TTOS Pacific Northwest
Division Bylaws were adopted when the club originated, and are changed as
conditions warrant. Currently, the bylaws consist of ten articles, each with

 | Article I: Name |
Section I:
The name of this organization shall be: Pacific Northwest Division of the Toy
Train Operating Society, hereinafter referred to as the Division.
a) Let the record show that the Division was founded in 1970 by Ted Alhberg.
b) Let the record further show that the first President of the Division was Jack
R. Leonard.
 | Article II: Purpose |
Section I:
The purpose of the Division shall be the same as the parent organization.
 | Article III: Organization |
Section I:
The Division recognizes the TTOS National bylaws and will abide by and uphold
those articles.
Section II: The
Division shall only function within the geographical boundaries of Oregon and
Washington as assigned by the National TTOS Board of Directors.
 | Article IV: Membership |
I: The membership of this Division shall consist of any person who has
an interest in the hobby of toy trains, is a member of the National TTOS
organization, and paid their Division dues.
 | Article V: Officers |
Section I: The
officers of the Division shall consist of President, Vice President,
Secretary/Treasurer, North Area Director, and South Area Director. These five
officers shall constitute the Board of Directors (BoD) of this Division.
Section II:
The immediate Past President may elect to assume one of the following position
upon completion of that term of office.
a) Act as an Ex-Officio, non-voting member if the Board of Directors, to be
called upon for guidance and advice as to continuance and continuity.
b) Assume the representative Directorship for his or her residence address for
the next term of office. If the perspective Past President exercises this
option, he or she shall notify the Nominating Committee of such intentions for
modification of the ballot slate accordingly.
Section III:
Officer/Director Position Replacement
Any officer or director may resign their position at any time by giving sixty
(60) days written notice to the President and/or the Board of Directors.
b) A vacancy n the office of the President shall be assumed by the Vice
President, who shall serve out the remaining term of the office in that
c) A vacancy in the office of Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer or Director
shall be filled by the President, subject to BoD approval, for the remaining
term of that office.
 | Article VI: Duties of Officers |
Section I:
a) The President shall preside over the meetings of the Division.
b) The President shall appoint all and any committees deemed necessary for the
benefit of the Division.
Section II:
Vice President
a) The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President.
b) The Vice President shall have the same powers and responsibilities as the
President in the absence of the President.
Section III:
a) The Secretary/Treasurer shall take minutes of the Division meetings.
b) The Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare and distribute notices and mailings
deemed necessary to all members of the Division.
c) The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a reasonable and accurate account of all
funds held by the Division.
d) The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the Division membership and the National
TTOS organization informed of all policy decisions and financial status of the
Division on a regular basis during the term of office, but not more than fifteen
(15) days after a regular business meeting.
Section IV:
Geographical Directors
a) A North and South Director shall represent the respective geographical areas
of the Division.
1. The North Director shall represent the state of WA, excluding the counties of
Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Wahkiakum in the southwest Washington area.
2. The South Director shall represent the state of OR, along with the counties
of Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Wahkiakum in the southwest Washington area.
b) The respective Director shall preside at any business meetings in the absence
of the President or Vice President.
 | Article VII: Elections |
Section I:
The President shall select and appoint a Nominating/Election committee no later
than the September meeting.
a) The Nominating/Election committee shall develop a slate of nominees
consisting of at least one (1) name for each position.
b) The Nominating/Election committee shall select candidates that will represent
the the compete geographical area of the Division.
c) The Nominating/Election committee shall make its report, and accept
nominations from the floor at the November meeting.
Section II: Only
members in good standing may cast a vote.
a) Election of officers shall be by written secret ballot, mailed to all members
in good standing, allowing for sufficient time for return prior to December
b) Only a simple majority (greater than 50%) of members voting by mail or
personal presentation of the ballot at the December meeting shall be necessary
to carry the election of officers.
c) The sealed, returned ballots shall be opened and counted at the December
business meeting.
d) Installation of the newly elected officers of this Division shall take place
at the December business meeting.
 | Article VIII: Meetings |
Section I:
The Division shall have a minimum of four (4) business meetings per year, two
(2) in the North area and two (2) in the South area of the Division.
a) The business meetings shall be held during the months of March, June,
September, and December.
b) The Board of Directors of the Division may call for more than four (4)
business meetings per year, with a maximum limit of one (1) per month.
c) There must be a minimum of three (3) of the five (5) officers present to hold
a meeting.
d) Written notice of the business meeting must be mailed to all Division members
ten (10) days prior to a business meeting.
e) Only a simple majority (greater than 50%) of the members present at the
business meeting shall be necessary to carry any action requiring a vote. The
exception being action to elect officers and/or actions with regard to
amendments, deletions or changes to the bylaws.
 | Article IX: Dues |
Section I:
Division annual dues shall be set by the membership, and changed as needed to
maintain operation of the Division.
a) Dues shall be collected by the Secretary/Treasurer.
b) Dues shall be due on the date of January 15th of each year.
Section II:
Late fee charges may be assessed by a vote of the membership at a regularly
scheduled business meeting.
 | Article X: Amendments |
Section I:
Proposals to amend, delete, or add to the bylaws of the Division must be made at
a regularly scheduled business meeting.
a) Approval of two thirds (2/3) of the members in attendance is required to
present proposed changes by mail ballot to all members of the Division.
b) A sixty percent (60%) majority of the returned mail ballots is required to
enact the proposed change(s) to the bylaws of the Division.
Approved by vote of membership June 2,
Amended by vote of membership June 7,
Signed by Gary Trapp, President.