![]() | is dedicated to O.B. HARVEY for his superlative support with these pages, | Genealogical Index
E-Mail: ![]() 'KN' Morse Chapter |
LAST NAME, First Name (Initials) | Canadian Railway - Known Stations and Years |
Abelseth M | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd |
Agnew JE | CNR opr 1948sd Rosetown |
Agnew JH | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1079 |
April RJ | CNR Zenon Park 1953 |
Alcorn HT | CNR agt 1923sd * ORT810 |
Allen AG | CNR towerman SK Dis 1936sd ORT1687 |
Allen CL | CNR opr Nutana 1951sd |
Allen JL | CNR towerman SK Dis 1941sd ORT1643 |
Alm JR | CNR opr Humboldt, Edenwold 1950sd |
Amerud AG | CNR opr Watrous 1951sd |
Amos FK | CPR Glen Ewen 1950, Portage Div rlf 1950-3, Portage La Prairie 1953-6 / TD, rlf CTD Winnipeg & Brandon offices |
Anderson JD | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1905 |
Andrews DA | CNR towerman SK Dis 1944sd |
Annis DB | CNR 1915sd ORT192 |
Anticknap WR | CNR towerman SK Dis 1942sd |
![]() Antifaev, Walter J | CNR Dauphin Div 1953 opr/towerman worked various stns Dauphin Div, Churchill line & Margo Sub agt opr Carragana 1967-72, Elrose 1972-76, SKatoon Yd (SY) /r84 - Click here for other details at Walter's Page |
Aplevich JD | CNR opr spr SK 1960sd |
April JM | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1855 |
Armstrong AJ | CNR agt 1927sd |
Armstrong K | CNR SKatoon 1926 / TD location? 1943-51 |
Armstrong J | CNR Dinsmore 1938 |
Armstrong JL | CNR agt SK Dis 1930sd * ORT1415 |
Armstrong MC | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1354 |
Armstrong WB | CNR 1952sd |
Armstrong WJK | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1041 |
Arnold FAF | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1411 |
Arnold WE | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1323 |
Ashcroft TH | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1928sd |
Ashton H | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1757 |
Ashton N | CNR Hafford 1936 |
Ashton NH | CNR towerman SK Dis 1941sd, agt SK Dis 1942sd * ORT1741 |
Atherton A | CNR agt 1919sd ORT1133 |
Atherton CH | CPR agt Stockholm 1952sd ORT4777 |
Atherton FW | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1027 |
Augert MJ | CNR 1951sd |
Avery EJ | CPR agt Carnduff 1930sd ORT1563 |
Axelrode CL | CNR 1917sd ORT553 |
Ayotte JE | CNR agt 1921sd ORT1152 |
Bagan Maxine V | CNR SKatoon, Winnipeg, The Pas, Flin Flon, Lakehead |
Baker AW | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1925sd ORT1531 |
Baker HE | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1919sd ORT736 |
Bakos L | CNR opr Asquith 1957sd |
Baldwin MF | CNR opr Melville 1957sd |
Barber CD | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1913 |
Barr BB | CNR opr spare 1957sd |
Barrett OW | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1539 |
Bartley Earl G | CPR Langenburg 1950 / Elkhorn MAN / Bienfait SK 1951 / 17 / Broadview SK, Wapella swing, Elkhorn-Virden-Brnadon swing 1956-62 |
Bateman AJ | CNR agt 1924sd ORT951 |
Bates OG | CNR agt 1920sd ORT1251 |
Baugh FR | CNR 1914sd ORT1530 |
Baugh JD | CNR opr 1949sd Melfort |
Baugh NG | CNR agt 1926sd ORT960 |
Baugh RG | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1427 |
Beach RH | CNR opr North Battleford 1949 |
Beattie JR | CNR 1915sd ORT400 |
Beck H | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1967 |
Beirnes NA | CNR opr 1949sd Prince Albert |
![]() Bell William M | CPR opr Saskatoon Div 1951-3 ORT 3883-7 |
Benko FA | CNR opr Ft Qu'Appelle 1957sd |
Benko JE | CNR opr SK 1957sd |
Bent AL | CNR 1912sd ORT1125 |
Bent AR | CNR agt SK Dis 1940sd * ORT1604 |
Bent AT | CNR Weyburn (fa of below?)/d72 |
Bent JD | CNR agt-op 1946sd Talmage |
Bent JK | CNR 1949 (bro below?) |
Bent R | CNR Dunblane, SKatoon 1950s |
Bent RA | CNR op 1940sd Saskatoon YO |
Bent RL | CNR TS 1945sd Regina |
Berg EP | CNR opr Prince Albert 1950sd |
Berry AF | CNR Suprv agt 1920sd Saskatoon |
Berry AO | CNR agt 1919sd ORT604 |
Berry BC | CNR 1915sd ORT377 |
Berryere EG | CNR opr 1949sd Lorne Ave |
Berube AG | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT2004 |
Berube JF | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1618 |
Berube JP | CNR towerman Sk Dis 1941sd, agt Sk Dis 1942sd * |
Bessey LW | CNR opr Glenbush 1951sd |
Best AG | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * ORT1894 |
Best RW | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd |
Bethel HW | CNR 1916sd ORT1216 |
Bethune DJ | CNR 1910sd ORT273 |
![]() Biggs, William Ralph | CPR agt Stranraer, Lone Rock, Czar,AB then did summer rlf in other towns /r Metiskow, AB (wife below) |
![]() Biggs, Jean Isabelle | CPR agt Czar,Alta. Provost,Alta until the stations all closed (husband above) |
Black DH | CNR opr Quinten 1950sd |
Black JG | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1928sd |
Black WM | CPR agt Moosomin 1926sd ORT1507 |
Blackford LD | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1969 |
Blundell AW | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1202 |
Blundell GC | CNR various stns 1960-1 / various stns BC 1961-70 / TD Calder 1970-80 |
Binette JHO | CNR Arborfield 1912sd ORT183 /d74 |
Bird KC | CNR agt/opr Lacadena 1957sd |
Birrell WA | CNR opr spr 1959sd |
Boddy JS | CNR 1913sd ORT196 |
Bouchard FP | CNR agt SK Dis 1938sd * |
Bougher JH | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1274 |
Boulter Jock | CNR Oyen Sub |
Bouvier Jean | CNR agt Prairie Region - stns incl Ste. Anne, Beconia, Flin Flon, Ghost River, Elie, Manitoba plus several other places (see Richard, son below-see also Bouvier in MB) |
Bouvier, Pierre | CPR / GTR CNR agt Prairie Region & PQ -known stns Forrest, Elie MB plus several other stns (see son Jean above, grdson Richard-see also Bouvier in MB) |
![]() ![]() Bouvier, Richard | CNR agt in SK, Northern ON, Minnisota, Manitoba - stns incl Flin Flon, Transcona, Winnipeg, Grandview, Sprague, Elma, Ilford, Churchill, Elie, Woodridge MB, Munster, Humboldt SK, Warroad, Beaudette Minn, Minaki, Redditt, Jones, Red Lake Road ON, & many other locations - agt from Dec. 18, 1946 to his passing Jan 27, 1980 (see also Bouvier in MB) |
Bowiec John P | CPR most Current River to Winnipeg, Portage Div 1957-8, Hawk Lake 1958-60 |
Boyer RJ | CNR agt-op Ridgeale 1947sd |
Boyko LM | CPR agt Bredenbury 1954 sd ORT4652 |
Braaten RL | CNR opr Warman 1953sd |
Bradley CG | CNR 1917sd ORT509 |
Bradley LJ | CNR agt-op 1945sd Kenaston |
Bradstreet F | CNR towerman SK Dis 1919sd ORT935 |
Brasseur A | CNR opr spr 1959sd |
Briggs E | CNR 1917sd ORT1148 |
Briggs JAL | ORT lineman 4th Dis 1945 |
Britton KG | CNR TD SKatoon 1948 |
Brooks WAS | CNR towerman SK Dis 1941sd, agt SK Dis 1942sd * ORT1782 |
Brown BS | CNR agt 1923sd ORT1136 |
Brownridge GA | CNR agt-op 1926sd * ORT1186 Shellbrook |
Brownridge RH | CNR agt 1925sd Vawn ORT918 d/73 |
Buchanan HE | CNR TD 1918sd |
Bundy EC | CNR agt 1924sd ORT1111 |
Burke HR | CNR opr 1949sd Watrous |
Burtniak WH | opr Hudson Bay 1946 |
Burton G | CNR SKatoon 1950s |
Bvaaten LA | CNR opr 1950sd Melfort |
Bye CH | CNR towerman SK Dis 1942sd, agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1716 |
Byers H | CNR 1914sd ORT313 |
Caddon PJK | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1779 |
Cadorette FL | CNR agt 1923sd ORT873 |
Campanella J | CNR agt 1919sd ORT1114 |
Campbell AG | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1037 |
Campbell CM | CNR agt 1927sd ORT759 |
Campbell GJ | CNT lineman |
Campbell KW | CNR opr 1946 |
Campbell R | CNR 1915sd ORT381 |
Campbell TJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1935sd ORT1399 |
Carbno AS | CNR sw opr Melville-Hubbard 1958sd |
![]() Carlson, Glenn | CNR July 1948 asst agt Fairlight Sk . opr Emo & Quibell, Red Lake Road ON . July 1950 many places east of Wpeg to Armstrong, & on South Line Wpeg to Lakehead . Ptge Brandon Division for short while . Winnipeg to Armstrong & Wpeg to Lakehead (south line} . 1952 moved from Niddrie ON. to Brandon Shilo Swing . 1953 to East Tower & stayed at East tower & Portage Depot until resigning Aug. 1969 . approximately 35 moves . Industrial Arts teacher in Portage la Prairie until retirement 1989 1948sd (see also MB) |
Carlson CA | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Carlson, RC | CNR 1951sd |
Carpenter, WB | CNR Ranfurly, Minburn, Payton, Vermilion, Winter, Kinsella, Tofield, Tofield-Wainwright swing, Wainwright, N Edmonton Tower, Calder (summers 1951-54 MX, MO), Jasper, Work Train op Unity Sub, Danforth, Cabin 'D', Mimico Yard, Mimico East, James Street, Oriole, Toronto 'C' office, TTR, Mercoal, Pedley, Waseca, Brule, Redwater, |
Carroll WG | CNR agt 1918sd ORT554 |
Carson GL | CNR opr Warman 1953sd |
Caspell HA | CNR agt 1925sd ORT898 |
Caspell RWB | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Totzke |
Casper DJE | CNR agt 1922sd ORT823 |
Caswell Robert W | CNR Prince Albert to Clark's Crossing (Telegraph Creek) 1883 / Dom Gov't Tel 1885 |
Chadwick JC | CNR towerman SK Dis 1942sd ORT1774 |
![]() Chamberlain, Rae W | CNR opr / recently retired from CN after 35 1/2 years service . started as an opr & retired as a SCC with the CAW union . s/d 26 Mar 1969 . retirement: 31 Aug 2004 |
Charlton CJ | CNR agt 1927sd |
Chester T | CNR agt 1918sd ORT1896 |
Cinch J | CNR towerman SK Dis 1916sd ORT948 |
Cinch JR | CNR towerman SK Dis 1941sd, agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1660 |
![]() Clark, David Irwin | telegrapher, stn agt, dispatcher . Tugaske betn 1910-8 and Foam Lake betn 1920-6 (see Clark, Charles King / see also ON) |
Clarke EM | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1932 |
Clarke J | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1395 |
Clarke LR | CNR 1911sd ORT155 |
Clarke RH | CNR 1911sd ORT210 |
Cloake GG | CNR opr Nokomis 1954sd |
Cloake WT | CNR agt 1918sd ORT543 |
Code FH | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Laird |
Cody PJ | CNR opr Humboldt 1952sd |
Coleman PB | CNR 1917sd ORT484 |
Colloton EP | CNR agt 1921sd ORT1656 |
Colmer ? | DGT North Battleford 1906 |
![]() Colton James Lindsay | GTP agt Strongfield 1918? |
Comer JH | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1984 |
Conners JA | CNR opr cashier Radville 1956sd |
Copeland ? | CPR Cadillac (fa of below) |
Copeland Arthur R | CPR various stns SK? / Swift Current 'Q' office |
Corbett CE | CPR agt Bienfait 1942sd ORT2367 |
Corbett WJ | CPR agt Wapella 1939sd ORT1601 |
Corcoran FJ | CNR Eatonia /d74 |
Cornell HS | CNR 1916sd ORT609 |
Cox HG | CNR agt SK Dis 1939sd ORT1256 |
Craig PE | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Speers |
Cranston C | CNR 1909sd ORT142 |
Crawford W | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Gerald |
Creed AE | CNR agt SK Dis 1936sd ORT1469 |
Creed RL | CNR opr Findlater 1951sd |
Crosby IS | CNR agt 1919sd ORT627 |
Cross Bliss Gary | CNR ACD SKatoon 1950 |
Cross Earle | CNR agt opr SK stns 1951-1964 fa Glenn L & bro Glenn B |
Cross Glenn Leonard | CNR 1925sd ORT940 |
Cross Glenn B | CNR Fielding, Carragana, Young, Prince Albert, Watrous, Humboldt 1951sd |
Cross George Lester | CNR agt Ramore 1950s, 1928sd ORT1275 |
Cross Howard | CNR SK |
Crosson AA | CNR agt-op Birsay 1946sd |
Cullen EW | CNR agt-opr 1925sd (1945) ORT857 |
Cullen E Wayne | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1975 |
Curson C | CNR agt 1927sd ORT945 |
Curtis RA | CPR agt Whitewood 1946sd ORT2148 |
Cutler ER | CNR 1918sd ORT492 |
Davidson RL | CNR opr Chappell 1952sd |
Davis VE | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1107 |
Dawson DR | CNR opr SKatoon 1949 |
Day AA | CNR towerman SK Dis 1943sd, agt SK Dis 1943sd, TD SKatoon ORT1808 |
Day FH | CNR 1912sd ORT275 |
Dean HA | CNR agt 1923sd ORT882 |
Debenham AC | CNR 1918sd ORT540 |
Debenham WL | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd ORT1410 |
Delisle GL | CNR opr SK 1961sd |
Demeter J | CNR opr Parkside 1951sd / Pacific Jct BC / Radville SK, Estevan, Brandon MAN, Regina SK, SKatoon 'SY' Yard |
Deshaye JO | CNR 1909sd ORT1113 |
Dessert JA | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1972 |
Dessert JAO | CNR Moose Jaw 1930 |
Dessert JE | CNR 1916sd ORT480 |
Dewan GA | CNR agt/opr Bjorkdale 1951sd |
Dewar DC | CNR agt 1919sd ORT680 |
Dickens RC | CNR agt 1921sd ORT991 |
![]() Diener, Katherine | CNT Saskatoon & Winnipeg then CN-CP Saskatoon then Unitel (worked with Harry O'Neill) |
Dickson DA | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Dierker JH | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1229 |
Dikens JH | CNR agt 1923sd ORT881 |
Dobrowolsky Michael | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1943 |
Doering AM | CNR agt 1926sd ORT936 |
Doering WC | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1889 |
Doherty FM | CNR agt 1920sd ORT128 |
Dooley PJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * |
Dooley PS | CNR agt-op 1944sd Allan |
Dooley TR | CNR agt-op 1945sd Lorlio |
Dotten LC | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1948 |
Dressler EJ | CNR agt-op 1943sd Debden |
Dressler H | CNR Debden 1952 / Dauphin 1943-4 (Call Boy) / Port Arthur Division 1954 |
Dube E | CNR temp agt/opr St Brieux 1957sd |
Dubord JA (Archie) | CNR agt 1920sd ORT870 |
Dubord Archie | CNR agt Alberta Dis-Yonkers, Unity - agt SK Dis-Yonkers, Krydor, Hoey, Willow Bunch, Wakaw, Davidson, Lumsden, Montmartre /r1963 (fa of Eugene/Denis below) |
Dubord DA | CNR opr spr SK 1961sd |
Dubord Eugene (Gene) | CNR agt 1951 ticket agt & agt opr in Melfort, North Battleford & other SK locations as rlf-agt (fa above, bro below) |
![]() Dubord, Denis A | CNR rlf agt 1952-62 SK Dis worked some forty different locations as opr, agt-opr(bro above, fa Archie) |
Duchscherer AA | CNR opr cashier Gravelbourg 1951sd |
Duey Ray P | CPR Val Marie 1948 |
Duliba EM | CNR Chipman 1957, Niton-Carvel-Gainford 1959, 13 other sts? |
Dumka A | CNR agt 1924sd ORT992 |
Dutka H | CNR agt/op 1947sd Yellow Creek |
Dwyer DB | CNR 1917sd ORT392 |
![]() Eagan, Dorothy | worked as a telegrapher and her father was stn master at Elstow ("I have a letter to my grandmother from The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, C.P.R. System Division #7 expressing condolences on the death of her father, Thomas Eagan dated Feb. 22, 1927 from Sutherland, SK Signed Mr. McCrimond" |
Eby, ? | CPR Herschel 1923-1953 (fa of below) |
Eby EM | CNR CTD Regina, Hilliard AB, Winter SK, Lavoy AB, Beiseker AB, Kelowna BC, 50 other stations in SK and AB? years? |
Eckel GH | CNR Paradise Hill /d67 |
Eckel NH | CNR SKatoon 1913sd ORT99 |
Eckel NH | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1718 |
Eckel NL | CNR towerman SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1718 |
Edom HW | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1941sd * |
Edwards Bruce Henry | CNR Regina messengr/clrk 1942-3, opr 1943-52 /r91 |
Edwards CF | CNR agt 1920sd ORT644 |
Edwards EH | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1744 |
Edwards, S | CNR 1910sd ORT154 |
E(?)ipkiss LD | CNR opr Kindersley 1957sd |
Eisler L | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1562 |
Elloitt AC | CNR opr Saskatoon YO 1950sd |
Elliott KC | CNR 1950sd |
Elliott KK | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1293 |
Elliott WW | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1227 |
Elliott YD | CNR opr Plato 1951sd |
Englund RB | CNR agt/opr 1947sd Asquith |
![]() | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Parkside, last stn was Blaine Lake before he passed away in 1973 |
Exley WS | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd ORT1237 |
Fair S | CNR 1913sd ORT179 |
Felt HL | CNR 1910sd ORT181 |
Ferrier RB | CNR opr |
Ficek J | CPR agt Carievale 1949sd ORT2555 |
Fidler GD | CNR opr Kinistino 1952sd |
Fisher AR | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1217 |
Fisher LR | CNR opr Bradwell, Radville 1956sd |
Fisher MHL | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1213 |
Fletcher AJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd ORT1260 |
Flint TM | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1477 |
Fontaine PE | CPR rlf op 1955 CNR TD SKatoon 1960, RTC Winnipeg ?-1994 |
Ford EF | CNR opr 1949sd Prince Albert |
Forsberg PC | CNR sw opr 1948sd Loop Jct |
Fortin JA | CNR agt 1918sd ORT119 |
Fowlow AW | CNR 1917sd ORT483 |
Fowlow FR | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1697 |
Fowlow G | CNR 1950 |
Fox JWW | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1083 |
Frank HE | CNR 1914sd ORT662 |
Franks RD | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Fraser CM | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1922sd * |
Fraser FT | CNR 1912sd ORT160 |
Friesen JH | CNR agt ORT local chairman Regina 1945 1918sd ORT574 |
Fulham A | CNR 1909sd ORT1600 |
Fullbrooke WE | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1913sd ORT1306 |
Fulmes H | CNR TD SKatoon 1949 |
Gagnier JH | CNR agt 1919sd ORT332 |
Gallagher GB | CNR op 1945sd Saskatoon KN |
Gallagher PM | CNR 1910sd ORT789 |
Galonowski CJ | CNR opr spr 1958sd |
Gardiner HA | CNR North Battleford d72 |
Gardner R | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1911sd ORT610 |
Gaudet AJ | CNR 1917sd ORT457 |
Gerbrandt RE | CNR opr Warman sd1943 (abol Apr 85) |
Gerbrandt WJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1396 |
Gerwing CA | CNR opr SKatoon 'SY' Office 1951sd |
Gessner RF | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Gibb WS | CNR Crooked River 1950, Griffin, ACD SKatoon |
![]() Gibson DW | CPR agt Moose Jaw 1900-28 - relocated to Toronto in 1928 (on the death of his father) and worked through the war, retiring in 1948 |
Gibson GR | CNR opr Watrous 1954sd |
Gibson RW | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1784 |
![]() Gilhooly Gordon | CNR Laura (40 yrs) |
Gillespie FG | CNR agt/opr Vanscoy 1951sd |
Gillis DC | CPR agt Rocanville 1948sd ORT2774 |
Glab ET | CNR opr North Regina 1950 |
Graf JF | CNR opr North Regina 1956sd (abol Jun85) |
Graham AL | CNR agt SK Dis 1938sd * ORT1464 |
Graham DA | CNR 1951sd |
Grant JA | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1970 |
Green AG | CNR 1950 |
Gregory FG | CNR agt 1919sd ORT641 |
Gristwood B | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1927sd * ORT1573 |
Groff RG | CNR opr Melville 1956sd |
Grosz FC | CNR 1912sd ORT163 |
Gryschuk RD | CNR opr Truax 1952sd |
Gull CA | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1916sd ORT599 |
Hadsen HJ | CNR 1950 |
Haig FA | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1465 |
Haigh FA | CNR Shell Lake 1943 |
Halip JO | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1806 |
Hall A | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1092 |
Hamilton AC | CNR 1917sd ORT295 |
Hamilton WL | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1919sd |
Hanks WG | CNR opr stn? |
Hannon EW | CNR agt 1922sd ORT1179 |
Hansford HM | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1915sd ORT1156 |
Harmon CE | CNR agt 1919sd ORT674 |
Harmon WR | CNR opr 1948 |
Harnett DJ | CNR 1914sd ORT335 |
Harper RR | CNR 1913sd ORT284 |
Harrangton J | CNR towerman SK Dis 1937sd |
Harrington JD | CNR agt-op 1940sd regina Dis |
Harrington M | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd ORT1263 |
Harris CG | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1614 |
Harris H | CNR 1916sd ORT423 |
Harris LJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1936sd ORT1364 |
Hart James | CNR Lashburn 1900? (fa of Jim, MAN) |
Hartnett DR | Bradwell 1940 |
Haupt TS | CNR agt SK Dis 1930sd ORT1568 |
![]() ![]() Harvey, O Bev | CNR 1941-Asst agent- Big River SK-Medstead-Car Checker Humboldt 1942-Feb 1946-Royal Canadian Navy-North Atlantic-Mediterranean-North Sea 1946-Asst Agent Crooked River-Bruno-Humboldt(Freight Shed)-Operator Cashier Carrot River 1947-Operator-Biggar-Humboldt-Touchwood-Welby 1948-1950 Agent Opr Bjorkdale 1951-53-Agent Opr Carmel 1954-1960 Agent Prairie River 1960-1969-Agent Prudhomme 1970-1973- Asst TTM- SKatoon- TTM Melfort 1974-1976 - Revenue Accountant- Project Officer- Port Arthur Ont(Thunder Bay Ont) 1977-1981- C/L Centre and Agency Supvsr- Supvsr C/L and Yard Office Procedures- Operations Officer Traffic Systems-Regional Office, Winnipeg Man with several assignments-Montreal-Toronto-Vancouver and Various USA Interline Connections 1982-1986- Trainmaster- and Transportation Supver Grain Line Rehab SKatoon SK 1986 Retired CNR 1986--1988 Operations Manager- CWR Railways Edmonton Alta (Short Line) OBHarvey father | OBHarvey Bjorkdale Stn | OBH's Son (3yrs old in 5129 cab; another 35 with CN (55 yrs experience!)) Three Generations of Harvey's | Other Railway Family Members (Total 1018 yrs!) | Station Pix - OBH would build this hockey rink for the kids! |
Hearn, GM | CNR 1914sd ORT1261 |
Hedley, RE | CNR 1972sd |
Henbid, V | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1974 |
Henriet, RC (E?) | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1895 |
Henry, GH | CNR 1906sd ORT123 |
Henry, JC | CNR 1911sd ORT211 |
Herchak, MD | CNR agt SK Dis 1939sd ORT1569 |
Hicks, A | CNR 1908sd ORT113 |
Higginbottom, A | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd |
Hindley, J | CNR 1913sd ORT201 |
![]() Hine, AW | CPR agt . 1919sd . agt various places in SK such as Wishart, Luseland, Markinch, Plunkett, Jansen, Renown, Midale etc . agt Hughenden & Czar AB ORT? /r 1961 (see sons below, BC & AB) |
![]() ![]() Hine, Kenneth W | CPR 1947 Asst agt Yorkton, Melfort, Humboldt, Lanigan . 1950 Opr Morse . 1951 moved to AB - Lethbridge 412 opr . 1952 Opr Nisku . 1953 Agt Wrentham 4 yrs then permanent rlf agt for 4 years Alta Dis . 1961 moved to Vancouver Island Permanent rlf agt & worked every agy on island . 1963 bid agency Qualicum Beach then agt Chemainus . 1968 Resigned. Opened travel agency . 1974 temporary E&N Rwy . 1981 elected Alderman Parksville BC . Retired 1988(see also AB, BC, bros BC,AB, fa above) |
Holloway, HC | CNR agt 1919sd ORT641 |
Hook, E | CNR agt 1919sd ORT605 |
Hooper, ES | CNR opr Canora 1951sd |
Howard, AH | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1918sd ORT1435 |
Hues F | CNR 1917sd ORT588 |
Hughes A | CNR 1913sd ORT297 |
Hughes JP | CNR opr/cashier Eston 1951sd |
Hultman AN | CNR 1914sd ORT681 |
Humeniuk T | CNR opr 1945 |
Hunter E | CNR TD 1945sd Regina |
Hunter SE | CNR SKatoon /d67 |
Hurd DEK | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1874 |
Hurley DE | CNR 1911sd ORT195 |
Hutchinson WT | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd ORT1006 |
Husselby W | CNR agt 1927sd ORT665 |
Hyde AW | CNR agt 1920sd ORT697 |
Inch RG | CNR agt 1926sd ORT990 |
Ingram R | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1269 |
Jackson KB | CNR ACD Saskatoon 1983 |
Jackson RC | CNR agt SK Dis 1918sd ORT614 |
Jackosn RC | CPR agt Gainsborough 1940sd ORT1758 |
Jackson S | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1262 |
James F | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd * |
James FL | CNR 1913sd ORT1172 |
James RH | CNR 1953sd |
Janzen A | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd * ORT1498 |
Jeffries DE | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Jenkins GW | CPR Burstall / CPR CTD |
Jennett KW | CNR agt/opr Aylesbury 1950sd |
Johnson DL | CNR opr spr 1957sd |
Johnson DW | CNR opr SK 1961sd |
Johnson, HW | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1289 |
Johnson MO | CNR opr Asquith 1957sd |
Johnson, RH | CNR agt SK Dis 1920sd * |
Johnson, WA | CNR TD Saskatoon 1947 |
Johnston, Aleck C | CNR telegrapher Kenaston, telegrapher Jul 20 1951sd .last worked as opr-cashier Weyburn . transferred to Marketing . retired Winnipeg Oct 31 1988 as Manager Sales & Service, Grain & Grain Products - Feb 26 1951sd |
Jones, DA | CNR Saskatoon 1950s |
Jones, RV | CNR agt 1923sd Brock ORT731 |
Kachar, P | CNR agt/opr SK Dis North Regina 1946 1944sd Vibank |
![]() Kading, Royden L | CNR asst agt/towerman Bienfait, opr May 1, 1953, rlf work BC & AB, last postn opr-cashier Davidson 1961 transferring to Freight Sales, /r Asst. Manager Customer Service Centre, Winnipeg Dec. 31, 1991, Sep 18 1951sd |
Kayter JB | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
![]() ![]() Keene, Howard | CPR . Bredenbury SK July 1st 1944 to February 28th 1946 . Bredenbury SKatchewan July 5th 1946 to July 15th 1946 . Wapella SKatchewan July 18th 1946 to August 3rd 1946 . Moosomin SKatchewan August 5th 1946 to August 10th 1946 . Broadview SKatchewan August 12th 1946 to May 19th 1947 . Bienfait SKatchewan May 21st 1947 to May 31st 1947 . Moosomin SKatchewan June 3rd 1947 to June 23rd 1947 . Binscarth Manitoba June 25th 1947 to August 21st 1947 . Marchwell SKatchewan August 23rd 1947 to September 9th 1947 . Shoal Lake Manitoba September 10th 1947 to September 28th 1947 . Binscarth Manitoba October 1st 1947 to September 1948 (Binscarth Bredenbury Swing) . Bredenbury SKatchewan October 1st 1947 to September 1948 (Binscarth Bredenbury Swing) . Broadview SKatchewan September 1948 . Binscarth Manitoba October 1948 . Bredenbury SKatchewan November 1948 to December 1948 . Brandon Manaitoba January 1949 . Reston Manitoba February 1949 . Maryfield SKatchewan February 1949 to February 1950 . Bredenbury SKatchewan February 1950 to June 1952 . Neepawa Manitoba June 1952 to May 28th 1954 . East Selkirk Manitoba May 31st 1954 to December 6th 1954 . Dubuk SKatchewan Dec 8th 1954 to July 12th 1960 . Elm Creek Manitoba July 14th 1960 to August 21st 1965 . Binscarth Manitoba September 11th 1965 to July 25th 1971 . Deloraine Manitoba August 1971 to October 1985 . Retired October 1985 |
Kendall RP | CPR agt Moosomin 1956sd ORT6378 |
Kennedy, ES | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * |
Kennedy, HC | CNR 1911sd |
Keown George W | CPR relief agt - started career at Saltcoats, SK as relief agent in approx 1924 . Worked various locations in Regina, Moose Jaw and Saskatoon divisions until his retirement from Foam Lake in 1965. Retired to Edmonton AB |
Keown G Archie | CPR asst agt - son of George W (above) - started as asst agent Humboldt SK 1952 - relief agent 1952 & worked various locations as agt/opr & opr jobs in Wynyard & Lanigan - agt Paradise Valley AB - returned to Wynyard then left CPR after completing a university degree |
Ketchum, J | CNR 1915sd ORT364 |
Kindree, S | CNR 1911sd ORT601 |
King, CR | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd * |
King, W | CNR opr 1949 |
Kirby, CE | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1328 |
Kirkley, WB | CNR agt 1922sd ORT965 |
Knight, C | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd |
Konlup, A | CNR agt 1918sd ORT577 |
Kornder, BR | CNR opr Humboldt 1949 |
Kotyk, P | CNR opr Kindersley 1952sd |
Kotzma, J | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1980 |
Kovach, JW | CNR towerman SK Dis 1942sd ORT1902 |
Kozlowski WE | CNR agt/opr 1950sd Spruce Lake |
Krawchuk, W | CNR Hughton 1956, Raymore, Melville, Biggar, SKatoon, Chappell, Nutana, Lorne Ave, Loop Jct, 'YO,' 'KN,' Warman 1956-1965 |
Kristian GA | CNR rel agt Spare 1957sd |
Kutchyera, CJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1832 |
Kuzmak, AD | CNR opr Melville 1956sd |
Labossiere, JA | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1003 |
Lafave, L | CNR agt 1923sd ORT800 |
Laking, ES | CNR 1918sd ORT539 |
Lamont, ER | CNR agt 1924sd ORT1167 |
Lamont, RA | CNR opr Kindersley 1949 |
Lancaster, CR | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1918sd * |
Lauder, JE | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1063 |
Law, RB | CNR 1906sd ORT47 |
Leary, J | CNR agt 1920sd ORT1062 |
Leary, JEW | CNR opr Kindersley, SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1683 /r85 |
Leavens, RG | CNR agt 1923sd ORT1527 |
Lebiszczak, M | CNR sw opr Nokomis-Hubbard 1956sd |
Lefevre, EAC | CNR agt-op St Louis 1946sd |
Lefeuvre, F | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd |
LeFebvre, LJ | CNR swing opr Humboldt 1953sd |
Legallais CH | CNR 1912sd ORT234 |
Leier RJ | CNR opr Quinton 1956sd |
Leittel Jack | DTC 'Old Humboldt' 1870s |
Lemieux Joseph | CNR Maryfield (served CN/CP traffic) /r51 |
![]() Lemire, Marcel | CPR agt (trained under Robert Lemire (see below) Claydon SK . Relieved most of Lethbridge Div 1958-62 . first stn Lundbreck AB, Coalhurst AB . left CPR approx 1967 as Drivers License Examiner in AB . /d March 1995 |
![]() Lemire, Robert Louis Joseph | CPR relf agt 1949 (trained under Duey Val Marie SK) . relieved Burmis AB, Picture Butte AB, Loomis SK, Ravenscrag SK, Chin AB, Okatoks AB . first stn Orkeny SK 1951 then Claydon 1954, Val Marie 1957-70, Manyberries AB 1970-1 then relieved until retire 1974 . /d 18 Jun 1995 |
Lemon M | CPR agt Bredenbury 1960sd ORT6429 |
Lepp WH | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1236 |
Leslie, RA | CNR 1911sd ORT247 |
Letourneau, E | CNR towerman SK Dis 1945sd ORT2026 |
Lett CH | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1391 |
Liebrecht, R | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd Norquay 1933 ORT1478 |
Little Stephen J | CNR Crooked River 1959-60, Davidson (some 45 offices to 1965) |
Lindeburgh, A | DTC 'Old Humboldt' 1880 |
Lister N | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1318 |
Locke CF | CNR towerman SK Dis 1943sd, agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1901 |
![]() Low, Donald Baird | CPR rlf agt Esterhazy 1950, rlf agts & oprs Manitoba Dis, Bredenbury Terminal 1952-66, Bredenbury 1966-72, Mobile Supr Yorkton 1972-88, 1950(Jun 1)sd /r1988 (SKatoon Div) ORT 2924 |
Luke CR | CNR 1911sd ORT127 |
Luke DE | CNR agt SK Dis 1938sd ORT1507 |
Luke DW | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1608 |
Lumb TW | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1944 |
![]() Lungul Peter | CNR agt - first job Dauphin div sprbd after stn closed at Invermay Sk 1980 again went on sprbd endimg my career 2nd trick operator Melville SK 1954 |
Luten ES | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Corning |
Lynn N | CNR agt 1919sd ORT546 |
Lynn RC | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1880 |
Lyons JT | CNR 1917sd ORT481 |
MacAuley, George E | CPR var Moose Jaw div 1950-1 / Alberta Dis-Medicine Hat, Calgary 1951 / Medicine Hat 'NS' Office 1986 |
MacLise, John (Jack) E | CNR opr or agt-opr at Quill Lake, Pelly, Wadena, Fairlight, Cromer, Kipling SK . Sifton, Ethelbert, Swan River, Plumas, The Pas, Kelso, Rapid City, Brunkild, Alonsa, McCreary, Ste Rose, Virden, Neepawa, Emerson Jct, Altamont, Miami, Ste Agathe, Lundar, Kelwood, Terence, North Elie, Beaudry, Calvin, Pleasant Point, Paddington, Victoria Beach, Oakburn, Erickson, Shilo, Transcona, Morris, Pacific Jct, Fort Rouge, Stornaway, Beaconia MB . 1970-82 Service Rep in Winnipeg . Aug 7,1948sd, ORT 1733 (see also MB) |
MacDonald, HD | CNR 1910sd ORT164 |
MacDonald, J | CPR 1950s |
MacDonald, JE | CNR 1915sd ORT383 |
MacDonald, Robert C | DTC 'Old Humboldt' 1883 |
MacFarlane, JW | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1983 |
MacKay, AN | ORT local chairman SKatoon 1945 |
Mackenzie, EK | CNR agt-op 1943sd Hubbard |
Mackie KE | CNR opr Watrous 1950sd |
MacLeod, R | CNR 1909sd ORT86 |
MacLeod, RH | CNR opr North Battleford 1949 |
MacLeod, WJ | CNR Agt-op 1938sd Young |
MacRae, AF | CNT messenger 1923, CNR 1927 / CTD Regina |
McCammon, RC | CNR agt 1925sd ORT974 |
Madsen HJ | CNR agt/opr 1950sd Benson |
McDonald, DA | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1939sd * ORT1584 |
![]() Mains D Ivan | CPR agt Frobisher May 1953 (I believe it was 1952 to some time in 1953 at Snowflake MB) |
Maksuta A | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Malazdrewicz, FC | CNR 1951sd |
Malloch, JA | CNR 1915sd ORT371 |
Malloy, RJ | CNR Clark's Crossing ca1883? (see also R Caswell above) |
Mamchur, PR | CNR towerman SK Dis 1943sd * ORT1985 |
Mann DW | CPR agt Bienfait 1952sd ORT4264 |
Manson, GA | CNR towerman 1940sd, agt SK Dis 1942sd * ORT1686 |
Mantyka JD | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Marble, CE | CNR agt SK Dis 1939sd ORT1595 |
Marchand, J | CNR agt 1923sd ORT933 |
Marchand GA | CNR opr cashier Rosthern 1953sd |
Markham, JF | CNR agt SK Dis 1927sd, TD 1941sd ORT1586 |
Marlin, Kenneth Nelson | CPR expr Wolseley-Reston Line 1942, rlf opr Hersechel 1942, Moose Jaw Div, Mossbank, Wolseley 1945-9, TD Moosejaw & Regina 1950-5 /r55 |
Marlow, EW | CNR 1914sd ORT334 |
Martin, EE | CNR agt/opr 1947sd Glidden |
Martyn, ML | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1996 |
![]() Mason, Nat C | CNR agt/opr . learned morse Roosevelt Minn, worked Pitt Minn., Warroad Minn., Stratton, Wroxton, Elrose, Hanley, Punnichy, Nokomis, & Rainy River ON . 1914sd ORT331 /r 1960 . see son, ![]() |
McAmmond RL | CNR opr Watrous 1951sd |
McCammon, JH | CNR towerman SK Dis 1931sd ORT1270 |
McCammon, LR | CNR TD SKatoon 1973sd |
McCammon, RB | CNR towerman SK Dis 1941sd, agt SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1696 |
McCannell JA | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Dalmeny |
![]() McClement, John R | CNR agt number of location in the Regina Dis / shortage of telegraphers in northern BC worked Terrace BC for 6 mons 1953 / 1952sd /res1959 (fa below, Grdfa David in MB) |
![]() McClement Robert(Bob) Stuart | CNR agt Regina Region incl: Goodwater,Edenwold, Central Butte, Kipling, Glenavon, Montmartre 1925sd ORT311 & 893 /r67 |
McCloy JW | CNR opr SK 1957sd |
McCreadie H | CNR 1913sd ORT282 |
McCullough EI | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd |
McDonald AG | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd * |
McDonald HG | CNR rel agt PA Divn 1956sd |
McDonald GE | CNR agt 1920sd ORT970 |
McDonald KG | CNR 1944 |
McFarlane GE | CNR agt 1922sd ORT835 |
McGauvran MJ | CNR agt 1923sd ORT1142 |
McIvor JG | CNR agt 1926sd ORT993 |
McKay HA | CNR 1914sd ORT340 |
McKay IH | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1528 |
McKay JA | CNR opr spare 1972sd |
McKay JH | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd |
McKay KA | CNR opr 1948 |
McKellar A | CNR 1916sd |
McKenzie EK | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1859 |
McKinley JA | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1000 |
McLaren WR | CNR 1909sd ORT134 |
McLay RA | CNR agt/opr Somme 1951sd |
McLean AH | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1910 |
McLennan AR | CNR agt Carlyle 1928sd ORT1284 /d67 |
McLeoad AF | CPR agt Oxbow 1928sd ORT1678 |
McLeod, NM | CNR 1916sd ORT1367 |
Mcleod, GE | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1494 |
McManus, PJ | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1174 |
McMillan, GD | CNR Supv 1945sd Regina |
McMurchy, DJ | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1030 |
McNevin, D | CNR agt 1920sd ORT533 |
McNulty, EE | CNR trans-opr SKatoon 'SY' office 1957sd |
McNulty, JH | CNR opr Kamsack 1951sd |
McPhail, NR | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1166 |
McPhail, WB | CNR agt Aberdeen 1922sd ORT836 /d74 |
McPherson, WD | CNR 22sd |
McRae, A | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1258 |
McTaggart JE | CPR agt Grayson 1953sd ORT5056 |
Matthews, William | CPR Storthoaks 1951 / var MAN, SK & ON / TD Brandon MAN 1989 |
Meda A | CNR opr St Walburg 1953sd |
Medvid M | CNR opr spr 1961sd |
![]() Meise, Keith Ludwig | CNR Sectionman 1962 South West SK . Warehouseman/Yd Office 1963-6 SKatoon (Old Yd & Chappell Yd) . Agt-opr 1966-77 SK Area Prairie Region . 1978-83 AB, Mountain Region . 1989-98 Mountain/Prairie Region . 1998 accepted article 8 package . stns 1966 (rlf) Carmel, Langham, Carrot River, Livelong . 1966-8 Lacadena . 1968-70 Aylesbury . 1970-5 Central Butte . 1972 - 1977 - Relief Customer Service Rep, southwest Sask out of Regina Carload Centre & couple of stints out of Saskatoon - Northwest Sask . 1975-7 Davidson . 1977-9 Landis SK Mt Region . 1979-83 Drumheller AB . 1983 Resigned . 1989-98 Biggar, Wainwright, Vermillion, Lloydminster, Whitecourt, Mirror, Calgary, North Battleford, Humboldt, SK |
Mehr, LE | CNR agt-op 1945sd Marcelin |
Melymick, John | CNR SK Dis 1929sd ORT1384 - 1960s (invented improved delivery hoop) |
Millman, R | CNR 1912sd ORT114 |
Miniely, GW | CNR agt 1920sd ORT569 |
Minielly, Ken | CNR Crooked River 1959-60 |
Miniely, LR | CNR 1918sd ORT499 |
Miniely, RE | CNR opr SKatoon 1945 |
Mintg, EV | CNR Langham /d73 |
Minty, E | CNR 1916sd ORT450 |
Mitchell, DW | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1066 |
Mitchell, EV | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1300 |
Mitchell, GE | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1494 |
Mitchell, TE | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1924 |
Mitten, A | CNR opr Canora 1948 |
Mitten DF | CNR agt/opr Oakner 1954sd |
Moir, AJ | CNR towerman SK Dis 1944sd, agt SK Dis 1944sd * |
![]() ![]() Morey, Albert | CPR Climax SK (apprentice training) . Dec 22 1952 got start as agt, opr Claydon, SK . worked several jobs in AB & SK until becoming 3rd trick opr Gull Lake, SK (my first permanent position) . later Agt Opr Orkney, SK . Agt Opr at Bracken, SK . 1971 promoted to Moblie Supervisor at Frontier, SK - there until 1984 when transferred to Estevan, SK . retired 1986 with approximately 34 yrs of service |
Morgan, C | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1914 |
Morgan, WH | CNR agt 1923sd ORT879 |
Morris, JV | CNR agt 1924sd ORT698 |
Morrison, AL | CNR agt SK Dis 1928sd ORT1101 |
Morrison, AR | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1938sd * |
Morrison, AR | CNR towerman SK Dis 1939sd * |
Morrison, CMK | CNR agt ORT local chairman Prince Albert-Wakaw 1945 1920sd ORT1187 |
![]() Morrison, Merv C | CNR opr throughout SK. & part of Manitoba. . opr Lorne Ave, SKatoon, SKatoon Yard, Rosetown, Regina, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Humboldt, rlf agt Humboldt,Sk & Lazare, Man. . agt Carmel, Conquest, Davidson . promoted service representative then Special duties, General Yardmaster . retired Carload Supervisor SKatoon . 1951sd /r84 |
Morrison, RK | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd |
Morton, TC | CNR agt 1920sd ORT761 |
Moskal, WE | CNR opr Canora 1952sd |
Moyer, LD | CNR 1908sd ORT137 |
Muir, JK | CNR towerman SK Dis 1943sd ORT1885 |
Murphy, WT | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1942sd ORT1773 |
Mursell, R | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2029 |
Mutala, William | CPR 1949 / var stns SK, MAN, nw ON / TD Winnipeg |
![]() Neufeld, Edwin Walter | . (see also ON2) |
Nolan, LA | CNR agt 1919sd ORT560 |
Nowlan, GV | CNR 1911sd ORT65 |
Nunweiler AA | CNR TD 1948sd Regina |
O'Farrell, TE | CNR 1913sd ORT61 |
Obre, CC | CNR opr North Battleford 1970sd |
Ogilvie, GW | CNR 1947, ACD SKatoon 1981-3 |
Ogilvie, JG | CNR agt 1920sd ORT550 |
Oliver, KV | CNR opr Watrous 1957sd |
Olson DO | CPR agt Bredenbury 1953sd ORT4476 |
Oman, LW | CNR 1951sd |
![]() O'Neill Harry | CNT messenger Kamloops 1960 . then Vancouver as address clerk & route aid . then Yukon Watson Lake 1962 . teleprinter opr transferring to Saskatoon 1962 early night clerk . North Battleford SK opr 1965 . transferred to Saskatoon 1966 as automatic opr . remained Saskatoon until 1976 . layoff prior to CNT shutting down . to Kelowna BC relief opr 1 summer (also listed in BC) |
Osinchuk, A | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2006 |
Ostafichuck MG | CNR opr SK 1958sd |
Owens, TG | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1979 |
Paetsch RE | CNR sw opr Saskatoon Tmls 1953sd |
Paetsch RG | CNR TD 1948sd Regina |
Pallansch, EJ | CNR 1916sd ORT872 |
Palmer, W | CNR 1915sd ORT395 |
Palmer, WG | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1301 |
![]() ![]() Pankoski, Victor H | CNR agt - studied Telegraphy Fenwood Sk Feb-Oct 14 1952 under agt Cliff Charlton . hired out Oct 14/52 under CTD RC Brown, Winnipeg . CNR First job 3rd trick Savant Lake . relieved Oprs Webster, Jones St Anne, Fort Frances, Mine Centre, Minaki, Malachi, Red Lake Road, Redditt, Superior Jct, Williams Minn . on loan to BC Jun-Aug '54 Kelowna Red Pass Jct, Sperry Car Opr SRS 118 Red Pass to Endako, Pyramid BC then transferred back to SK District . Nokomis-Hubbard Swing, Touchwood, Welby, Quadra, Uno, Melville-Hubbard Swing Relieve Agts summer '59 Asquith, Wiseton, White Bear, Glidden, Goodeve . back to 2nd trick Melville, Tisdale . resigned 3rd trick Kamsack Apr '64 to returned to school & Industrial Sales Career (currently active member KN Chapter MTC Saskatoon) |
Pannell, BW | CNR agt 1920sd |
Paquette AE | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Parker, HM | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1679 |
Parent PH | CNR opr spr SK 1961sd |
Pateman HW | CPR agt Alameda 1949sd ORT2763 |
Patterson, JG | CNR agt 1922sd ORT573 |
Patterson, William | CPR agt 1920 throughout SK, Milden 1962 /r62 /d98 |
Peacock, FA | CNR 1912sd ORT289 |
Pederson PA | CNR sw opr Bradwell-Watrous 1957sd |
Pelletier, JS | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1918sd ORT619 |
Perras MA | CNR opr Bienfait 1957sd |
Peters, DW | CNR 1910sd ORT215 |
Peterson LJ | CPR agt Fleming 1961sd ORT5357 |
Peterson OA | CPR agt Welwyn 1954sd ORT3515 |
Peterson, Walter | CNR Grayson 1950-1 |
Perry, JQA | CNR 1909sd ORT170 |
Phelps, OR | CNR 1911sd ORT193 |
Pike, Tom | DTC gov't op Humboldt 1884? |
Pitts, JO | CNR agt 1945sd Regina |
Podolski, Walter S | CPR op, TD, CTD SK 1952?-? |
Pollard H | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Potts, HJ | CNR agt-op 1945sd Netherhill |
Porter, FA | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1942sd ORT1660 |
Porter, FF | CNR 1912sd ORT151 |
Pouliot M | CNR opr spr Benson 1960sd |
Powell, W | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2011 |
Prevost, SW | CNR 1909sd ORT115 |
Proud, JG | CNR agt 1920sd ORT653 |
Prusak, Denis | CNR Radville 1953 / Alberta, mostly SK., Regina division, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg (fa of next three, all ops) |
Prusak, Issey | ? 1950sd |
Prusak, Eugene | CNR TD 1947sd Regina |
Prusak, Denis | ? |
Raine, JH | CNR agt 1920sd ORT1109 |
Raymond, FE | CNR agt 1923sd ORT1015 |
Ravndahl T | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Weekes |
Redford, AG | CNR 1911sd ORT601 |
Redford, AS | CNR 1909sd ORT1177 |
Redford, EJR | CNR opr North Battleford 1951sd |
Reid, JC | CNR 1913sd ORT327 |
Reid, JF | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * ORT1838 |
Reiser, PM | CNR opr spare 1972sd |
Relitz, JA | CNR TD SKatoon 1973sd |
Relitz, KL | CNR 1964sd |
Renner, GT | CNR agt 1922sd ORT762 |
Rice, Tom | CNR Mistatim |
Rice, TW | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1822 |
![]() Rigate, John Augustus | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1220 & 793 (see father below) |
![]() Rigate, William Henry | CNR agt 1912 - came to Canada from England in 1912 - Agt at Zealandia, D'arcy, Netherhill, Bienfait, Shell Lake (see son above) . William Henry Rigate was a station agent for the CNR in Saskatchewan.....Bienfait, Shell Lake and other little towns. He came over to Canada from England in 1912. He worked on the railways in England (as his father and brother did too) but thought there would be a better life here in Canada. My mother and all her siblings were also born at the Station. Mum said she just loved the sound of the trains. I also like to hear the trains, which I do from where I live. But nowadays, if people see RR tracks they will not buy a house close to them. I clicked on Saskatchewan on your website map and found both my grandfather - William Henry Rigate and my uncle John Augustus Rigate. (Notes courtesy Colleen Spence) |
Rink, JJ | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1920sd ORT1127 |
Ripley, GG | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd, towerman SK Dis 1942sd, * ORT1791 |
Ripley, JH | CNR agt 1920sd ORT724 |
Ripley, WJ | CNR agt 1919sd ORT620 |
Ritter, Ralph E | CNR Melville 1951sd /r? |
Roberts NJ | CNR agt/opr Tichfield Jct 1951sd |
Robertson, PJ | CNR agt 1920sd ORT703 |
Robinson, RH | CNR opr SKatoon 'SY' office 1951sd |
Rochon JG | CNR agt/opr Mazenod 1951sd |
Rochon, JH | CNR agt 1922sd ORT1471 |
Robertson, WE | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1168 |
Romanow, T | CNR opr Kindersley 1953sd |
Romuld, AK | CNR agt-op Demaine 1947sd |
![]() Rosa, William G | CNR Prince Albert Div 1959-64 / rlf op Prince Albert 1960-1, Agt Opr Spruce Lake 1961, Agt Mayfair 1965, Agt Maymont 1966-7, Opr North Battleford 1967-73 |
Ruel EL | CNR opr spr SK 1961sd |
Rumberger, ? | CPR Naicam (with CPR 42 yrs-fa of below) |
Rumberger, RW | CPR relf/Ass't Agt 1945-9 SKatoon Sub |
Rumberger, ? | CPR (20 years stns, - Bro of above) |
Russell, WJL | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd ORT1334 |
Ryhorchuk, NC | CNR opr 1949 |
St John, OB | CNR agt 1922sd ORT1692 |
Saggs, WH | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1904 |
Salkeld, HM | CNR opr 1948sd Nutana |
Salmond, MM | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1929sd * |
Savage, S | CNR agt 1924sd ORT1190 |
Schappert, J | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1617 |
Scharber, M | CNR agt 1926sd * ORT1025 |
Scheeves, S | CNR towerman SK Dis 1918sd ORT1138 |
Scheeves, SL | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1936 |
Schmirler RH | CNR opr Kindersley 1954sd |
![]() Schneberger, Ernest | CPR agt 1949-61, agt Kandahar 1956-61 ORT3039-7 |
![]() Schroeder, Dennis R | CNR asst agt . wrote up & began as opr June 09/48 . worked several agencies SK & went to TRACS . transferred to Alberta 1979-85 . 1947sd /r December 1985 |
Schroeder, Marvin G | CNR Hague 1950-1, Regina Div 1951, SKatoon Div 1952, North Battleford 1956-60, SKatoon Vawn |
Semenchuk, EG | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT2010 |
Semenchuk, GG | CNR opr spare 1971sd |
Semenchuk, W | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2050 |
Shanks, FE | CNR opr Melville 1951sd |
Shanks, FJ | CNR 1916sd ORT430 |
Shanks, WJ | CNR towerman SK Dis 1943sd, agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1821 |
Shannon WE | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Ceylon |
Sharber, M | CNR Op 1926sd Regina UD |
Sharko, LP | CNR opr SKatoon 1952sd |
Shasko, BA | CNR opr Neebing 1951sd |
Shaw, EB | CNR 1912sd ORT226 |
Shaw, EJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1797 |
Shaw, ER | CNR 1915sd ORT354 |
![]() ![]() Shaw, Earl J | CNR opr & TD - started out in SKatchewan, worked in AB & MB - last job Vancouver 1943sd 1943-54 (wife opr - see MB list Lavina 'MAISIE' (McPhedrain) Shaw) |
Shaw, Earl J | CNR Weldon 1938-9, Melville, Watrous, SKatoon, TD SKatoon 1947 / TD Vancouver 1950-4 |
Shaw, HJ | CNR towerman SK Dis 1940sd * |
Shaw, HJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1640 |
Sheridan, Laurie Eric | CPR Moose Jaw div 1947-59 / TD Regina ?-1965, TD Sutherland, TD Moose Jaw 1965-69 / CTD Winnipeg 1969, 1969-74, CTD 1974-85 |
Shear MH | CNR TD 1948sd Regina (fa W Shear) |
Shear, Miss Gina | CNR Warman, Shell Lake, RTC Edmonton |
Shear, W | CNR agt 1919sd ORT567 |
Sheehan, TJ | CNR 1911sd ORT190 |
Shelrood, BE | CNR agt 1919sd Warman |
Sherban, T | CNR agt-op 1946sd Mayfair |
Shockey ML | CNR agt/opr Zelma 1950sd |
Skinner, GW | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1457 |
Skolrood, LE | CNR agt 1919sd ORT701 |
Slater, KA | CNR opr Winnipeg 1964sd |
Sliwa, LH | CNR 1946 |
Smart, GC | CNR 1912sd ORT228 |
Smart, KG | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * ORT1856 |
Smart, NH | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * ORT1893 |
Smith DP | CPR agt Langenburg 1948sd ORT5237 |
Smith, FB | CNR agt 1920sd ORT740 |
Smith, JD | CNR agt SK Dis, 1928sd, TD 1942sd * ORT1549 |
Smythe, JW | CNR agt 1922sd ORT985 |
Snider, W | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1299 |
Snider WF | CNR agt/opr Bladworth 1950sd |
![]() | CNR opr SKatoon office . started CNR stn Hubbard to learn morse code & agy accting fall 1950 under stn agt Earl McKenzie . hired out on CPR, Schreiber Div Aug 11,1951 & relieved oprs Amyot, Coldwell, Heron Bay, Marathon, Regan & Sultan ON . resigned CPR July 1952 ("hated the bush") . hired out CNR SKatoon Div July 26,1952, relieved oprs & agts at Ardath, Asquith, Atwater, Biggar, Bradwell, Dunblane, Fenwood, Goodeve, Hubbard, Ituna, Lacadena, Melville, Netherhill, Nokomis, Quinton, Raymore, SK - St. Lazare, MB, SKatoon Terminals (999-KN-YO-Lorne Ave Loops Jct - Nutana & Chappell) Touchwood SK, Uno MB, Watrous, Welby, Yarbo, Young SK . worked as quality control clerk & relieved services reps Sioux Lookout, Winnipeg, Brandon, Dauphin MB, Canora, SKatoon & North Battleford SK 1970-1980 . opr 1980-83 WI office Winnipeg . started TD Winnipeg dispatching office 1983 until early retirement December 31, 1994 after 42 1/2 years service with CNR / ORT 2897 /r 1994 |
Sobkowicz CM | CNR opr Melville 1953sd |
Sobkowicz, E | CNR opr SKatoon, North Battleford, Warman, TRACS swing 1950 |
Sokolosky(?i), L | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1672 |
Sokolsky ZH | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Carmel |
Solomon, ED | CNR SKatoon 1950s / Kamloops BC / New Brigden AB / Hughton to closing yr?, White Bear to closing yr? |
Solomon, LL | CNR Biggar 1957-62, others in SK? |
Somers J | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Bangor |
Soyka GA | CNR agt/opr Spy Hill 1950sd |
Spafford, AE | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1291 |
Spafford GA | CNR TD 1948sd Prince Albert |
Spice, GL | CNR agt 1922sd ORT957 |
Stadnyk, F | CNR agt-op Edam 1947sd |
Starr. JF | CNR agt SK Dis 1942sd ORT1760 |
Stata, CS | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1221 |
Stearn, AD | CNR agt-op 1945sd Fenwood |
Steele, TD | CNR agt 1919sd ORT686 |
Stephenson, HA | CNR 1917sd ORT278 |
Stephenson, S | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1879 |
Stern, L | CNR agt-op 1941sd Hague |
Stevens, F | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1077 |
Stevens, MB | CNR 1972sd |
Stewart, GH | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT885 |
Stewart, JA | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1807 |
Stewart, JG | CNR agt SK Dis 1939sd ORT1499 |
Stickland, G | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd * |
Stimpson, WG | CNR 1915sd ORT1098 |
Stirling, MR | CNR 1909sd ORT272 |
Stone, CE | CNR agt 1922sd ORT840 |
Stone, GA | CNR agt 1921sd ORT382 |
Strachan RJ | CNR sw opr 1950sd North Battleford |
Sturby AG | CNR sw opr Quinton 1954sd |
Sturby JN | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Ethelton |
Struthers, RS | CNR opr 1951sd |
Surman HF | CNR temp agt/opr Reynaud 1955sd |
Surman, MH | CNR opr Melfort 1948 |
Surman, PR | CNR opr Meskanaw 1947sd |
Sweet LA | CNR opr 1949sd Kindersley |
Sydoruk, WS | CNR opr Kindersley 1964sd |
Talmeny, WF | CNR 1908sd ORT125 |
Tarala, LR | CNR TD SKatoon 1967sd |
![]() Taylor, AA | CNR opr June 29 1956-Apr 20 1994 . SK Dis Jun 29 1956 Opr Asquith . var locations SKatoon Divn until Nov 1960 . Alta Dis - var locations Edmonton Divn until May 1963 . BC Dis - var locations Kamloops Divn until Sept 1971 . Tsfrd to CBRT&GW car service jobs, var jobs Kamloops - last CBRT&GW employee to retire in Kamloops before it became CAW . worked construction Feb 1964-Feb 1967 on Great Slave Lake Rwy Roma Jct AB to Hay River & Pine Point NWT . son of JA Taylor ORT 987 SK Dis (see below) . ORT 3281 /R Apr 20 1994, 38 yrs service |
Taylor, ED | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2005 |
Taylor, GO | CNR 1912sd ORT252 |
Taylor, JA | CNR agt 1923sd ORT987 (see son above) |
Tessmer EA | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Thatchuk, V | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd * ORT1973 |
Theberge, FA | CNR agt 1919sd ORT799 |
Thomas, CE | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1606 |
Thomas, DE | CNR agt-op 1945sd Frenchmn (sic) Bte |
Thomas, WR | CNR opr 1946 |
Thompson, FA | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1349 |
Thompson, GH | CNR agt 1923sd ORT783 |
Thompson HA | CNR 1908sd ORT113 |
Thompson, Harold Tom | CNR Laura |
Thompson, RH | CNR opr 1947 |
Thompson, RS | CNR towerman SK Dis 1940sd * ORT |
Thompson, WR | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1515 |
Thomson, ? | CNR Laird (fa to 5 below all ops) |
Thomson, Dave | stns? |
Thomson, Don | stns? |
Thomson, DN | CNR agt SK Dis 1930sd ORT1468 |
Thomson, Jack | stns? |
Thomson, JMR | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1239 |
Thomson, Lorne M | CNR agt Meota 1927-1971 1927sd ORT1223 |
Thomson, LG | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd * ORT1641 |
Thomson, Ted | CNR (rlf in SK) / TD Winnipeg 1940s |
Thomson, WC | CNR agt 1925sd ORT932 |
Thomson, WM | CNR 1916sd ORT441 |
Thurston, EN | CNR agt 1922sd ORT808 |
Tillison, JA | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1493 |
Tompkins, ML | CNR agt SK Dis 1939sd ORT1548 |
Toomer, WH | CNR 1907sd ORT94 |
Toop AT | CNR opr Nutana 1951sd |
Toop, JH | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1605 |
Trann, CB | CNR agt SK Dis 1939sd ORT1508 |
Trann, CR | CNR 1913sd ORT241 |
Trotter, GM | CNR agt 1926sd ORT1225 |
Trottier RB | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Tufts, EG | CNR 1911sd ORT240 |
Turner DM | CNR agt/opr 1948sd Goodeve |
Turner, SE | CNR agt 1922sd ORT714 |
Turple, T | CPR (summer rlf) Sutherland, Wynyard, Unity, Kerrobert / Provost AB, 1970s |
Tyson, CF | CNR 1918sd ORT549 |
Uhrich HF | CNR agt 1927sd ORT1249 |
Uhrich JH | CNR agt/opr 1949sd Vawn |
![]() Uhrich, Kenneth P | CNR agt 'most terminals SK' 1943 . in 1964 was ACTD Thunder Bay, ON until 1969 . took ACTD Saskatoon from 1969-80 . from 1980-3 CTD Saskatoon . TD Prince Albert, The Pas MAN, Smithers BC, Edson AB, Winnipeg MAN . ORT1842 . 1943sd /r83 . author of a wonderful book titled "MY GOLDEN YEARS OF RAILROADING ON THE CNR - 1943 TO 1983" - a 40 yr span on his assignments, all telegraph related |
Uhrich, PF | CNR agt 1922sd ORT633 |
Ummell, D | CNR 1914sd ORT1087 |
Underbakke, AO | CNR 1910sd ORT171 |
Underbakke, GA | CNR agt SK Dis, 1941sd, TD 1942sd * ORT1707 |
Unsworth, BC | CNR 1951sd |
Upton, WA | CNR agt 1919sd * |
Utting, JR | CNR agt 1919sd ORT690 |
Van Ness, NJ | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1240 |
Vandall, RA | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd * |
Vey, L | CNR TD SKatoon 1948 |
![]() Wachs, Kenneth E | CPR asst agt . started 1942 Lanigan Sk then to Wynard . joined army 1944 for 2 yrs, took telegraph coarse in Regina, then back to Wynard . took up relv. agts. & oprs. on the Saskatoon Divn.both east & west & north until bid on perm 2nd opr Wynard . when 40 hour week came in took up Lanigan-Wynard swing until stn at Guernsey opened 1957 until closure 1972 . bid on Bredenbury Sk 1st trick 1972 until my retirement in 1985 (43 years all told) . wife Lily & I moved to Saskatoon 1988 & joined the KN chapter Morse Club, working telegraph at the Western development museum |
Wales, WD | CNR towerman SK Dis 1913sd * |
Wallace, RE | CNR agt 1919sd ORT655 |
Walters, WR | CNR opr Canora 1951sd |
Walker, CH | CNR agt SK Dis 1940sd ORT1601 |
Walker DL | CNR opr spr 1961sd |
Walker, EH | CNR 1910sd ORT1518 |
Walker, HB | CNR agt 1923sd ORT996 |
Walker, JH | CNR agt 1920sd ORT749 |
Walker, MH | CNR towerman SK Dis 1944sd, agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT1974 |
Wannamaker, R | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1942sd * ORT1868 |
Ward, A | CNR agt 1925sd |
Warren, JE | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1001 |
Weimer, DT | CNR opr Kindersley 1972sd |
Weins, BV | CNR agt-op SK Dis 1928sd Bruno ORT1351 |
Weir, S | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1917sd ORT612 |
Weir, WH | CNR agt SKatchewan Dis 1941sd * |
Weisner KG | CNR opr spr SK 1961sd |
Weldon, Catherine | DTC 'Old Humboldt' 1878 (wife of below - first female op in west) |
Weldon, George | DTC 'Old Humboldt' 1878 / CPR Grenville 1882 |
Wells, RJ | CPR Regina 1942 |
Weppler, AJ | CNR 1916sd ORT442 |
Weppler, LG | CNR agt 1927sd ORT920 |
Werbicki EP | CNR opr Chappell 1952sd |
Wert, GA | CNR 1912sd ORT257 |
Wert, LE | CNR towerman SK Dis 1943sd, agt SK Dis 1943sd * ORT1825 |
Wert, RR | CNR agt SK Dis 1941sd ORT1612 |
West, AC | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1363 |
West, HH | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2003 |
West, HV | CPR? 1915, CPR Regina, to CNR Winnipeg? |
West, LD | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd |
West, TAG | CNR agt 1920sd ORT747 |
Weut, HH | CNR agt-op 1944sd Bengough |
Wheatley, JE | CNR agt 1922sd ORT613 |
Whish, JH | CNR 1917sd ORT421 |
White CO | CNR opr 1949sd Regina? |
Whitebread, WC | CNR agt 1919sd ORT684 |
Whitlock, GM | CNR ORT Gen Sec-Treasurer Lumsden 1945, 1910sd ORT68 |
Whitmore, WL | CNR 1910sd ORT74 |
Widdifield, AF | CNR agt SK Dis 1930sd ORT1551 |
![]() Wiebe, John | CNR opr Lakehead Dvn 1963, SKatoon Dvn1964, Train Dispatcher SKatoon 1971, Motive Power Control 1980, Rules 1984, CTD SKatoon 1991, CTD Winnipeg 1993, Special Projects 1996, /r 1998 |
Wigley, CH | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1126 |
Wildeman PB | CNR opr 1949sd Chappell |
Williams, EC | CNR towerman SK Dis 1938sd |
Williams, EC | CNR agt SK Dis 1937sd, TD 1944sd * |
Williams, M | CNR agt SK Dis 1929sd ORT1268 |
Williams, RA | CNR 1950sd |
Wilson, A | CNR agt 1921sd ORT833 |
Wilson, HB | CNR agt 1923sd ORT841 |
Wilson, JH | CNR agt 1919sd ORT705 |
Wilson, JR | CNR 1913sd ORT503 |
Wilson, MA | CNR agt 1928sd ORT1591 |
Wilson RB | CPR agt Churchbridge 1950sd ORT3059 |
Wilson, SB | CNR opr 1950 |
Wilson, WR | CNR St Brieux 1925/72 |
Winniski JL | CNR opr SK 1958sd |
Wong, Wing | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd ORT2007 |
Wood, AW | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd |
Wood, CM | CNR agt 1918sd ORT465 |
Wood, EJ | CNR agt-op Waldheim 1947sd |
Wood, HM | CNR agt 1919sd ORT583 |
Woods, EC | CNR 1904sd |
Woods, JP | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1099 |
Wylie CG | CNR sw opr 1948sd Lorne Ave |
Wynne, A | CNR TD 1924sd |
Wynes, WA | CNR opr Portage 1943 |
Yawney WJ | CNR opr spr 1960sd |
Yerex, EJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1943sd ORT1809 |
Yerex, JT | CPR Vancouver 1943-1950 / CNR Alberta stations? years? (see also BC) |
Yerex, R | CNT SKatoon (fa of above) |
Young, EB | CNR agt 1925sd ORT1171 |
Young, EH | CNR 1917sd ORT483 |
Yurach, N | CNR agt SK Dis 1940sd * ORT1602 |
Zomber, EJ | CNR agt SK Dis 1944sd, Watrous 1944 ORT1965 |