This page is a portal to other pages in RailWest
which describe in more detail various historical aspects of the former Callington Branch railway line
from Bere Alston to Callington, which was operated by British
Railways (Southern Region) and its predecessors. Topics covered include
the history, stations, signalling and locomotives etc. Detailed historical coverage of
the line ceases circa-1970, but some information is provided about subsequent changes.
The author has been gathering material on this branch line for several years,
but there is still much to be learnt about this interesting line, of which
about half is still in regular passenger use. Grateful acknowledgement is given to all those
who have helped along the way to record at least a small part of the history
of this railway. Additional information is always welcome and can be sent by e-mail
to RailWest.

© CJL Osment 2012-19. All images from WCRA collection.
Index to Callington Branch Pages