Facebook Page
Newsgroup & Facebook

Updated 30/12/24


Newsgroup & Facebook

The CRC newsgroup is for international steam and heritage modern traction. Urgent news items are welcome: it is requested that correspondents also send copies to Locomotives International for their news section. Lengthy tour reports or information that has been published elsewhere are not required. Files can be posted to the files section. Also information on forthcoming tours and events that are operated by railways, groups and individuals which are targeted at enthusiasts and are mainly of non-commercial nature are required. This can also include, but not be limited to, photo-charters, Plandampf’s, Rail tours, Open Days, Special events etc. These must be non-UK. Requests for help or information are acceptable. (In most cases with caveat that replies go directly to the originator off group)

To join go to

CRC Contact – Adrian Palmer

The lockdown resulted in the sudden suspension of CRC meetings and the CRC Facebook page was created as an additional way for CRC members and like minded enthusiasts to stay connected during this difficult period. The idea is to encourage participants to post and share pictures of potential interest to the group. As it is web-hosted large numbers of high definition images can be posted without the necessity of emailing large files which in any case tend to be size limited by most email providers. Facebook allows large numbers - hundreds at least - to be posted so offering the potential of virtual CRC shows over the web. Threads are created for each post to keep members’ contributions on a particular topic together.

To set up a Facebook account takes just a few minutes by following the link below - it is proving highly successful and there are over 200 participants.

Once an account has been created in the bar type Continental Railway Circle and follow the simple joining instructions to become a member of the group.

If already signed up to Facebook this link can be used

CRC Contact - Simon Colbeck


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