Network's Links
railfan cannot live by the rails all by his/her self; you need to have
a community of people that share your common interests. There are many
web sites out on the World Wide Web, including some FTP (File Transfer
Protocol) sites, that share a common interest in a certain area or prototype.
There are also lots of places where you can research for new areas to
go railfanning.
Take a look around, go through the list below and see what site can help
you the most. If you would like to share a site with us, please don't
hesitate to e-mail us the site. Also, know that all these site are personally
used, as by many other people in my railfanning group.
If you would like to catch me on one of these Yahoo! Newsgroup Sites,
my user name is "trainpixsnet."
Looking for railfan videos?
Check out
HERE for a direct link to railfan videos made by fellow railfans
throughout the world.
City Railfans 
Talk Trains (World Talk Radio [Internet Radio]) —
Live 1pm EST on Sat.; archives are also available on the site.
of Southern Mississippi
Where I recieved a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting, with
a Sports Administration minor, hoping to become a sports broadcaster or
a media relations director. Check out USM's School
of Mass Communication & Journalism page.
Description from Site: Unique Line of
HO Scale Trains, Model Kits, Figures, Scenery, and Hobby Tools. Exclusive
Railroad Designs on T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Golf Shirts, Caps and More.
Currently selling our current book, "Railroad Reporting Marks,"
2nd Edition.
& Active Historical Railroads of the Pacific Northwest
Description from Site: Created in December 2003 to showcase
our finds while exploring abandoned railroads in the Pacific Northwest.
Since then, the site has has thousands of photos, dozens of videos and
almost a hundred articles on both abandoned and active railroads, equipment
and structures.
Discription from site: Operated by a solid Staff
of railway employees, railfans and model railroaders, the roots of the
thriving world-wide community of go back to early 1986 when
the CompuServe ModelNet Forum opened two railway oriented message boards.
These boards proved to be wildly popular and spawned (in 1989) the TrainNet
Forum which, for the next twelve years, was a busy and lively gathering
place for railroad and railway fans, modelers and employees.
Cook's HO-Scale Trains Resource
Discription from site: The mission of the HO-Scale Trains
Resource is to provide information relating to the history of ready-to-run
model trains. The HO-Scale Trains Resource provides this information to
visitors thanks to generous donations of materials and funds that enable
the websites to exist, grow and remain available online.
Railfan — Railfanning in the Heart of Dixie
Discription from site: The state of Alabama boasts
some great railfanning opportunities, from mountainous railroading to
urban switching operations to gulf ports! Alabama is host to five Class
I railroads: the BNSF Railway, the Illinois Central Railroad, the Kansas
City Southern Railway and the two biggest players in Alabama, CSX Transportation
and Norfolk Southern Corporation.
Forums (Newsgroup/Railroad Fourms)
Railroad Forums
(Newsgroup/Railroad Fourms)
(Newsgroup/Railroad Fourms)
Area Rail Junctions
Discription from site: An in-depth look at some busy
rail crossings in the Chicago area and northwest Indiana, two of the most
densely packed railroad regions in the United States.
St. Louis Railfanning
Discription from Site: A Railfans Guide
to St. Louis, Missouri

Discription from site: Midrail is a list for the
reporting of railroad news and railfan related events for the states of
Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska.
Rails, aka "MagRails" 
Discription from site: This is a group for railroad
buffs, railfans, and train nuts who are interested in the railroad scene
of Mississippi, the Magnolia State, hence the group name. From Southaven
to Gulfport, from Vicksburg to Meridian and everywhere in between, this
group can, I hope, bring together train buffs from "Tennessippi"
to the Gulf Coast to share our common interest in Mississippi's railroads
of yesterday and today. Whether your interest is "the real thing",
modeling, or both, this list is for you! You are welcome to report on
the railroad scene in Memphis, New Orleans, Mobile, and other places bordering
the state.

Discription from site: This is a fourm to discuss
the railroads of Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas. This includes
the cities of St. Joseph, Atchison, Trenton, Hiawatha and Kansas City.
Discussion of railroading in that small corner of Nebraska that borders
the area are also encouraged. Historical discussion is very welcome.
Discription from site: This list is for the discussion
of photography as it applies to rail fan's; critiques of new photographic
products, digital photography, and experiences with photofinishing concerns
are invited. Listing of ideal railroad photography locations, along with
safety considerations is also encouraged.
Discription from site: This group will inform members
when Railfan & Railroad magazine is looking for particular photos
of new locomotive paint schemes, new operations, special moves and the
like from all over the United States.
Discription from site: Do you like prototype trains
or scale models? Do you want to offer your photo's to other railfans or
modelers? Where are safe spots in the real world for railphoto`n. Do you
need photo's to complete a modeling project? Do you need scanning services?
How about just asking questions about rail photography? Do the trade publications
need prints? This is the list for you. This list is for railroad photography
related issues only. The list will not permit mass mailings for anything
other than rail photo information.
Discription: Railfanning around Kansas City and surounding
Discription from site:
has provided rail information services to individuals, organizations,
and businesses worldwide. Acclaimed by newspapers, magazines, books, radio,
and numerous online publications; linked to from more than 10,000 web
sites around the world; accessed by thousands each day -
is the premier source for rail travel, hobby, and industry.
Discription from site: Here are over
2,400 fun and, hopefully, productive places to watch trains. If you're
visiting a town, and want to take some train pictures, then you need to
know where to go, and most traditional railfan guides give you this info.
However, there is more to life than just taking pictures of trains (especially
if your spouse and family have accompanied you on this trip!), so it's
also pretty nice to know where a neato Bed & Breakfast or motel is,
a good place to eat, etc.
Discription from site: TopoZone is the Web's center
for professional and recreational map users. We've worked with the USGS
to create the Web's first interactive topo map of the entire United States.
And we've spent four years making our maps the best on the Web as well.
(VHS & DVD Videos)