt-opr Windsor Stn ORT2940 sd1941
    Charles RTCPR agt swg 1955sd ORT5744
    Charron EACNR agt Levis div 1901sd
    Charron LCPR agt-opr La Salle ORT1656 sd1930
    Charron PCPR leverman spr 1963sd, agt spr 1965sd
    Chalet RogerCNR opr-leverman 'W' Tower Montreal 1950sd
    Cheeseman SCPR agt Petawawa 1963sd
    Chenier JLLCNR agt-opr Bethel 1929sd
    Chevalier GJCNR opr 'CD' Ottawa 1950sd
    Chevalier JRCPR agt St Johns 1957sd ORT5602
    Chevalier RCPR agt Bastion 1972 (keyed last Morse message in Canada)
    Chouinard PLCNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1940
    Cliche JWCNR Levis div 1918sd ORT4140
    Clifford EGTR/CNR Montreal 1919
    Charron JDCCNR opr St Johns 1953sd
    Chaurette JCNR agt Laurentian div 1913sd
    Chevalier GCNR agt-opr Casselman 1945sd
    Chevalier GRCNR agt-opr Vars 1951sd
    Chevalier RCPR agt Troi-Rivieres 1949sd ORT5029
    Choquette CACPR agt-opr St Johnsbury ORT1588 sd1929
    Chouinard JGMCNR agt Laurentian div 1928sd ORT4005
    Chouinard JUCNR agt Levis div 1914sd
    Chouinard JLPCNR agt La Sarre Levis div 1940sd ORT4517
    Chouinard JRCNR opr L'Assomption 1947sd
    Chouinard RobertCNR swg Agt-opr Oper '20' Quebec 1947sd
    Chouinard WRCNR agt Laurentian div 1920sd
    Clark FHCPR agt Richford Vt 1943sd ORT1983
    Clement JPHGCNR swg opr-leverman 'W' Tower Montreal 1953sd
    Cloutier FrancisCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4468
    Cloutier JEACNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1919sd
    Cloutier JPCPR leverman Windsor Twr 1945sd ORT2938
    Cloutier JPMCPR Trn Dir Montreal sd1950 ORT2938
    Cloutier JMCNR agt-opr St Remi / 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1943
    Cloutier PierreCNR Levis div 1927sd * ORT3486
    Cloutier RCNR Term Traffic Mgr Sorel 1943sd
    Coculluzzi RCNR Mvt Dir Wellington Tower Montreal 1943sd
    Code SCCNR opr Kingston 1958sd

    Cohen Edwin
    CPR Montreal
    . 1920s through the 60s, in Montreal, on the NY wire and other 'fast' wires of the period
    . laid off in 1930 because of the depression, and eventually reinstated
    . retired early 60s
    . kept him on for awhile through the early 60s as an instructor
    . worked fast financial wires to NYC
    . spent many years at the Forum, sending wires on the game
    . He met his wife in the same office, she too was a telegrapher in 1920 (See Quebec2 Francis Schwartz)
    . In 1970, he recorded this newpaper clipping from the Gazette (actual sound mp3 file) on a reel to reel tape recorder (via Grandson D Fainer)
    . Interesting News Clipping
    Comeau GeorgesCNR swg opr Parent 1958sd
    Comeau JECNR agt-opr St Stanislas 1942sd
    Comtois JACNR agt-opr Waterville 1948sd
    Contant JLCNR Movt Dir Montreal Yard 1942sd
    Constant GillesCPR agt/op - started 1956 Chalk River sub, did relief work vars stns
    . 3 years permanent telegrapher Arnprior
    . opr Vaudreuil-Dorion Qc.
    . TD Sherbrooke, Montreal, Windsor stn, Asst Mgr Transportation
    . retired 1994 sd1956 ORT5560
    Convey WFCPR agt Smiths Falls 1957sd ORT6485
    Conway DECNR opr Belleville 1957sd
    Cook FWGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Rockfield 1903
    Cooper HRCNR agt-opr Port Hope (Rideau) 1926sd
    Corbeil GCNR opr Deux Montagnes 1951sd
    Cormier RJCNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1943
    Cornell CJCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1924sd ORT3264
    Corrigan RBCNR agt Laurentian div 1916sd
    Corriveau FECNR agt Laurentian div 1912sd ORT583
    Corriveau JACNR General agt-Yardmaster Island Pond 1940sd
    Corriveau JACNR opr Cobourg 1958sd
    Corriveau Jerry HCNR Berlin sub, Montreal Terminal, Alexandria, Belleville Sub 1958-71
    Corriveau RCNR swg opr No15 Quebec 1942sd
    Cote ACNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1925
    Cote ACNR agt Laurentian div 1906sd ORT1130
    Cote AlbertCNR agt Laurentian div 1926sd ORT3862
    Cote AlexCNR agt 'QC' Office (Quebec) 1925sd ORT4291
    Cote FGTR eastern Lines 5th Dis agt St Laurent 1919, 1913sd ORT902
    Cote GCPR agt-opr Gatineau ORT1573 sd1927
    Cote GCNR opr Lac Edouard 1965sd
    Cote HenriCNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT4428
    Cote JCNR agt-opr Lac Edouard 1943sd
    Cote JACNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT1388
    Cote JAGCNR opr Hervey 1951sd
    Cote AYLCNR spr opr vars stns 1964sd
    Cote JCBCNR opr Deux Montagnes 1942sd
    Cote JCUCNR St Felicien /d72
    Cote JFCNR opr Garneau Yard 1943sd
    Cote JMCNR Traffic Supvr Montreal 1943sd
    Cote JRGCNR agt-opr St Paul L'Ermite 1943sd
    Cote JUCNR agt Laurentian div 1923sd ORT4156
    Cote JVRCNR swg opr Number 14 'NY' Levis 1942sd
    Cote JWCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd
    Cote LCNR spr ope vars stns 1964sd
    Cote LaureatCNR agt Laurentian div 1917sd ORT2066
    Cote RCPR agt swg 1944sd ORT2930
    Couillard MCNR agt-opr Dolbeau 1942sd
    Coulombe JNVCNR agt Levis div 1918sd ORT1310
    Coulthart KICPR agt Smiths Falls 1951sd ORT3689
    Couture GCNR opr-leverman Coteau 1950sd
    Couture JLCNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT2199
    Couture JMLCNR agt-opr Matagami 1944sd
    Coyea CRCNR opr 'BO' Ottawa 1951sd
    Crampton DTCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Crevier JCPR agt LOA St Luc Yd 1951sd, Trf Supvr Park Ave Stn 1954sd ORT3995
    Croteau JHCNR agt 1919sd ORT4160
    Croteau BenoitCNR agt Levis div 1940sd
    Culhane WJCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1918sd
    Culhane WRCNR swg opr, opr-leverman Cantic, St Johns 1958sd
    Cuthbertson JLCPR agt swg 1943sd ORT1911
    Cyr GCPR agt Maniwaki 1959sd ORT6861
    Cyr JAACNR opr Val Royal 1951sd
    Cyr JPCPR agt St Faustin 1947sd ORT3581
    Cyr RYCPR agt St Jovite 1942sd ORT1937
    Czysch GCPR agt swg 1956sd ORT5863
    D'Amour Jean BaptisteCPR telegrapher 1903-19, CNR telegrapher St.Lawrence Div 1919sd ORT1314 /r 1950 (son below)
    D'Amour JR AchilleCNR telegrapher asst-agt St Lawrence Div 1940, telegrapher 1941 Montreal, 1944-82 'NA' Office Montreal /r 1982 (see fa above & ON)
    D'Anjou JACNR agt 1937sd ORT1351
    Daber HGCPR agt Renfrew 1957sd ORT5685
    Daoust GECNR temp opr Gohier 1948sd
    Daoust JCNR agt Laurentian 1919sd ORT2578
    Daoust JGRCNR swg traffic Sup/Movt Dir 1947sd
    Daigle OCNR agt Laurentian 1919sd
    Dallaire GCPR agt Delson 1960sd ORT6600
    Damour, JCCNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT2037
    Darling WKCPR agt Elwood 1963sd ORT6909
    Darveau JMCNR Trainmaster/Road Foreman Senneterre 1943sd
    Davidson, JGCNR agt Laurentian div 1925sd * ORT3849
    Davie IWCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Davignon JGSCNR agt-opr Beloeil 1927sd
    Davis, Gordon RCNR telegrapher Actonvale 1942, relief Agt St Lawrence div, Coteau, swg opr-leverman 1945, TD Montreal /r 1985
    De Luca ACPR agt Mtl W Stn swg 1959sd ORT6551
    Deblois JACNR opr St Lambert 1941sd
    Dechene LJACNR agt Levis div 1902sd ORT470
    Definney EJCNR agt-opr Sydenham 1951sd
    Delage CECPR agt-opr Mile End, United Fruit Term ORT1568 sd1928
    Delagrave JosephCNR agt Levis div 1915sd ORT996
    Deland PCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Delisle JECNR agt Laurentian div 1910sd / TD 1918sd ORT2161
    Delisle JEHCNR opr St Charles 1943sd
    Delisle J MariusCNR swg opr 'QC' Quebec 1951sd
    Delisle Lionel JCPR agt Newprt VT 1942sd ORT3185
    Demers GACNR opr Montreal 1943sd
    Demers JGLCNR Mvt Dir Montreal Yard 1943sd
    Demers JJCNR Levis div 1905sd
    Demers JLCNR agt Levis div 1905sd
    Demers JMACNR Brnach Mgr Quebec 1941sd
    Demers JNACNR agt Levis div 1918sd ORT1415
    Demers JWCNR opr Shawinigan 1942sd
    Demers NACNR 1st opr Napanee 1948sd
    Denis AECPR agt Braeside 1953sd ORT3140
    Denis DolorCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4274
    Denis PCCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1917sd
    Desbiens JECNR teleprinter Opr 'E' 'QC' Quebec 1948sd
    Desbiens RaymondCNR opr Roberval 1951sd
    Deschambault EZCNR Levis div 1920sd ORT4388
    Deschambault LCPR agt-opr Montreal, Park Ave sd1928, TD Montreal SD1946 ORT1513
    Deschamps GCPR agt spr 1966sd ORT7254
    Deschenes ACNR agt-opr Ste Anne Church 1929sd
    Deschenes JECNR agt Laurentian div 1913sd ORT883
    Deschenes MCPR agt swg 1946sd, Mont Laurier, Ottawa, all stns betn Montreal & Quebec City 1946-1990
    Desgroseilliers GCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Deshaies JMCPR agt Outremont 1957sd ORT6102
    Desilets GACPR agt-opr Scotstown ORT5808 sd1924
    Desilets JGCPR agt LOA Montreal 1955sd ORT5017
    Desjardins JAECNR Levis div 1927sd ORT3937
    Desjardins JHOCNR agt-opr St Hilaire 1943sd
    Deslander JNRCNR opr St Johns (Champlain) 1942sd
    Deslauriers ACPR agt Hudosn 1962sd ORT6729
    Deslauriers MCPR Windsor Twr 1947sd ORT5275
    Deslauriers MCPR Trn Dir Montreal sd1952 ORT2969
    Deslauriers P MrsCPR caretaker agt Como 1966sd
    Desmeules JJCNR opr Van Bruysseles 1965sd
    Despault HACNR opr-leverman St Hyacinthe 1926sd
    Desroches JCCPR agt-opr Beaconsfiled ORT1552 sd1927
    Desroches RCPR agt-opr Cookshire, St Guillaume ORT1933 sd1930
    Desrochers JFCNR agt-opr Quebec 1929 (on LOA due to illness 04 June 1929
    Desrochers JHFCNR agt Laurentian div 1929sd * ORT4280
    Desrochers RCNR opr Parent 1965sd
    Desrosiers JCCPR agt Hull West 1957sd ORT5701
    Dessert JACNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1924sd ORT2362
    Dessureault EdmondCNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT1367
    Dessureault JLPCNR agt TD Levis Champlain / Laurentian div 1941sd
    Destroismaisons CMCPR agt-opr St Jerome ORT6262 sd1930
    Desy GCPR agt-opr Hudson, Montreal West ORT3593 sd1928
    Desy MCPR agt-opr Outremont, Seaway Canal ORT3053 sd1938
    Devault GCPR agt-opr Montreal sd 1940, TD Montreal SD1951 ORT1642
    Devault JJCPR agt swg 1959sd ORT6491
    Devault RCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Devine JACNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1919sd ORT4183
    Devitt RJCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Devlin CHCPR agt-opr Merrickville ORT 1395 sd1919
    Devlin DLCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Diamond CCNR agt Laurentian div 1930sd ORT4264
    Dilley WGCPR agt-opr St Johnsbury, Lyndonville ORT4047 sd1937
    Dion ACPR agt st Agathe 1942sd ORT2979
    Dion CACPR caretaker agt spr 1959sd ORT6402
    Dion JCCNR opr 'CD' Quebec 1952sd
    Dion JCRCNR St Isidore Jct 1948sd
    Dion JGCPR agt St Luc Yd 1945sd, Rlf Trf Supvr Park Ave sd1956 ORT2305
    Dion JRCNR spr opr vars stns 1965sd
    Dionne FLCNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT1142
    Dionne GCPR agt Lorette 1953sd ORT4300
    Dionne JCACNR opr St Pascal 1953sd
    Dionne JEACNR agt 'NA' Office Montreal 1937 ORT4476
    Dionne JHCNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT1075
    Dionne JLP swg agt-opr, opr St Pascal, Ste Anne 1951sdCNR
    Dionne JNOCNR agt Laurentian div 1925sd ORT2464
    Dionne JRCNR opr Varennes 1942sd
    Dixon LMCPR agt-opr Prescott ORT2372 sd1927
    Dixon RSCPR agt-opr Haleys ORT1650 sd1930
    Doherty MJCPR agt St Henri 1922sd ORT7281
    Donald DJCNR agt-opr Forfar 1948sd
    Dore ECNR relief agt vars stns 1955sd
    Dority SECPR agt Newport 1942sd ORT2062
    Doucet J ArmandCNR agt Levis div 1940sd * ORT4244
    Doucet J EloiCNR agt Levis div 1940sd * ORT4190
    Doucet LPCNR swg opr St Paulin, Grand 'Montreal, Mere, Shawinigan
    Doucet RCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Doyer JARCNR Levis div 1927sd ORT4069
    Doyer JAWCNR agt Laurentian div 1916sd ORT3811
    Doyle EdwardCNR agt Laurentian div 1928sd
    Doyon CCPR agt Park Avenue 1951sd, TD Montreal SD1963 ORT4044
    Doyon JRCPR agt-opr St Guillaume ORT2325 sd1920
    Dozois NACNR agt Levis div 1911sd ORT2684
    Drainville JFCPR agt Farnham sd1944, TD Farnham SD1958 ORT2374
    Drolet JBMCNR opr Dolbeau 1965sd
    Drouin Daniel VCPR agt-opr Cookshire sd1955 ORT5351, TD, CTD, rule instructor Farnham Div 1955sd /r1993 (bro of denis, son of Jos ~ see Drouin-Denis, Daniel, Jacques, Jean also)
    Drouin, DenisCPR opr, TD, CTD Farnham Div 1951sd /r1991 (son of Jos~see Drouin-Denis, Daniel, Jacques, Jean also) 3945

    Drouin, Jacques
    CPR telegrapher, traffic chief Montreal 'RA' office / Ottawa traffic chief (ON) 1955sd /r1991 (neph of Jos ~ see Drouin-Denis, Daniel, Jacques, Jean also)(MTC president 1967-72 & 1995 to date)

    Drouin, Jean Luc
    CPR telegrapher, traffic chief, Montreal 'RA' office / Ottawa traffic chief 1967-95 1967sd /r1995 (bro of Jacques, neph of Jos ~ see Drouin-Denis, Daniel, Jacques, Jean also)
    Drouin, Jos ACPR agt-opr Farnham Div 1929sd /r1974 (see Drouin-Denis, Daniel, Jacques, Jean also)
    Drouin JPCPR Trf Supvr Park Ave Stn sd1954 ORT5284
    Dube ACPR agt-opr Barton ORT1152 sd1926
    Dube J EdgarCNR agt Levis div 1912sd ORT714
    Dube JOCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1919sd ORT1888
    Dube LPCNR opr Lac Edouard 1942sd
    Dube LSCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd
    Dubois PCPR agt Farnham 1951sd, RLF TD Farnham sd1962 ORT3922
    Dubois SCNR opr Senneterre 1965sd
    Dubord JHCNR agt Laurentian div 1912sd ORT715
    Duclos JACNR opr St Prosper 1951sd
    Duclos RGCPR agt Outremont 1949sd ORT6562
    Dufour JMCNR opr Chauvigny 1942sd
    Dufresne JGMCNR agt-opr Windsor (Champlain) 1942sd
    Dugre ACNR agt Laurentian div 1904sd ORT270
    Dugre FCPR agt st Martin Jct 1942sd ORT1753
    Dugre JGCNR agt Laurentian Div 1943sd ORT5169
    Dugre PACNR agt Laurentian div 1926sd, TD Laurentian div 1940sd * ORT2356
    Dumais LCNR opr on LOA Quebec 1943sd
    Dumais JRCNR agt Laurentian div 1929sd ORT3032
    Dumensnil AJCNR Morse Teleprinter Opr 'NA' Montreal 1957sd
    Dungan DBCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1940sd
    Dunlop NCPR agt Fort Coulonge 1952sd ORT5030
    Dunne LCNR swg mvt dir 'W' Tower Montreal 1951sd
    Dupont YDCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Dupre LCPR agt spr 1965sd ORT7144
    Dupuis JECPR agt Smiths Falls 1946, TD Smiths Falls 1960sd ORT4836
    Duquette MCPR agt spr 1963sd ORT6919
    Dussault GCPR leverman 1965sd
    Dussault JACNR agt Laurentian div 1923sd ORT2239
    Dutil SJCPR agt spr 1965sd ORT7088
    Duval HOCNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT1013
    Duval JMCNR agt Donnacona Laurentian div 1940sd
    Duval RHCPR agt swg 1963sd ORT7012
    Dwight HPMTC (Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Sarnia, Windsor) 1850 to ?
    Easson RFMTC/BNATCo 1849, Father Point 1858 / to 1912 (Father of News Gathering in Canada)
    Easton JNCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1924sd ORT2071
    Easton WACNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1922sd ORT1714
    Edgley CRCNR agt Laurentian div 1895sd
    Edmond JPCNR agt Levis div 1939sd ORT4335
    Edwards CFCNR Aston /d73
    Ellerbeck LJCNR agt-opr Uxbridge (Rideau 1924sd)
    Ellyson LHCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1920sd ORT3716
    Emard JBCPR agt Finch 1957sd ORT5795
    Embury RJCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Emond JPCNR Sr Ticket saleman - opr Levis 1939sd
    Empey JWCNR asst supvr car control Belleville 1950sd
    Everell EECNR Garneau /d73
    Falardeau AJCNR Victoriaville /d67
    Falardeau JACNR agt 1904sd ORT409
    Farand SCPR agt-opr Renfrew ORT1764 sd1941
    Faubert JOMNCNR relief agt vars stns 1948sd
    Faucher MCPR agt Foster 1958sd ORT6127
    Favreau CFCPR agt St Hyacinthe 1955sd ORT5127
    Felber GCPR agt St Luc Dept Yd 1955sd ORT6876
    Filiatrault ALCPR agt-opr Ottawa Union, Buckingham Jct ORT5005 sd1940
    Fink HGCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1925sd
    Finner LFCPR agt-opr Smiths Falls sd1938, TD Smiths Falls Dis 7 SD1952 ORT5634
    Fiset JLCNR Snr Clerk Montreal 1942sd
    Fitchett WECNR opr Belleville 1955sd
    Fleury GECNR agt 1942sd
    Fortier EHGTR Montreal 1913
    Fortier FCNR Staff Record Clerk Quebec 1942sd
    Fortier FCNR spr opr vars stns 1965sd
    Fortier JALCNR opr Noranda 1948sd

    Fortin Albert
    CNR - nee le 29 juillet 1900 a Rumford, Maine, USA, decede le 28 juillet, 1955 a Trois-Rivieres, Qc. A passe sa jeunesse et etudie a Riviere-du-Loup, Qc. ou il a debute comme telegraphiste pour le Canadian National Railway. Apres quelques annees, il fut transfere au environ de 1924 a La Tuque, Qc. et a nouveau en 1925 a Trois-Rivieres, Qc., jusqu'a son deces en 1955. Entre ces dates, il fut transfere temporairement a differents endroits pour quelques mois. Tel qu'a Ottawa en periode estivale. Nous savons que M. Rex Tache, egalement telegraphiste, fut l'un de ses amis et collegues de travail au CNR au cours de ses dernieres annees de services.

    . born July 29, 1900 at Rumford, Maine, USA, died July 28, 1955 at Trois-Rivieres, Qc. Lived and studied at Riviere-du-Loup, Qc., where he started to work for Canadian National Railway as telegrapher. After few years he was transferred around 1924 to La Tuque, Qc. and in 1925 transferred to Trois-Rivieres, Qc., until died in 1955. Between, those date, he was asked to work for few months in different places as Ottawa on summertime. We know that M. Rex Trache, also telegrapher, was is friend and colleague at CNR in is last worked years.

    Fortin DCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Fortin JCCPR agt-opr Park Ave, Montreal sd1942, TD Montreal SD1953 ORT3804
    Fortin JRCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Fortin PAJFCNR agt-opr Longueuil 1944sd
    Fortin SCNR opr Garneau 1943sd
    Fortin YvonCNR opr Chambord 1947sd
    Fournelle RCNR Morse Teleprinter Opr 'NA' Montreal 1956sd

    Fournier, Adrien
    CNR agt 'J'ai consulte la liste des opr. Ca rapelle des souvenirs. J'etais commis au fret de 1942 a 1983 aux; La Tuque Fitzpatrick, La Malbaie, Limoilou Carre Parent Quebec'
    Fournier DNCNR opr Berlin 1956sd
    Fournier EHCNR agt-opr St Cesaire 1928sd
    Fournier JACNR agt Laurentian div 1920sd
    Fournier JACCNR agt Montreal 1927sd
    Fournier JCACNR agt-opr Ste Julie 1942sd
    Fournier J ReneCNR opr Hervey 1951sd
    Fournier JVCNR agt-opr St Romuald 1920sd
    Fournier LG CNR Montreal 1921sd
    Fournier TPECNR opr St Lambert 1951sd
    Fournier YCPR leverman Windsor Twr 1947sd ORT4095
    Foy AJAECNR opr Island Pond 1942sd
    Frechette GMCPR agt Pembroke 1943sd ORT5365
    Frechette, JECNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT1527
    Frederic, MJMCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT1524
    Freitag EVCPR agt Renfrew 1957sd ORT6016
    Frenette JCCNR opr Chibougaman 1963sd

    Frigon, Onesime
    CNR telegrapher-agt-opr Mont-Joli /d Jan 21 1983 (four sons: 2 engineers, 2 technicians)

    Frigon, Robert
    CNR 1950s - 2 months then to Rimouski Marine School & became Commercial Radio Operator on board ships
    Bonjour : Merci d'avoir place mon nom a cote de celui de mon frere Onezime Frigon; j'aime bien cela; j'ai ete un telegraphiste pendant une vingtaine d'annees; j'ai enseigne le Code Morse pendant dix ans a l'Institut de Marine de Rimouski; en fait nous sommes trois qui avons travaille sur le CN; mon pere Onesime Frigon, le pere de Onezime Frigon operateur a Mont-Joli, ne en 1886, etait garde-feu avec son bicyele a trois roues entre Milnikek et Causapscal; il a fait cela pendant des dizaines d'annees; et aussi Gerald Frigon, fils d'Onesime Frigon, operateur a Mont-Joli, a aussi travaile pour le CN comme ingenieur et je pense que l'on nomma un troncon de voie ferree dans le Lac-St-Jean en son honneur. Encore merci.
    Good Day: Thanks for putting my name next to my brothers Onezime Frigon, I like it, I was a telegrapher for 20 years,I taught morse code for 10 years at the Rimouski naval institute,in fact we are 3 of us that worked for CN - My father Onezime Frigon,the father of Onezime Frigon telegrapher at Mont-Joli,born in 1886,was also a fire warden with his 3 wheel bicycle between Milnikek and Casaupscal for about 10 years,and Gerald Frigon son of Onezime Frigon telegrapher at Mont-joli also worked for CN as engineer and I think that a small piece of railroad track in Lake St John has been named in his honour. Again thanks. (Translation courtesy JG Hamel)
    Froste WBCNR relief agt-opr vars stns 1953sd
    Fugere ACPR agt-opr Louiseville ORT1582 sd1940
    Gagne GACNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd
    Gagne GACPR agt Cowansville 1949sd ORT6503
    Gagne GMCPR agt Park Ave 1945sd, TD Montreal SD1959 ORT2343
    Gagne JACNR opr Roberval 1946sd
    Gagne JCCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT2187
    Gagne LCNR Traffic Supvr 1947sd
    Gagnon AlbertCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4355
    Gagnon JBRCNR agt-opr St Raymond 1927sd
    Gagnon JLGCNR opr North Stratford 1955sd

    Gagnon, J Philippe
    CNR agt St Lawrence, Rideau Area Dis sd Sep 4 1952 /r Jun 1989, srb 491799
    Seniorite Sep 4 1952, retraiter juin 1989, St Lawrence, Rideau Area districts)
    . (P Gagnon in sports coat, cousin with tie)
    . see cousin, Gibeault, Oliver below
    Gagnon JGRBCNR agt-opr Ste Anne Poc 1926sd

    Gagnon, Vincent
    CNR agt Carleton PQ 1942
    . Morse Opr Gaspe 1942, Mont-Joli 1944, Woodstock & Sussex NB, Gaspe PQ 1945, House of Commons Ottawa 1945-7
    . Repeater Attendant Val D'or 1947-8, Riviere-du-Loup 1948
    . Radio Attendant Quebec City 1948-9, Chicoutimi 1948-50
    . Wire Chief Campbellton NB 1950, Riviere-du-Loup 1952-62
    Gallagher TJCPR agt Eganville 1961sd ORT6696
    Gallant FA (Miss)CNR snr op Montreal 1948-72
    Gallant JRCNR Chaleur area 1930
    Galvin JJCPR agt-opr Smiths Falls sd1942, TD Smiths Falls Dis 7 SD1957 ORT1893
    Gallivan JCCNR agt-opr Kingston 1944sd
    Gamache ACNR agt Laurentian div 1917sd ORT4277
    Gamache J AugustusCNR agt Levis div 1899sd ORT102
    Gamache JACNR opr Cap Rouge 1942sd
    Gamache JARCNR Work Study Asst Montreal 1941sd
    Gamache JWPACNR ACD Montreal 1946sd
    Gamache OCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd ORT4294

    Gamache, Rosaire
    CNR Laurentian Div 1941-5
    . 1945-9 Cochrane Div
    . 1949-50 Quebec 'QC' office
    . 1950-55 Agt Villemontel
    . 1955-60 TD Cochrane Div
    . 1960-81 St Lawrence Div
    Garand GJCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd

    Garceau, Anthony
    CPR agt asst agt Laurentian Div 1944, telegrapher & relief agt 1948 - Supervisor Car Control Customer Service Centre Montreal Sep 1972 / Quebec Div Trois-Rivieres 1944-84 /r 1984 (telegraph circuit sine "NW")ORT3792
    Gardner HCNR Montreal 1938
    Gariepy HCPR agt L'Epiphanie 1950sd ORT3020
    Garon ANCPR agt-opr Lennoxville ORT5261 sd1927
    Garon LPCNR Levis div 1920sd ORT3695
    Gates RWCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Gaudet JERCNR TD Montreal 1943sd
    Gaudreau GRCNR spr opr Taschereau 1962sd
    Gauthier FCNR agt-opr Fitzpatrick Quebec 1943sd
    Gauthier JECNR agt Laurentian div 1916sd, TD 1920sd ORT1148
    Gauthier RGCNR opr Miquelon 1965sd
    Gauvin JLCNR agt Laurentian div 1911sd ORT2080
    Gauvin JRCNR swg opr Drummonville / Danville 1948sd
    Gauvin RWCNR opr 'KN' Montreal 1951sd
    Gauy JLCNR agt Levis div 1901sd
    Gauy POWCNR agt Levis div 1902sd ORT202
    Gaw JCCPR TD Smiths Falls Dis 7 SD1958 ORT2344
    Gelinas ACNR agt Laurentian div 1908sd, TD 1914sd ORT2120

    Gelinas, Guy L
    CPR agt Hamstead Tower 1955sd, TD 1955-87 ORT5190
    Gelinas JRCNR spr opr vars stns Montreal 1965sd
    Gelinas JWCNR agt Laurentian div 1927sd ORT3536
    Gelineau RLCNR Montreal 1943
    Gendron JECPR agt Sherbrooke LOA 1945sd ORT2087
    Geneau GCPR agt swg 1956sd ORT6477
    Geneau JIRCNR swg opr-leverman 'W' Tower Montreal 1951sd
    Geoffroy JZACNR agt Levis div 1940 * sd ORT4214
    Germain JHGCNR agt-opr Chapais 1956sd
    Germain JPGCNR opr Roxboro 1948sd
    Germain SamuelCNR agt Laurentian div 1917sd ORT2082
    Germain WRGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis StnMastr Montreal sd1913
    Gervais BCPR agt-opr Hull ORT5308 sd1925
    Gervais JLCPR agt Ellwood 1951sd ORT5386
    Giasson AOCNT Quebec City, CPR Quebec City 1925, Montreal 1929, Snr Wire Chf 1952-73
    Gibeault GCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Gibeault OCNR opr 'CD' Ottawa 1951sd

    Gibeault, Oliver
    CNR ACD Montreal 1979
    . (P Gagnon in sports coat, Oliver Gibeault with tie)
    . see cousin, Gagnon, Philippe above
    Gibson ANCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1920sd, TD 1926sd ORT1870
    Gignac ACPR agt-opr Mont Laurier ORT1402 sd1926
    Gignac EmileCPR PQ (bro below)
    Gignac JulesCPR PQ (bro below)
    Gignac JFCNR agt-opr Quebec 1929(on LOA 04 June 1929)
    Gignac JHCNR agt Laurentian div 1915sd ORT3761
    Gignac JLCPR agt-opr Terrebonne ORT1006 sd1923
    Gignac JPHCNR agt Laurentian div 1928sd ORT3762
    Gignac PaulCPR PQ (bros above)
    Gignac PHCNR Laurentian div 1940sd ORT3762
    Gignac MACPR agt Ste Agathe 1944sd ORT2061
    Gignac RCPR agt-opr Buckingham Jct ORT5001 sd1927
    Gignac RCPR agt Ste Therese 1942sd ORT2433
    Gignac RLCPR agt Outremont 1951sd ORT3097
    Giguere ?CPR Sutton 1945
    Giguere PCNR opr Grand Mere 1941sd
    Giguere RCPR agt Magog 1951sd ORT4593
    Giles GECPR agt swg 1947sd ORT3065
    Giles HBCNR Transport Asst Opr London (Quebec) 1929sd
    Gilles BCPR agt Chesterville 1947sd ORT2502
    Gillespie JACNR swg TD Belleville (Rideau) 1946sd
    Gingras JACNR spr opr vars stns 1965sd
    Gingras JHCCNR agt Laurentian div 1916sd, Montreal (op/leverman) ORT2308 /d67
    Gingras JPRCNR agt Levis div 1917sd, TD Levis div 1925sd ORT4157
    Girard CAECNR agt Levis div 1917sd ORT1689
    Girard JRCNR spr opr vars stns 1965sd
    Giroux JGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Vaudreuil 1918
    Giroux RCPR agt St Luc Yd 1959sd ORT6607
    Globensky JPCPR agt-opr Park Ave, St Luc Yd sd1940, Trf Supvr Park Ave Stn sd1945 ORT2127
    Glosson OJCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Goff RMCNR agt-opr Gananoque Jct (Rideau) 1948sd
    Gosselin JeanCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4428
    Gosselin JVCNR opr Senneterre 1944sd
    Gosselin JLACNR swg Opr No 6 Senneterre 1947sd
    Gosselin RCPR agt swg 1959sd ORT5878
    Goulet GerardCNR worked most stns in Montreal Terminals including St-Lambert / 1946sd, retired 1967 (see son, Richard )
    Goulet JGCNR spr opr vars stns 1948sd
    Goulet JRCNR swg opr Sherbrooke, Richmond 1952sd
    Goulet JWCNR Joffre 1943
    Goulet RichardCNR Quebec district inc CHibougamou, TD Montreal terminals & rule instructor / sd 1972, died 1997 (see Father Gerard)
    Goyette GACPR leverman Glen Twr 1943sd ORT5273
    Glebe FHCPR Montreal years?
    Graham JRCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1920sd ORT3255
    Graham RHCPR agt-opr Lyndonville ORT1200 sd1922
    Grandmont ACNR Mgr/Op 'FX' Montreal office 1946/72
    Gravel Jean AHCNR opr Baie St Paul, Cornwall 1951sd
    Gray PMCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Gray RDCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1917sd ORT3356
    Green JHCPR agt-opr Smiths Falls sd1941, TD Smiths Falls Dis 7 SD1955 ORT2229 (LOA Montreal 1967)

    Green, John H
    CPR telegrapher (age13) - started as a telegrapher on the CPR Farnham Divn 1941, Park Ave Stn in Montreal, Dispatcher 1947, Smiths Falls Divn as Chief TD 1958, Trenton Divn Asst Super 1965, Laurentian Divn Asst Super 1967, Railway Transport Committee of the Can. Trans Commission 1968, retired as Dir.Gen. of Operations CTC in Ottawa 1985 - responsible for investigating RR accidents, safety etc on Canadian Railways
    Gregoire JDCNR agt-opr Coaticook 1942sd
    Gregoire JJCNR Term Traffic Mgr Cornwall (Rideau) 1941sd
    Gregoire LGCNR opr Richmond 1951sd

    Grenier, JR Luc
    CNR opr 1957, TD 1966-73
    . promoted HQ Power Controller 1973-4
    . Ops trainee 1973-74
    . Trainmaster 1974-7
    . rules instructor 1977-85 then Rules Officer to retirement 1991
    Griffith BTCNR ope Portland 1946sd
    Groleau CECNR opr St Felicien 1948sd
    Groleau CharlesCNR St Felicien 1957, Jonquiere 1981 /r81 (created French version of CNR 'Keeping Track' magazine 1957)
    Groleau JLCNR Laurentian div 1913sd, TD 1917sd ORT731
    Grondines JMCNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1943
    Grondines JPCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1918sd ORT1217
    Guay ArmandCNR agt-opr Les Eboulements 1947sd
    Guay Gerard OGCNR agt-opr North Stratford Champlain 1940sd ORT4466
    Guay JLCNR agt-opr Levis div 1913sd
    Guay JLCNR TD Senneterre 1943sd
    Guerin J LouisCNR agt Levis div 1916sd
    Guerin JLCNR opr St Jean, Fort Joli 1951sd
    Guertin CECNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4275
    Guillemette JSCNR agt 'QC' Office (Quebec) 1918sd
    Guimont JCCCNR Levis div 1923sd ORT2188
    Guimont JOACNR agt Levis div 1908sd ORT446
    Gunter RNCNR swg opr Trenton Jct, Belleville, Napanee 1953sd
    Gutoskie LABCNR agt-opr Maxville 1944sd
    Hall JLCPR agt Ottawa 1943sd ORT5338
    Hall RACNR agt-opr Cardinal 1948sd
    Hall RPCNR opr Val Royal 1947sd
    Halle EmileCNR Levis div 1925sd ORT3983

    Hamel - all brothers!
    Unique image of all Hamel brother's (see also Hamel in Ontario)
    Hamel A AlfredCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4352 /r 1975
    Hamel EWCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4359
    Hamel GenevieveCNR learned telegraph from her fa (Walter A - see below) at Chicoutimi Qc
    . in 1970 she passed her wire test at CN ofc Quebec City
    . Her career was short as a telegrapher, as she was attending university, & looking for a summer job - employed main ofc to relieve personnel for their summer vacation
    . time permitting she intends to join the Canadian telegraph circuit (cousin to JG Hamel; her father Walter A Hamel - see below)
    Hamel GRCNR relief agt vars stns 1955sd
    Hamel George WCNR Levis div 1912-14, enlisted WWI, 1918-40 Relief Agt-Opr Levis divn, 1940 re-enlisted special service RCMP during WW2
    Hamel J AlbertCNR opr Laurentian div 1918 /r 1960 ORT4359
    Hamel JEACNR agt Laurentian div 1904sd, TD 1907sd ORT941

    Hamel, Jean Guy
    CNR Coteau 1950s (more details on Ontario 1 pg)
    . Special Note:  1976 tranferred to CN Real Estate Montreal, 1991 in collaboration with Bernard Landry the Provincial president of the CN Retiree Association, we made a request to CN, for a piece of vacant land on the south shore of Montreal, for the purpose of building a retirement home for retired telegraphers and their widows. Our request was well received by CN authorities. An emphyteotic lease (50) years was signed with CN on a track of land located in Laprairie Qc. An administration council was formed,and was approved by CMHC and Societe d'Habitation du Quebec.

    I signed the building contract with the builder, and the mortgage with the lender. The 12 unit building was ready for occupation in Sept of 1992.

    To-day after more than a decade, tenants had no increase in rent, au contraire, they collected refunds at vars intervals. This is living proof that our initial idea was an excellent way in stretching the pension income. We are very proud of it. If this government program is ever reinstated, we will repeat this feat.
    . donated & installed telegraph instruments for rwy op Charny (TRAQ)
    . set up morse telegraph in local Grp Traq, Charny Que, & they are now part of the North American telegraph circuit
    . Passed away 20 June 2016

    Hamel, JH SylvioCNR agt Levis div 1918sd, TD Levis div 1918 1936sd ORT2173 /r1961
    Hamel JLCNR opr-leverman 'W' Tower Montreal 1954sd
    Hamel JRCNR opr St Felicien 1953sd

    Hamel (Snr), JW
    CNR GTW agt Levis div 1891 Cochrane div
    . 1900 agt Point Levis (prior to the construction of Quebec bridge, cars were crossing back & forth to Quebec city on special barges)
    . 1920sd /r 1936 **he had 8 sons, all telegraphers: George W - CN Levis divn, 1912-1914, enlisted WWI, 1918-40 Rlf Agt-Opr Levis divn,1940 re-enlisted special service RCMP during WW2 / J Albert-CN operator Laurentian divn 1918 retired 1960 / Philippe Ernest CP, opr Ottawa, Ont 1928 ret 1968 / Walter A. CN wire chief, Chicoutimi Que 1926 ret 1974
    Hamel, LCNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1945

    Hamel, Philippe Ernest
    CPR opr Ottawa, Ont 1928 /r 1968
    Hamel Walter ACNR started CNT 15 Jul 1926 Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Folyet, Atlantic Region during WW2, wire chief Chicoutimi /r 31 Jul 1974
    Hamel W EdouardCNR agt-opr levis div 1940 /r 1975
    Hamer AHCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1926sd
    Hanley JECNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1949
    Harding WFCPR Montreal
    Hardy GACNR spr opr vars stns 1965sd
    Hardy JHACNR agt Laurentian div 1926sd * ORT4530
    Harrison HGQCR agt LOA Montreal, Rock Island 1960sd - many stns along line ORT6636
    Harrison KRCPR agt Farnham 1950sd, TD Farnham 1962sd ORT3081
    Hartsborn FECNR agt Laurentian div 1912sd, TD 1913sd
    Harvey RBCNR opr 'FA' Montreal 1945sd
    Hayes JMCNR opr Ste Tnecle 1953sd
    Heath HCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1913sd, TD 1928sd ORT2483
    Hebert JJPHCNR agt-opr Ste Anne 1940sd
    Hebert JMLCNR Champlain 1940sd (on LOA 15 Aug 1940)
    Heddleston JRCPR agt Carlton Place 1944sd
    Hedley CACPR TD Farnham Dist 7 SD1942 ORT1012
    Hendrix CECNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1940sd
    Hendsbee ED (Miss)CNR Morse Teleprinter Opr Montreal 1962sd
    Henry DCPR agt-opr Chesterville ORT1176 sd1927
    Henry HACPR agt Bell's Jct 1963sd ORT6917
    Herbert ACPR agt Cap de la Madelaine 1947sd ORT2627
    Herbert JPHCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4313
    Herbert LionelCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4437
    Herbert LMCNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1940
    Herbert TCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1916sd ORT1115
    Hevey CLCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1929sd, TD 1939sd ORT3607
    Hickey JLCNR La Perade 1914sd, TD 1915sd ORT767
    Hinse JDCNR swg opr, opr-leverman St Johns, Cantic 1951sd
    Hivon LPCPR agt-opr La Perade ORT1586 sd1928
    Hobbs CACPR agt Stittsville 1951sd ORT3681
    Hobbs JACPR agt-opr Carleton Place ORT1689 sd1937
    Hobbs JECPR agt-opr Vanleek Hill ORT1571 sd1923

    Holman, Bud
    AT&T as telegraph & radio equipment supervisor - he was a telegraph operator for 42 yrs
    . retired age 56
    . for some years he was an official of the Morse Telegraph Club & last 10 years we have been enjoying the Canadian telegraph circuit from Vancouver to Moncton NB with 42 members
    . Bud was the mentor to most of us in Canada with his expertise, participation & encouragement in keeping Morse telegraph alive. He supplied Morse equipment such as sounders, relays, keys, & most important DCM6 modems which were obsolete & hard to find, also know-how, as the modems had to be modified for dial-up telegraphy. He set-up the first telegraph hub in his home in Melvern PA, the hub was in operation until his recent death.
    . most Canadian telegraphers see him as the father of dial-up telegraphy, which is the combination of old and new technology. Many museums to-day are equipped with dial-up telegraphy, which they used when no telegrapher on duty.
    Horrigan JCGTR CNR'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1919sd ORT1517
    Houde GerardCNR agt Laurentian div 1927sd * ORT4041
    Houde JDCNR agt Laurentian div 1923sd, TD Laurentian div 1926sd ORT2013
    Houde RGCNR Ticket saleman Levis 1942sd
    Houle CCNR relief agt vars stns Quebec 1943sd
    Houle DCNR opr Mount Royal 1951sd
    Houle JACNR agt Laurentian div 1913sd ORT873
    Houle JHCNR opr Parent 1962sd
    Houle J MarcCNR relief agt vars stns 1951sd
    Hout AlbertCNR agt Levis div 1913sd ORT4132
    Hudon AntonineCNR agt Levis div 1911sd, TD Levis div 1918sd ORT1018
    Hudon JosephCNR agt Levis div 1913sd ORT472
    Hudon JCCNR agt-opr Riviere Quelle 1951sd
    Hudon JPCNR opr Walkley Yard / Ottawa 1947sd
    Hudon JMCNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4404
    Hudon RCNR agt-opr St Phillippe de Neri 1943sd
    Hudson KMCNR opr-leverman 'EJ' Tower Montreal 1943sd
    Huet RogerCNR Montreal Bonaventure & Central Stn 1941sd, /r Sherbrooke 1985
    Hullar ECPR agt Temiscaming
    Hummel DHCPR agt-opr Almonte ORT1457 sd1937
    Husbands LGCNR swg opr 'KN' Montreal 1947sd
    Hitchison KMCNR TD Belleville (Rideau) 1945sd
    Hyde-Clarke ANCPR agt-opr Montreal ORT1270 sd1929
    Hyslop RWCPR agt Woodstock ON LOA 1945sd ORT2394
    Imbeault CCPR agt Lasalle 1963sd ORT6901
    Innes RCCNR agt-opr Hastings 1951sd
    Inwood RichardCPR telegrapher Montreal 1954-60, TCA 1960-66, Radio Commentator 1966-70, CBC Ottawa 1970-95
    Irwin WCPR Temiscaming?
    Jacques HenriCNR agt Levis div 1913sd ORT4141
    Jacques JOCNR agt Laurentian div 1910sd ORT612
    Jacques MACNR agt 'NA' Office Montreal 1924sd
    Jean ACNR agt Laurentian div 1909sd ORT529
    Jean LPCNR agt Laurentian div 1917sd ORT1397
    Jennings RACNR agt Aubrey 1932
    Joubert BCPR agt East Ryegate 1959sd ORT6254
    Jodoin JCPR agt Montebello 1944sd ORT2422
    Jodoin RCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Johnston GACNR agt / Work Study Analyst Belleville 1944sd
    Jolin PJCPR agt Portneuf 1957sd ORT5923
    Joncas JPGCNR swg Chief TD Senneterre 1942sd
    Jones DRCNR opr Lindsay 1952sd
    Julien JVRCNR opr-leverman 'W' Tower Montreal 1946sd
    Julien MJCPR agt spr 1965sd ORT7226
    Juneay GJCPR agt Cap de la Madelaine 1947sd ORT2387
    Jutras FLCNR agt 1896sd ORT158
    Kavanagh CDCPR agt swg 1951sd, RLF TD Farnham sd1963 ORT3925
    Kearney WJCNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1940
    Keene DGSCPR agt Hull West 1950sd ORT3080
    Kelly RCPR agt Plantagenet 1958sd ORT6059
    Kennedy Eddie SWU telegrapher 1920 Halifax, CNT, CPT, number of brokerage firms Montreal /d age 89 (kwn as 'excellent telegrapher' - see also NS)
    Keroack FXCNR agt Laurentian div 1913sd ORT708
    Kinsey RRCPR agt-opr Newport Vt ORT1551 sd1938
    Kirouac ThomasCNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT4523
    L'Ecuyer JRCNR agt Laurentian div 1920sd ORT1325
    L'Ecuyer JGRCNR Rules Examiner Montreal 1941sd
    Labarre LucienCNR agt Levis div 1918sd, TD Levis div 1939sd ORT2713
    Labbe CCPR agt spr 1964sd ORT6954
    Labelle CCPR agt Spr 1961sd ORT6671
    Labelle JTMCNR TD 1942sd
    Labelle PECPR agt-opr Lachute ORT1387 sd1930
    Labelle RGACPR agt St Vincent de Paul 1943sd ORT5359
    Labonte DCPR agt Gatineau 1947sd ORT5391
    Labonte GMCPR agt-opr Ste Therese ORT1465 sd1929
    Lacasse AACNR agt Laurentian div 1917sd ORT1232
    Lacerte PCPR agt St Eugene (ON) 1960sd ORT6659

    Lacoursiere, Marcel
    CPR telegrapher started Jul 1946 - retired Jun 30 1994 as terminal superintendent Shawinigan terminal ORT 2846 (agt Buckingham 1948sd)
    Lacroix JACNR spr opr vars stns 1965sd
    Lacroix JGCNR opr-leverman Cantic 1958sd
    Lacroix LCNR agt Levis div 1941sd ORT4359
    Lacroix NJCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1919sd
    Lacroix WJGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Strathmore 1917
    Lafebvre JAJGCNR agt-opr Hawkesbury 1944sd
    Laflamme JACNR agt 1928sd
    Lafleche JFCNR opr Ste Foy 1942sd
    Lafleur JACNR Terminal Traffc manager Shawinigan 1923sd
    Lafleur JACNR agt Laurentian Div 1943sd ORT3656
    Lafontaine ACPR agt Drummondville 1950sd ORT4317
    Lafontaine LCPR agt-opr Pont Rouge ORT1592 sd1931
    Laforce DCNR agt Laurentian div 1917sd ORT1205
    Laforest LCNR opr Chicoutimi 1951sd
    Laframboise MCPR agt Gatineau 1963sd ORT7141
    Lafrancois EACNR 'NA' Office (Montreal) 1941
    Lafresniere JJCNR opr Joliette 1941sd
    Laganiere JAECNR opr-leverman 'W' Tower Montreal 1953sd
    Legault GCNR swg opr Walkley Yard / Ottawa 1948sd
    Lagrace FACNR agt-opr Ormstown 1943sd
    LaHaye JECNR agt Laurentian div 1915sd ORT781
    Laidlaw BCPR agt Pembroke 1947sd ORT5264
    Laidlaw WHCPR agt-opr Thurso ORT4098 sd1920
    Lajeunesse HCPR agt Lachute 1955sd ORT6007
    Lajeunesse JLCNR swg opr Deux Montagnes 1951sd
    Lajeunesse RCPR agt Buckingham Jct 1950sd ORT2822
    Lalancette ECPR agt-opr Megantic ORT910 sd1923
    Lalanne MCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Lalonde FGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt st Henri 1889
    Lalonde FCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1921sd
    Lalonde J BrunoCNR spr opr vars stns 1955sd
    Lalonde JPACNR opr-leverman Longue Pointe 1940sd
    Lalonde NCPR agt Grand 'Mere 1944sd ORT2251
    Lalonde RACPR agt Navan 1950sd ORT3167
    Lambert JECNR agt Laurentian div 1919sd ORT1371
    Lambert JEACNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd
    Lambert JLDCNR Levis div 1925sd ORT3690
    Lamontagne JMCPR agt Cowansville 1946sd ORT4003
    Lamothe DACNR agt Levis div 1916sd, TD Levis div 1918sd ORT1061
    Lamothe JACNR agt Laurentian div 1927sd ORT4248

    Lamoureux, JAR
    CNR agt & opr La Malbaie, La Malbaie Subdivision, Laurentian div, /r 1972
    Lamoureus JNCPR agt Knowlton 1943sd ORT4460

    Landry, Bernard (Ben)
    CNR telegrapher Levis div 1941, TD, later CTD 1978 Montreal 1941sd / district chairman ORT 1957-68, later Quebec pres CNR Retirees Assn

    In 1991 in collaboration with JG Hamel (see above) the Provincial president of the CN Retiree Association, we made a request to CN, for a piece of vacant land on the south shore of Montreal, for the purpose of building a retirement home for retired telegraphers and their widows. Our request was well received by CN authorities. An emphyteotic lease (50) years was signed with CN on a track of land located in Laprairie Qc. An administration council was formed, and was approved by CMHC and Societe d'Habitation du Quebec.

    The building contract with the builder was signed, and the mortgage with the lender. The 12 unit building was ready for occupation in Sept of 1992.

    To-day after more than a decade, tenants had no increase in rent, au contraire, they collected refunds at vars intervals. This is living proof that our initial idea was an excellent way in stretching the pension income. We are very proud of it. If this government program is ever reinstated, we will repeat this feat.

    Landry JACNR agt 1916sd ORT2172
    Landry JACCNR swg opr Beloeil, St Hyacinthe 1951sd
    Landry JECCNR relief agt vars stns 1953sd
    Landry JNCNR Morse Teleprinter Opr 'NA' Montreal 1964sd
    Landry JPCNR opr St Annes 1943sd
    Landry JPCCNR agt 1942sd ORT4574
    Landry MGCNR opr Desprairies 1951sd
    Landry RaymondCNR agt-opr Montreal Yard 1952sd
    Langdeau GCPR agt Sherbrooke 1956sd ORT5663
    Langelier RCPR agt Delson 1962sd ORT7018

    Langis, JR (Bob)
    CNR telegrapher, Terminal opr , Stn agt, Supervisor Hervey Jct, St Prosper / in ON Hornepayne & Capreol Div
    . Aug 27th 1942 my first assignment was River Jct, Ha Ha Bay Jct, Hervey Jct, St Prosper
    . 1944 ON Hornepayne Div Longlac, Caramat, Red Rock, Nipigon, Beardmore Foleyet Terminal
    . Agt at Field 1954-1974
    . Supervisor Carload Center, Capreol , ON 1974- 86
    . 27 Aug 1942sd, /r1986
    Langlois JACCNR swg opr Coteau, Ste Anne, Cornwall 1950sd
    Langlois JECNR agt Levis div 1917sd ORT1492
    Langlois JECNR Levis div 1926sd ORT4062
    Langlois JMHCNR Terminal Traffic Manager Valleyfield 1923sd
    Langlois J YvesCNR telegrapher Campbellton Div 1941, TD st Lawrence div 1950 /r 1977
    Langlois JOCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1925sd ORT4108
    Langlois JPCNR opr Drummondville 1942sd
    Lanoue J ArmandCNR & GTE agt-opr St Lawrence div 1928-1966 - worked last 10 yrs Norton Vt (two sons below, Jerome)

    Lanoue, Jerome
    CNR agt-opr St Lawrence Div, St-Hyacinthe & worked many stns, Waterloo - 1951sd /r 1989 (fa above, bro below)
    Lanoue, JA GillesCNR started as telegraph messenger at Montreal 1946 then asst agt & telegraph-opr 1951 - worked St Lawrence & Ottawa divs - spent last 25 yrs as opr St-Hyacinthe / retired 1990(bro & fa above)
    Lapalme GCPR agt Foster 1938sd ORT1602
    Lapalme JJCPR agt-opr Foster 1602 sd1938, TD Farnham Dis 7 SD1946 ORT3180
    Laperriere JLCNR Laurentian div 1940sd ORT3648
    Laperriere LCNR agt Laurentian div 1923sd * ORT3656
    Lapierre EMCNR Asst Supvr Car Service Quebec 1951sd
    Lapierre TCNR spr opr Quebec 1951sd
    Laplame PCPR agt spr 1966sd
    Laplante LDCNR 'NA' Office (Mtl) 1943
    Lapointe PCNR Terminal Traffic Mgr Montmagny 1929sd
    Lapointe JCPR agt Orelands Vt 1951sd ORT3576
    Lapointe JCBCNR swg opr-leverman 'MB' Tower 1950sd
    Lapointe JGACNR Levis div 1929sd ORT4167
    Lapointe JPJR on LOA 1949sdCNR
    Lapointe NCPR agt Scotstwon 1945sd ORT5512
    Lapointe RCPR agt Lachute 1945sd ORT3161
    Laporte YCPR agt Ste Scholastique 1955sd ORT4551

    Larche, Henri
    CPR telegraph op in Lachute then became agt for that stn - retired 1982 after 46 yrs of dedicated CPR service 2248 05 Jul 1940
    Lareau MECPR agt Farnham swg 1942sd ORT5291
    Lariviere MCPR leverman Windsor Twr 1929sd ORT1408
    Lariviere RobertCPR telegrapher 'RA' Office Montreal 1955sd /r1965
    Larochelle CCPR agt spr 1963sd
    Larochelle JPCCNR agt-opr St Prosper 1948sd
    Larouche JECNR agt Laurentian div 1920sd ORT1424
    Larouche JGCPR agt Quyon 1961sd ORT6830

    LaRoche JN
    CPR telegrapher & opr Quebec Div since 1918, Allenby 1926-40, Cadorna 1940-63 ORT 710-7
    LaRose JACNR Montreal /d73
    Lasnier AHCNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT1016
    Lassonde CCPR agt Newport VT 1942sd ORT1934
    Laterreur JAJCCNR agt-opr Fresniere 1956sd
    Latour LRCPR leverman Glen Twr 1960sd, agt spr 1965sd ORT6493
    Latulippe JEACNR agt Charney Laurentian div 1920sd
    Lauber OBCPR agt-opr Smiths Falls ORT1413 sd1930
    Laurin NCNR agt Laurentian div 1924sd ORT3860
    Laurin RCPR agt St Pie 1946sd ORT2498
    Lauzier JECNR Levis div 1939sd ORT2061
    Lauzier JHCNR agt Levis div 1911sd ORT723
    Lauzon JRCNR opr La Sarre 1943sd
    Lavagne JGCNR TM Joffre 1981
    Lavallee GaetanCNR swg opr St Felicien, Dolbeau, Roberval 1955sd
    Lavigne JCPR Montreal / CNT Montreal & Ottawa 1929
    Lavigne RGCNR opr Chauvigny 1953sd
    Lavigne Mrs TDRimouski 1928, Montreal
    Lavoie J ArthurCNR agt Levis div 1913sd ORT3700
    Lavoie JACNR agt Laurentian div 1907sd ORT277
    Lavoie JGYCNR relief agt vars stns 1944sd
    Lavoie JHCNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT1983
    Lavoie JJ RobertCNR Levis div 1939sd ORT4202
    Lavoie JMCNR Levis div 1926sd ORT4390
    Lavoie JUCNR SP TD & swg opr Joffre 1943sd
    Lavoie L GeorgeCNR agt-opr St Jacques 1950sd
    Lavoie PECNR agt-opr Barraute 1943sd
    Lawless SACNR agt Laurentian div 1911sd, TD 1912sd ORT582
    Lawlor JMCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1929sd ORT4322
    Lebel FECNR agt Levis div 1940sd ORT4368
    Lebel JHWRCNR agt Levis div 1911sd ORT675
    Lebel JPCNR agt Levis div 1941sd
    Leblanc JERCNR opr-leverman 'EJ' Tower Montreal 1942sd
    Leblanc JHCPR agt-opr Trois Rivieres ORT1422 sd1926
    Leblanc JLCPR agt Highwater 1943sd ORT2662
    Leblanc JRCNR spr agt-opr vars stns Champlain 1959sd
    Leblanc LACNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1917sd ORT3658
    Leblanc ZGCNR Levis div 1929sd ORT4505
    Leboeuf JGCNR opr Charny 1943sd
    Lechasseur FCNR agt Richmond Quebec 1920sd
    Leclerc BACNR swg opr Pte aux Trembles, L'Assomption, Mntreal Nord 1951sd
    Leclerc FACNR Plessisville /d67
    Leclerc GerardCNR Levis div 1923sd ORT2052
    Leclerc JBCNR agt-opr 1946sd
    Leclerc JEVCNR swg agt-opr / opr Groveton, North Stratford, Island Pond, Coaticook 1949sd
    Leclerc JGCPR agt Hamp Tower swg 1948sd ORT3597
    Leclerc JHCCNR agt-opr Dorval 1951sd
    Leclerc JLCPR agt Shawinigan 1942sd ORT5274
    Leclerc JPCNR agt Levis div 1918sd ORT4121
    Leclerc JLCNR agt-opr 1946sd
    Leclerc LCNR agt-opr Lyster 1942sd
    Leclerc MichelCNR opr Fitzpatrick 1948sd

    Leclerc Raymond
    CNR telegrapher Cochrane, St Lawrence divs, TD Montreal, general chairman Telegrapher's Union
    . 1991 secretary first administration council for the purpose of creating a housing project for retired telegraphers & their widows on a track of land owned by CN in Laprairie Que
    . 1946sd /r 1989 (bro Rodrigue)
    Leclerc RodrigueCNR St Lawrence div 1956-61 (bro Raymond)
    Lecomte JECNR agt Levis div 1918sd ORT1431
    Ledreney JECNR 'QC' Office (Quebec City) 1941
    Lefebvre ACPR agt Annonciaton 1944sd ORT2124
    Lefebvre AGCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1928sd
    Lefebvre JosephCNR agt Levis div 1915sd ORT1077
    Lefebvre ODCPR agt-opr Megantic ORT1182 sd1937
    Lefebvre RCNR trainmaster Montreal 1951sd
    Legault GillesCNR swg agt-opr, opr 'CD' Walkley Yard, Ottawa, Alexandria 1953sd
    Legendre JEACNR opr La Malbaie 1951sd
    LeMaistre EWCPR agt-opr Carleton Place ORT3189 sd1941
    Lemay GCPR agt Cookshire 1943sd ORT5380
    Lemelin JOCNR agt Laurentian div 1911sd ORT3522
    Lemieux JCACNR agt Levis div 1939sd ORT4197
    Lemieux JHCNR opr Fitzpatrick 1953sd
    Lemieux LWCNR agt-opr Riviere a Pierre 1947sd
    Lemieux RCNR agt 1937sd ORT1630
    Lemieux YCNR Morse Teleprinter Opr 'lNA' Montreal 1957sd
    Lemire RRCNR spr var stns 1965sd
    Lepage JACNR agt-opr Chambly 1946sd
    Lepage JMCNR agt-opr Mount Royal 1950sd
    Leroux DDCNR agt-opr Ingleside 1953sd
    Leroux FPCNR TS Ottawa 1944sd
    Leroux GCPR agt swg 1956sd ORT5814
    Leroux JGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Dorval 1889
    Leroux JRCNR agt Montreal 'NA' Office 1895sd ORT3787
    Leroyer JRCCNR spr opr vars stns 1956sd
    Lessard CCPR agt spr 1964sd ORT7087
    Lessard JAICNR agt Levis div 1915sd ORT920
    Lessard JGCNR opr St Boniface 1941sd
    Lessard JGCNR spr opr var stns 1965sd
    Lessard JMCNR agt Cap Rouge 1942sd
    Lessard PACNR opr Garneau 1943sd
    Lessard PDCPR agt spr 1965sd
    Lessard RCPR agt St Barthelemy 1950sd ORT4991

    Leszkiewicz Arcady
    CPR telegrapher 'RA' Office Montreal 1955-1991 (same office for 36 yrs!)
    Letarte J MarcelCNR 1940 asst agt Richmond PQ
    . telegrapher as relief agt & opr
    . vars locations St Lawrence divn
    . TD Montreal later promoted to CTD
    . retired from CN headquarters Montreal
    Levasseur ACNR Pass Serv 1947sd
    Levasseur JFCNR Laurentian div 1929sd ORT3487
    Levesque CACNR agt Laurentian div 1907sd ORT308
    Levesque GECPR agt-opr Farnham sd1930 1591, TD Farnham Dis 7 SD1944 ORT1438
    Levesque Geo ECPR TD Farnham SD1944 ORT1438/1591
    Levesque GeoCPR TD Montreal SD1952 ORT1591
    Levesque J MrsCPR caretaker agt spr 1951sd
    Levesque JACNR agt Laurentian div 1924sd ORT3705
    Levesque JECNR agt-opr Chemin du Lac 1945sd
    Levesque JGCNR opr Miquelon 1951sd
    Levesque JJBACNR agt Levis div 1916sd ORT1142
    Levesque MCNR agt Laurentian div 1940sd
    Levesque PCPR agt swg 1961sd ORT6380
    Levesque RCPR agt Sherbrooke 1963sd ORT6957
    Leyasseur JPCNR agt Laurentian div 1918sd ORT3487
    Liboiron RCPR agt-opr Ste Rose ORT1153 sd1926
    Lightle WWCPR agt Osgoode 1960sd ORT6251
    Lindsay JGCNR agt Laurentian div 1914sd ORT1146
    Ling GECNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1929sd ORT3883
    Linnington AFCNR opr-leverman Victoriaville 1943sd
    Livingstone AKCPR Temiscaming 1939, Thessalon, Blind River, Sault Ste Marie, Espanola, Sudbury, North Bay 1948
    Lizotte JALCNR agt Beauharnois Champlain div 1940sd ORT4529

    Lloyd, Eva Jane
    GNWTCo 1881 - please click following link read super newspaper article and an article she also wrote (all material from grt-grd niece)
    Lloyd DFCNR opr Kingston 1964sd
    Lloyd WJCNR swg opr Belleville 1951sd
    Lockwell B MrsCPR caretaker agt spr 1951sd
    Lockwell JRCPR agt Marelan 1946sd ORT2999
    Lord GCNR opr Dorval 1950sd
    Lord JGCNR agt Laurentian div 1915sd ORT2183
    Lozier WilliamCNR agt Levis div 1917sd ORT2890
    Lupien FRCNR spr opr var stns 1965
    Lusignan JHGTR Eastern Lines 5th Dis agt Pte Ste Charles 1912
    Lynch MCNR agt Montreal Term'ls 1927sd ORT1313

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