I love this shot of T&P engine 316, taken by Gary Morris during "Railfan Weekend" at the Texas State Railroad. The engine was repainted in (nearly) original colors.
Look closely and you'll see some T&P cars in the consist. |
Here's another great picture by Gary Morris: Engine #610 as she pulls the American Freedom Train into Houston, February, 1976.
After working on the AFT and excursion service on the Southern, the 610 was eventually relocated to the Texas State Railroad. Among its other distinctions, the engine is listed on the National Registry of Engineering Landmarks.
Both photos, (c) Gary Morris - Used with permission |
Here are two pictures of the 610 I took in January, 1987, soon after its arrival at TSRR. They're not very good pictures, but as I recall, the weather was cloudy, dreary and cold.

In 1957, after its steam engines were all long gone, the T&P was plagued by frequent flooding along the Red River in northern Louisiana, which prevented diesels from operating. To solve this problem, the road at first leased, then later purchased, a 2-8-2 Mikado steam engine from the FW&D, renumbering it 400 (2nd). This engine was later donated to the City of Marshall, where it was on public display for many years, until deterioration exposed the asbestos lining around the jacket. The city erected a shed around the locomotive, until they could decide what to do with it.
The Trains Newswire for April 27, 2007, reports that the city and the T&P museum in Marshall are trying to come up with a plan to cosmetically restore the engine and move it to the museum grounds.
Here are two photos of Engine 400 (2nd) - its origins as a FW&D/Burlington locomotive are evident. Please contact me here if you have other pictures to share. Photos courtesy, David Dupler collection, Used with Permission. |

Passenger Cars |
This is T&P Business Car #5 "Ellsmere." I took this picture when the car was still at the Pate Museum of Transportation, in Cresson, Texas.
This car was once assigned to Mr. T.E. "Ed" Albright. Please see our People page for more information about Mr. Albright, as shared by his daughter, Ms. Ann Searcy. |
Rear platform of "Ellsmere"  |
According to my information, "Ellsmere" was part of the consist of the New York Central's "20th Century Limited" train that made a record-setting speed run in the 1930s.
T&P Business Car #1
From our e-mail:
I'm looking for any photos of T&P car #1. Here's a couple of photos of the car that I have. I'm bringing it up to Amtrak standards at the old HB&T shops on Milby Street here in Houston. I've owned the car for about 4 or 5 years now, it was the car that was off I-35 in Belton Texas, I got the thing rolling again and the UP delivered it for me to Houston. I hope to be finished with the car later this year, it has been a tremendous amount of fun bringing her back to life.
I'm also very interested in getting a decal as authentic as possible to the ones once used on their passenger cars. Perhaps even a good quality photo that could be turned into a decal would work as well.
Thanks in advance.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Jim Stephenson
T&P 1
Interior view of T&P 1, courtesy of Jim Stephenson |
Here is former MP coach 6184. The car is being used as a storage shed at an alternator shop in Merkel, Texas, across I-20 from the former T&P main. |
Rolling Stock |
This may be the last piece of revenue-generating equipment stenciled for the T&P. Brian Frierdich took this picture at the Captain Mine near Percy, Illinois, on July 9, 2005. Thanks, Brian, for sharing.