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Brakemen's Examination - 1993 - Part One


Q.1 - A car with inoperative brakes can be:

Q.2 - If a noticeable air leak is observed in a glad hand on a car in the middle of the train, do the following:

Q.3 - The train line or brake pipe is charged when:

Q.4 - The purpose of a tail hose is:

Q.5 - When train moving, the brakeman in the caboose observes brake pipe pressure on gauge fall rapidly to zero. This indicates:

Q.6 - When doing a standard brake test on a train, you notice the last car's brakes are NOT responding to apply/release signals to the engineer. This could mean:

Q.7 - A car's brake becomes defective which is in the middle of a train. The rigging is okay but the valving has problems. What should be done:

Q.8 - Gradual dropping of brake pipe pressure noted in the caboose while moving indicates:

Q.9 - Passenger cars can be stopped effectively when moving with a hand brake if:

Q.10 - A car with its hand brakes applied firmly in the middle of a multi-car tarin will:

Q.11 - As a brakeman riding on the caboose platform in reverse movement, you signal the engineer to slow down. For whatever reason, the train does not slow down. What should you do:

Q.12 - Bunching of a train means:

Q.13 - A retainer on a freight car:

Q.14 - In getting off of a moving train in reverse movement approaching a switch stand, as a brakeman you should:

Q.15 - In boarding a box car in the middle of a moving train, you as brakeman should:

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