Eventually the area where the
Brunet depot was would host service to a company in the 60's called
Fireproof and I believe a lumber yard. Fireproof manufactured
panels used for fire barriers in buildings, and other similar
products. One could speculate that raw materials were delivered by
rail including asbestos for manufacturing, as well as shipments of
fire resistant sheets used in construction. Brunet eventually became the turnaround for engines after 1943 when the track was abandoned between Cornell and Holcombe. The 1980's map at the left shows the "Y" turnaround where brunet originally was.
If you have any information, stories, corrections, or pictures regarding this or any of the other towns along the Hannibal branch line, Please let me know, < E-mail > along with your permission to publish your personal memories in an attempt to keep the history available for future generations. Non-digital pictures and documents will be returned upon request.
Thanks for looking
Doug Stoll