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West Wisconsin Railroad Club - Eau Claire, WI

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Kalmbach Digital Books

2015-04-23 - Paul Almquist

Are you a digital book fan yet? I am becomming one since I bought a 7" tablet about 3 years ago. I have found almost 200 free railroad related books available on Google Play for Android. Some were written in the early 1900's so their copyright has expired. I'd be glad to tell you about the ones I've read so far. I may write some reviews for the club news someday soon.

Today I got an email from Kalmbach telling about the books they have in digital format now. There are over 80 of them. Some are old titles, others are new. Here is a link to the page that lists them. Most of this list is railroad related: Kalmbach Digital Books

It is nice being able to carry many books and lots of other reference information with me on my tablet. If you are a smart phone user use can use that device but the small screen is too small for comfortable reading of anything more than short amounts of text as in email messages. A 7" or 8" tablet is a nice size. Light enough to hold in one hand for an extended time, small enough to carry in a coat pocket. Mine will even fit into the back pocket of some of my pants. Just make sure you take it out of the back pocket before sitting down. Larger tablets may make reading even easier but the device is heavier, more costly, not as easy to carry. The choice is yours.

Did I mention, digital books are usually less costly than the equivalent print media books. One I read on the building of the Ribblehead Viaduct in England (a beautiful 24 arch stone railroad bridge) I paid about 10$ for. The hardcopy version was available from various sources priced from about 40$ to 200$.